ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 101 "Going to the Morning Dynasty"

Chapter 101 "Going to the Morning Dynasty" (1)
"Husband, husband" yelled in alarm, Ah Zhen turned around, and saw Qianyun running towards him anxiously.

Following Qianyun's arrival, a majestic man in armor hurriedly stepped into the hall, kowtowed to him and said, "The last general, Geng Jinghun, pays homage to Lord Sima."

Ah Zhen saw that the person who came was the right general he sent to attack Tubo Zaerba a few months ago. In that battle, only a thousand of his [-] elite soldiers were killed by Yingying, and they still held on to the last checkpoint until his army arrived. He likes this right general very much.

"General Right please get up quickly." Ah Zhen shouted happily when he saw his old friend.

"Yes..." General Right responded, and stood up strong, with a majestic face, like a big wild bear.His eyes sparkled and he looked at the shackles on Da Sima's neck in surprise.This Yizhao Mansion was really impatient, and even locked up Da Sima.

"Da Sima" the right general was taken aback when he saw this, and pulled out the knife on his waist with a swipe: "Da Sima, I will unlock it for you in the future." After speaking, Ah Zhen stood still, and with a bang, his eyes flashed, and the shackles were alive Split in half by him.Immediately a profuse sweat flowed from Ah Zhen's forehead, I'm going to go, if the strength and angle were a little bit crooked, it would be no wonder that Lao Tzu's head wouldn't be split into two.

"Thank you, General You." After breaking free from the heavy shackles, Ah Zhen tilted his sore neck to thank him.

"The last general dare not." Geng Jinghun clasped his fists in horror and replied.

"How many soldiers and horses did you bring, General You?" Ah Zhen asked slowly after seeing the battle.

"Here, all the soldiers and horses stationed in the campus of the last general have been dispatched, there are more than [-] people." This statement immediately shocked Ah Zhen, as for it?Just a little Yi Zhaojing mobilized more than [-] soldiers and horses.

Seeing her husband's exaggerated look, Qianyun said with a shy face, "Husband, the situation was urgent at that time, and before Yun'er had time to tell the right general"

Ah Zhen knew that she was worried about his safety, so he didn't blame General Chao You and asked, "Is there anything along the road that tramples or destroys the common people's business?"

General Right was taken aback and replied: "The army is moving fast, and it is inevitable that the goods will be trampled by soldiers and horses. This"

"Okay, General You, immediately send someone to appease those people who trampled on merchants and peasants. I will compensate them at the original price for how much the army damages them, and I will add [-]% to them." Ah Zhen sighed, biting and ordering. .

This statement immediately won the infinite favor of General You, and the respect and admiration of the whole army, which was won by the great Sima's ingenuity and strategy earlier. Unexpectedly, the great Sima Aimin was so moved so early, it should be so.

"Yeah." After dealing with the common people's affairs, Ah Zhen surrounded the surroundings with a straight face and shouted: "You General."

"The end is here." Geng Jinghun was already waiting by the side.

"Immediately order people to hand over the weapons of the government servants in Yili, whoever dares to resist will be killed on the spot."

"The last general takes orders." Geng Jinghun responded, and ordered to the lieutenant standing outside the lobby.

Immediately, everyone in the hall trembled in shock, Master Fu Yi was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack.Today he finally saw this murderous big Sima.Weeping in his heart, he scolded the [-] generations of his head-hunter's ancestors. It's not good to lock anyone, but a big devil came to lock.Wait a minute, Da Sima accidentally saw that he was not pleasing to the eye and chopped it off, can't he, he, Yi Zhaojing, not do it?

"Report to the Great Sima, all the weapons and weapons of the yamen in Yizhaojing Mansion have been handed over." Soon Geng Jinghun stepped back into the hall and reported with fists clasped.

"Yeah." Ah Zhen nodded with a gloomy face. He dispatched battalion soldiers, how dare the small yamen servants resist, even the river defense would be captured without a fight if the battalion soldiers moved.Ah Zhen walked towards the prince of the Liao Kingdom and the son of the imperial censor with a straight face.

