ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 145 "No Man's Village"

Chapter 145 "No Man's Village" (1)
Running for nearly three hours, the sky was dark and the sky was drizzle. Although spring was extremely cold, it was like winter. The road was full of dead leaves and yellow branches. The bare trees were harassed by the cold wind. The road to Qianzhou was very bumpy, and the oncoming cold wind was even more bitterly cold.

"Where are you now?" Ah Zhen shouted to the two generals and two Mo in front.

Looking at Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao next to them, seeing the two riding on their horses, Yun'er bit her lip tightly, her pink face turned pale from the cold, and seeing this was even more distressing.

"It's time to cross the water." The general raised his horse and turned around to report, as if he had just got on his horse.

After listening to the general's report, Ah Zhen nodded and asked, "Is there a village or an inn?"

Everyone stopped their horses and looked at the general expectantly, as if they would strangle him to death if he dared to say no.

"There is a village called Shuidu Village ahead, but I don't know if there is an inn." The general reported calmly, ignoring everyone's gaze.

"I will spend the night in Shuidu Village tonight."

Said that he said to Qianyun with great distress: "Yun'er hold on for a while."

"Husband, Yun'er is fine." Looking at his concerned eyes, Qianyun felt extremely warm in her heart, and all the fatigue was swept away.

"Well. Let's go!" He shouted, and followed the two generals and two Mos closely with his horse.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the drizzle was still drizzled, and a group of people were dumbfounded when they rushed into Shuidu Village.

Ah Zhen walked up to the general suspiciously and asked, "Is this Shuidu Village?"

"Yes." The general nodded firmly.

Liu Fengyang shouted immediately, "This is not called Shuidu Village, this is called No Man's Village."

Everyone looked around the Shuidu Village, and a word came to mind unanimously.


How desolate he is!

"Everyone look around to see if there is anyone." Ah Zhen said.

The small village of Heiqinqin can be seen at a glance, do you still need to look for it?
"Okay, just find an empty house to light a fire to keep warm, and I'll spend the night here." He admitted that he had given the wrong order, so do you still need to find someone for just a few mound houses?One look and you know there's no one there.

Soon everyone came to the best house in the village. As soon as a group of people entered the house, the two generals and two Mo Zao made firewood, and the burning flames lit up the only house in this uninhabited village.

Ah Zhen touched the tables and chairs, and saw that there was not much dust on the tables and chairs. It was obvious that the people in this village had not left for a long time.For the sake of safety, he told the general: "You two go to the houses in the village and check to see if there is anyone."

The two generals clasped their fists together and left quickly.

"Everyone, rest." He said to everyone after he finished his orders, and in an instant, everyone gathered around the fire to keep warm. He caressed Qianyun's little face distressedly and said, "Yun'er, you have worked hard on this journey." A look of distressed.

Qianyun's heart was extremely warm, she leaned tenderly beside him and said sweetly: "With your husband around, Yun'er doesn't feel the hardship."

A group of people saw the two kissing each other on the spot, and Xiang Qianyun was still wearing men's clothes, so they felt as awkward as they thought they were.

Mo Ku and Mo Chou took out dry food from their bags with no expression on their faces, and distributed them to everyone.

"Huh!" Ah Zhen cried out in surprise when he took the dry food in Mo Chou's hand.

Mo Chou looked at him suspiciously, Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao didn't understand why Brother Zhen was surprised.

"Are you a woman?" He pointed at Mo Chou as if he had discovered something new.

Everyone rolled their eyes unanimously, Brother Zhen didn't just find out now, did he?

Ah Zhen saw the expression of you being too dull, and said slightly blushingly: "This Mo Chou looks pretty pretty."

Everyone stared at him with their mouths wide open, they didn't expect that he would dare to flirt with other women when Qianyun was beside him, and this woman is not an ordinary woman, so don't worry about her.

"Why?" He looked at the incomprehensible expressions on the crowd, and said cautiously: "If you don't believe me, look at her face like a melon seed, with slender eyebrows, slightly rosy cheeks on her cheeks, and her small mouth is even more sensual." Zhu, together with this tights, perfectly portrayed her perfect curves, and this black dress completely showed her mysterious and beautiful posture." He said, gesturing at the curves of his body.

The cruel Mo Chou snorted, turned around and sat back by the fire, everyone heard what he said, and collectively shot their god eyes at Mo Chou, unanimously agreed that the real brother was really big, and Mo Chou was completely taken away in just a short moment. The advantages are all over.

Guo Zhixiao couldn't help but also nodded and said: "Brother Zhen, Mo Chou has been with me since she was a child. Today, after listening to what Brother Zhen said, I realized that she is actually slim."

