ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 187 "Acknowledging the Lord and Returning to the Clan"

Chapter 187 "Acknowledging the Lord and Returning to the Clan" (2)
At this question, everyone nodded in unison, yes, since Li Nengwu inherited Piao Xuzi's mantle, the mere Mongolian Khan Yao should be able to find out?

"The original slave didn't want to believe it." Li Nengwu was also confused. Although he had doubts, he and Shi Zheng were good brothers who grew up together. Until now, he still couldn't believe that Shi Zheng would harm him.

When Ah Zhen saw his appearance, he knew it well, patted him on the shoulder and said: "This is called a fan of the authorities."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone saw the big and small generals leading Fu Lu and Yi Rou into the courtyard in the distance.I saw Fu Lu wearing white and black, and Hong Yirou also wearing a plain skirt, with a small white chrysanthemum on top of his head.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen sighed that Yirou is really an infatuated person, but she has not yet married into the Li family.

"Father? Yirou" Li Nengwu saw his elderly father in the distance, and Yirou, who was infatuated with him, yelled at the two of them with a very uncomfortable throat.

The two people who were sad, heard this familiar voice, raised their faces excitedly and looked forward to find the owner of the voice. When they saw Li Nengwu, both of them burst into tears.

Seeing that it was really Li Nengwu, the two were pleasantly surprised and rushed towards him with tears of wine.

"Wu'er, is that Wu'er?" Fu Lu held Li Nengwu's arm tightly, and Lao Lei asked in a voice of surprise.

"Yes, dad, it's Nengwu." Li Nengwu couldn't control his tears.

Yirou's white hand tightly grasped Li Nengwu's other arm, and asked in surprise: "Brother Nengwu, you are not dead." Tears could not be controlled and fell straight down.

"Yes, Yirou, it's me, I'm not dead." After speaking, Li Nengwu didn't care if there were people present, he pulled his strong arms towards Yirou's delicate body, and rubbed her tightly into his arms.

Li Nengwu's hug immediately stopped Yirou's tears. She blushed and didn't know why her Brother Nengwu was so kind to her suddenly. She was dumbfounded and let him hold her without struggling. A pile of nightmares, the tears flowed even more urgent after peace of mind.

Everyone was greatly moved when they saw this scene, seeing the two hugging each other, they couldn't help but feel happy for them.

Fu Lu was dumbfounded. Didn't his son refuse to marry the third lady of the Hong family?Why are you holding each other now?In a daze, he turned his head and saw his young master, and quickly ran to Ah Zhen, knelt down on the ground and cried, "This old slave has seen the young master."

"Get up." Ah Zhen saw that Fulu's black hair was half white, so he quickly helped him up.

Hearing his father's cries, Li Nengwu pulled away his clothes slightly and turned around to see his father kneeling in front of Da Sima, he felt very strange.

After Yirou was pulled away, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, seeing so many people present were looking at them curiously, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she wished she could turn away from the ground.

"Father, who is this?" Li Nengwu saw Da Sima help his father, walked over and asked suspiciously.

As soon as Fulu stood up and heard his son's question, he immediately opened his mouth and gestured to Li Nengwu: "Nengwu, come here and kneel down to see the young master."

When he said this, Li Nengwu fell to his knees. Could it be that what Da Sima said was true?His father is his family slave," the slave kowtowed to the patriarch. "After worshiping, he pulled Yirou and knelt down. Yirou was blushing with joy in her embarrassment, knelt down and kowtowed and said: "Yirou kowtowed Patriarch." Brother Nengwu asked her to meet his master, and now she is Brother Nengwu's bride-to-be.

Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, what was this all about? He quickly helped the two kneeling on the ground and said: "Get up, get up." After speaking, he helped them up and jokingly said: "Don't call me Patriarch, how can I hear it?" Why don't you just call me by my name."

He just finished speaking and Fulu exclaimed: "How can this be possible."

Ah Zhen heard Fu Lu exclaiming so loudly, and asked Fu Lu confusedly: "Is it not possible?"

"Master, of course not." Fu Lu's neck is thick.

Ah Zhen saw Fu Lu's thick neck, as if he was going to die in front of him if he argued again, he shrank his neck and discussed: "Is it okay to call him a young master?" This owner is really ugly.

"Okay, okay." Fulu was overjoyed, and shouted at the two of them majesticly: "I haven't seen the young master soon."

"Yes" Li Nengwu and Hong Yirou responded, and they were about to kneel down again.

Ah Zhen quickly waved his hands and shouted: "Don't kneel, don't kneel."

"Yes, master." The two replied neatly.

Ah Zhen saw that they were so well-behaved, and asked Qianyun with an uncomfortable face: "Yun'er, do you need anything else?" He gestured to the three house slaves, Wan'er.

Qianyun shook her head and said, "Husband, this is our domestic slave, so we should give a red envelope when we meet again."

When Qianyun said this, the three of Fulu shook their hands and feet together, and replied hesitantly: "No, the slaves don't dare to accept it."

Hearing Qianyun's words, Ah Zhen quickly took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket, took out three at random, and stuffed them into the hands of the three of them.

Liu Fengyang saw Brother Zhen take out a stack of banknotes, with a sad face, it turns out that Brother Zhen is so rich, why does he like to cheat him so much.

