ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 153 "Snatching Women from the People"

Chapter 153 "Snatching Women from the People" (1)
A group of people came to the capital of Qianzhou, and Yuan Beida was already waiting outside the door. When he saw them coming, he hurried forward and said, "Da Sima, Prince Lin, let's rest in Xiaofu tonight."

Ah Zhen looked back at Guo Zhixiao, and Guo Zhixiao looked at Liu Fengyang, seeing this, he couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth and said: "Then thank you, Mr. Yuan." Anyway, he has the thickest skin, it doesn't matter if he gets thicker again.

With his response, Guo Zhixiao and Liu Fengyang couldn't help but blush, this Qianzhou has become like this, and it's getting dark, and it will take about midnight to get to the neighboring town, fortunately, there is a real brother to support it.

After his response, Yuan Beida was very excited, he clasped his fists and bowed and said, "Don't dare, it is the honor of Xiaofu that Da Sima wishes to stay in Xiaofu." He said and gestured, "Please, everyone."

A group of people stepped into the capital of Qianzhou trembling in an instant.

When he arrived at the front hall, Yuan Bida saw that Da Sima and King Lin were sitting on the chairs next to him, and hurriedly walked towards him in shock, gesticulating: "Da Sima, Lord Lin, please sit up." Go straight to the two pictures above. Move up the table.

"Your Majesty Yuan, don't be cautious, it doesn't matter where you sit, Master Yuan, please sit down." Said Ah Zhen patted the empty chair next to him, the ancients were very polite.

Seeing that Da Sima actually patted the chair next to him to ask him to sit down, Yuan Beida shook his hands in fright and said, "I dare not, I dare not." He hurriedly sat back to his original position and sat next to Da Sima, another 20 years later Let's talk about it when he becomes the elder of the pavilion. Now I don't dare to lend him a hundred courage.

Seeing Yuan Beida's appearance, Liu Fengyang nodded his head as a matter of course, even Zhixiao sat a chair away from Brother Zhen, does Master Yuan dare to sit next to Brother Zhen?Apart from his wife next to Brother Zhen, there are not many people in Chaozhong who can sit next to him.

"Master Yuan, how is the matter of the victims handled? How is the food?" Ah Zhen asked after sitting down.

Yuan Beida was just about to sit down, when he heard his question, he quickly stood up and clasped his fists to report: "Report to Da Sima, as of tonight, the 46 disaster victims in Qianzhou have all received warm clothes, white porridge and salted vegetables in the morning, and rice and salted rice in the afternoon." Vegetables, steamed buns and salted vegetables at night.”

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why are they all salted vegetables?"

Yuan Beida heard Da Sima's question, sighed and replied: "The emperor only apportioned 100 million taels, and the donations from other places were only 200 million taels. The cost of selling clothes in the two states reached 100 million taels, and Da Sima "Da Sima" said, carefully suppressing his glance, not daring to say any more.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen said: "Your Majesty Yuan, just say what you want."

"Yes." Yuan Beida responded, "During the evening, Da Sima promised to pay the victims of the disaster, but it may not be enough."

Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Master Yuan, how much money do you still have in the accounts of the two states?"

When he asked this question, Yuan Beida quickly replied: "The flood has just receded, and the victims are unable to earn a living. They have to provide food for the victims for half a month. The three meals that Wei Chen just mentioned will consume nearly 70 taels."

"Well, continue." Ah Zhen nodded.

"The clothes in the two states cost 97 taels, and it took 30 taels to build the disaster victims' area. As for those spark corpses, it cost nearly 100 million taels to hire laborers to repair the embankment." The official made a rough calculation, and the specific account book is in the hands of Mr. Taichang."

Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Just do a rough calculation, how much money do you still owe? Even the money I promised the victims in the afternoon will be counted together."

When he said this, Yuan Beida hurriedly ordered someone to bring an abacus, and stood beside him to calculate.He sipped his tea leisurely and looked at Liu Fengyang leisurely.

Liu Fengyang saw Brother Zhen shooting at him again with his money-seeking eyes, he was startled and said weakly, "Brother Zhenzhen, Feng Yang wants to go to the latrine, I don't know"

When he said this, Ah Zhen opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Feng Yang, it's so dark this night, it's easy to fall into the latrine."

Oh, Brother Zhen just wants him to pay for it.

Seeing his expression, Ah Zhen couldn't help Wan Er said: "Don't worry Feng Yang, I will fill in the gaps, but the cost of this trip to the south of the Yangtze River will be entirely yours."