Although Mo Chou was cold, she was still a girl after all. Seeing these elders staring straight at her, her cold face instantly collapsed, and she blushed slightly.

Mo Ku listened to Brother Zhen's words, and looked at his sister curiously, which was exactly what Brother Zhen said.

Seeing that her brother was also looking at her in shame, Mo Chou couldn't help but stare at her elder brother fiercely. The few people present were all first-class uncles.

The big and small generals who were teased by everyone also came back.

"How is it?" Ah Zhen saw that they had come back and asked while drinking water.

The big and small generals shook their heads and said, "There is no one inhabited, just like an empty village."

"Well, sit down and eat some dry food." As he spoke, he patted the floor next to him.

A group of people drank water and gnawed dry food. The rain outside was getting stronger and stronger. In less than three quarters of an hour, the rainwater on the roof was pounding, and the small village was dead silent.

"Don't be bitter, don't worry, I heard that you and my family's big and small generals are all people who are vying to leave and not to be messed with, right?" Ah Zhen immediately couldn't sit still after eating the jerky in his hand.

Mo Ku clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Brother Zhen, this is just the love of friends in the world."

"Come on, I'm sleepy when I hear such hypocritical words." Said he made a gesture and gave a hutch: "Who is stronger in a fight between the two of you?"

When he said this, Liang Mo and the two generals couldn't help being stunned. It was raining so heavily outside, Brother Zhen wouldn't ask them to compete in the rain, would he?

After speaking, he asked Mo Ku curiously: "I heard from Shaoyun that you kill people by splitting them into two pieces, right?"

When he asked Mo Ku, he immediately felt extremely honorable and said: "That's right, my knife never kills people on the spot."

Ah Zhen saw him say this, and heard the inexplicable excitement in his tone, and couldn't help but secretly scolded him for being abnormal.

"It's okay to kill people. Don't you feel sick when you split people into two pieces like you?"

"Of course not. My favorite thing is to cut people in half." Mo Ku didn't take it seriously. How can it be disgusting to cut people in two?

"You seem to be enjoying it?" Ah Zhen became curious when he heard his blood-sucking eyes.

Guo Zhixiao interjected: "Brother Zhen, I know that."

"Let's listen to it." There are all kinds of slaves like masters, and Guo Zhixiao probably belongs to the perverted family.

"Mo Ku likes to cut people in half, listening to the frightened and fearful eyes of those half-length people crawling to his feet, what Mo Ku likes most is seeing those half-length people put their intestines into their stomachs It looks stuffy."

What Zhixiao said made him almost spit out the jerky he just ate. The three masters and slaves are absolutely perverted.

"General, are you afraid of him?" He was very scared.

"Teacher, don't be afraid." The expression on the big and small generals remained unchanged.

He was curious, "Don't you guys think this is scary?"

"Husband, you have seen this kind of thing a lot, how can you be afraid." Xiang Shaoyun said with a smile as he leaned softly beside him.

Ah Zhen turned his head and looked at Qian Yun's pink face and asked curiously: "What? Yun'er doesn't seem to be afraid."

"Why are you afraid?" Qianyun asked in a daze after hearing what her husband said.

She was stunned when she asked Ah Zhen, "Isn't Yun'er not aware of the horror?"

"No, if he was cut off in half, he would wipe his own neck at worst. How could it be scary?"

What kind of people are these.

"General, if there is a fight, are you sure you can beat the two brothers and sisters?" Ah Zhen asked the general cautiously. With two terrorists by his side, he didn't want to be cut in half.

He was stunned by this question, "Coach, we haven't fought them before, so I don't know, but judging from their saber and sword skills, their strength should be on par."

"Brother Zhen, why must the two generals compete with the two Mo?" Guo Zhixiao didn't understand.

When Guo Zhixiao asked, Ah Zhen nodded solemnly and said, "I don't want to be cut in two."

Everyone was stunned when he said that, Mo Ku belonged to them, how could brother Zhen be chopped into two pieces by Mo Ku?
"Brother Zhen, no, don't worry." Guo Zhixiao said with a smile, as if he was too worried.

"Death is death, but I don't want to be cut into two pieces alive. If the two want to rebel, no one will restrain them. It's hard to say anything."

When he said this, the two Mo immediately turned over and knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Guo Zhixiao and said in unison: "This servant is loyal to show the world, if the prince doesn't believe me, this servant is willing to kill himself by the sword."

Seeing that Liang Mo was so serious, Ah Zhen hurriedly shouted: "Get up."

The two didn't dare to get up, Guo Zhixiao glared at them and said: "Brother Zhen must be the leader in everything."

(End of this chapter)

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