I am reborn as an ancestor

Chapter 973 Arrangement

Chapter 973 Arrangement
Although that handsome young man looked pleasing to the eye, but he was still so young, how could he have the ability to save them?

At this moment, Wu You looked at the two old men in front of him who were grateful to him, and smiled lightly:

"Okay, everyone get up."

Hearing the sound, Qi Heqing and Mrs. Daisy slowly straightened up, looking at the young man in front of them with reverence, their eyes full of gratitude.

This time, if it wasn't for the help of this peerless divine man with great powers, they might not even be able to find this iceberg, let alone see their relatives.

And even if you find it, you won't be able to get close to it at all...

Therefore, being able to climb this ancient iceberg smoothly this time, and even meeting relatives and friends who are still alive, is entirely due to this peerless god.

This can't help but make Qi Heqing and Mrs. Daisy's gratitude to Wu You even stronger.

At this moment, Li Xiulan and Button Adams also came forward with suspicion.

"Heqing, who is this little brother?"

Liu Xiulan looked at the handsome young man and asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Qi Heqing introduced with great reverence:

"Xiulan, this is General Wu who rescued you from the iceberg this time."

"That's right, if it wasn't for Mr. Wu's help this time, not only would we not have any chance of coming here, we might not be alive at this moment."

Mrs. Daisy also echoed respectfully.

Hearing this, Li Xiulan was even more shocked and said in disbelief:
"General Wu? How could such a young boy be a general?"

"Yeah, and looking at his thin body, how could he save us from that terrifying beast?"

Barton Adams couldn't help but questioned.

For a moment, these nearly thirty men and women from the 50s also showed suspicion towards the boy.

And at the next moment, a bone-chilling cold drink suddenly sounded.

"Hmph, you hateful guys dare to question my lord, you really don't know what's good and what's wrong!
This deity should have smashed you all to pieces in the first place, leaving no one alive! "

Hearing these angry words, everyone trembled involuntarily.

Immediately, he looked down the prestige in awe.

But the person who spoke was an elegant, noble, sacred and inviolable blue-haired beautiful woman.

And when they saw this beautiful woman with an extraordinary aura, for some reason, everyone felt an inexplicable sense of panic in their hearts.

"Heqing, who is she?"

Li Xiulan couldn't help asking in amazement.

But at this moment, Qi Heqing was already trembling with fear and fear.

Immediately, he hurriedly bowed to the blue-haired beautiful woman and said:

"Lord Divine Beast, calm down, they just don't understand the truth, so they didn't intend to offend General Wu.

Also please adults have a lot, don't care about these people. "

As soon as these words came out, the people around were even more shocked, not knowing why.

Master Divine Beast?what does that mean?
At this moment, Barton Adams in the field suddenly opened his eyes wide, and exclaimed in disbelief:

"God, I'm not dreaming, what do you see?!"

Hearing the sound, everyone in the audience couldn't help being startled, and then followed Barton's gaze in amazement.

But I saw a pure and lovely blue-haired little girl standing beside the beautiful woman.

And when everyone saw the little girl's legs, they were shocked and their eyes widened suddenly.

I saw that the lower body of this blue-haired little girl was not a leg at all, but a fishtail!
In an instant, Li Xiulan and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded as they stared at the delicate fish tail covered with fine scales and exuding blue halos, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Oh my God, that was the legendary mermaid!
"It turns out that the rumor is true, there really is a mermaid on this iceberg!"

Barton Adams blurted out, jaw-dropping.

At the beginning, he came to this iceberg and went deep into it because he wanted to find the mermaid.

However, in the end it was frozen for 60 years...

At this moment, Mrs. Daisy spoke solemnly and said:

"Father, you should understand by now that the little mermaid is the daughter of this divine beast.

And this master beast is the ancient giant beast in the iceberg under our feet! "

Hearing these words, everyone in the audience, including Li Xiulan and Button Adams, was completely stunned on the spot, showing an unprecedented look of shock.

No matter what, they never expected that the seemingly elegant and beautiful woman was actually the terrifying monster that had frozen them for 60 years!
Oh my god, how is this possible? !
But seeing the legendary little mermaid, they had to believe it.

That majestic blue-haired beautiful woman is really the frozen ancient giant beast under their feet at this moment!
For a moment, everyone in the audience was terrified, and their souls were all scared.

At this moment, Qi Heqing hurriedly comforted and explained:

"Xiulan, you don't have to be too scared. Now that the beast has become General Wu's subordinate, he won't hurt you any more."

Hearing this, everyone present was startled for a moment, and then became even more dumbfounded. They couldn't believe their ears.

They never imagined that the extremely terrifying ancient behemoth had already surrendered to the young man in front of him.

This, this is really incredible!
Could it be that this transcendent and handsome young man was really descended from a god?
And just when everyone in the audience fell into deep shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

Wu You looked at Qi Heqing and Mrs. Daisy in the field, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth and said:
"After being separated from your relatives for so long, you are finally reunited today, shouldn't you be happy?

Why don't you look very happy now? "

As soon as these words came out, the two white-haired old men in the field couldn't help being taken aback, and then they couldn't help showing a touch of sadness in their eyes.

Qi Heqing sighed sadly:

"Back to General Wu, after so many years, we are of course extremely happy to see our loved ones whom we miss day and night again.

It's just that we are now in our twilight years, and we can't be with them for long, so we feel a little sad. "

Mrs. Daisy on the side also nodded empathetically.

Most of their lives have passed, and they are even close to the end.I don't have much time and energy to accompany my loved ones.

But it is enough to see that the person you care about the most is still alive and well at the last stage of your life...

"Hehe, I thought you guys were upset about something, it turned out to be such a trivial matter."

Wu You shook his head and chuckled, then waved his sleeves casually.

Two cyan elixirs emitting a faint light, immediately floated towards the two old men in front of them!

(End of this chapter)

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