"No problem." Hearing what he said, Liu Fengyang immediately raised his dejected face and agreed, how much it would cost for a few people to go to the south of the Yangtze River, but there are millions of victims, and they cost hundreds of thousands or millions of silver at every turn. I can't stand it.

As soon as he agreed, Ah Zhen immediately laughed, "Zhi Xiao, do you think Feng Yang looks like a miser?"

When he teased, Guo Zhixiao nodded, and Qianyun covered her mouth and smiled lowly.Liu Fengyang's face turned red, and he was teased by his real brother again. This real brother made him feel uncomfortable every day if he didn't tease him, and he was also surprised.

The sound of the abacus stopped, and Yuan Beida came over and clasped his fists and said weakly: "I will report to the great Sima, I have made a little calculation, I want it."

If Yuan Beida didn't come out, Liu Fengyang was overjoyed, Brother Zhen was going to suffer a lot.

"Say." Ah Zhen leisurely picked up the teacup and drank it.

Seeing the presence of the old god Da Sima, Yuan Bida wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "There are more than 3 victims in the two states, and the burial fee is 30 taels per person, and the number of adult victims is as high as 70. For 350 people, the resettlement fee is as much as 97 million taels per person, 30 for clothes, 100 for the disaster area, 70 million for the embankment, and 6707 for three meals." Said Yuan Beida, holding the abacus in his hand, knocking, In silence, he took a deep breath and said, "A total of [-] million taels."

When he reported this, everyone took a deep breath, looked at Ah Zhen, Liu Fengyang took pleasure in other's misfortune, it was so close, can Brother Zhen fill it up?

Qianyun couldn't help turning pale when she heard the number, she put her small hand on her husband's big palm and said, "Husband, I'm afraid the house doesn't have so much money in deposit."

"Hehe..." Ah Zhen laughed when he saw the expressions on everyone's face: "It's only 6707 million taels, so it's rare to beat me?"

Liu Fengyang, who was frightened by his bold and bold words, slipped from the chair, Brother Zhen and the others knew that the land rent in his Da Sima Mansion was only 3 taels a year at most, which was still the most.And he receives 8000 taels a month, and a discount of 10 taels will be given to him every year.How can the 13 taels fill the loophole that owes several million taels?Can't help being curious.

After laughing, Ah Zhen looked at Yuan Beida and said, "Master Yuan has settled everything?"

Seeing Da Sima's bold words, Yuan Beida couldn't help being dazed. Could it be that Da Sima really has millions of taels?Quickly nodded and confirmed: "It's all here, it's all here."

"Okay, the emperor gave 100 million taels to the two states, and donated 200 million taels to other places, right?" He continued to ask.

Yuan Beida nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice and said, "It's 300 million taels, and the cocoa is still 3707 million taels short."

"The Burning Willow Villa donated 200 million taels, maybe you don't know it yet." Said that he took out a large stack of banknotes from his waist and waved them.

When he said this, Liu Fengyang sat upright with his head raised and his chest upright with an incomparably glorious appearance, Yuan Beida's face was overjoyed for a moment and he said secretly: "Even so, there is still a shortfall of 1707 million taels."

When Yuan Beida said this, the crowd couldn't stop nodding. Ah Zhen looked at the crowd with a smile, and put the bank notes in his hand on the table one by one, "One piece is 10 taels, Mr. Yuan, I will count [-] first." for you."

Everyone's eyes were on the stack of banknotes in his hand. After Ah Zhen counted to twenty, he still had more than half of the banknotes in his hand. Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and they didn't understand why Brother Zhen suddenly changed. so rich.

"Hahaha" After Ah Zhen counted twenty, he shook a lot of banknotes in his hand and laughed at Liu Fengyang.

Seeing this, Liu Fengyang's face turned black by more than half. With Brother Zhen's appearance like this, he knew that he must have been bullied by Brother Zhen again.

"Husband, what's going on here?" Qianyun looked at the stack of bank notes in his hand, confused and curious.

When everyone heard her question, they couldn't help but nodded at the same time. They also wanted to know where Brother Zhen got so much money from.

"Maybe you don't know yet? I was a stalker, and I dug out these 200 million taels from the emperor's door-knocking belt through untold hardships." He said with an air of hard work.

When everyone heard him say that the emperor knocked on the door, their brows were covered with sweat in shock, but they had to admire him for daring to stalk the emperor.

Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao clasped their fists together and exclaimed in admiration when they heard what he said, "Brother Zhen is really a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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