Chapter 996
As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being shocked, and they were stunned in place, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Is this self-righteous brat really out of his mind?
At this time, to dare to say such outrageous words is simply asking for humiliation!
For a moment, everyone looked at the childish kid with even more contempt and disdain.

"Hehe, tens of millions of banquets are not in your eyes, Mr. Li is really proud.

Then tell me how to arrange it? "

Song Xunhuan sneered brazenly.

He wants to see what tricks this poor self-deceiving guy can play!
At this time, Qin Zixun was already anxious, and immediately persuaded him:

"Brother Goudan, don't be as knowledgeable as these guys, let's go."

However, Wu You shook his head, smiled lightly and said:
"How about that, I'm still hungry."

Then he ignored Qin Zixun, who was extremely anxious, and smiled slightly at the stunned restaurant owner:
"The things you asked for just now are too few, so just add ten times more to the banquet."

Hearing these words, the audience suddenly fell into silence. Everyone's eyes widened and they were completely stunned on the spot.

Tens of millions of banquets plus ten times, that's [-] million!
My God, a banquet of [-] million yuan, this is unimaginable!
Hmph, it seems that this brazen trash has started to make trouble for no reason.

Song Xunhuan snorted contemptuously, disdainful of this nonsense brat.

Even though he is the son of the chief executive of the ancient martial arts sect, he has been pampered since he was a child, but he has never seen a hundred million with his own eyes when he grows up.

But I don’t know from which backcountry came to Kyoto, a country bumpkin who has never seen anything in the world, and his mouth is [-] million, this is ridiculous!
At this time, many inner disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect around him also lost interest in that naive kid, and felt that it was meaningless.

Because after this self-defeating guy uttered nonsense such as hundreds of millions of banquets, he has actually lost.

To be acquainted with this kind of brainless brat is to insult one's IQ!

"Brother Goud, are you alright?"

Qin Zixun frowned and looked at the young man beside him, her beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Did Brother Goudan be provoked, that's why he said such unrealistic words...

But at this moment, the owner of the restaurant, after hearing the bragging words of the poor boy, couldn't bear the anger in his heart any longer, and walked in front of him recklessly.

Immediately shouted hysterically:

"Aren't you going to book the venue? That's great!

Whether you want a feast of tens of millions or hundreds of millions, please pay the money first, thank you! "

Seeing this, everyone in the audience looked at the young man who uttered wild words with mixed disdain and contempt.

I want to see how this self-defeating guy will end up with that huge meal fee.

At this moment, Wu You smiled indifferently after hearing what the restaurant owner said.

He calmly took out a black card from his pocket and handed it over casually.

"Take it and brush it."

Seeing this scene, everyone around couldn't help being startled, and then they all looked at the black card in the boy's hand.

There was no Chinese character on this black card with a metallic luster, and it was not at all similar to the bank cards and credit cards they had seen before.

It feels like a piece of broken iron that I don’t know where I picked it up...

Hehe, this brat actually wants to use this kind of thing to pay the bill, isn't he out of his mind?

"Mr. Li, are you kidding me? I've never seen someone brush iron plates in my life.

Hehe, don't tell me that you have [-] million in your iron plate. "

Song Xunhuan sneered without any scruples.

Hearing this, many young men and women around also showed unprecedented contempt.

Even if this poor boy wants to pretend to be a rich man, he can use an ordinary bank card.But now he took out a piece of iron, which is simply too stupid!
"There's more than [-] million in the piece of iron you're talking about."

Wu You shook the black card in his hand, and said with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing this, the disdain on Song Xunhuan's face became even stronger.

Everyone around also laughed, and felt extremely ridiculous for this kid's childish behavior of deceiving himself and others!
And just when everyone in the audience looked down on this poor boy.

But there was only an unbelievable exclamation, which immediately resounded throughout the Youmeng Xianju.

"My God! How, how is this possible?

Could it be that the titanium alloy black card is the rumored Citi Supreme Card! "

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the audience couldn't help being stunned, and followed the sound with surprise on their faces.

But the owner of the restaurant was staring straight at the black card in the boy's hand, his face full of unprecedented shock.

Seeing this scene, Song Xunhuan was shocked, and immediately blurted out to the restaurant owner:
"What are you making a fuss about here? What Citi Premier Card, what is that?"

However, the owner of the restaurant at this moment has no other distractions, and came to Wu You in a daze.

With trembling hands, he took the black card that shone with metallic luster, and carefully held it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

After a long time, the restaurant owner's eyes widened and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

Suddenly, under the shocked eyes of everyone in the audience, the owner of the restaurant suddenly exclaimed:
"My God, this is really a Citi Supreme Card that is limited to only [-] cards in the world, and only users with a storage amount of more than one billion are eligible to own it!
In an instant, the entire Youmeng Xianju fell into silence.

Everyone who heard these words seemed to be petrified, and they were all in a daze, their minds went blank...

And just a moment later, an unprecedented uproar instantly resounded through the audience.

"Oh my God, it turns out that the iron plate is really a bank card, and it is a bank with only [-] cards in the world!"

"Then, it takes a billion dollars to get that black iron card, that's simply unbelievable!"

"One billion! I, am I dreaming? How can the poor boy have so much money?"

All of a sudden, there was a burst of exclamation in the audience.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at the field, the unremarkable young man who was dressed all over the place, everyone showed unprecedented shock.

This, how is this possible?

Song Xunhuan stared blankly at the black card, his heart was already so shocked that it couldn't be more shocking.

He never thought that the piece of broken iron would be such a precious and rare bank card with an astonishing value.

What was even more unexpected was that the owner of this bank card was actually the trash in his eyes...

This, this is simply too unbelievable!
(End of this chapter)

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