ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 191 "The Truth Comes Out"

Chapter 191 "The Truth Comes Out" (2)
Six or seven officials ran up to his horses, knelt down and shouted in unison: "The next official kowtowed to see Da Sima. I didn't know Da Sima was coming, but I hope to forgive my sin."

"Those who don't know don't blame, get up." Ah Zhen shouted loudly, he saw Yi Rou's uncle, and that Master Chang Shi was also among them.

The Shaozhou capital stood up and asked weakly: "Since Da Sima has come to Shaozhou, why don't you sit in the lower official's mansion."

"Don't sit down, this Sima came out this time in a micro-service, so don't be too polite." Ah Zhen said softly to the capital of Shaozhou.

Hearing what he said, the Shaozhou capital kept nodding and said yes, Da Sima has a heavy responsibility, so it's really inconvenient to chatter about him.

Seeing that the ministers were speechless, Ah Zhen called out Chang Shi, "Lord Chang Shi."

When he called out, Yirou's uncle immediately knelt down on the ground and kept praying: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

"Yeah." Seeing him kneeling on the ground, Ah Zhen didn't ask him to get up, and hummed lightly.

This huh surprised everyone, they didn't know what this long history had done to offend Da Sima, so they couldn't help sweating for him secretly.

Yirou's uncle panicked, he snatched the flower picker in front of Da Sima, he regretted it, he knew it was Da Sima who caught him, even if he had a hundred thousand guts, he wouldn't dare to do it again.

"Chang Shi, I have laws in Dazhou. Although the flower picker has been sentenced to death, as an official of the court, he must act according to the law. You must restrain yourself in the future, do you know?"

When he said that Chang Shi kept kowtow, Ah Zhen sighed and shouted: "Get up."

When everyone heard that Da Sima would not convict, they breathed a sigh of relief for the chief official. The chief official stood up tremblingly, terrified in his heart.

Ah Zhen saw his frightened and uneasy appearance, and sighed in his heart, wicked man, he is a living and living wicked man in the hearts of everyone.After laughing at himself, he said with a smile: "Chang Shi, we are getting married soon, I wonder if you know?"

When he said this, all the officials in Shaozhou were stunned, Chang Shi was horrified, he had no son or daughter, how could he marry Da Sima, could it be that Da Sima fell in love with one of his concubines?No matter who it is, as long as Da Sima is interested, he cannot be made to say no.After thinking about it, he whispered: "Don't dare, dare not, I don't know that Da Sima looks at Shangguan's concubine, Xiaguan immediately sent her to Da Sima's residence."

What he said made Liu Fengyang and his group look at this long history as if they were monsters.

Ah Zhen was furious after hearing this, and reprimanded loudly: "Bastard, what do you think of Ben Sima? Is Ben Sima as bad as you think?" He also wants his concubine.

Seeing that Sima was angry again, all the officials were silent like cicadas and did not dare to make a sound.Chang Shi saw that Da Sima was angered again, and Poutong knelt down on the ground again, knocking on the forehead: "You should die, you should die."


Ah Zhen's loud hum made the hearts of all the officials flutter and flutter up and down, and he didn't know where he ran to his body.

"Chang Shi, the in-law that Sima mentioned is that Sima's slave Li Nengwu is going to marry your niece Hong Yirou. Where are you going?"

When he said this, Chang Shi was overjoyed, Yi Rou was raped by a thief, he thought that he would never be able to get married in this life, but he never thought that he would marry a slave of Da Sima. A young man with a bright future.

"Get up." Ah Zhen woke him up after speaking.

Chang Shi stood up, and now Ah Zhen saw his old face full of joy, and continued slowly: "The three daughters of the Hong family and Neng Wu love each other deeply, and this Li Nengwu is the slave of Sima Yuanpei, and this Sima hated seeing people tear up mandarin ducks the most.

Before he finished speaking, Chang Shi shook his hands and interjected, "No, no, don't worry, Da Sima, the next official will marry the two of you immediately today."

Before Ah Zhen finished speaking, he was interrupted and stared at Chang Shi. He didn't expect Chang Shi to be so kind.

The officials originally congratulated Chang Shi in their hearts, being able to become in-laws with Da Sima is a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes, but before the congratulations could be said in their hearts, they saw him inserting Da Sima's words, and quietly raised their eyes to see Da Sima Staring at Chang Shi angrily, the heart that originally congratulated him now became a silent mourning for him.

After Chang Shi finished interjecting, he realized that something was wrong, and immediately silenced his voice, standing in front of him silently, his heart shaking like a swing.

