ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 150 "The Mountain Path to Capture the Adversity"

Chapter 150 "The Mountain Path to Capture the Adversity" (2)
"Father, please approve Qin Yu's performance." Qin Yu stood in front of her and her eyes were full of expectation.

After approving this memorial, the emperor raised his old face and sighed deeply: "Yu'er, Da Sima is going to work, not to play. Just stay in the palace and don't make trouble for Da Sima."

When he said that the tenth princess refused to let her go, she said: "Father, the son will not cause trouble for the great Sima, so the father will let the son follow."

"This..." the emperor looked at his beloved daughter lovingly and said, "Why did Yu'er want to be with Da Sima?"

"Here, father, I just want to go and have a look." Seeing her father's deep eyes, Qin Yu felt very shy.

When she twitched, the emperor couldn't help but raised the corner of his mouth and said with a chuckle: "Does my Yu'er like Da Sima?"

When he asked Qin Yu, he yelled shyly across his cheeks: "Father Emperor" bit her red lips with her white teeth after shouting, inexplicably ashamed.

"Yu'er is the most precious thing in my heart. There are already two beautiful wives in Da Sima's family, and the Tubo princess must not marry him. I can't bear it." The emperor sighed. If my daughter marries him, I am afraid that she will often be alone in her boudoir.

"Father, Yu...Yu'er doesn't mind." Hearing what he said, Qin Yu became nervous, and answered without caring whether she was shy or not, and then she was very shy after answering.

The emperor just disapproved slightly, but he didn't expect her reaction to be so strong, he couldn't help but chuckled and said: "My Yu'er really wants to marry a daughter, so I will mention it to him when Da Sima comes back."

"Father, let the minister go with Da Sima." Qin Yu continued to pester.

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Yu paid homage outside the door: "Your Majesty, the eleventh prince and the fourteenth princess are asking to see you."

The emperor was taken aback by Wang Yu's report, why are these two people here? "Call them in."

"Yes" Wang Yu stood up.Soon he led the two into the imperial study.

As soon as the eleventh prince and fourteenth princess came in, they saw Qin Yu was there.

The Eleventh Emperor clasped his fists and bowed, "Zhi Ren, pay my respects to Elder Sister."

"Qinmi, I've met the tenth sister." The fourteenth princess also greeted Qin Yurou softly.

"Eleventh brother, fourteenth sister don't need to be polite." Qin Yu also followed Fushen's gentle response.

Seeing the two people coming, the emperor sat up straight and asked, "Zhi Ren, Qin Mi, what is the purpose of you coming to see me?" He said that he looked at Qin Mi faintly, and he couldn't help but feel that Qin Mi was vicious. Doubt.

Seeing that her father is still resentful towards her, Qin Mi couldn't help feeling extremely sad.

"Father, my son would like to ask for an order to learn from Da Sima." Eleventh Prince Zhiren knelt down and said.

When he said this, the emperor's eyes were dark, he pursed his mouth and said nothing, staring at Zhi Ren who was kneeling on the ground.

There was no sound in the huge imperial study room, and Zhiren was so frightened that sweat dripped from his forehead, he didn't dare to speak again.

The emperor stared at him for a long time, with deep eyes, alas, that's all.None of his princes and princesses are promising.

"Wang Yu." After waiting for a long time, the emperor's dragon mouth opened slightly.

Standing outside the imperial study room, Wang Yu was already panicking. These princes were more courageous than the other, they didn't dare to stay at the emperor's call and quickly stepped into the room.

"Decree, order the Eleventh Prince and the Fourteenth Princess to learn from Da Sima immediately." He said, looking at Zhi Ren in his eyes, "The Eleventh Prince must obey Da Sima's words, and help Da Sima handle Jiangnan affairs well."

"Yes, yes, my ministers will not dare to act recklessly." The eleventh prince was overjoyed. His father wanted to spare his life. After thinking about it, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, thanking Dade.

"Go down." Seeing the appearance of the two of them, the emperor couldn't bear it.It is inevitable for people to make mistakes, and it is still the way of people to know the mistakes and correct them.

As soon as the two retreated, Qin Yu refused to let go, and continued to pester: "Father, Qin Yu is going too."

"Yu'er, I will give you a palace talisman. You can leave the palace freely and have more contacts with the Da Sima's mansion. When the Da Sima comes back, I will tell him about it." He didn't know what his daughter was thinking, just stayed there Being around that kid, it would be better to impress his wife's heart first.

"Well, thank you, Father." Qin Yu understood immediately, agreeing helplessly.

At noon, Ah Zhen and his group hurried to Tianshi County. The quiet road was muddy and waterlogged, and the neighing of horses could be heard from afar.

The neighing of the horses came from a distance, and Mo Ku and Mo Chou, the supervisors in front of them, immediately turned cold with vigilance.

