ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 122 "The Dead of Night is a Good Yin Man"

Chapter 122 "The Dead of Night is a Good Yin Man"

Ah Zhen, who left, hurried to the front of the imperial study room. When Yinshi was approaching, he still saw the lights in the imperial study room were bright red. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being slightly surprised. The old man didn't rest so late. How many good emperors have been here since ancient times? Such toil day and night to death.He sighed deeply and rushed to the eaves of the imperial study, waving his hands and patting his snow-covered shoulders.

Seeing him coming, Wang Yu asked respectfully and softly, "Da Sima, haven't you gone back to rest yet?"

"What? Has the emperor gone to bed yet?" Ah Zhen raised his mother finger and gestured behind him, saying, "Which master in the palace is still there, how can I find sleep."

Hearing Da Sima's question, Wang Yu replied with deep worry on his face: "Yes, these days the emperor doesn't go to bed until Yinshi is over."

When Wang Yu said this, Ah Zhen couldn't help being stunned, this old man really thought he was made of iron, he only went to bed when it was Yin, and he had to go to bed early when he was ugly, and he only slept for more than two hours in between.

Thinking of this, Ah Zhen couldn't help but reprimand lightly, "It's just nonsense."

"Here, Da Sima, don't talk nonsense." Seeing that he dared to reprimand the emperor, Wang Yu was shocked, and quickly waved his hands to persuade him in a low voice.

"You have to wait outside." Seeing that Wang Yu was so frightened, he couldn't help but shook his head, and strode into the imperial study room.

When he entered the imperial study room, he saw the old man busy in the memorial, and didn't notice him coming in at all. When Ah Zhen saw this, he had an illusion, feeling that the old man's temples were getting grayer, and the wrinkles on his forehead became more numerous.A kind of reluctance suddenly surged in my heart, and I sighed, this old man is really a good emperor.What made him even more confused was that since being an emperor was so hard, why did everyone in the world want to do it?Isn't this asking for trouble?
After thinking about it, Ah Zhen cupped his fists and persuaded the old man: "It's late at night, the emperor should rest as soon as possible."

The emperor, who was buried in reviewing the memorial, suddenly heard Da Sima speak, and raised his old face buried in the memorial suspiciously. Seeing that it was indeed this kid, he asked in surprise, "Lin Aiqing, are you still in the palace at this late hour?"

"That's right, I'm dealing with the affairs of the prince of the Liao Kingdom." Seeing him asking stupid questions, Ah Zhen couldn't help answering in a daze.

Hearing what he said, the emperor was stunned, then smiled and knocked himself on the head and said: "I forgot, how is the matter of the Prince of Liao Kingdom handled?"

The old man was so exhausted that he forgot what happened in just over an hour, "Don't worry, your majesty, I will take care of it properly."

The emperor nodded and praised: "I am very relieved of Lin Aiqing's work."

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, it's better to rest earlier." Ah Zhen persuaded.

"The disaster in the north is not slowing down, and Nanwei is coming again in the south. I don't want to sleep. After Lin Aiqing's affairs are settled, go to rest early." After speaking, the emperor waved his hand, and buried his old face in the memorial again.

Ah Zhen saw that the old man was pushing people away, shrugged and walked forward, and said to the memorials on the lame old man's desk, "Old man, you can go a longer distance with proper rest."

The emperor heard his words when he was seriously reviewing the memorial, and immediately raised his old face and asked: "Lin Aiqing hasn't gone down yet?"If you hear me right, he seems to be calling him old man, which is simply not polite to a monarch.But the old man's call was very cordial, and his heart was instantly warmed.

"It's not that I don't want to go to rest. Before dawn, I will send the emperor of Liao Kingdom out of the palace, so I can't rest." Ah Zhen lay on the imperial table, feeling tired and sleepy.

"Old man, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" Feeling drowsy for a while, and feeling hungry, she begged him for food.

Hearing what he said, the emperor almost laughed, raised his eyebrows and asked, "I wonder what Lin Aiqing wants to eat?"

Hearing the old man's question, Ah Zhen immediately thought of roast suckling pig, and answered casually, "Roast suckling pig."

The emperor's eyes rolled when he answered, "Would Lin Aiqing be too greasy to eat roast suckling pig at this time?"

