ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 161 "The Bodyguard on the Plank Road"

Chapter 161 "The Bodyguard on the Plank Road" (1)
Seeing Guo Zhiren's appearance, everyone was startled, staring at the white paper he was holding tightly in his hands, their heads were confused.

"Get up, get up." Seeing him like this, Ah Zhen patted the floor next to him and said.

Qin Mi was also shocked. She didn't expect that this Da Sima had all the corrupt officials in his hands before he arrived in the south of the Yangtze River. Is this Da Sima a human or a ghost?

"This, Zhiren dare not." Guo Zhiren's life is now in his hands, and he dare not make mistakes.

Seeing how frightened he was, Ah Zhen sighed and said: "The emperor has already spared you, how can I, the great Sima, not forgive you, don't worry."

His words convinced Guo Zhiren and Qin Mi that Da Sima was indeed not an ordinary person.

The bewildered people who were listening at the side finally heard some clues and were shocked. They didn't expect Jiangnan to be the territory of the eleventh prince.

"I'm going to the south of the Yangtze River this time. I don't intend to set up a large prison. I just target individual corrupt officials. As for those who have repented, hand over all the bribes they have given over the years, and let them go if they can."

At this point, everyone nodded. Jiangnan's taxation center should not be changed.

Seeing Guo Zhiren in a daze, Ah Zhen slowly asked again: "Zhiren, is it all in there? Did you miss anyone?"

When he said this, Guo Zhiren held the paper and looked at it carefully, the more he looked at it, the paler his face became, and he nodded after a while and said: "Da Sima has tidied everything up, and all the senior officials are here, there is nothing missing."

When he answered, Ah Zhen laughed, of course it was all, this is all Jiangnan officialdom begging for the doctor Yushi, this doctor Yushi is going to be in bad luck, the old man wants to protect his son, so I will take this The imperial official opened the knife, and after thinking about it, he narrowed his eyes and asked Guo Zhiren with a pointed smile: "I am afraid that the imperial historian will not be able to stay."

When he said this, everyone's face changed drastically, this is the ranks of the three men.Guo Zhiren was even more startled, he held the white paper tremblingly and looked at it carefully, his face changed drastically, the sweat on his forehead kept dripping, his face was full of astonishment, be careful and lame Ah Zhen, seeing his gloomy eyes also stared at look at yourself.

He was so frightened that he turned over and fell to his knees again, at a loss and dared not speak.

When Qin Mi saw this, she was also horrified, she opened her mouth slowly, and pleaded for her brother: "Brother Eleven may have misread it, and I hope Da Sima will forgive me."

For her request, Guo Zhi, who was next to her, couldn't bear to plead for mercy: "Brother Zhen, Brother Eleven may have made a mistake for a while, and I hope Brother Zhen will forgive me."

When the two of them interceded, Ah Zhen shrugged his shoulders and said to Guo Zhiren: "Zhiren, the emperor knows that I am cautious in handling things, so he gave me the Shangfang sword. Do you know what the Shangfang sword is for?" Asked, Guo Zhiren's heart trembled, and he was sweating profusely nodding his head.

"Now that I know, I'll give you another chance. If there are any omissions after my inspection, please don't blame me, Prince Eleven."

When he said this, Guo Zhiren was so frightened that he almost lost his courage, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "Thank you, Da Sima, thank you, Da Sima."

Qin Mi who was next to him also tugged at his sleeve nervously and said: "Brother Eleven, you have to watch carefully this time, don't be careless again." The feelings are beyond words.

"There are many officials in the south of the Yangtze River. May I ask Da Sima to let me think about it carefully before I tell you?" Guo Zhiyi couldn't remember who was missing and who was missing, so he left a way out.

Seeing that the intimidation was successful, Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Of course, there are many officials in the south of the Yangtze River, and it is difficult for the eleventh prince. Sit down." He said and slapped the floor with a smile, as if what happened just now is a thing of the past.

Hearing what he said, Guo Zhiren felt relieved, turned over and sat on the floor, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Thank you, Da Sima."

Seeing that Brother Zhen had spared Guo Zhiren, everyone was slightly relieved.

Qianyun snuggled up next to him, holding his big palm tightly with her little hands, like a little bird clinging to someone.After Liu Fengyang saw that the matter was settled, he suddenly remembered something and said, "Brother Zhen, now that the Eleventh Prince and the Fourteenth Princess are here, what should we call them?"

When he asked, everyone listened.

