I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 967 I'm Grateful 0

Chapter 967 Grateful
And at the next moment, the ancient beast opened its eyes wide, revealing disbelief.

This, how is this possible?

At this moment, she was performing that powerful exercise again, and she could only feel the unprecedented and unprecedented majestic spiritual energy pouring into her body crazily from all directions!

It kept washing and nourishing her body.

And it wasn't until this time that she suddenly realized that this strange and vast and mysterious space was filled with extremely rich and vast aura!
It is not inferior to the Dongtian Spiritual Realm, which has the most concentrated aura in the ancient Huaxianzong back then!

Oh my God, in this Dharma-ending age where spiritual energy is scarce, there is still such a place with abundant spiritual energy, it is really unbelievable!
But at this time, facing the majestic aura rushing madly into his body, the death aura in Kun's body finally stopped spreading, and even faintly showed signs of dissipating!

This shocking scene couldn't help but surprise the ancient giant beast.

If he could keep absorbing a lot of aura like this, he might really be able to survive!

However, at the next moment, the death energy that had already begun to dissipate suddenly launched a fierce counterattack!

In an instant, surging spiritual energy and surging death energy confronted each other within the body of this ancient monster, killing and devouring it.

For a while, the two sides, who were evenly matched, were at a stalemate, and neither of them could completely repel the other side.

Seeing this, Kun couldn't help being extremely anxious. At this moment, she just needs to stop and continue to absorb the spiritual energy.The dead energy in her body will definitely counterattack aggressively, and it will completely cut off her last trace of life in an instant!
Could it be that he could not escape the fate of death in the end?
Kun, who originally had a glimmer of hope in his heart, felt extremely unwilling at this moment.

And just at this juncture.

Standing on the ice field, Wu You suddenly gritted his teeth and stretched out his jade-like palm.

Immediately, a group of gray flames condensed from countless strands of Primordial Qi, exuding an ancient and distant aura, suddenly appeared on the palm of your hand!

Looking at the lump in front of him that was equivalent to his own body, which had accumulated [-]% of the primordial energy, Wu You's eyes suddenly revealed an unprecedented look of heartache.

"I paid such a high price, if you still can't live, I will use your body to pay off the debt!"

At the next moment, Wu You waved his sleeve resolutely, and the gray flame in his hand floated down.

Dang even passed through the thick ice without hindrance, and flew towards the ancient behemoth beneath it.

And when the gray flame touched the Kun, it exploded instantly!
It turned into a layer of gray light curtain as thin as a cicada's wings, and spread over this huge body at extreme speed!
A moment later, the entire body of this ancient giant beast, as vast as a city, was shrouded in gray light!

At the next moment, all the boundless and boundless Qi of Primordial Creeped into the body of this ancient giant beast.

In the beginning, the source of all things, the beginning of qi.

The moment the Qi of Absolute Beginning merged, the spiritual energy in Kun's body suddenly increased by a thousand times!
In an instant, the gigantic body of the ancient giant beast in the iceberg was suddenly filled with a surge of aura!

Then his whole body glowed with a cyan brilliance, and the entire giant iceberg was also dyed cyan.

At the next moment, the stubborn and strong dead energy in Kun's body increased by a thousand times at this moment, and he had no power to fight back against the surging spiritual energy like a river.It was swept and swallowed by it in an instant, and disappeared completely!
Immediately, under the nourishment and repair of the unprecedented vast spiritual energy, the life in Kun's body, which was about to be cut off, suddenly began to recover and grow rapidly.

After a long time, after the surging and majestic spiritual energy completely merged into the body of this ancient giant beast.She, who was about to die, has completely recovered!

In an instant, feeling the vitality and rich spiritual energy in his body, Kun was completely stunned on the spot, and could hardly believe what had just happened.

At this time, she not only completely got rid of the shadow of death, but also gained the new life she dreamed of.

Under the nourishment of that vast aura, his physical condition has reached the peak of the ten thousand years since he fell asleep!

Although it is still far from the strength of his heyday, it is also equivalent to the level of a human monk in the late stage of alchemy!
This, this is simply incredible!
And at the moment when this ancient monster was inexplicably shocked and unbelievable.

The blue-haired little mermaid on the ice field saw her mother suddenly not moving, and immediately called out anxiously:
"Mother, how are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Kun, who was in shock, suddenly reacted, and then wept excitedly:
"Xiaoyu, my mother has fully recovered now, she has regained her life, and she will never leave you again."

Hearing this, Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, and then an unprecedented sense of surprise rose in his heart, and tears filled his eyes and said:
"It's great, it's really great, my mother really came back to life, it's really great..."

And at this moment, the ancient behemoth in the iceberg slowly closed its eyes.

The next moment, a beautiful woman with a noble and elegant demeanor, wearing a long dress of scales shining with ice blue light, suddenly appeared on the ice field!

As soon as he saw this beautiful blue-haired woman with a loving face, Xiao Yu immediately lifted his spirits.


Immediately ran forward desperately, threw herself into the arms of the woman, and burst into tears.

At this time, Kun, who was transformed into a human form, also hugged his daughter tightly, crying uncontrollably.

In an instant, the mother and daughter who were almost separated by life and death, weeping with joy and crying suddenly resounded in the audience, and it lasted for a long time...

At this time, Wu You, because he leapfrogged to create a kun that can make him stronger in the alchemy stage, he can practice the return to the source technique, and his soul has almost been exhausted.

And because he wanted to completely revive this ancient giant beast, he once again consumed [-]% of his hard-earned Qi of Absolute Beginning.

Therefore, the current him can be said to be in the weakest state since his rebirth...

"Master, how are you doing?"

Ying Ning, who was holding Wu You tightly, cried with pear blossoms in the rain.

"It doesn't matter, I can't die yet."

Wu You laughed at himself, then stood up straight.

And at this moment, Ying Ning couldn't hold back anymore and threw herself into Wu You's arms, weeping bitterly with gratitude:

"Master, thank you for saving Xiaoyu's mother."

At the same time, the overjoyed mother and daughter who stood on the ice field, embracing each other and weeping, also slightly calmed down the incomparable excitement in their hearts.

Immediately, the graceful, elegant and beautiful woman suddenly moved her lotus steps and brought her daughter to Wu You.

Then he bent his weak and boneless waist deeply, prostrated gratefully and said:

"My lord, thank you, this time you not only saved my daughter, but also brought me back to life.

There is nothing I can do to repay such a great kindness.

So I pray to be your slave, to spend the rest of my life, to follow and repay Master Zhangjiao forever.

Also please be sure to agree to my request. "

(End of this chapter)

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