The three of Fu Lu shook their hands and looked at the 500 taels of silver in their hands in horror, at a loss for what to do.

"Accept it, if you don't accept it, you won't be my slave." Seeing their appearance, Ah Zhen said majestically.

"Yes, young master." The three of them did not dare to disobey and put the bank notes into their arms with shaking hands.

Seeing that his young master is so generous, Fu Lu doesn't understand what his young master does?It was 500 taels as soon as he sold it. Even if he sold antiques for two years, it would be difficult to earn this 500 taels.With this thought, he couldn't help but weakly asked: "Master, where is our house? What do we do for a living?"

When Fulu asked this question, Li Nengwu who was next to him answered Ah Zhen: "Father, the young master is the rumored Da Sima."

"Da Sima? That Da Sima that the King of Hades will take a detour when he sees him?" Fu Lu asked carefully and surely, sweating profusely from his forehead.

Li Nengwu nodded: "Yes, the young master is Da Sima."

When he was sure, Fu Lu's legs softened in fright, and he rode alone to save the prince, Qinshan was raging, Pingyuan defeated the soldiers, Dali captured the tiger, and the prince's cronies were interrogated angrily, and he went to the two states in grief.The big Sima that everyone talked about in these teahouses and restaurants turned out to be the young master of his family, the master and his wife were fortunate in the spirit of heaven, the young lady married so well.

Ah Zhen saw Fu Lu pouting kneeling on the ground again, and rolled his eyes, why did everyone look like this when they heard that he was Da Sima, nothing new.

"Okay, get up." After finishing speaking, Ah Zhen turned and walked towards the hall.

Everyone followed him into the hall, and after sitting down, only Fu Lu and the other three stood beside him. Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows when he saw this. The ancients had many etiquettes. If they were asked to sit down, they might be in trouble again. .After thinking about it, he shook his head and said to Hong Rui: "Hong Rui, is it convenient for us to have some dinner in your mansion tonight?"

Hong Rui hurriedly stood up and clasped his fists and said happily: "Convenient, convenient, very convenient. It is the honor of the small county that Da Sima eats in the cheap mansion."

When he said this, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, it was too hypocritical, is he really an upright official?
"Fu Lu, do you want to continue to open an antique shop here, or do you want to go back to your home?" Ah Zhen turned his head and asked.

When he asked, everyone was dumbfounded, Fu Lu was his family's slave, of course he had returned home, what did Brother Zhen ask.

When Fu Lu heard his question, his old face suddenly became anxious, and he bowed and begged: "Young master, allow the old slave to return to the house." After speaking, he looked like if he didn't agree, he would die for him.

It's too exaggerated. Seeing his dying appearance, Ah Zhen quickly nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I will write you a letter later, when you go to the imperial city, you can just hand it over to Wan'er."

"Thank you, young master, thank you young master." Fu Lu kept thanking him, and tears flowed out again immediately. After more than ten years, he was finally able to go home.

"Okay, okay." Seeing his moved look, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and said, "You guys go down first, stay in the government office and don't go out. You can only go out after I finish interrogating Shi Zheng at night."

When he said this, Hong Yirou was stunned, and Fu leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Master, did Qin Nu really kill Shi Zheng?"

"That's right, this Shi Zheng not only murdered and blamed, but also insulted the corpse." After finishing speaking, he secretly yelled.

Yirou's face changed drastically, she never thought that Shi Zheng, who is gentle and gentle, would be so sick, she asked in confusion, "Master, Shi Zheng and we grew up together, why did he blame Brother Nengwu?" ?”

When she asked, Ah Zhen turned to stare at her, laughed and said, "Because of you."

"Me?" Yirou was even more puzzled.

"Yes, Shi Zheng proposed marriage to you but you still refused to agree. As soon as Fulu mentioned it, you agreed." After speaking, he looked at Yirou and added: "If it were me, I would also want to blame him."

After hearing what he said, Yirou blushed and didn't dare to ask any more.Although the three of them grew up together, she only likes Brother Nengwu, what can I do.

Seeing her like this, Ah Zhen cleared his throat and said to everyone: "Psychopathy cannot be formed overnight. Shi Zheng and Li Nengwu grew up together. I believe that it is definitely not because of Yirou that they were murdered and blamed." Such a precise calculation must have been plotted for a long time."

Everyone listened to his words and nodded, Qin Mi stood up and said, "Shi Zheng must have held grudges against Li Nengwu for a long time for being like this."

"That's right." Ah Zhen interfaced, turned to look at Li Nengwu and said, "Think about what makes him inferior to you?"

Li Nengwu listened to his question, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help shaking his head as if he didn't know.

Just as Li Nengwu was shaking his head, Cook Yam ran in and reported, "My lord, dinner is ready."

"Okay." Hong Rui listened to the report from the cooking office, nodded and gestured to Ah Zhen: "Dear Sima, dinner is ready, please follow me to the hall."

"Well. Let's go." Ah Zhen stood up, and when it came to eating, he was full of energy and energy, and put aside all the other things.

Seeing his appearance as a reincarnated evil ghost, everyone couldn't help but chuckled and followed Hong Rui down the hall at a leisurely pace.

(End of this chapter)

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