Chapter 993
And when they saw these young men and women with supernatural auras coming in, the outer disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect in the field couldn't help being shocked, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Especially after seeing the young man in the crowd who looked like a star holding the moon, he was even more anxious.

That handsome young man dressed in brocade and luxurious clothes is their young master.

Now it's troublesome.

If you let the young master find out that there are others here, and they still refuse to leave, you must blame yourself for not doing well.

Thinking of this, these outer disciples of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect became anxious.

The leader of the young man in black immediately stepped forward, staring at the ugly brat, gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice:

"You two leave here quickly, if you offend my son, no one will feel better!"

The other inner disciples also glared angrily, wishing to immediately throw this ignorant guy with his limbs broken!

However, now that their young master has brought guests into the arena, if they make a move at this time, it will definitely have a bad effect.

If it disturbs the young master's elegance, then they will also have bad luck...

At this time, Qin Zixun, seeing those young men and women who came in, could make these high-spirited outer disciples so nervous, couldn't help being shocked, and frowned slightly.

The person who can make the outer sect disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect so awed must have an extraordinary status.

If something really happened here today, it might really affect the Gu Wu Dao Sect trial that I and Brother Goudan are about to participate in.

Thinking of this, Qin Zixun whispered to the boy next to him again:

"Brother Goudan, for the sake of the overall situation, I think we should take a step first."

However, Wu You still shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"I never give up halfway when I eat, and today is no exception."

Then, looking at the restaurant owner again, he laughed loudly and said:
"That's good, I'll reserve the place here today, and let those guys who just arrived have a good time and eat whatever they want."

As soon as these words came out, the owner of the restaurant who was burning with anxiety couldn't help but startled, and then became even more angry.

Is this self-righteous poor boy crazy?At this juncture, it is really abhorrent to be so brazen!
My Zuixianju is a very famous restaurant in the whole of Kyoto.Most of the entertainers are high-ranking officials and noble families, and only the real big shots are eligible to book the venue.

And even if this poor boy is really allowed to book the venue today, can he afford it!

This is simply nonsense, self-inflicted humiliation!

Seeing that this little ghost still refused to leave, the outer disciples around him were furious, their teeth itching with hatred.

At this time, a group of young men and women who were talking and laughing into the venue suddenly heard the shouts in the hall, and then looked over with slight frowns.

But I saw that in the corner of Youmeng Xianju, several outer disciples seemed to be arguing around someone.

Seeing this scene, the expression of the handsome young man in the crowd suddenly changed, and he asked in a cold voice:
"How do you guys do things? I don't know if I'm going to entertain distinguished guests today? Why are there still people staying here!"

Hearing these angry words, all the disciples of the outer sect in the arena trembled, and suddenly panicked.

It's over now, but the son is still angry.

Immediately daring not to have any delay, an outer sect disciple of the ancient Martial Dao Sect who was the leader immediately bowed his head to the handsome young man and said tremblingly:
"Sir, calm down, we will drive these two ignorant guys out and punish them severely."

After saying that, without any hesitation, the surrounding outer disciples rushed towards the damned bastard with ferocious faces, intending to capture him in one fell swoop and drag him out to vent their anger!
"Hmph, a bunch of idiots who don't do enough."

The handsome young man snorted coldly, and wanted to turn around and ignore him.

But at this moment, a soft drink suddenly came.

"Don't come here, or I'll be rude!"

As soon as the words were finished, a beautiful girl with a graceful figure in a tight purple dress suddenly stood in front of those outer disciples.

And when he saw the beautiful girl in purple clothes with excellent temperament, glamorous and charming, the handsome young man suddenly felt his eyes light up.

Such an amazing little beauty, even he who has indulged in flowers for many years, can't help being moved by her.

Immediately without any hesitation, he suddenly scolded those outer disciples:
"You all stop me!"

Hearing the sound, the young man in black who was about to "make up for it" couldn't help being taken aback, stopped in his tracks, and looked back at his young master in surprise.

And at the next moment, the handsome young man suddenly stepped forward and reprimanded him sharply:
"How can you idiots who don't know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic to such a beautiful young lady be violent, it's really outrageous!"

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the incomparably stunning purple-clothed beautiful girl, and said apologetically:

"This lady is really sorry. I blame my subordinates for being too reckless. I'm really sorry for scaring you."

As he spoke, he yelled at the stunned outer disciples again:
"What are you guys still doing in a daze, hurry up and apologize to this lady!"

Hearing the sound, the youths in black immediately came to their senses. It seemed that this flamboyant young man had taken a fancy to this little girl. This was really unexpected.

Immediately, not daring to delay, all the outer disciples bowed down to apologize to the bewildered purple-clothed girl in the arena:

"I'm really sorry, this noble lady, I blamed us for being blind and offended you.

Also, please don't take it to heart, Miss, please forgive us this time. "

Seeing this unimaginable scene, Qin Zixun was a little confused, so he didn't seem to know their so-called son.

Why are these people being so polite to themselves all of a sudden?

And seeing these outer disciples in front of them bent over all the time, they didn't intend to get up.

Qin Zixun had no choice but to bite the bullet and said with some embarrassment:

"You, you don't have to do this, get up."

Hearing this, the youths in black straightened up.

"Okay, go away, don't get in the way here."

The handsome young man said in a low voice to those outer disciples.

"Yes, son."

Hearing the sound, the black-clothed youths hurriedly kowtowed as if they had received amnesty, and retreated to the edge of the hall in desperation.

And at this moment, the handsome young man looked at the eyes again, and the glamorous and charming purple-clothed beautiful girl immediately grinned and said:
"Hi lady, let me introduce myself first. I am the son of the chief steward of the ancient martial arts sect in Kyoto, and a disciple of the inner sect of the ancient martial arts sect. Song Xunhuan, nice to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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