I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 97 Arriving at Ridge West

Chapter 97 Arriving at Ridge West
Hearing these familiar words, Wu You turned around and followed the sound.

Sitting in the front row of the bus, a middle-aged man was waving to himself with a silly smile on his face.

But it was the noodle shop owner I met yesterday, a simple and honest man.

"Uncle, hello."

Wu You smiled and said hello.

It was ten o'clock in the afternoon at this time, and there were not many passengers on the bus.The simple and honest man stooped directly, came to the seat opposite Wu You, and sat down.

"Little brother, I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence. Thanks to you yesterday, otherwise my store would not be able to keep it. Thank you very much."

The simple and honest man thanked him sincerely.

"It's nothing, uncle, it's just a little effort."

Wu You shook his head and smiled lightly.

Then the two exchanged a few more pleasantries and chatted about some things about Wu You's father before his death, and they couldn't help sighing with emotion.

And from the conversation, Wu You also knew the name of this honest man.

His name is Li Hongsen, and his hometown is in a county on the outskirts of Lingxi City.When I was young, because I learned some crafts in other places, I kept selling noodles at Jingxian.

Because people are honest and honest, they never cut corners, so although the business is not big, there are many repeat customers.Over time, I saved some money, bought a small shop, and opened a beef noodle restaurant, and the business was booming.

"Dad, who are you talking to?"

Suddenly, when Wu You and Li Hongsen were chatting.

A delicate girl with short neutral hair in a white shirt and black trousers.From the front seat, turn your head and look back.

And when this girl, who was dressed in a neutral style, saw Wu You, she couldn't help being taken aback, and said in surprise:
"Huh? Aren't you the kid who jumped off the building at school?"

Hearing this, Li Hongsen couldn't help but frowned, and said in a deep voice to the short-haired girl:

"What are you talking about, you impolite guy."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly apologized to Wu You: "Youzi, don't mind, that is my daughter Li Yinan, who goes to Jingxian No. [-] Middle School. She has been like a tomboy since she was a child, and she doesn't pay attention to the way she speaks."

"It's okay, uncle, I think she's quite interesting."

Wu You smiled indifferently, then looked at the girl named Li Yinan, and asked jokingly:
"you know me?"

"do not know."

Li Yinan shook his head, then said with a big grin: "Although I don't know you, I saw you jump from the roof of the building with my own eyes after school that day..."


Before she could finish speaking, Li Hongsen, who was sitting across from Wu You, stared at him, and immediately made the girl's words choke back.

"Hmph, no matter how dare you talk nonsense, let's see how I deal with you when I go back!"

Li Hongsen cursed harshly, then sighed and looked at Wu You, and said helplessly:

"Well, I have been used to this child since she was a child. Not long after her mother gave birth to her, she has been staying in the hospital because of some mental problems.

I'm a big man and I don't know how to look after children, so I developed her current weird personality. After this, no man will dare to marry her. "

"My mother is not mentally ill!"

Suddenly, Li Yinan's face changed suddenly, he got up and came to the back row of the bus, glared at his father, and said angrily:
"My mother can only see things that others can't see, but you insist that she has mental problems, I think it's you who have problems!"

Hearing this, Wu You became interested, and asked Li Yinan:

"Oh? Then what on earth could your mother see?"

"Say it, don't be scared."

Li Yinan narrowed his eyes and said mysteriously, "My mother can see ghosts!"

"shut up!"

Li Hongsen scolded angrily, then looked at Wu You helplessly, and sighed:
"Yuko told you a joke, since my mother-in-law got this crazy disease, she said suspiciously every day that she saw something unclean, she was often scared and yelled, and her spirit completely collapsed.

In the end, I really had no choice but to send her to the hospital.Every once in a while, I take the children to visit her.

And this sudden return to Lingxi is also because the hospital called yesterday, saying that my mother-in-law's condition became more serious, and she actually beat another patient, and said that something was attached to that person.

Alas, I really don't know what to do now.I haven't done anything outrageous, why does God love to punish our family so much. "

Seeing his father's painful expression, Li Yinan originally wanted to continue to defend himself, but his heart ached and he couldn't speak anymore.

"Uncle, don't be sad. I know some medical skills, maybe I can help that aunt."

Wu You calmly comforted him.

Hearing this, Li Yinan immediately sneered and said: "Don't talk big, my dad spent a lot of effort back then, and invited an expert from the Qin family in Lingxi to see a doctor for my mother, but in the end Still no way.

What kind of medical skills do you have for a little kid? It's ridiculous. "

Then he rolled his eyes, sat carelessly on the chair, and crossed his legs.

"Yi Nan, what kind of attitude is this! You brother Wu You is also kind, how can you be so rude, please apologize to me!"

Li Hongsen said that he hated iron for being weak, and slapped Li Yinan's upturned leg hard.

Seeing that his father was really angry, Li Yinan stuck out his tongue, squinted at Wu You and said perfunctorily, "I'm sorry."

Seeing this, Li Hongsen shook his head and sighed: "Oh, this guy has such virtues, Yuko, don't be angry."

On the contrary, Wu You felt that the straightforward female man in front of him was a bit interesting, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said:

"It doesn't matter. It's not a big deal for me to go to Lingxi this time. Let's go to see Auntie with Uncle, maybe I can help you."


Hearing this, Li Yinan rolled his eyes again, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"That's good too. When we arrive at Lingxi, I'll be the host, and we two should have a good drink."

As Li Hongsen said, a simple and honest smile appeared on his face again.Although he didn't take what Wu You said about curing the disease, he took it too seriously.But he was still very moved by the kindness of the family.

After that, Li Yinan put his head in his hands, leaned on the chair casually, and dozed off.

Li Hongsen didn't bother to talk to her, so he chatted with Wu You along the way, introducing the customs of Lingxi.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the bus finally arrived at Lingxi City Bus Station.

Since it was too late now, it took another two or three hours to take a taxi to go to the hospital.At that time, the patients in the hospital should rest, and outsiders are prohibited from visiting.

So after the three of them got off the car, they first lived in a small hotel nearby.Prepare to go to the rehabilitation hospital on the outskirts of the city tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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