ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 167 "The Green Willow Village Incident"

Chapter 167 "The Green Willow Village Incident"

The crowd rushed towards Qingliu Town in the drizzle, which was very surprising. Unexpectedly, the Qingliu Village mentioned by the general is only a dozen miles away from the plank road.After running for a while, everyone saw a small village in the drizzle, surrounded by the Wizard of Oz, peaceful and peaceful. This time, Ah Zhen couldn't help but nodded in relief. In the quiet small village, a simple peasant woman squatted by the river to wash and fetch water , the misty rain immediately harmoniously painted this peaceful small village into an extremely soft and beautiful water silent painting.

Ah Zhen slowed down, the drizzle fell on his shoulders meaninglessly, and he murmured: "This is really beautiful."

"Yes, my husband's place is really a fairyland on earth, which is fascinating."

"That's right." Liu Fengyang also looked around, with a soft expression on his face, and said, "It's even more beautiful than Nan Wan in my Burning Willow Villa."

Everyone slowed down and took a closer look at the simple and simple farm in the rain. Qin Mi's eyes were low, and girls always find it difficult to refuse beautiful things.

A group of people slowed down their horses and paced forward slowly. The thatched huts and rubble houses stood in the rain. The unknown wild flowers and grasses around the spring just swept away the tiredness.

"Brother Zhen, look." Guo Zhixiao saw from a distance a large group of people surrounded by a rubble house in front of him, what were they talking about in whispers?If there is no crying sound brought by the wind, it is even more miserable.

Hearing that, Ah Zhen walked towards the crowd suspiciously, and got off his horse beside the fence in front of the rubble house.Liu Fengyang and the others were also at a loss as to what happened here, why did some people cry so miserably?
"Auntie, may I ask, what happened here?" Qin Mi asked an aunt who came out with a gentle and happy body.

When the aunt came out, she saw a group of handsome men and beautiful women in luxurious clothes, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and heard Qin Mi's question, she replied in a low voice with fear: "Are you passing by?"

When she asked, everyone nodded, it was obvious.

Seeing them nodding, the aunt nodded slightly and said: "This house is Zhang Darong's home. Zhang Darong's wife hanged herself for some reason."

When she said this, Ah Zhen and his group were shocked. Living in this kind of fairyland, they would commit suicide?

Soon, a group of yamen servants rushed towards them in a hurry.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way" the yamen servants had sharp knives hanging on their waists, and the head catchers pushed away the people surrounding the door and walked over.

Ah Zhen and his group couldn't help but followed behind curiously, and came to the door to peek inside.

I saw a middle-aged man with a haggard face kneeling in the room, weeping bitterly, and a white silk was hung on the beam of the room. There was a dead knot under the white silk, and a woman at noon was hanging on the knot. The woman wore coarse linen clothes. His face was bloodless, and his dirty hands were drooping weakly.Apparently he had been dead for a while, Ah Zhen couldn't help but wrinkled his head deeply when he saw this.

Seeing that the woman was dead, the head catcher asked the strong man who was kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly: "What's going on?"

Seeing the question from the head catcher, the strong man wiped his nose and replied, "The villain's name is Zhang Darong, and my wife's name is Wu Yuemei. When I was ugly, I went to the fields and saw her when I came back." Zhang Darong pointed at the woman's body and wept uncontrollably. .

After hearing this, Se Ling nodded emphatically.

Hearing what Zhang Darong said, Ah Zhen immediately looked for a hoe in the hut.The small house was clear at a glance, and soon he found the hoe. When he found the hoe, he narrowed his eyes, and saw that the hoe was wiped clean and neatly placed in the depths of the room.

"Brother, what are you going to do in the fields?" Ah Zhen walked in curiously and asked slowly.

The headhunters and yamen servants saw a handsome young man walking in and questioning Zhang Darong, they couldn't help raising their eyebrows, although they didn't know what he was going to do, they didn't reprimand him.

