Chapter 979 Savior

That ancient giant beast that was the enemy of human beings was finally able to overcome evil and get the punishment it deserved!

Great, this is great, they are saved at last!

At this moment, the whole world suddenly fell into a boil, and countless people couldn't help cheering.

In the face of this peerless catastrophe that human beings are unable to resist, they, who had already fallen into despair, finally breathed a long sigh of relief at this moment.

Immediately, everyone in the world expressed their unprecedented gratitude and admiration to the peerless hero who had fulfilled his promise and saved the world with his own efforts!
If this catastrophe hadn't come in time for this hero, I don't know how many lives would have been buried in the hands of that terrifying beast.

And the whole world is likely to be destroyed!
For a time, the peerless hero who has never been seen and whose identity has never been identified was praised by countless people as the savior.

And it was this mysterious and powerful savior who plunged the whole world into unprecedented boiling, and almost everyone had a feeling of crazy worship for him.

Many people believe that the savior is a superhero hidden among mortals. Seeing that the whole world is in danger, it is imperative to stand up and defeat the terrifying and ferocious huge monster.

For details, please refer to Superman, Ultraman, Iron Man...

There are also many people who believe that the extremely powerful savior is likely to be a super weapon secretly researched by a certain country.

Maybe in the not-too-distant future, the world pattern will be completely changed!

Even many religious forces around the world have declared to the outside world that the savior is the god who came to the world to save mankind as prophesied.

And starting today, the whole world will be bathed in the light of God again!
For a time, around this mysterious savior, demons danced around the world, and there were different opinions.

However, there is no one statement that can convince everyone.

After all, those who watched the live broadcast only heard the voice of the savior, and then they only saw a purple rainbow rushing towards the ancient giant beast through the wind and waves.

Everything after that, because the distance is too far, the video picture is very blurry.

Even the city in the sky that disappeared shortly after the ancient monsters were completely wiped out.Everyone also only saw an outline, which was as hazy as a mirage, very unreal...

Because of this, almost everyone was unable to discern any information about the savior from the video.

All of a sudden, the mystery of the identity of the savior adored by the world became the focus of the world's attention.

Countless people are eager to know, who is that mysterious savior?

And now there is only one person who has seen the savior with his own eyes.

That is Miki Hashimoto, a female Toyo reporter who risked her life to start a live report on the skyscraper that was about to be swept away by the tsunami!

For a moment, all eyes in the world were focused on that female reporter.

I can't wait to know who is the savior who saved the world?

And Miki Hashimoto, who has attracted much attention, is still standing alone on the top of the skyscraper, staring blankly at the calm sea level, her mind has gone blank.

It wasn't until the sun completely set and night fell that Miki Hashimoto came back to his senses.

Then he hurried to the front of the camera, but found that the camera was completely out of power and stopped working.

Seeing this, Miki Hashimoto sighed helplessly, and could only temporarily leave the skyscraper and return to the TV station as soon as possible.

At this moment, she, who originally wanted to die, completely changed her outlook on life because of the appearance of that peerless hero.

Right now, Hashimoto Miki only thinks about one thing, which is to make public the young man who defeated the ancient monster and saved the world.

Let the people of the world know who the benefactor who saved them is.

That mysterious and powerful savior should be appreciated and worshiped by everyone!
Thinking of this, Miki Hashimoto couldn't wait to return to the TV station.

However, thinking about it again, that peerless hero is likely to return in triumph and "pass by" here again.Wouldn't it be a pity if I missed it.

Immediately, Hashimoto Miki gave up the idea of ​​leaving. After all, there are no people in the entire Osaka City now, and she can't find a means of transportation if she wants to go. It's better to wait here until dawn.

Thinking of this, the female reporter sat on the ground, staring intently at the vast starry sky and sea in front of her.

I look forward to seeing that handsome young man who saved the world again.

In this way, after a whole night, Miki Hashimoto, who was full of excitement, still did not find a trace of the peerless hero.

And just as the pitch-black sky gradually turned white and the sun rose from the east.

"Da da da……"


The roar of propellers suddenly awakened Miki Hashimoto on the roof of the skyscraper.

Then he looked along the prestige in amazement.

But I saw civilian helicopters with media news logos flying over from afar.

Among them was the helicopter that brought her here yesterday.

At the same time, with the endless humming in the empty urban area, many interview vehicles immediately gathered under the skyscraper.

A moment later, before Miki Hashimoto could react.

Many media people with cameras and microphones rushed to the roof of the building anxiously.

Dang even surrounded Hashimoto Miki with a masked face in the middle.

"Ms. Miki, hello, I'm a reporter from Kyoto Media. May I ask who is the hero who saved the world that you saw here yesterday?"

"Yes, Hashimoto-san, now the whole world wants to know the true identity of the savior, please tell the truth."

"Miss Miki, the reason why we are here today is to visit you specially, and please satisfy the doubts of us and the audience..."

For a moment, endless questions filled the entire roof in an instant.

And following the cameras that were broadcasting live, countless people around the world also stared at the Japanese female reporter through the screen.

Everyone is looking forward to the true identity of the savior.

At this time, Miki Hashimoto, who was surrounded by many media people, knew very well that if she didn't say something, these wolf-like colleagues might not let her go...

However, she didn't intend to hide anything at first, and just took this opportunity to announce to the world the true identity of that great hero.

Let people all over the world know who saved them!
(End of this chapter)

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