ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 138 "The Prince's Clique"

Chapter 138 "The Prince's Clique" (1)
After everyone finished drinking tea, they were escorted out of the city to be protected by the army.Ah Zhen himself sat on a chair with one head and two big ones, meditating.

Xiang Shaoyun was also dumbfounded. He knew the ability of this real brother, but today he finally learned a lot. In one morning, he even threatened and coaxed, and in just a few hours, he let the old ministers know everything. Words, endless words to obediently confess.

"Come on, follow me to the palace." Ah Zhen, who was drinking tea, seemed to have made up his mind.

Hearing what he said, Xiang Shaoyun was terrified, Brother Zhen really wanted to kill the prince, right?

Ah Zhen stood up and saw Xiang Shaoyun's expression, and said gloomyly: "I'm in a bad mood, don't ask too much."

Xiang Shaoyun slipped his throat and didn't dare to say a word, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak, Brother Zhen really wanted to enter the palace and chop the prince.

A group of wild beasts were walking on the official road. When everyone saw this group of fierce-looking people, they automatically gave way in fear. The merchants and tourists on both sides of the road stared at this group of people with colorful faces. They didn't know what these people were doing. What's the matter, seeing the murderous look on the faces of the group of people, the noisy official road was instantly silent, only the sound of the wind blowing.

When the guards at the gate of the palace were hacking, they saw a large number of people in strange costumes running towards them, and immediately raised their spears vigilantly.

"You guys wait here." Ah Zhen saw the tense expressions of these guards, and gave orders to the seals.

The silent seals automatically separated and stood at the gate of the palace.

Ah Zhen walked into the palace gate with a straight face, and the guard beside him swallowed the liquid, seeing that the man with painted face turned out to be Da Sima, he immediately retracted his spear in shock.

Taking into account the surprised eyes of everyone, Ah Zhen Wuxia quickly passed through the palace gate and walked towards the main hall.

In the main hall, the emperor sat on the dragon chair, his gaze was like a torch, and all the courtiers under the hall were silent.

"Report, Da Sima asks to see you."

The guard's report frightened the hearts of the ministers. They all knew what Da Sima did last night when they came together this morning. Now rumors are flying all over the city, and people are even more uncertain.

The emperor was stunned when he heard the guard's report. Didn't he go to two states?Why are you here?

"Quick pass." The emperor came back to his senses and shouted angrily.

In an instant, everyone saw that Da Sima was wearing strange clothes, his face was red and willow green, his face was fierce, and his body was full of a strong smell of blood.

"Lin Aiqing hasn't left the two states yet?" Seeing his appearance, the emperor was also shocked.

Ah Zhen clasped his fists and replied with a cold face: "The matter between the two states has been resolved."

When he said this, the hall immediately exploded. The incident just came out last night, and Da Sima has resolved the matter between the two states this morning?

The emperor was also shocked when he heard what he said, it can be seen that this kid doesn't seem to be bragging, he couldn't help but stood up from the dragon chair and said: "It's solved?"

"It's solved." Ah Zhen nodded with a straight face.

Seeing his calm determination, the emperor became curious, "How will Lin Aiqing solve it?"

When the emperor asked this question, Ah Zhen surrounded the old ministers on both sides, and said with a sinister smile: "In addition to the matter of the two states, this minister also dug out all the corruption of this group of people for many years."

Seeing his expression, the old ministers on both sides couldn't help but feel hairy, and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads.

Hearing his gloomy tone, the emperor couldn't stop feeling furious and said, "Dear Sima, tell me quickly, how did you get these criminals to cooperate so quickly?"

"Weichen invites them to drink tea and chat. They are very cooperative, and they know everything about Weichen, and they can talk endlessly."

"This" not only the emperor didn't believe it, but all the ministers didn't believe it.

"What kind of tea did Da Sima invite them to drink? It's so powerful." The emperor raised his eyebrows.

"Weichen's tea has bitterness and sweetness. Except for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, everyone chooses sweet tea."

"How does this bitter tea work?"

Ah Zhen said with a sinister smile: "The minister cut off the head of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials for the subordinates to play with, and then chopped his body into a meat paste, and fed it spoon by spoon to the family members of the Minister of the Ministry of History. I have been skinned on the spot."

There was silence in the spacious hall, and the blood on the faces of all the people present faded away, even the emperor's eyes widened.

"Your Majesty, the subordinates of this humble official were having a great time. After a while, the heads of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials were kicked off by them. As for the family members who were skinned and skinned, they are hanging outside the city now, and the blood has not finished yet. It will be air-dried in a few days, and then I will order people to make torches to illuminate Jinling City in my Great Zhou."