"That's true, so let's have a bowl of porridge."

He had just finished speaking and the emperor shouted to Wang Yu outside the door: "Wang Yu asked the dining room to cook a bowl of porridge."

After Wang Yu bowed to receive the order, Ah Zhen immediately shouted: "Two bowls."

Listening to his order, Wang Yu looked at the emperor in a daze with a strange expression on his face. Only when he saw the emperor nodded with a smile did he dare to accept the order and leave.

As soon as Wang Yu left the emperor, Wan Er couldn't help but said, "Lin Aiqing really has a good appetite."

"The emperor misunderstood. One bowl is enough for the humble official, and the other bowl is for the emperor."

What he said immediately made the emperor feel warmer. Unexpectedly, this stinky boy still cared about him. He covered up his face and said: "Lin Aiqing is in charge of my family affairs at noon, and now she is in charge of my board and lodging. It's too presumptuous." .”

Seeing the emperor's old face turned serious, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, this body is the capital of the revolution, so take care of it."

The emperor heard words that he didn't understand coming out of his mouth again, and asked curiously: "What is revolution?"

"This..." Ah Zhen was stunned, and he didn't know what this ancient man knew about revolution, "Your Majesty, for example, if you deal with these memorials, how much can you handle in one night? After taking care of your body, you can live for another few decades. The memorials that have been processed in the past few decades must be more than what you have processed in a few nights."

Although he explained that the emperor was still a bit confused, he could roughly understand what he wanted to express, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Lin Aiqing to care about me, so I am very relieved."

The emperor muttered that Ah Zhen was dissatisfied, as if he never cared about the old man's life or death.

Seeing him muttering secretly, the emperor asked, "What is Lin Aiqing muttering about? Can you tell me about it?"

"No, no, no." The emperor's ears were too sharp.

"Lin Aiqing, I ordered the imperial doctor to be imprisoned in the afternoon, you have a look." The emperor gave him a bad look, threw the dozens of memorials by the table in front of him and said: "In just a few hours, there are more than a dozen officials. Shi Lian's name is guaranteed."

Seeing the dozen or so memorials thrown by the emperor in front of him, Ah Zhen said, "If I'm not mistaken, there are still many memorials on the way."

Hearing his words, the emperor nodded and said: "I didn't expect Lin Aiqing to be very clear in her heart."

Seeing the old fox of the emperor, Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Your Majesty, we both know each other well, isn't Zheng Dingqiao imprisoned for these memorials?"

When he said this, the emperor was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Lin Aiqing is really exquisite and transparent."

Ah Zhen couldn't close his mouth when he saw the emperor's smile. This old man is a shrewd man, and he doesn't speak dark words in front of wise people. He pointed at the dozen or so memorials on the table and said, "Your Majesty, this is the most powerful evidence of cronyism." .”

The emperor nodded, "Guess Lin Aiqing, how many memorials will there be for Baozhao Yushi?"

"It's hard to guess. If the prediction is correct, except for these official histories in the imperial city, more than half of the official histories in the south of the Yangtze River will be recorded in the Baozuo."

"I hate cronies to the extreme, and Lin Aiqing's heart is like a mirror, so I feel very comforted." Hearing his words, the emperor felt comforted.

"Cliques are hateful, but not terrible. What's terrible is that the Yushi doctor's family dominates."

The emperor was stunned by these words, it was the first time he heard someone say that cliques are not scary, "Why did Lin Aiqing say that?"

"The emperor's clique is not bad. It would be beneficial to the emperor if there were two disparate cronies to restrain each other."

This statement aroused the emperor's great interest and said: "Ai Qing, tell me, if it is good for me?"

"Your majesty, just think about it. If there are two cliques who restrain each other and find fault with each other, then everyone must be trembling and dare not act recklessly."

"Lin Aiqing is really brilliant, yes, if this is the case, neither of them dare to be careless, because they are afraid of being caught by the other party and attacking wantonly."

When Ah Zhen saw what the old man said, he cursed secretly in his heart, you, an old man, clearly understand, if you insist on what I said so clearly, it would be a waste of my saliva.

The emperor stared at him with deep eyes, and sighed deeply, this kid is too outstanding, if he was born by him, it would be such an exciting thing.

