Chapter 957

And at the next moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded above his head.

"Hehe, do you want to die that much?"

Hearing this, Miki Hashimoto, who was preparing to die generously, couldn't help but startled.

Huh?Who else would appear here besides myself?Do you want to die?
Immediately, she suddenly opened her eyes, and looked up in amazement.

And at the next moment, Miki Hashimoto was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her eyes.

I saw a detached and handsome young man wearing a gorgeous robe, standing proudly in the void with his hands behind his back on a giant purple sword shrouded in sunlight, looking at him with a smile.

Looking up at this handsome young man who seemed to be born into the world, Miki Hashimoto was completely stunned on the spot, his mind went blank...

She never thought that there are people in this world who can levitate in the air out of thin air, which is really incredible.

My God, is this boy a legendary god?

At the next moment, Miki Hashimoto stared blankly at the young man riding the wind and holding the sword, and blurted out uncontrollably:
"You, who are you? How can you fly in the sky?"

Hearing this, the boy's mouth twitched into a faint smile and said:
"This seat is just going to save the world, just passing by here, you don't have to care too much."

Hearing this, Miki Hashimoto's eyes widened immediately, in disbelief:

"Zai, save the world?"

At this time, countless viewers around the world who were waiting in front of the screen to watch the live broadcast also heard the conversation coming from outside the screen.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

Other than the female reporter, it seemed that someone else had come to this skyscraper.

But listening to the female reporter's words, the person who came suddenly seemed to be able to fly.

But how is this possible?Did that man come by plane?
And when countless viewers heard what the man said to save the world, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

To be able to say such brazen words, that guy must be a naive second-year middle school boy.

Could it be that I have watched too many movies and anime, and want to learn from the so-called heroes in them to save the world?

This is really both sad and ridiculous.

There are no heroes in the real world, and now even Citigroup, which is known as the world's policeman, is too frightened by the ancient monster to speak out.

Why would that naive guy save the world?This is simply asking for death.

If he really came by plane, he should take the female reporter with him and escape as soon as possible.

Otherwise, in the face of the gigantic waves up to a kilometer high, anyone would have no choice but to die!
At this time, Miki Hashimoto also reacted suddenly, and immediately said anxiously:

"I don't care who you are, please leave here immediately, otherwise you will really die!"

However, the handsome young man standing proudly on the giant purple light sword showed no signs of nervousness, and said with a light smile:

"Okay then, I'm going to fight little monsters, bye."

As soon as the words fell, under Miki Hashimoto's incredulous eyes.

The young man riding the wind and controlling the sword suddenly turned into a purple rainbow, which flew across the void like a shooting star and galloped towards the sea!

Seeing this, Miki Hashimoto was shocked for no reason.

I saw that the direction that the young man was going to was the monstrous huge wave that covered the sky and swept over the sky!
At the same time, countless viewers around the world who watched the live broadcast also saw the sudden purple rainbow in the video, and they were all deeply shocked by it.

It turns out that the person who spoke just now can really fly...

And at this moment, looking at the purple Changhong that swept away at the speed of the peerless tsunami in the picture, everyone in the world was stunned.

Although I don't know what that purple long rainbow is, it is insignificant in front of the thousand-meter huge waves.

Rushing forward so foolishly is simply sending you to your death!

But at this time, Miki Hashimoto, who was standing on the skyscraper, stared blankly at the purple Changhong rushing towards the peerless tsunami in the void, but her eyes showed helpless sadness.

Did that boy who appeared out of nowhere really think he was Ultraman?
Even Citigroup's nuclear bombs can't do anything to that terrifying ancient behemoth, so how can he be his opponent when he is alone and weak.

Sure enough, hot-blooded teenagers like to be heroes?It's so childish...

Hashimoto Miki sighed helplessly, then shook her head with a wry smile.

Now that I am about to die, what is the point of caring about the safety of others.

Suddenly, looking at the majestic and huge waves that swept over from a distance, Miki Hashimoto felt a sense of relief in her heart.

This might be the last scene I saw in my life...

And just when she wanted to close her eyes and quietly wait for death to come.

But it was discovered that the purple long rainbow had already flown in front of the tsunami that covered the sky and the sun.

In an instant, a strange gray wave of light burst out from the purple Changhong above the void, spreading rapidly forward!
next moment.

The thousand-meter-high, endless and peerless tsunami was cut off in an instant by the gray light wave!

With an earth-shattering huge roar.

The overwhelming sky-shaking waves suddenly collapsed and shattered, turned into water mist, and retreated back towards the sea behind!

In an instant, the peerless tsunami that seemed to be approaching the end completely disappeared.

The vast and boundless sea has returned to peace and calm...

"How, how is this possible?"

Hashimoto Miki looked at the unimaginable scene in front of her, and an unprecedented shock appeared on her face.

No matter what, she never expected that the mighty and shocking waves would be defeated so easily in one fell swoop!

OMG, this is unbelievable!
At this time, countless people around the world watching the live broadcast seemed to be petrified, staring blankly at the calm sea in the video.Everyone was stunned, their minds went blank...

And at the next moment, the whole world fell into an uproar.

"God, am I dreaming? Has the terrible tsunami really subsided?"

"Then, what is that purple Changhong? It's a miracle to be able to easily wipe out this peerless catastrophe!"

"My God, it's incredible how there are such powerful people in the world!"

For a moment, everyone in the world was deeply shocked by the shocking blow that shattered the thousand-meter huge wave just now, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

It was only at this moment that countless people finally realized that the person who was "talking nonsense" outside the camera before did not just talk nonsense.

They really have a powerful force that the world can't even imagine!
Even the terrifying tsunami that swallowed countless lives is vulnerable to it!
(End of this chapter)

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