When he said this additionally, all the ministers retched immediately, and even the emperor covered his mouth with horror.

"This, Da Sima seems to be too much." The emperor did not agree with his approach.

"Your Majesty, this is just the lightest of all the means of the humble minister. It is so powerful that it can make people live for three days and mourn day and night. They would rather be pigs or dogs in their next life than human beings again."

"Well, it's better not to use such a cruel method by Da Sima." Hearing his words, the emperor greatly disagreed.

"I originally thought that I would deal with some people, but I never expected that there would be only one of them. I feel very unhappy." He said, humming, as if he was very unhappy to kill only one person.

All the ministers had been terrified of him for a long time, and their legs trembled seeing him so ferocious.

"Your Majesty, do you want to have a look?" Ah Zhen took out the four account books from his pocket and said in his hand.

Seeing the account book, the Prince Taibao almost fell to his knees with his old legs, and the other people standing at the end immediately couldn't stand up and fell to their knees. It's not that they didn't turn themselves in, but that no one notified them last night .

When the emperor saw him take out the account book, someone in His Highness knelt down on the ground, and he couldn't help saying coldly: "What is Da Sima, you just say it."

When the emperor said this, Ah Zhen turned around and looked at these civil servants and military generals. Wherever his eyes fell, the officials were even more silent.

Seeing how everyone looked like this, he pinched the accounts with two fingers and said coldly: "Ministers, since the emperor said that Sima's methods are too cruel, then I will make an exception again. It is still too late to plead guilty." Looking at these trembling ministers, he said: "Otherwise, it will not only be chopped into meat, but I will order people to tie you up, and then cut you from the calf to the breastbone one by one. After three days of cutting, the blood bleeds out to death."

When he said this, all the officials were shocked, and Da Sima's colorful face seemed to crawl out of hell, which made people feel chilling.

When he said this, except for the few people who were kneeling on the ground, the foreheads of all the officials were covered with sweat, and they dared not say a word.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen clasped his fists and pleaded guilty to the emperor: "Your Majesty, that humble minister will offend you."

Said that the old fellow glared at the prince and Taibao and shouted: "Come on!"

When he called out, everyone's hearts trembled, and the emperor even narrowed his eyes.

The crown prince Taibao sweated his clothes early. Hearing Da Sima's shout, he opened his eyes slightly. Seeing Da Sima's hellish face facing him, his trembling legs immediately went limp, and he knelt down on the ground. Crying: "The emperor spares my life, my minister is guilty, my minister is guilty."

When the emperor heard that the crown prince and Taibao pleaded guilty on the ground, his face was ashen as ice, and he was extremely heartbroken. Forgive him, he never thought that it would be another court dispute.

The Kneeling of the Crown Prince and Taibao's ministers was even more like a burst of cloth.

"Your Majesty, Da Sima may have made a mistake in the investigation." Liu Wanyang was also so frightened that his heart jumped out of his throat, the prince couldn't move.

Seeing Liu Wanyang saying that he made a mistake in the investigation, Ah Zhen squinted his eyes and didn't make a sound, let alone defend himself.

Seeing how he looks like, the emperor hates that he should be handed over the affairs of these two states, and asked him to investigate the fact that the prince's cronies came out of the two states. He hoped that his ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty would be more capable. , but it was so strong that he didn't know what to do.

"The embankment of the two states has not been repaired for ten years, with a total of 970 million taels. The court collected 430 qian as a tax, and a total of 800 qian was collected by the city of Bazhou. In the past ten years, the total silver was 35 and 780 yuan. 1000 taels for a county magistrate, 6000 taels for a seven-rank county magistrate, 6000 taels for a pavilion chief, 1 taels for a county lieutenant, 1 taels for a chief official, etc., such as Every year, 3 taels of silver are handed over, all of which are top-notch, and the silver among them can’t be counted in three days.”

With this thought, the eyeballs of all the officials burst out in surprise, and the emperor's face turned blue and black.

"Prince." The emperor's face was stinky, green and black, Long Yan was furious, and the dark clouds in the sky that slapped the royal table and roared were all dispersed.

Liu Wanyang didn't dare to say anything and retreated to the team, scolding Ah Zhen to the fullest in her heart.

Soon the crown prince came running profusely in sweat. When he saw Da Sima, he was terrified and saw his father's strict blue face, tears immediately burst out of his eyes. The crown prince Taibao was so frightened that his courage almost burst.

When he heard last night that the dikes in the two prefectures had burst, he knew it was not good. Later, when the Tai Bao came to his palace and heard that Da Sima was in charge of the matter, he wanted to run away.Sure enough, in less than eight hours, the chief Sima turned his business for many years upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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