ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 118 "Seducing the Prince of Liao Kingdom"

Chapter 118 "Seducing the Prince of Liao Kingdom" (1)
The moon is like a ghost, and the cold wind is howling. When everyone else is enjoying the joyful atmosphere of spring, Ah Zhen is rushing to the palace. He is too capable to bear the burden of hard work.

ha chirp
A chirping sound came out of his nostrils, followed by cursing again and again. He gathered his cloak and braved the bitter cold wind and quickly passed through the corridor of the palace gate.

The guards on both sides stood upright on both sides of the palace gate, Yan Wei's eyes closely followed the frozen figure who was frozen by the cold wind, not daring to step forward to stop him, Gulu's eyes were full of admiration for him .

Ah Zhendong's hands and feet were almost stiff. He had already passed the spring, and this day was even colder than before the spring. The biting wind was unbearable.

Soon when he trotted to the door of the imperial study, the eunuch Wang Huan stood next to him under the eaves of the door. Seeing this, Ah Zhen jokingly shouted: "Your Majesty enjoys the moon, what a leisure time."

"Hey! Master Sima, why are you in the palace at this hour?" Hearing him shout, Wang Yu turned his clean, hairless face in a daze and asked suspiciously.

Ha chirp, another chirp sound.Ah Zhen cursed inwardly, what am I doing in the palace if I have nothing to do? It's not that my head was kicked by a pig. Whoever likes to come to this palace, he is absolutely unwilling.

Seeing that Da Sima was so cold, Wang Yu hurriedly took off his fluffy cloak and ran over anxiously, "Don't catch the cold, Da Sima." He said that he was going to put his cloak on him.

"All right, all right, you can wear it." Ah Zhen pushed away the wind velvet that Wang Yu wanted to put on for him.

"Did Sima come to see the emperor?" Seeing this, Wang Yu asked with the wind velvet in his hand.

"What? Isn't the old man here?" Isn't he talking nonsense?If you don't see the emperor when you come to the palace, could it be that you are seeing this eunuch? He doesn't have such a hobby.

Hearing his question, Wang Yu quickly nodded and said urgently: "Are you here, are you reading the brochures in the room?"

He had just finished speaking when the old man who was reviewing the memorial in the room heard voices outside and shouted, "Wang Yu, who are you talking to outside?"

Seeing the emperor's questioning, Wang Yu hurriedly ran to the door frame and replied, "Your Majesty, Da Sima is here."

When he said this, the emperor stopped the golden pen in his hand, what is this kid doing here so late?
After contemplating, the emperor saw the cold wind outside and shouted: "Quickly call Da Sima in."

Hearing the old man's shout, Ah Zhen quickly ran in without waiting for Wang Yu's invitation. Damn it, the snow is falling, and if you don't go in, you will probably be frozen like a stick.

As soon as he entered the imperial study room, he suddenly felt much warmer. When he walked to the stove in the main hall, his hands and feet were warmed, his handsome face was almost frozen.

Seeing his appearance, the emperor couldn't help Wan'er, this bastard just dared to be bold, and he didn't even look at him, and only cared about the fire.

"What is Lin Aiqing's business coming to see me so late?" The emperor waited for him to warm up, and asked as he hugged the velvet.

Ah Zhen sat around the fire and roasted himself until his whole body was warm. After listening to the emperor's question, he left the fire reluctantly and said, "Your Majesty, I have come to settle the matter of the prince of Liao."

"Prince of the Liao Kingdom?" The emperor asked suspiciously: "Isn't the matter of the prince of the Liao Kingdom resolved?"

When he asked, Ah Zhen almost fainted and said: "Your Majesty, the prince of the Liao Kingdom is still in the emperor's house. It is easy to ask the gods to send him away. If the emperor drives him out at that time, then the Liao Kingdom will know about their princes." It made us feel bad."

When he said this, the emperor couldn't help but also nodded, "How can Lin Aiqing solve it without losing her tongue?"

The Emperor's question immediately caused Ah Zhen to show a perverted smile on his face and said, "Your Majesty, it's the time to talk about love when the night is windy."

"How do you talk about love?" Seeing such a wretched smile on his face, the emperor wondered what earth-shattering thing this kid was going to do again.

"To the prince of the Liao Kingdom, you must be soft and hard. In the afternoon, you will be tough, and now you want to be soft. Send the tenth princess to have a chat with the prince of Liao, and then pretend to be affectionate to him, and then quietly let the tenth princess Let the prince go."

When he said this, the emperor's face darkened and he said: "The Great Sima is really insidious and ruthless, and he has made plans for my ten emperors."