Seeing the emperor's old eyes staring at him, Ah Zhen felt extremely awkward, and said uncomfortably: "Your Majesty, these two days will protect Zheng Dingqiao's excerpts. When I go to the south of the Yangtze River, I must draw up a copy for my minister, and my minister will be right."

"Lin Aiqing doesn't know how to rectify Jiangnan?" The emperor asked curiously after hearing what he said.

He asked Ah Zhen with a smile: "Your Majesty, my Great Zhou is currently safe and stable. It is not suitable for drastic measures to build prisons. To capture thieves first, capture the king. This time, the focus of my minister's trip to the south of the Yangtze River is those officials who are devoid of conscience and greedy." , As for those little greedy and evil people, just confiscate the greedy money and reprimand them."

Hearing his remarks, the emperor thought deeply, "When did Lin Aiqing become so merciful?"

"Your Majesty, Jiangnan is a land of heavy taxation, and the prisons in Jiangnan will not be prosperous. If it rises, our officials will panic. Jiangnan will collapse. Once Jiangnan collapses, the happiest country will be the Liao Kingdom. Where will the emperor get the money for the Northern Expedition? ?”

"Lin Aiqing has been thoroughly tested. I have already handed over this Jiangnan to you, and you can handle it at your own discretion." He wanted to test him, but he didn't expect this kid to look farther than him. He only saw Jiangnan collapsed. , I didn't expect him to see the Liao country, this kid is really unlikable.

In the royal study, the monarch and his subjects were eating porridge in silence, while Wang Yu carefully served the emperor, the snow outside had already covered the ground white without knowing it.

At Yinshi ten minutes, the emperor twisted his neck, raised his head to look at Ah Zhen and said: "I'm going to rest, Lin Aiqing should not be too tired."

Seeing that the old man stood up, Ah Zhen also stood up and clasped his fists: "The emperor should rest early. The time is almost up, and it will be dawn in another hour."

In winter, the dawn is very early, and before you know it, it is almost the end of Yin time, and the dawn will come out as soon as Mao time arrives.

"Well, Aiqing won't go to court tomorrow." After the emperor explained, Wang Huo surrounded the emperor and walked in through the small door next to the imperial study.

Ah Zhen couldn't help being surprised when he saw the emperor walk into the small door next to him?Why did the emperor sleep in the royal study?
Ah Zhen, who was sitting on a chair drinking hot tea, saw Wang He who had just entered for a while came out and asked, "My lord, does the emperor sleep in the imperial study?"

"Shh! Da Sima, keep your voice down, the emperor just fell asleep." Hearing him speak loudly, Wang Yu hissed anxiously: "The emperor has been sleeping in the imperial study for the past two years, and rarely goes to rest in the harem."

When he said Ah Zhen couldn't help but nodded, the old man was already getting old, and he might not be able to have sex anymore.Thinking of this, he couldn't help groaning for the old man's beauties in the harem. There is no Viagra or Indian oil here, and the concubines in the harem are suffering.

"Wang Gonggong, how many princes and princesses does the emperor have?" Ah Zhen was also curious. The princesses are all ranked tenth. I don't know how many children this old man has.

His question immediately stunned Wang Yu, "Did Sima not know?"

Seeing Wang He's expression, as if he should know, Ah Zhen couldn't help shaking his head blankly.

"Here, what should the servant of the Great Sima say about you?" Seeing him shaking his head, Wang Yu couldn't help admiring him after being stunned. He was already a great Sima, but he didn't know how many princes and princesses the emperor had. This is the number one in the world. An anecdote.

"Your Majesty has 25 princes, [-] out of [-], and [-] out of [-] princesses." Wang Huan said in a low voice.

Ah Zhen was shocked when he heard that, 42 of his 23 children died. "Is this how princes and princesses died?"

"Da Sima doesn't know something. The first ten years don't count. In the next ten years, these princes have died one after another. There are as many as [-] of them. It was not until the emperor established a prince five years ago that he was relieved." Wang Yu's voice was very low, and among them So much for the words.

Ah Zhen was startled when he heard this, he is a complete bastard, even though he is not of the same mother, he is still a brother and sister, and he can be so vicious, "Wang Yu, isn't the old man the emperor extremely heartbroken?"