Zhang Darong, who was crying bitterly, heard someone questioning, raised his face covered with tears, and cried out: "Seeing that the planting season is coming, the villain went to the field to dig the ground, thinking that it will be better to sow some time later, but I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it" After finishing speaking, he kept shaking his head in grief.

Seeing this, Liu Fengyang, Guo Zhixiao and others couldn't bear it, and they also approached to comfort them: "My condolences by the way."

Seeing their overflowing sympathy, Ah Zhen sighed inwardly and asked Liu Fengyang and the others: "Feng Yang, Zhi Xiao, this is not suicide, this is murder."

When he said this, the whole room was in an uproar, and the headhunters and yamen servants immediately asked nervously: "My lord, how dare you determine that this is murder?"

Ah Zhen didn't answer, looked around and asked Liu Fengyang, Guo Zhixiao and the others: "Have you seen any clues?"

When he asked, everyone also looked around the small room, shook their heads and said, "Brother Zhen, how do you know this is murder?"

Seeing that they still didn't understand, Ah Zhen smiled and walked to the side of the hoe, grabbed the hoe and shouted at Zhang Darong: "Zhang Darong, do you use this hoe when you go to the fields?"

When he asked this, everyone was at a loss, Zhang Darong was shocked when he heard that it was murder, and nodded silently.

"There are two doubts about this hoe." Said Ah Zhen held the hoe in front of everyone and said: "Zhang Darong said to go to the field, take a look, is there any dirt on this hoe?"

When he asked, everyone looked at the hoe, but they saw that the hoe was clean and smooth, and it didn't look like it had been used.

"Brother Zhen, it's also possible that Zhang Darong wiped off the dirt after landing on the ground." Qin Mi carefully verified.

"Qin Mi asked well, there is such a possibility." Ah Zhen listened to her question, nodded and said: "Of course it is possible that the dirt was wiped off, but you can see where the hoe is placed." After finishing speaking, he took the hoe Turn around and put the hoe back in its original position.

When he let go, everyone was shocked, only to see that the position of the hoe was on the wall behind the hanged woman.Seeing that everyone understood, Ah Zhen nodded and said: "The location of this hoe is wrong. According to Zhang Darong, he found his wife hanged himself when he entered the house, so the place to put the hoe should be at the door, and on the ground. How could it be placed so neatly on the wall behind this woman?"

When he said this, Zhang Darong was so frightened that he forgot to cry, and the catcher clasped his fists in admiration and asked: "Young master is really a god." Then he shouted at Zhang Darong: "How dare Zhang Darong deceive this catcher."

The head catcher yelled, Zhang Darong wept and kowtowed, "My lord, I was wronged by the villain."

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows when he heard his grievances, and said: "Boldly Zhang Darong, your wife was strangled to death and hung on the beam of the house, yet you still dare to yell for grievances."

As soon as he drank, everyone was stunned immediately, Qin Mi was eager to study, and asked doubtfully: "Brother Zhen, how can we tell that this woman was strangled to death by Zhang Darong and then hung on the beam?"

When she asked, everyone was also very curious. Ah Zhen nodded, picked up the chair next to him that had been kicked to the ground, and put the chair under the woman's vertical feet.

The group of people suddenly gasped, seeing that the chair was still five or six inches away from the woman's feet, they immediately understood, how could the woman hang herself at such a distance, and how could she kick over the chair after hanging herself?
After shaking the chair, Ah Zhen pointed to the woman's dirty hands and said, "Everyone, look at these hands."

With his gesture, everyone looked at the woman's hands, only to see that the woman's hands were extremely dirty.Immediately did not understand what he meant?
Qin Mi understood a little: "Brother Zhen, how can a person who commits suicide have dirty hands, why are they so anxious that they don't even have the time to wash them?"

When she said this, everyone also understood, since she was going to commit suicide, how could she make her look untidy?
After Qin Mi finished asking questions, Ah Zhen nodded appreciatively, "Qin Mi is thoughtful, but this is only one of them."

His admiration made Qin Mi shy, and hearing him say it was just one of them, she couldn't understand immediately.

