ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 157 "The Situation of the Broken Temple"

Chapter 157 "The Situation of the Broken Temple" (1)
Liu Fengyang fell off the horse, covered himself, raised his watery eyes and looked at him pleadingly: "Brother Zhen, can you stop playing?"

Seeing that he looked like a loyal dog, Ah Zhen couldn't help Wan Er, sighed and comforted: "Feng Yang, get up, the emperor deliberately didn't give me a question, just to let me do it. The emperor's thoughts are beyond me. Very clear."

As soon as he said Liu Fengyang stood up from the ground, nodded and said: "It must be like this, even if brother Zhen forgets such a big thing, the emperor will not forget it." After thinking about it, his pitiful look no longer Existence, looked at Ah Zhen's face with great joy and said: "Brother Zhen, this emperor really loves you too much."

"Come on, come on." Hearing what he said, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, the old man just wanted to make him feel bad, and he just wanted to make fun of him, and it still hurts.

Guo Zhixiao next to him got up from the ground, got up on the horse and clasped his fists and said: "Brother Zhen, Zhixiao admires you so much. The Great Zhou has been established for more than [-] years. Every scientific examination is prepared by the emperor himself. Set a precedent."

Liu Fengyang next to him was dissatisfied when he said this, "Zhixiao, Brother Zhen's talents and learning are like clouds and tricks, and the emperor understands it and only people can make good use of it."

This statement, Guo Zhixiao greatly agrees, he knows the talents of the real brother, even Yi Lao, the number one talent of their Da Zhou, is not as good as the real brother, this real brother's talent is not only speculative, it should be a god Unpredictable is right.

Seeing that the two of them acted as if he didn't exist, Ah Zhen chatted to himself, and the person they were chatting with was still him. He rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, let's get on the road, we must arrive in Chenzhou before dark."

After they finished speaking, the two immediately stopped talking. Seeing that they had stopped talking, Ah Zhen waved his whip and continued to fly forward with arrows.

The crowd followed closely behind him, leaving thick smoke billowing behind him.

A group of people rode horses and galloped, and everyone's bones were about to fall apart. At noon, a group of people rushed to a large lake. When Ah Zhen saw the water, he felt itchy all over his body. He hurried on the road, covered with wind and sand. It was already messy.After suddenly seeing such clear lake water, the more he looked at him, the more he felt dirty and messy.

"Call" he tightened the horse rope.

When everyone saw him stop his horse, they followed the rope to stop.

"Husband, do you want to rest for a while?" Qianyun next to her got off her horse and asked softly.

"Yeah." After he nodded, he called out to Liang Mo and the two generals who were walking back: "Everyone rest here, we will leave after lunch."

As soon as Ah Zhen said, Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao cheered and trembled all the way, the flowers had already bloomed.

"Yun'er, the water in this lake is extremely clear, I'll go down and wash it." Said Zao and undressed.

Although bitterness is cold, she is also a girl. Seeing Brother Zhen undressing in public, she stood up in shame and walked towards the distance.

Seeing that her husband took off his clothes in public, Qianyun felt ashamed, and complained softly, "Husband, it's cold, be careful of catching a cold."

"Well, I'm strong, you go and hang out with Mo Chou. It will be fine in a while." Said, stroking her small face.

"Then husband, don't soak for too long." Seeing that he was so determined, Qianyun stopped persuading her, took out a change of clothes from her bag and handed them to him, then walked towards Mochou who was in the distance.

As soon as the two women left, Ah Zhen took off only his obscene pants and shouted at Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao: "Let's go for a swim together."

"These" two ancients are not as generous as Brother Zhen, but seeing this clear lake water, they can't help but feel itchy and hesitant.

There was a bang, and a splash of water splashed around.Ah Zhen was like a dragon in the water, swimming happily on the clear lake. After swimming for a while, his body gradually warmed up, without the biting coldness of just entering the water.

Seeing him swimming so freely in the lake, Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao felt itchy in heart and body.

"It's so comfortable, you guys also come down to wash up." Ah Zhen seduced, showing a comfortable expression.

Seeing his appearance like this, the two of them didn't care whether it was indecent or not, so they stripped naked and jumped into the lake one by one in an instant.

Seeing them coming down, Ah Zhen shivered from the cold, and asked with a smile, "Are you comfortable?"

"Cold, it's really cold." Liu Fengyang's mouth was dirty.