The two of them fell to the ground in fright, and when they saw this vicious figure walking towards them, the blood faded from their faces in fright.

Ah Zhen saw the fearful look of these two people and groaned and shouted: "Come here, put these two people in shackles."

In an instant, the battalion soldiers came with two big shackles.Seeing this, the prince of Liao suppressed his fear and shouted: "You dare, I am the prince of Liao."

This shout immediately made Ah Zhen angry, and with a big wave of his palm, he immediately slapped the prince of Liao Kingdom who was still clamoring.

With a snap, a fiery red palm print instantly appeared on the wretched face of the Prince of Liao, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.With thick blood in his mouth, he shouted inarticulately: "You dare to hit me, father will not let you Da Zhou go."

Ah Zhen saw that the prince of Liao Kingdom dared to be so arrogant.He yelled with a sullen face: "Come here, drag him out to Ben Sima and chop him up."

"Yes." In an instant, two battalions of soldiers came forward and dragged the Liao prince out of the hall with their faces full of flesh.

The Prince of Liao Kingdom saw that Da Zhou, the Great Sima, had no fear, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant.With a pale face, he couldn't speak.

"You can't do it, Da Sima, you can't." Seeing that the third prince was about to be dragged out by the Da Sima and beheaded, the son of the censor threw himself down beside Ah Zhen's feet, crying and crying, and kowtowed for mercy: "The Da Sima can't be chopped off." , can’t cut it.”

"You bastard, why can't you cut it down?" Ah Zhen yelled, and kicked away the son of the censor doctor who was hugging his feet.

"The emperor ordered his father to treat him well, and if he cuts off the emperor and asks, no one will be able to take care of him." After being kicked away by him, the son of the doctor censor climbed up again in an instant, hugging Ah Zhen's leg tightly and shouting loudly.

When the third prince of Liao Kingdom saw that the son of the imperial censor said so, he was certain in his heart, and he pursed his lips tightly and looked extremely arrogant.

Ah Zhen laughed in his heart when he saw this, and shouted with a straight face: "I will take care of everything, someone here will drag it out and chop it up."

Not only the son of the doctor Yushi was stunned by this shout, even the prince of Liao Kingdom couldn't believe that there was someone in Da Zhou who was not afraid of the emperor.Seeing that Da Zhou's Da Sima had a dark face and looked like he would not give up until he was chopped off, he was so scared that his sweat flowed like a waterfall.

"What are you doing in a daze, dragged it out and chopped it up." Ah Zhen saw that everyone in the hall was stunned.With a loud shout, everyone's heart trembled and their eyelids jumped, the battalion didn't dare to worry anymore and dragged the Prince of Liao outside, and dragged him outside.

"Wait, wait." The Third Prince of Liao Kingdom shouted in fear as he was about to be dragged out of the hall.

After hearing this, Ah Zhen yelled: "Don't wait, drag him out and chop him up right away, and bring his head to see me."

Everyone in the hall knew that this big Sima was a master who was not afraid of even the emperor, and the three souls and seven souls were already scared away.

"Forgive me, Da Sima, forgive me, please forgive me." Liao Guohuang lost all his arrogance, and finally struggled and cried for mercy.

"Hahahaha" Ah Zhen looked up to the sky and laughed long after hearing his begging for mercy.The battalion soldier who laughed and executed finally stopped.

After laughing, Ah Zhen turned around, glared at the Liao prince with vicious eyes and asked with a blunt smile, "What did you say?"

As soon as the prince of the Liao Kingdom was released by the camp soldiers, he fell to the ground with a puffing sound, and after listening to Da Zhou, the great Sima, asked questions, he fell to his knees and kowtowed for mercy in an instant.

"Don't you Liao people have a lot of backbone? Why do you have such soft bones? Since you begged me, I will spare your life." Ah Zhen slowly stared at him with a sullen face.

Hearing that he had spared him, the Prince of Liao Kingdom kowtowed to thank him while weeping.

