I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 960 The Holy Artifact!

Chapter 960 The Holy Artifact!

"Okay, let's all get up, now is not the time to talk nonsense, I still have business to do."

Wu You smiled slightly, and then raised his jade-like palm.

Immediately, under everyone's shocked eyes.

On his finger, the gray light ball formed by the primordial energy that enveloped the chaotic ring suddenly emitted a halo of light!
In an instant, three or four thousand source points shining with blue-yellow light suddenly appeared, surrounding the gray light ball like stars, spinning continuously.

next moment.


Following Wu You's soft drink.

Under the inconceivable gaze of everyone, the gray ball of light in his hand suddenly burst into a radiance brighter than the sun!
In an instant, the entire sea area was bathed in that dazzling flame, like a fairyland.

At the same time, around the gray ball of light, countless source points like a vast sea of ​​stars spewed out an incomparably majestic and huge amount of aura in an instant, continuously consuming the Qi of Absolute Beginning.

Immediately, Wu You slowly closed his eyes, integrated all his mind into the gray light ball, and began to look at the semi-finished product of the Chaos Spirit Ring, which was fused with millions of Chaos original stones and had not yet been truly stabilized, according to the most mysterious space in the previous life. The rules and magical powers of refining are carried out incomparably complicated engraving and refining.

And this process went on for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Wu You suddenly opened his eyes, and a beam of divine light shot out if there was any substance.

In an instant, the gray ball in his hand shrank extremely rapidly, and then burst into an unprecedented monstrous flame!
And at the moment when the light dissipated, an ancient and distant powerful aura suddenly spread from Wu You's hands.

In an instant, the whole world froze for an instant!
Suddenly, a majestic momentum that makes all things adore and worship fills the whole world!

Seeing this incomparably shocking scene, everyone on the Wuyou Immortal Palace showed an unprecedented look of shock.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the palm that Wu You raised.

On his finger, a white jade ring that looks simple and unpretentious, but makes people want to worship inexplicably, is displayed in front of the world!

"That's right, as I expected, the refined Chaos Spirit Ring has indeed broken through from a quasi-holy artifact to a sacred artifact."

Wu You looked at the finger with satisfaction, the chaotic spirit ring with gray light flowing from time to time, and the long breath, nodded and smiled in relief.

But when he heard these words suddenly, the preserved eggs in the field, Ji Chi and Zhouzi, these three demons and ghosts who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, couldn't help but widen their eyes, showing expressions of disbelief.

You must know that the magic weapons in the practice world of the earth in ancient times were divided into three grades: magic weapon, spiritual weapon, and holy weapon from low to high.

The average human monk can have an ordinary magic weapon, thank God, it is as precious as life.

And spiritual weapons are basically only powerful beings called gods, who can be lucky enough to obtain them.

As for the sacred artifact, it is simply a legendary magic weapon against the heavens, and no one has ever seen it with their own eyes.

Many people even doubt whether the grade of holy artifact really exists, or maybe it's just a fabrication...

However, at this moment, their miraculous master actually refined a legendary holy weapon!
This, this is simply too unbelievable!
"Oh my god, holy, holy weapon, am I dreaming? Does this magic weapon really exist in this world?"

Zhouzi exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hmph, look at your fussy look, my lord is the reincarnation of the immortal emperor who once ruled the universe, refining a mere sacred artifact is no problem at all!"

Preserved egg said proudly.

"Yes, yes, the master is worthy of being the Immemorial Immortal, it is too powerful!"

Ji Chi said in admiration.

And after hearing the words of these three demons and ghosts, although everyone around them still didn't know what the so-called holy artifact was.

But one thing is certain, the holy artifact must be a very powerful existence!
Immediately, everyone looked at the white jade ring in Wu You's hand, and their eyes were filled with deep shock.

At this time, Wu You's mind had already sunk into the chaotic spirit ring.

I saw that because of the incorporation of millions of chaotic rough stones, the chaotic spirit ring reached the level of a quasi-spiritual weapon, thus expanding to a space the size of an ordinary city.

At this moment, because the Chaos Spirit Ring broke through to the holy artifact, the space increased by a hundred times again!
A huge space equivalent to the entire Han province of China, or two capitals of China, is displayed in front of Wu You!

Looking at the vast and endless chaotic space, Wu You nodded in satisfaction.

Now, before leaving the earth, the chaotic space should be enough.

But if there is a chance to break through the Chaos Spirit Ring from a holy weapon to a divine weapon.

Then maybe I can take the whole earth to wander in the future...

However, it is a pity that an unimaginably large amount of Chaos Rough Stones is required to achieve that level.

Relying on the resources on the earth is simply wishful thinking...

Of course, the Chaos Spirit Ring, which has become a holy weapon at this moment, not only increases the space.

The power of chaos inside it has also become more intense, and the effect of improving the qualifications of biological cultivation is also more significant than before.

But what really pleased Wu You was more than that.

You must know that when the Chaos Spirit Ring was promoted to a spiritual weapon, it had already evolved innate supernatural powers.

Originally, it was only a growth-type space magic weapon, but at that time it possessed unparalleled aggressiveness.

As long as it is a creature stored in the chaotic space, whether it is a human, a demon, a ghost, a beast, etc.The chaotic spirit ring will convert 100% of the attack power of these creatures into the power of the spirit ring itself, which can be used by its owner when attacking.

In other words, the more powerful people in the chaotic space, the stronger the attack power of the chaotic spirit ring!
And with the promotion of the rank of the Chaos Spirit Ring, the percentage of converted attack power will also increase, from 100% to [-]%, [-]%, [-]%...

At this time, he had already upgraded two levels from the spirit weapon, breaking through to the chaotic spirit ring of the holy weapon.The percentage of converted attack power has also been directly increased from 100% to [-]%!

In other words, if a person is placed in the chaotic space, through the transformation of the chaotic spiritual world, he can release three times the power of this person!

To give another example, after collecting the preserved eggs with the strength of the Supreme Realm into the Chaos Spirit Ring, Wu You will be able to perform a terrifying blow equivalent to the power of three Supreme Realms!
And if Ji Chi and Zhouzi were stuffed into the chaotic space again, the power would be unimaginable!
Of course, the higher the attack power, the greater the aura consumed, so if the aura that the user can store is not enough to support the saturated attack of the Chaos Spirit Ring, then its power will be greatly reduced...

(End of this chapter)

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