"It won't be cold after swimming for a while." Ah Zhen leaned over and rubbed his skin and tender flesh.

The two swam for a while, and sure enough, the cold disappeared immediately.

"Did you know? Winter swimming is very good for the body. It can slow down aging and eliminate the root cause of disease." Ah Zhen said slowly as they swam in the clear lake.

"Is it true? Swimming in winter can cure diseases?" Guo Zhixiao didn't believe so.

Ah Zhen smiled and said: "That's right, and it can make people healthier. Many people in my hometown play games in winter, and most of them are elderly people."

When he said this, the two of them were incredulous, but who is Brother Zhen?How could it be possible to lie to them.

The three of them swam to the nearby reeds, where the dense weeds and reeds hid them.

Seeing that they were swimming farther and farther, the little general and Mo Ku couldn't help standing up nervously and staring at the lake.

Until they were completely hidden in the dense branches and leaves, after the general explained to the two of them, he also jumped into the lake and swam towards the hidden three.

The three of Ah Zhen were lured by the slight voice, and they swam for a while among the dense branches and leaves. The lake gradually became shallower, until they stood up until their chests were exposed to the cold wind, causing the three of them to shiver involuntarily. .

The three were naked, approaching the source suspiciously, and after pulling away the last reed branch, a ruined temple suddenly appeared in front of them.

Ah Zhen looked suspiciously at Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao, seeing them also looked at him blankly.

How could there be a ruined temple in this ghost place?

The "coach" general ran towards them nervously and quickly.

The three people who were at a loss turned their faces away when they heard the general's cry, and Ah Zhen quickly made an empty gesture.

Seeing his gesture, the general immediately silenced, wondering what the three of them were doing?
A faint voice came from the ruined temple, Liu Fengyang leaned over naked and whispered: "Brother Zhen, what is this voice?"

"Hush!" Ah Zhen put his hand in the center of his mouth, and the four of them listened carefully.

In the dimness, I heard what seemed to be conversations, there were men and women.

A gust of cold wind swept over, and the three of them were really shivering with their bare upper bodies and arms folded.

"Go, go up and have a look quietly?" Ah Zhen whispered after listening for a while.

Immediately, the four of them pushed aside the reed grass in front of them, and walked slowly towards the ruined temple like thieves.

When the four of Ah Zhen approached, their voice became clearer and clearer, and a soft voice rang in their ears.

"Third Master don't want it"

The voice of female welcome and refusal sounded, and the four looked at each other in blank dismay.

The nasty Ah Zhen immediately knew what he was doing, and his face was overjoyed. He didn't expect such an amazing thing to happen in this barren place without bird feathers. He sucked heavily in his mind and couldn't wait to get close to the ruined temple.

The four of them had just touched the broken window of the ruined temple, and the four black heads lay on the broken window eaves and looked inside.

A man and a woman's disheveled clothes immediately appeared in their eyes. The man supported the wall with one hand, and the other hand tightly rubbed the woman's slender waist, trapping the delicate woman in the narrow space, and the man's head was even buried in the space. The charming girl kept kissing and nibbling on her neck.

Except Ah Zhen, Liu Fengyang and the others stared wide-eyed, unbelievable that such an amazing thing happened to them, they took a deep breath, held their breath and watched seriously.

"Third Master, this place is so dirty, don't want it," the charming girl resisted slightly, but she blushed and let the man named Third Master do whatever he wanted.

"Baby, this is exciting, come on." The third master lifted his buried head, turned the girl's delicate body around, and pushed her down to the ground.

With a cry from the charming girl, she was lying on the dirty floor in the temple, half of the bellyband of her untidy clothes slid down, and a round shape was suddenly revealed in Ah Zhen's four eyes.

Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao peeped carefully with their wide-eyed eyes, fearing that they would miss any shot, and hung the two nosebleeds that this man saw on their noses.

wonderful, wonderful

stimulate, stimulate
After the charming girl's clothes were pushed away by the third master, the third master immediately pressed down on her soft body, holding the round heart tightly with one hand.

"Third Master, no more," the charming girl wanted to welcome but refused.

Ah Zhen looked distracted, and said eagerly in his mouth: "Let's do it, let's do it."


After Ah Zhen murmured, the third master frowned in shock and looked accurately at the broken window.

At this look, the third master was shocked, his handsome face turned half green.

Ah Zhen and the others felt guilty, and when they saw the third master staring at them, they quickly slid down the window and looked at each other, not knowing what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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