"Look, everyone." Speaking of which, Ah Zhen put his finger on the white silk with the woman hanging on it, and everyone looked at the white silk.

Seeing this, Qin Yu exclaimed: "I see, this woman's hands are dirty, but there is no trace of dirt on the white silk. Don't women hang themselves with their hands on the white silk?"

When she exclaimed, Ah Zhen shouted loudly: "General, lift him up for me."

As soon as he drank, the general immediately lifted Zhang Darong who was kneeling on the ground to stand up from behind his collar.

"Everyone look at his knees and thighs."

When Ah Zhen said this, everyone looked at Zhang Darong's knees and thighs, and saw that his knees were covered with mud, and his thighs were also covered with mud marks.

"Zhang Darong, when you were ugly, your wife went outside, pushed your wife to the ground from behind, killed your wife with a rope, and made a false appearance of suicide. Do you plead guilty?" Ah Zhen shouted.

Zhang Darong's face was pale, his lips squirmed, unable to speak.

"As long as you ask the assistant to test whether the soil on your pants is the same as the soil in your wife's hands, I forgive you and don't dare to complain again." Ah Zhen shouted.

This statement immediately made Zhang Darong cry bitterly and muttered to himself: "I don't want to, I don't want to either."

Seeing that he had recruited, the head arrester shouted: "Come here, escort me back to the court."

Everyone immediately cast their eyes on Ah Zhen's admiration, bowed their heads and cupped their fists and said: "Thanks to the young master, I invite the young master to drink a cup of tea in the yamen."

"No, we still have to hurry, so don't be too polite if you are busy with the headhunter." Ah Zhen replied with a smile.

Seeing this, the head catcher thought that he still had work to do, so he couldn't force it, so he bowed again, led the yamen's servants to escort Zhang Darong, turned around and left.

When the villagers at the gate saw this unjust case, they were solved by this handsome young man in an instant. They shouted that the living gods came down to earth, and they admired him endlessly.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen quickly got on his horse, and without waiting for Liu Fengyang and a group of people, they ran forward with whips.

Seeing Brother Zhen, Liu Fengyang ran away for a long time, didn't dare to stay, got on his horse and followed him, admiring him in his heart, like a surging river that never stops, even more like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

After passing Qingliu Village, we finally arrived at Qingliu Town before noon. The town was bustling and thriving. There were shops all over the town, and there were lots of shouts and shouts, so it was very lively.

Qianyun saw the horse rushing into the town, her husband had already rolled off the horse, and she stood on the ground with a neat turn, "Husband, are you going to shoot here at noon?"

"Yeah." Ah Zhen led the horse and walked side by side with her on the street, and gently asked Liu Fengyang with the horse: "Is there an inn for us in Fengyang Qingliu Town?"

When he asked, Liu Fengyang nodded and said: "Yes, there are, but it's in the town." After he finished speaking, he looked like he would not go to the town.

Ah Zhen looked at his appearance, Hu asked: "What?"

"This town is crowded with people coming and going, and it is even more messy."

"Isn't that great? It's very lively?"

"Brother Zhen doesn't know, there is a vegetable market next to the town market, and the smell is really unpleasant." Liu Fengyang couldn't help feeling slightly sick when he thought of the smell.

Seeing his appearance, Ah Zhen couldn't help Wan Er said: "Then just find a shop here and have a good meal."

What he said Liu Fengyang shouted long live, everyone Waner, is this town fair so scary?

Soon Liu Fengyang's dog nose smelled the aroma of the food, and led the crowd to the entrance of an inn. As soon as he arrived at the entrance, the shopkeeper saw that the visitor was extraordinary, so he hurriedly greeted him, "Please waiters, please."

"Feed the horse some fodder." Liu Fengyang threw the horse rope to Xiao Si who was next to him, took out a piece of silver from his pocket and threw it over.

Xiaosi couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, nodded and bowed again and again.

Seeing this group of people spending so much money, the owner of the store shouted to the waiter in the waiting room: "Brother, hurry up and lead the guests to the private seats."