"Cough" Seeing them like this, Ah Zhen cleared his throat and said: "Basically not, but I am worried that something will go wrong. Chang Shi must marry the two of you. I will guarantee you that Li Nengwu's future is not good." Limited, do you know?"

Seeing that Da Sima didn't intend to blame him, Chang Shi couldn't help nodding happily.

Seeing that he agreed, Ah Zhen forgave him for not daring to be obedient, and shouted to Liu Fengyang and the others: "Let's go!"

Seeing that Da Sima was about to leave, all the officials knelt down and shouted in unison: "Send Da Sima respectfully."

"No need." After shouting, Ah Zhen raised the whip and spurred the horse to gallop away, Liu Fengyang and others also raised dust and hurried to catch up.

As soon as he said this, all the officials stood up in fear, their hearts didn't slow down for a while, this King of Hades was so terrifying that he couldn't sleep at night after staring at him.

After a long time, all the officials calmed down and congratulated the chief minister again and again.

Chang Shi hugged his fists in return, and felt that his value had risen a hundred times immediately after he got in touch with Da Sima. He didn't expect Yirou, who worried him the most, to come to such shit luck, and he didn't expect that the Li family turned out to be Da Sima. Sima's servant.

The crowd rushed out of Shaozhou and headed straight for Changsha. For several hours in a row, horses and tourists were occasionally seen running along the road. It was not until the middle of the day that the long-lost sun finally revealed its rays of light.

When Ah Zhen saw the sun, he felt better, and shouted to everyone: "Have lunch here."

With this shout, everyone stopped immediately.

Ah Zhen got off the horse and led Qian Yun to sit beside her. Mo Chou spread out her burden, and all the dry food appeared immediately.Ah Zhen grabbed two pieces of jerky and stuffed them into Qianyun's arms, and shouted to everyone: "Everyone eat quickly, we have to hurry after eating."

When he said this, Liu Fengyang twisted, as if he couldn't bear it.

"When will the general arrive in Changsha?" Qin Mi asked while biting the jerky.

If you drive day and night, the morning of the day after tomorrow will arrive.

When he said this, Qin Mi was secretly dumbfounded, it's still so far away.

Seeing that the group of young masters and ladies were about to collapse, Ah Zhen asked the general, "Is there any village, county, or town ahead?"

"No." After shaking his head, the general frowned and meditated for a while and said, "Coach, there will be several thatched cottages on the way."

"Thatched cottage?" Ah Zhen frowned in confusion.

The general nodded and said, "Yes, it's not a village, but there are two or three thatched huts, and there are fields beside the huts."

When he said this, Ah Zhen hurriedly asked: "Is it far?"

"Far away, these two or three thatched huts are close to Changsha. If you hurry day and night, you can probably arrive at dawn."

When the general said this, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, it was the same as if he didn't say it, it seemed that they were going to sleep in the wild tonight.

After eating the dry rations, the crowd picked up their horses and ran wildly again. The horses were red and swollen, and they ran until it was dark. When the horses were blowing, Ah Zhen shouted to the crowd: "Everyone, stop and rest."




There was a sound of people pulling horses, except for the two generals and Liang Mo, everyone stopped their horses and quickly got off their horses.Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao even stretched out their hands behind their backs and rubbed them, screaming loudly while rubbing.

Ah Zhen really couldn't take it anymore, and resisted the hands that were going straight to rub, demeanor, demeanor, keep demeanor.

"I said you two are full and have nothing to do, so you must go to the south of the Yangtze River with me and suffer." Ah Zhen sarcastically endured the burning pain.

When he said this, the two of them jumped even more, shouting together: "Who knew you were going to rush like this."

Being beaten up by the two of them, Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, who said that Nanwei was about to start, and who said that he was on his way.Forget it, seeing how pitiful they are, I won't bother with them, adults don't remember villains.

Qianyun was also irritated, so she brought dried meat and steamed buns from Mochou, handed them to her husband and asked, "Husband, are we going to spend the night here tonight?" After speaking, she looked around.

Ah Zhen looked at the bright moon in the sky, although it was a little cold around, but let's just make do with it, since he had Qianyun to hug him anyway, it would be warmer if they hugged each other.

After thinking about it, he took Qianyun's hand, walked to a few big trees not far away, and shouted to Liu Fengyang and the others: "Everyone will sleep around these trees tonight."

As soon as he shouted, everyone came towards him, and the big and small generals were already busy cooking soup.

(End of this chapter)

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