Chapter 998
In an instant, all the restaurant service staff in the audience could not help but turn pale in shock under the majestic power, and trembled all over.

And many inner disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect around them couldn't help being shocked.

It seems that my Senior Brother Song is really angry.

This time, if the unreasonable young man is not sensible, he will suffer a lot.

After all, the forces that dared to oppose the ancient martial arts sect in China were almost extinct except for the military.

No matter how rich you are, you can only behave with your tail between your legs in front of the disciples of the ancient martial arts sect who respect force!

But at this moment, Wu You looked at Song Xunhuan who was looking down proudly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said:

"If this is what you call absolute strength, then I still advise you not to be ashamed."

As soon as these words came out, Song Xun Huan flew into a rage.

I am a warrior at the peak of Huajin, and I am only one step away from stepping into the powerhouse of Gangjin Grandmaster!
And that hateful brat who speaks so much dares to despise and ridicule him like this, it's simply unreasonable!
Immediately, Song Xunhuan stared at the self-righteous brat, and laughed angrily:
"Alright, alright, what an embarrassment, since Brother Goudan looks down on me so much, it must be because I have special skills.

That's all right, my son is now here to learn from Brother Goudan's clever tricks and see how capable you are! "

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the young man with a ferocious expression on his face, threatening to break his bones and tendons!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the hall couldn't help but gasp, shocked inexplicably.

You don't need to think about how terrifying the strength of the inner disciples of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect is.

Now that young man who uttered wild words is going to be in great trouble!

But at this time, the inner disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect in the field all showed a sneer of gloating.

They are naturally aware of Song Xunhuan's strength, he is a strong man who is about to become the core disciple of the Ancient Martial Dao Sect, and his strength is unfathomable!

And that weak brat dared to humiliate this quasi-core disciple in public.

This is simply asking for death!
Hmph, no one can save that brazen brat now!

And just when everyone thought that the boy who angered Song Xunhuan was doomed.

An ice-cold shout suddenly resounded in the arena.

"Song, I advise you to stop, otherwise the end will only be worse!"

Hearing the sound, Song Xunhuan was startled, then looked coldly at the beautiful girl in purple, and said angrily:
"Hmph, are you pleading for that brat? Too bad it's already too late!
Today, my son must let him see and see what it means to have someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky! "

However, Qin Zixun shook his head, and said in a cold voice with a frosty face:

"I'm just urging you not to humiliate yourself again, because you are not my opponent at all!"

Hearing this, everyone in Youmeng Xianju couldn't help being dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their ears.

Could it be that the little girl's mind is the same as that of the boy's, and does she have any problems?

Song Xunhuan, a quasi-core disciple of the ancient martial arts sect and a half-step master, is not the opponent of that little devil who has no strength to restrain a chicken.

What an international joke!
At this time, when Song Xunhuan heard Qin Zixun's words, he laughed even more angrily:
"Hahaha, I'm not an opponent, Miss Zixun is really thinking of me.

But today I am determined, and I want to learn from you, son of a bitch, to see who is no match for whom! "

After saying that, without any hesitation, with an afterimage, he rushed towards that nasty little devil at high speed!
And in the next moment.

"Hmph, you stubborn guy, if you want to touch my doggy brother, pass me first!"

Qin Zixun snorted contemptuously.

In an instant, under the incredible eyes of everyone in the audience.

The beautiful girl in purple clothes suddenly brought an afterimage, and rushed towards Song Xun in a majestic welcome!


With a loud noise, the two powerful figures collided with each other!
The next moment, they retreated back evenly.

Seeing this unimaginable scene, everyone in the hall was dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

Oh my god, that young girl in purple clothes actually repelled Song Xunhuan!
This, how is this possible? !
But at this time, Song Xunhuan, who had managed to stand firm, was even more shocked, and was as dumb as a chicken.

Immediately staring blankly at the beautiful girl in purple, she exclaimed in disbelief:
"You, you are actually at the peak of energy transformation!"

As soon as these words came out, all the inner disciples of the ancient Martial Dao Sect were shocked inexplicably.

They never imagined that the purple-clothed girl who was so young was actually a peak powerhouse, a half-step master!

Oh my god, how is this possible?

You must know that even Song Xunhuan, who is the son of the chief executive of the outer sect of the ancient martial arts sect and was trained by a large amount of cultivation resources since childhood, only reached the peak of transformation energy in his 20s.

And that beautiful girl in purple clothes may have reached the same height before she was 17 years old!
This is simply unbelievable!
"Hmph, now you arrogant guy, you know what it means to be someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Qin Zixun snorted disdainfully, then stared at the shocked Song Xunhuan, and proudly said:
"Let me tell you the truth, my brother Goudan is far superior to me!
Just relying on your meager ability, you are simply asking for humiliation and embarrassment! "

Hearing this, everyone in the entire Youmeng Immortal Residence seemed to be petrified, completely stunned on the spot, and their minds went blank...

And just a moment later, there was an unprecedented uproar in the audience.

"My God, there is an existence stronger than the peak of Huajin, could it be the Grandmaster of Gangjin!"

"This, how is this possible? How old is that kid, how could he be a martial artist?"

"That's right, even in our ancient Martial Dao School, there are only a handful of people who possess great strength at such a young age.

But this young man is not from our Ancient Martial Dao Sect, so how could he be Grandmaster Gang Jin..."

All of a sudden, all the inner disciples of the ancient martial arts sect around them let out an uncontrollable exclamation.

At this time, Song Xunhuan, after hearing the words of the purple-clothed girl, was dumbfounded and shocked beyond measure.

No matter what, he never thought that the seemingly weak and unattractive young man would actually be a strong master.

Yes, but how is this possible?

You must know that in the entire Huaxia martial artist world, those who can step into the strength in their youth are almost all disciples of the ancient martial arts sect.

However, he has never heard of when the ancient martial arts sect produced a strong master named Li Goudan.

But if this young man is not a disciple of the ancient Martial Dao Sect, how can he step into Gang Jin at such a young age?
It's all so incomprehensible...

(End of this chapter)

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