"Who says no, the palm is meat, and the back of the hand is also meat, no, the fourth prince, sixth prince, eighth prince, and fourteenth princess are still imprisoned in the forbidden palace of the ancestral hall?" Wang Yu couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he said this.

"It's just a bastard." Although Ah Zhen knew that the battle for the position of Chu was very vicious, he didn't expect it to be so vicious.It's fine if the prince dies, but the eight princesses, the beauties who are so lively and fragrant, just go away. Thinking of the disappearance of these eight beauties, I feel pain in my heart.

"Your Majesty is also true, why did you set up Chu before you ascended the throne?" Ah Zhen couldn't help complaining about the Emperor.

"Da Sima doesn't know that the original crown prince was the eldest prince, but more than ten years ago, the eldest prince passed away, so the emperor did not set up another one." Seeing him complaining, Wang Yu further lifted the ban.

"How did the eldest prince die? Is it another battle for Chu's position?"

"Shh! Da Sima, don't talk nonsense." Seeing that he was speaking so clearly, Wang Yu glanced at the surrounding area where no one was around and said, "Walls have ears."

"Okay, okay." Seeing his terrified appearance, Ah Zhen waved his hand. It's better for him not to know about this court affairs. The more he knows, the more troublesome he will be.

"By the way, Wang Yu, is there anything that needs to be transported out of the palace this morning?" Ah Zhen looked at the sky and asked him.

"There are a lot of things coming in and out every day. I don't know what Da Sima is referring to?" Wang Yu didn't understand why he asked this, so he answered cautiously.

"I want to smuggle the Prince of Liao Kingdom out with carts and the like."

"Yes, there are a lot of leftovers in the kitchen every day, and it takes several carts."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen said happily: "Great, you quickly send me two little eunuchs, I'm going to get the prince into this leftover tea and smuggle it out."

"Okay, Da Sima is waiting, and the old servant will go and order immediately." After saying that, Wang Huo bowed to him, and walked out into the dark night.

At the end of Mao's time, Ah Zhen led two young eunuchs to the attic where Yelufeng was imprisoned. Before reaching the arch, he saw the tenth princess and the seventh princess waiting in front of the arch. Looks like waiting for a long time.

"Seventh princess, tenth princess, are you awake or not asleep?" Ah Zhen came to see the two people asking politely, the corners of his eyes were shattered, and the tenth princess said secretly, unexpectedly, the tenth princess' temper was still very tough .

The Seventh Princess saw that Da Sima was lame for her tenth sister, so she put on her body and said: "Don't blame Da Sima, the tenth sister thinks that you can't give up halfway, please forgive me."

"Okay, okay." Seeing the seven princesses being so polite, Ah Zhen waved his hands indifferently and said, "Actually, it's nothing serious. I've asked Wang Yu for two young eunuchs, and I'll let them lead the prince of Liao Go to the kitchen, stuff it into the rice and transport it out of the palace, and the matter will be over."

"Although what Da Sima said is so, Qin Yu is still afraid of accidents, so it's better to be on the safe side." Hearing what he said, the Seventh Princess defended weakly.

Seeing that the Seventh Princess was so worried, Ah Zhen couldn't help but smiled and said: "That's fine, it's a matter of life for the Seventh Princess, but you can't be careless." Can't speak.

Ah Zhen saw that the seventh princess could not even speak because of his chatter, so she smiled and turned to the tenth princess and said seriously: "Tenth princess, let's go to the kitchen first. All the guards are waiting at the north gate, and you must leave without stopping after leaving the palace, otherwise, when the guards in the palace find out, it may be a disaster." Ah Zhen ordered someone to report to Yelufeng's guards just now, Presumably these guards should be ready too.

Ever since hearing what the Seventh Princess said, Qin Xiang now dared not be too presumptuous towards the eldest Sima, and nodded meekly as an answer.

After the confession, Ah Zhen said to the two little eunuchs behind him: "Go in."

"Princess Seven, let's go to the kitchen too." Ah Zhen said to Princess Seven after ordering the little eunuch.

"Let Da Sima worry about it." The three of them hurried towards the imperial dining room as they spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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