Chapter 963
Hearing these words, everyone in the Floating Void City couldn't help but startled, and then showed an unprecedented look of surprise.

Guhua Xianzong's prohibition?
This, how is this possible?

You must know that the Guhua Immortal Sect is a sect founded by Wu You not long ago.

How did the ancient mythical beast tens of thousands of years know about the Guhua Immortal Sect?

At this time, Mrs. Daisy and Qi Heqing were even more shocked.

They have all seen with their own eyes the black stele that once belonged to the iceberg altar.

It is precisely because of the star map coordinates on the black stone tablet that Mrs. Daisy persistently explored the approximate sea area where the giant iceberg will appear 60 years later.

It was also because of that black stone tablet that she traveled thousands of miles to Huaxia and found Wu You in person.

And this is all because the words Guhua Xianzong are engraved on that black stone tablet!
They thought it was just a coincidence.

After all, there is a difference of tens of thousands of years between the ancient Hua Xianzong engraved on the stone tablet and the ancient Hua Xianzong founded by Wu You.

How could there be any relationship between the two?
However, at this moment, the shocking scene in front of them completely overturned their cognition.

Could it be that the ancient mythical beast tens of thousands of years ago is really related to the sect founded by Wu You?
But at this time, as if seeing everyone's doubts, Ji Chi suddenly sneered and said:
"Looking at the way you're making a fuss, my lord is the reincarnation of an ancient true immortal. Maybe tens of thousands of years ago, the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect was established."

"Yes, my lord is a generation of immortal emperors who once ruled the universe. Taming a kun as a pet is simply not worth mentioning."

Preserved Dan also looked down proudly.

These two guys had sneaked into Wu You's soul at the beginning, and they were fortunate to see the scene where he traversed the universe, beheading immortals and destroying gods.Therefore, he is very aware of how powerful his master, who has existed for an unknown number of years, is.

So naturally, he didn't think there was anything strange about the relationship between that Kun and Guhua Xianzong.

However, what they don't know is that although Wu You has lived through a long and long time, it is not in the past, but in the future...

At the same time, when they heard what these two "demons and ghosts" said about the ancient true immortals and a generation of immortal emperors, everyone was even more confused and puzzled.

What was more shocking and inexplicable than them was the ancient mythical beast, Kun, who was frozen in the giant iceberg and was in great pain at the moment.

In any case, it never thought that in this era, there would still be people who could activate the prohibition imposed on itself, which is simply unbelievable.

Then he looked at the young human being standing proudly on the top of the forbidden mountain.Enduring the pain again, he asked in amazement:
"Who the hell are you?"

At this time, Wu You's mouth curled into a faint smile and said:
"Who am I? This seat is the head teacher of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect, Wu You."

Hearing this, Kun couldn't help but startled, and immediately exclaimed in disbelief:

"Guhua Immortal Sect Headmaster? How is this possible?!"

When the Ancient Hua Xianzong was founded tens of thousands of years ago, it had already become the sect's sacred beast, and it could be said that it knew the Gu Hua Xianzong very well.

But it has never heard of a generation of Gu Hua who is the head teacher named Wu You.

Moreover, the ancient Huaxian sect was no longer suitable for monks to practice because of the depletion of the world's spiritual energy as early as ten thousand years ago.In this way, the power of the entire sect was gathered, and all the disciples left the earth, went to other unknown stars, and never came back.

Only it is left to stay on the earth...

So how could that human youth be the head teacher of Guhua Immortal Sect.

At this time, Wu You seemed to see the confusion of this ancient beast in front of him, and said with a playful smile:
"You bastard dare to doubt my identity, then I will prove it to you."

With that said, Wu You immediately gave a soft drink:
"Guyue Xinghua!"

As soon as the words fell, in the void in front of Wu You, a silver-white ball of light exuding a bright moon like a bright moon suddenly condensed!
And around this ball of light, dots of bright starlight gradually emerged!
At the next moment, as if he had received some induction, the island under Wu You's feet began to shake violently.


In an instant, the top of the huge fishing island suddenly collapsed, and all the earth and rocks fell down!

In a moment, the entire island disintegrated and collapsed.

A gigantic stele quietly standing on the ice field, shining with bursts of silvery white light, is revealed impressively!

And on this giant stone tablet, there are four dazzling characters engraved:

Guhua Xianzong
Seeing this unimaginable scene, the huge pupils in the iceberg suddenly showed unprecedented shock.

The magic technique performed by the human youth is exactly the supreme technique of Guhua Xianzong tens of thousands of years ago, Gu Yue Xinghua!

And the bright moon and stars in front of the young man can only be displayed by those who have received the inheritance of the head teacher.

That is to say, that human boy is really the head teacher of the Ancient Hua Immortal Sect!

God, this, how is this possible? !
Could it be, could it be that those members of the Guhua Xianzong who left the earth ten thousand years ago have returned?

Thinking of this, Kun was shocked suddenly, and blurted out inexplicably in surprise:
"You, what generation are you from the Ancient Hua Xianzong?"

However, Wu You who heard the question shook his head and said with a light smile:

"Where does this seat know that those guys who left the earth a long time ago have passed down to several generations now.

Maybe they are long gone. "

Hearing this, Kun was even more shocked and inexplicably confused.

Immediately he opened his mouth in amazement and said:

"You, aren't you a disciple of Guhua Xianzong? How could you not know the whereabouts of others?"

"This seat is the inheritance of the ancient Hua Xianzong obtained on Earth a long, long time ago. As for those who have left, this seat naturally does not know anything about it."

Wu You spoke the truth.

"Inheritance obtained on Earth?"

Hearing this, Kun Deng was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"You, you went to the ancestral land of Guhua Xianzong?!"

"Yes, when I was a mortal, I obtained the inheritance of the ancient Hua Xianzong in that cave."

After speaking calmly, Wu You seemed to be trapped in memories, looking up at the vast sky, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

In his previous life, when he was extremely despondent, Liu Kunlong, the second young master of the Liu family, tied him to the deep mountain, broke his limbs and threw him into the valley.

He was destined to die, but luckily he fell into a deserted cave and spirit realm and narrowly escaped death.

After struggling to survive for a year, the prosperous age of practice came, and the cave reopened.Not only did he recover from his injuries, but he also received the inheritance of the ancient immortal sect.

As a result, she completely shed her mortal body and officially embarked on the road of cultivation.

After a long, long and endless time, he finally became a generation of immortal emperors who ruled the universe.

And the first ancient immortal sect that granted him the inheritance of practice was Guhua Immortal Sect!

(End of this chapter)

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