Chapter 99 KTV
Li Yinan and Deng Xiaoxia were walking on the brightly lit street, from time to time they glanced at Wu You who was following behind and looking around.

"Xiaoxia, what's wrong with you, you have to let him follow!"

Li Yinan said with a very unhappy expression.

"Nan Nan, it's not that you didn't see what uncle looked like just now. If you didn't take him with you, how could you come out with me?"

As Deng Xiaoxia spoke, she couldn't help but look back at Wu You, and sighed sincerely:

"And this brother is really handsome. With such a handsome guy by his side, what a face it will be when we get to KTV later."

"How handsome is he, why can't I feel it."

Li Yinan rolled his eyes at Wu You behind him with disdain.Then he turned around and sighed, helplessly said:

"What a troublesome guy, I hope he won't spoil my interest later. Hey, how far is the KTV you're talking about?"

"It's almost here. It's a very high-end place in Lingxi City. If it wasn't for the eldest sister of our class celebrating her birthday today, ordinary people like us can't afford it."

When Deng Xiaoxia said this, she left Li Yinan behind.Impatiently ran to Wu You behind him, and whispered shyly:

"Brother Wu, I have a classmate celebrating his birthday at KTV tonight, can you go with us?"


Wu You said indifferently.

"That's great."

Deng Xiaoxia cheered excitedly, and she couldn't help looking forward to walking with this handsome guy.

Li Yinan, who was in front, saw Deng Xiaoxia abandoning her in such a way, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment.Even the gaze towards Wu You became even more distasteful.

Not long after walking, the three of them came to a brightly lit KTV door. Deng Xiaoxia happily said to Wu You beside her:
"Brother Wu is here, it's here."

With that said, the three of them stepped into the luxuriously decorated KTV lobby. After Deng Xiaoxia told the room name, the waiter enthusiastically led them outside a box.

As soon as the door was opened, a huge wave of sound rushed over.

I saw that there were nearly 30 people sitting in this resplendent and oversized box at the moment, all of whom were young boys and girls in their primes.

At this time, following the dynamic music, the one who was singing crazily was a curly-haired girl with a hot figure and an avant-garde short skirt.

The young people at the scene all followed the girl's singing voice and cheered bursts of cheers.

Suddenly, the door of the box was opened.

The curly-haired girl immediately put down the microphone next to her mouth, and looked at the person coming at the door at the same time as the boys and girls present.

"Xiaoxia, why are you here now? I've already finished cutting the cake. This is not acceptable. You must be punished with three bottles of beer first."

Seeing that it was Deng Xiaoxia, the curly-haired girl grinned and said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaoxia, as the best friend of the eldest sister, you came so late today, you must be punished."

"Yes, you dare to be late for Sister Cao's birthday party, it's too embarrassing, drink and drink..."

Everyone in the venue also booed and laughed.

"Sister Cao, just let me go, you know how much I drink, so pour it when I get drunk."

Deng Xiaoxia stood at the door of the box with a wry smile on her face, then thought of something, and suddenly smiled playfully: "Hey, I brought two handsome guys here tonight, let's make amends."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yinan, who had short neutral hair and a handsome face, could not wait to come out from behind Deng Xiaoxia.With a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, he bowed down to salute everyone present in a gentlemanly way:

"Good evening, everyone. My name is Li Yinan. I am a good friend of Deng Xiaoxia since she was a child. Please take care of me."

Looking at this handsome and handsome young man.If it weren't for her voice revealing her gender, everyone would have thought she was a handsome guy.

But even knowing that she is a daughter, there were many girls at the scene who were fascinated by her cool and handsome temperament.

Even some boys showed interested eyes.

"Xiaoxia, I didn't expect you to meet such an interesting friend. It's really rare."

The curly-haired girl nodded with a smile on her face, then smiled lightly at Li Yinan, "Hello, Yinan, my name is Cao Yuxi, nice to meet you."

"Miss Yuxi, it is my honor to meet you."

As Li Yinan said, he stepped forward, took out a bouquet of blue witches from behind, and handed it to Cao Yuxi gracefully, smiling:
"Happy birthday."

"Thank you, handsome boy."

Cao Yuxi took the flowers, and lightly kissed Li Yinan's fair cheek like a prank.

There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

Li Yinan, who had left a faint lip mark on his face, felt extremely elated in his heart.

"Xiaoxia, is this a handsome guy? He is clearly a beautiful woman, okay? Isn't this deceiving our feelings?"

"Yeah, I thought Yi Nan was really a handsome guy, I got so excited for nothing, you can't hide from those three bottles of wine."

There was another booing at the scene.

Cao Yuxi looked at Deng Xiaoxia, and couldn't help jokingly said: "You can bring such an interesting friend, this time you pass the test, and you can save two bottles of wine. But you have to drink the remaining bottle."

Seeing this, Deng Xiaoxia smiled mysteriously and said confidently:
"I still have a friend that I haven't introduced yet. The next handsome guy will definitely surprise you."

With that said, Deng Xiaoxia turned her head to Wu You beside her and said, "Brother Wu, let's go in then."

Wu You smiled faintly, nodded, and followed Deng Xiaoxia into the box hall.

Then, under everyone's curious eyes.

A handsome and handsome guy with a well-proportioned figure and a detached temperament, wearing fashionable casual clothes.With a charming faint smile, he came to the arena.

Immediately, the box, which was still noisy at first, suddenly became quiet.

The group of young people present, male or female, were completely shocked by this superstar-like handsome guy in front of them.

Cao Yuxi couldn't help being stunned, and even dropped the blue demon girl in her hand to the ground.

"Hi everybody."

Wu You greeted casually.

Everyone reacted immediately, and there was a commotion in an instant.

"So handsome, even more handsome than an idol star! Xiaoxia, how did you meet this handsome guy?"

"Yeah, I'm fascinated, it's so beautiful."

"Xiaoxia, don't be in a daze, introduce this brother to us."

Hearing these amazing words, Deng Xiaoxia's vanity was greatly satisfied, and she smiled and said:

"How about it, this time I didn't cheat your feelings, right? Is he a handsome guy, and he's also a top-notch handsome guy!"

And at this moment, Cao Yuxi suddenly stepped forward with two slender beautiful legs, walked up to Wu You in a tender way, stretched out her snow-white catkins, and said with a sweet smile:
"Hello, my name is Cao Yuxi."

(End of this chapter)

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