He shouted, bent over and made gestures to invite: "Guests, please."

After a group of people sat down, the shopkeeper didn't dare to be slow, bent over and laughed and asked, "I don't know how many of you are staying at the top or staying in the store?"

"Tip, bring me all the wine and food in your store." Liu Fengyang drank like a rich man.

Seeing his appearance as a rich man, Ah Zhen pressed his hand tightly on his uncontrollable thigh, and forcibly resisted the urge to kick him to the ground.

Hearing what he said, the innkeeper suddenly smiled like a flower blooming in June, nodded and bowed again and again.He knew it, he knew that these people were definitely big winners, and pointed to the waiter next to him with cramping fingers: "Quick, tell the kitchen to bring up all the best."

When the shopkeeper gave the order, the waiter in the shop let out a whoosh, and the news disappeared in an instant.

Ah Zhen was speechless, what a powerful "Lingbo Weibu". The shopkeeper saw that they were so generous, and asked with concern: "I wonder if the guests are going to Shaozhou?"

When he asked, everyone was stunned. The shopkeeper is so powerful that they even knew they were going to Shaozhou. He couldn't be a spy from the six doors. After thinking about it, Ah Zhen slapped himself and shook his head and laughed secretly. Where did Da Zhou come from here? six doors.

"Yes, shopkeeper, how do you know we are going to Shaozhou?" Guo Zhixiao asked curiously.

When he asked, the shopkeeper shook his hands and said: "The guests should stay in the shop for one night. There are three flower pickers in Shaozhou who only bully beautiful women." Worried about Qin Mi's appearance.

When he said this, everyone was stunned, the flower picker?Or just three?
Ah Zhen looked at Qinmi, Qinmi was puzzled, and looked at him with her head tilted.

"Qin Mi, are you afraid?" Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Qianyun is not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Qin Mi doesn't care at all, aren't the two generals and the two next to each other?
When she said this, everyone looked at Qianyun, Qianyun's face turned cold, and she hummed.

When she hummed, everyone's expressions changed drastically. It should be that the three flower picking thieves were afraid of Qianyun.

The shopkeeper didn't know what dumb words they were talking about, and he was confused, Ah Zhen smiled and said: "Thank you, shopkeeper, can we make it to Shaozhou when it gets dark?"

When he asked, the shopkeeper was terrified. He knew that there were tigers in the mountain and he would suffer if he went to the tiger mountain, but seeing their firm expressions, he sighed and said: "Yes, it is less than two hundred miles away from Shaozhou, more than two miles away. It will be around the hour."

Guo Zhixiao heard what he said, clasped his fists in thanks and said, "I'm here to thank you, shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper saw that their hearts were as strong as iron, shook his head, turned around and left with a big sigh, what a beautiful person, it's better than these three flower picking thieves.

During the dinner, Ah Zhen said to Qianyun while eating: "Yun'er, change your clothes later, we will meet these three flower picking thieves tonight."

"Well, my husband, this kind of thief should be shot dead on the spot." Qianyun snorted, gnashing her teeth at such a dirty person.

Seeing that she was so angry, Ah Zhen couldn't help but chuckled and said: "Don't be so angry, Yun'er, if it falls into your husband's hands, I promise to make it unforgettable for them forever." After finishing speaking, he couldn't stop laughing sinisterly.

When Liu Fengyang, Guo Zhixiao and the others saw him smiling so sinisterly, they couldn't help but feel hairy all over their bodies, and the back of their necks suddenly felt cold and windy.

"Feng Yang, since we can reach Shaozhou in the evening, let's take a nap in this inn for an hour." After eating, he felt drowsy.

They were disturbed last night, and everyone didn't sleep much at first, so they were very happy to hear what he said.

Soon after the banquet, everyone went back to their rooms, the shopkeeper comforted him, it seemed that they had listened to his persuasion, no, didn't they open the room?
Standing happily on the counter, the abacus ping-pong sounded, and another sum was charged.

(End of this chapter)

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