Soon, a team of large horses appeared in front of the road, and a group of soldiers wearing red and gray official uniforms rushed straight towards them fiercely. They rushed to the front of the cart, and the group of soldiers lined up, with sharp spears in their hands shining blue .

"What's going on?" After the soldiers lined up, the leading strong man asked Yu Cun.

When Yu Cun saw the person coming, he was overjoyed, and hurried to his horse and knelt down and said: "The villain kowtowed to Daofang."

Yu Cun knelt down and bowed to Ah Zhen and looked at Yi Dazhong. This Yi Dazhong was strong and healthy, about thirty years old, with eight beards and an adjutant.

After looking around, he carried the horse and walked to the front, with Qianyun closely following on the left.

"Are you Yi Dazhong?" He walked to the two sides and asked Yi Dazhong. Seeing such a handsome young man asking, Yi Dazhong couldn't help looking him over carefully.

"That's right, who are you?" Yi Dazhong asked disdainfully.

Yu Cun next to him said in a low voice, "This man is the head of the thirteen green forest provinces in the Northeast, with the jade face of Yama."

When he said this, Liu Fengyang and the others gritted their teeth, holding their breath tightly and not daring to laugh.

"Yan Luo with jade face?" Yi Dazhong was taken aback by Yu Cun's words.

"That's right, I am the head of Duanhun Tower, Yan Luo with a jade face, known as Master Yan Luo."

Said that everyone was even more stunned, suddenly a gust of wind swept by, and Liu Fengyang next to him lost his hand, the fan had already been taken away by Brother Zhen.

Ah Zhen snatched Liu Fengyang's fan after speaking, opened it with a snap and shook it while chanting: "Half god, half saint and half immortal, all Confucianism and Taoism are all sages. There are thousands of volumes of real books in my mind, and half the sky of civil and martial arts... "

When he groaned, the group of Yidazhong people in front were even more dumbfounded, while Liu Fengyang and his group blushed suddenly, this face was really thrown at grandma's house.

Yi Dazhong was stunned and shouted angrily: "Presumptuous, bandits don't kneel down when they see this Daoist."

After shouting, there was another neighing of horses, and the cavalry trembled, which was even more violent than their running wildly just now.

Yi Dazhong turned around in a daze, and suspiciously saw a large number of cavalry in the distance, and a large number of cavalry in uniform armor ran towards them fiercely.

Looking at Yida's center, there was a big tremor, and he didn't understand why the cavalry appeared here.

Soon the cavalry rushed to them at lightning speed, and as soon as the cavalry arrived, they surrounded the defense soldiers tightly.

Seeing a large number of cavalry surrounding them, the originally majestic Taoist defense officers and soldiers saw fear in their blank eyes.

"Huhui is about to arrive, all defenses put down their weapons immediately, and those who disobey orders will be cut off." Lieutenant Huhui who had just rushed over shouted at the crowd, and everyone knelt down and put down their spears at this shout.

Seeing this, Yi Dazhong was terrified and quickly got off his horse, ran to Hu Hui and knelt down next to the horse and said, "General, the bandits in the green forest ahead are blocking the official movement."

Before she finished speaking, Huhui slapped that face, and flicked the horsewhip, and immediately threw a huge red centipede from his face to neck.

Yida hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly saw the whip coming and didn't dare to dodge it, and there was a loud cry of mourning.

Seeing Daofang being whipped, everyone dared not speak, and knelt down on the ground in shock.

After Hu Hui finished throwing Yi Dazhong, she hurriedly got off her horse, and as soon as her feet stuck to the ground, she knelt respectfully and clasped her fists on the ground, saying, "The last general, Li Qianli, kowtows to Lord Sima."

When he yelled, everyone trembled in fright, and Yi Dazhong even crawled on the ground trembling, shouting in his heart that he didn't see Huang Li when he went out, and he really met Lord Yan.

"Hu Hui get up." Said he looked at Yi Dazhong and gave an order: "Tie this Daoist to Ben Sima."

When the words fell, Yi Dazhong was tied up firmly by the cavalry.

"Li Qianli, you send someone to take the 20 taels of silver and this Taoist into the imperial city and hand it over to the third division."

"Yes." General Huhui stood beside him, and with a big wave of his hand, the cavalrymen took over the carts of the men in black.

Ah Zhen looked at Yu Cun and said: "Yu Cun, go away, you must keep your eyes open when looking for the master in the future, otherwise it will not be fun if it falls into my hands."

When he said this, Yu Cun kowtowed his head in surprise, thanked him a thousand times, and then led the men in black to leave.

After finishing the matter, Ah Zhen said to Liu Fengyang: "I'm hungry, hurry up and go to the city to find something to eat."

After speaking, the crowd quickly rode their horses towards Tianshi Town, leaving the large group of people far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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