After thinking about it, Ah Zhen said to the two of them: "We went to Jiangnan this time in a low-level service to observe the people's livelihood. If you call your prince and princess for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, it doesn't matter if we call you by your name?"

When he asked, the two nodded in unison and said, "Brother Zhen, it's a matter of course." After finishing speaking, the two of them called Brother Zhen warmly, as if they were doing like the Romans.

Everyone was overjoyed when they said "true brother", so that's good.

A group of people chatted for a while, and the dark night became deeper and deeper, and a group of ten people slowly fell asleep around the fire.

After running around for a day, Ah Zhen was also extremely exhausted, hugged Qianyun and fell into a deep sleep comfortably, and the firewood flickered from time to time with a slight sound.Qianyun was pillowed in her husband's arms, looking sideways at her husband's handsome face in blissful satisfaction, stretching out Qianqian's finger tenderly to tap his nose and cheek, while being shy, listening The surroundings were silent, everyone went to bed early, unconcealed tenderness gently moved close to her husband's handsome lips, kissed and sucked her husband's handsome lips, unexpectedly, just as the lips touched, she felt the pressure on her arm on the pillow, and a small head pressed tightly against him Stick it together.

Ah Zhen closed her eyes, and woke up when Qianyun moved her fingers frantically. Zhong felt the hot air on his face caressing gently, and his mouth was suddenly warm.The arm holding her was tightened, and when his lips touched, the tip of his tongue stuck into her almond mouth to play with her pink tongue.

"Hmm..." Qianyun exclaimed in a low voice, leaving his lips lightly, gasping for breath, her face flushed red with embarrassment.It's embarrassing to have so many people around.

Ah Zhen still closed her eyes, rubbed her in her arms, and smiled slightly. Seeing that no one had noticed, Qianyun slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep after feeling at ease, not daring to do anything wrong again.

Liu Fengyang and his group slept with their eyes closed, and when they heard the soft murmur, their faces suddenly turned hot, and they sighed secretly, this real brother is fierce.

Qin Mi, a big girl with yellow flowers, although she heard a soft murmur, her mind was confused, she opened her eyes and looked around, and saw that everyone was sleeping peacefully with their eyes closed, and without knowing why, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The surrounding firewood exploded lightly, the cold wind was howling, and a group of people in the dilapidated plank road fell asleep sweetly. The dark clouds still surrounded the faint moon, making the moon even more hazy in the weirdness. , making this night where you can't see the king's finger even more shady.

The rain in the mountains is the most disturbing. In this dark night where you can't see your fingers, it comes down with an inexplicable swipe. God doesn't care whether others have rain gear or not. It falls without warning. If it is a drizzle, it will be fine , and this God is really short-sighted, the more you scold it, the more arrogant it is, and the bigger it is.

"Boom!" There was a sound of clouds colliding, and a ray of light flashed across the dark sky, and a group of people with flagpoles on their backs walked up the barren mountain plank road under the light. Pushing two carts, the items transported on the boards seem to be very heavy.

The group of people who were yelling and swearing quickly shut up, this God has a temper.

A large group of people braved the heavy rain and pushed their carts and walked slowly on the mountain plank road. Everyone was soaked by the rain like a drowned rat.

"Second brother, it's raining too much, we need to find a place to hide from the rain." The third master on the horse looked at the bodyguards behind him who were pushing the carts, and shouted to a handsome young man in front of him. road.

A young girl who was riding side by side with Mr. Junya rolled her eyes, and she couldn't help but raised her eyebrows and followed suit: "Second senior brother, the rain is too heavy, we need to avoid the rain before we go on our way."

When the two of them said this, the handsome young man riding in front raised his eyebrows and replied, "Okay, I can't ask for more. Look for a place to hide from the rain." The mountains are very bare. Where can they hide from the rain? They are not gophers. They think they can just burrow into the ground and it will be over?

When Mr. Junya said this, the third master and the girl stopped talking immediately, and looked around, is it true?Ghost place where to shelter from the rain?
After walking for nearly five miles in the rain, everyone was wet even if they were just fished out of the river.

The young girl yelled that she couldn't stand it, and the third master also sat behind and yelled.Instead, the handsome young man was there, ignoring the rain and raising his eyebrows, listening to the two of them cursing loudly, he said with a smile: "Third Junior Brother, Junior Junior Sister, you have the right to jump into the lake to take a bath before you continue cursing. down the road"

Before he finished speaking, there was another boom in the sky, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

Young Master Junya was speechless secretly, this God is really not a vegetarian.

(End of this chapter)

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