Seeing the emperor's face darken, Ah Zhen's heart skipped a beat, and he clasped his fists and replied: "Your Majesty, it's just for show, this move is reasonable, and letting the prince secretly out of emotion will never be justified."

The emperor's eyes were gloomy, and he was lost in thought, as if he had no other solution but to take risks for love, but asking him to seduce a prince, such a despicable thing, how could he open his mouth like this, it would be detrimental to heaven Wei.

"Your majesty can do this in secret, and you only need the tenth princess to talk to the prince, and then show some affection for him. I guarantee that the tenth princess will never be harmed." Seeing the emperor's hesitation, he continued to persuade.

As soon as he finished speaking, the emperor raised his face and shouted to Wang Yu outside as if he had made up his mind: "It is said that the tenth princess is here to see me."

"Yes." After Wang Yu knelt down to accept the order, his forehead was sweating profusely. This great Sima was so insidious.

As soon as Wang Yu left, Ah Zhen chatted with the emperor for a while, and soon Wang Yu led a delicate and beautiful person in. He saw that the ten princesses were sleepy, and it was obvious that they had been dug out of the bed. Waking up, such a hazy state added to her morbid beauty.

Ah Zhen nodded in satisfaction. Although the ten princesses were not more delicate and beautiful than the seventh princess, they were also dignified, delicate and tender.

"My son pays homage to Father Emperor." As soon as the tenth princess entered the room, she bowed softly with blessings.

"The ten emperors are free." The emperor waved his hands lovingly.

"I don't know if the emperor summoned his ministers in the middle of the night, is there any serious matter?" Ten princesses still asked softly and humbly after standing up.

"Here, let Da Sima talk about it." The emperor didn't know how to speak for a moment, how could he say such words as a father, "Go down, Da Sima will tell the emperor."

"Yes, my minister is resigning." Seeing the embarrassment of the emperor, Ah Zhen couldn't help him, how could he say something like this.

Leaving the imperial study room, the tenth princess followed Ah Zhen to walk in the cold wind. The palace was very quiet at night, and they were silent for a while.Seeing that the tenth princess was still following him without saying a word, Ah Zhen sighed in his heart, the people trained in the royal family are so polite.

The two walked to the garden next door to Seventh Princess in silence, Ah Zhen stopped and asked slightly: "Tenth Princess, have you ever been in love?"

Seeing Da Sima stopped, the tenth princess asked her, her little face flushed by the cold wind became even redder, and she replied softly: "I have never loved." This Da Sima didn't know what kind of person he was, Such a shameful thing to dare to speak out.

Hearing what the tenth princess said, he also nodded secretly. There are many royal etiquettes, and it is even more difficult for the princess to go out of the palace. The people around them are either eunuchs or palace maids. Isn't he asking for nothing?
"Princess, do you have any expectations for love?" Ah Zhen was curious. The ten princesses are also sixteen or seven years old.Should be longing for love.

Hearing his question, the tenth princess said shyly, "I don't know what my father wants me to do?"

Seeing that the ten princesses didn't answer the questions, Ah Zhen felt uncomfortable while muttering. He never thought that the ten princesses would be so shy. Sending her to the prince would be a difficult task for her.

"Oh..." he sighed deeply, "The princess is so knowledgeable and tender. I'm afraid I can't handle this matter. Princess, go back. I'll find someone else to handle this matter." After finishing speaking, he thought faintly, If it really doesn't work, I have to ask Yingying to call a beautiful sister, and it will take a lot of talking to convince the emperor.

The tenth princess was stunned when she heard what he said, she didn't even know what was going on, why the eldest Sima looked down on her so much, she couldn't help feeling resentful in her heart.

"Great Sima has a good command of heaven and earth, and is well-versed in both civil and military affairs. The little girl is ashamed of herself. I don't know what the Great Sima wants me to do?" The ten princesses praised.

Ah Zhen couldn't help being stunned when she heard what she said, why does the ten princess still have a temper?

He praised and refused: "When I was in the imperial garden in the afternoon, I saw the princess is beautiful and elegant, remote and unique, so I suggested that the ten princesses come to do this. Competent, can’t help worrying.”

"Elder Sima, please tell me?" The tenth princess persisted after being praised by him, her face flushed slightly.

"As I expected, the prince of the Liao Kingdom has retired to the emperor, but I am a big Zhou country, and the little prince is not allowed to choose freely. Although the emperor is happy with the prince's resignation, it is inconvenient to reveal it. Now the prince is being imprisoned inside?" He compared the yard behind the arch.

(End of this chapter)

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