"Remember, if Ben Sima finds out that you dare to do anything wrong in our territory, I will turn you into a human stick." After speaking, he knelt down and asked him gloomyly, "Do you know what a human stick is? "

The prince of the Liao Kingdom nodded in fright, then quickly shook his head and dared not speak: "I'm sorry you don't know, this stick was invented by Sima, and it cut off all the extra things that protruded from the body, such as the nose, ears, and arms. , step down. Then throw it in oil to make a torch. Got it?"

This statement made everyone in the hall turn pale. It was rumored that Da Sima killed people without blinking an eye, but they never expected that the methods would be so cruel.All of a sudden, the stomachs of a group of people frightened kept cramping.

"Yes, yes, the little man would never dare to dare." The Prince of Liao Kingdom dared not breathe out of fear, this Great Zhou Da Sima was even more brutal than the Vituls of Liao Kingdom.He can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke.

"Get out" Ah Zhen stood up, lifted his foot and kicked him and shouted.

Immediately, the prince of Liao Kingdom fled from Yizhao Mansion, swearing that he would never dare to be arrogant in the Great Zhou Dynasty in the future.

"Okay, son of the censor, it's time for us to settle the score." After intimidating the Liao prince, Ah Zhen turned around and said to the son of the censor.

He was so frightened that he kowtowed and begged for mercy. This big Sima even wanted to kill the prince of the Liao Kingdom. How could he offend the son of his little censor who has no official position.

"Didn't you insist on beating Ben Sima just now? Why? Not now?" Ah Zhen asked sullenly.

"The villain doesn't dare, dare not, Da Sima, spare your life, spare your life." The son of the doctor censor knocked his head loudly when he heard his question.

"Come prepare paper and pens." After Ah Zhen shouted, he nodded to the master in Yi Zhaojing's mansion who was kneeling on the ground: "Get up, and write it down for Sima."

"Yes, yes, yes." The master shook his hand and took the pen held by the soldiers, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

"My son of the censor, I swear that I will never bully men and women, run amok, run amok, and oppress good people. From now on, I, the son of the censor, swear that from now on, I will treat the people kindly and treat the people like my own brothers." .If you violate the oath, I would like Da Sima to make a human stick. Swear the oath at a certain time on a certain day in a certain year."

After Ah Zhen finished reading, the master held the oath paper with trembling hands, bowed and handed it over.

"Let's make a bet." Ah Zhen pointed to the son of the doctor who was kneeling on the ground.

The son of the censor did not dare to disobey and pressed his fingerprint.Only then did Ah Zhen nodded and accepted the oath paper with satisfaction, saying: "You can go."

After finishing speaking, the son of Doctor Yushi crawled out of the hall in fright, he didn't dare, and he wouldn't dare again.

"Put these two pairs of shackles on the necks of these two bastards." After dealing with the matter of the doctor's son, Ah Zhen turned around and yelled at the master of Yifu and the head catcher.

"Great Sima, spare your life, Da Sima, spare your life." The two knocked their heads together.

There was a sound of locks falling, and the two begging for mercy were instantly shackled by the battalion soldiers.

"The bastards still dare to beg for mercy. One will be locked up and arrested without asking the reason. The other will be severely punished if he doesn't try. If you see a high-ranking person, you will trample on a low-level one. How can you spare you." Ah Zhen shouted angrily: "General You took these two men back to the camp and detained them."

"Yes" Geng Jinghun clasped his fists in response, and the two of them were dragged out by the soldiers in an instant, begging for mercy.

After finally finishing everything, Ah Zhen exhaled and clasped his fists at Geng Jinghun: "General You has worked hard for you, you guys should go back too."

After some processing, Ah Zhenwei threatened, Geng Jinghun had long been displeased with the proud prince of Liao, the great Sima gave him a sigh of relief, and admired him even more, and he clasped his fists and replied majesticly: "The general obeys orders!" .”

"Let's go." Geng Jinghun waved his hand, and in an instant the [-] battalion soldiers escorted Yi Zhaojing and Butou back to the school camp.

(End of this chapter)

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