ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 197 "A Mess of Chaos"

Chapter 197 "A Mess of Chaos" (2)
Hearing his question, Ah Zhen knelt down and said to the crowd very cautiously: "I tell you, we are being targeted. This Jiangnan seems calm, but the inside is rotten."

Everyone listened to his serious and whispered words, and heard that Jiangnan was dead, and the drowsiness that came from the attack suddenly disappeared, and they all sat upright and listened carefully.

Jiangnan is the site run by Guo Zhiren, just after waking up, I heard him say this, and whispered weakly: "Brother Zhen, can't you?"

Ah Zhen glanced at Guo Zhiyi, looked around the crowd, and said in a low voice: "I will tell you how much strength your heart can bear."

What he said immediately made everyone's hearts tremble. Brother Zhen looked like this, and they were all terrified.

After a long silence, Qin Mi whispered fearfully: "Brother Zhenzhen, tell us everything."

After Qin Mi finished speaking, Ah Zhen looked at the crowd and nodded in fear, sighed himself and said: "Okay, then I will tell you all, you have to be prepared."

Everyone was shocked, Brother Zhen reminded him so seriously, what is the big deal?
Ah Zhen picked up a twig from the side and drew a map of the big week on the ground, saying: "Zhi Ren has been operating Jiangnan for nearly ten years, and all the money in these ten years has been put in Jiangnan, but I tell you that Zhi Ren is being exploited." This group of them took advantage."

"Impossible, how is it possible." After he finished speaking, Guo Zhiren immediately stood up and shouted, every account was in his hands, how could he be used.

Ah Zhen saw him like this, sighed and said: "Zhi Ren sit down and listen to me speak slowly."

Guo Zhiren also squatted in front of the map in suspicion, Liu Fengyang and Guo Zhixiao were horrified, even the prince dared to take advantage of it, what happened to Jiangnan?
"Zhiren, what you are looking at is the account book, but have you seen the money?"

Ah Zhen asked Guo Zhiren in a daze, shook his head and said: "The money in Jiangnan is worth hundreds of millions, how could it be possible to move to the imperial city?"

"Last time you told me that they were all placed in the Befu of the Jiangnan Yushi doctor. There are hundreds of liquidators who count every day. Day and night, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one post, right?"

"Yes." Guo Zhiren nodded. The Biefu, the censor of the south of the Yangtze River, is like his treasury, and it is guarded by heavy soldiers from Yongkangning, so that even a bird cannot fly in.

Hearing that he was right, Ah Zhen sighed deeply and said: "That's right, as long as the money is in Jiangnan, the money is not yours, and this group of people in Jiangnan will rebel."

"What?" Everyone yelled, this time it wasn't just Guo Zhiren who yelled, but they all stood up and yelled, everyone's face turned black.

"Shh! Sit down." Seeing them like this, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and pressed his hands to ask them to sit down.

Guo Zhixiao squatted on the ground and hurriedly asked: "Brother Zhen, this is impossible. The officials in the south of the Yangtze River restrain one person, there are hundreds of them, big and small. How can they rebel, and who will rebel."

"I won't lie to you, this is all caused by Guo Zhiren." After speaking, he stared at Guo Zhiren who was squatting next to him.

Hearing what he said, Guo Zhiren's whole body was terrified, and he squirmed his mouth in fear, unable to speak.

Qin Mi frowned and asked: "Brother Zhen is wrong, Jiangnan is peaceful now, who wants to rebel, if rebellion, why didn't you hear about it?"

"It's very likely that it's not time to rebel, but the emperor sent me to Jiangnan, and the officials are already in a panic. If I step into Jiangnan and find something against them, they will definitely rebel." These people will rebel sooner or later. Yes, it's just that they didn't react in advance when he went to Jiangnan.

"This" everyone was speechless.

Ah Zhen saw that they didn't understand, and said to them: "This group of people may be waiting for the war between Da Zhou and Liao, and then take advantage of the fire to loot, so there is no movement now." This is the most reasonable explanation he thought of.

Guo Zhixiao kept trembling in his heart and asked in a low voice: "Who wants to rebel, and how?"

"Who is in the south of the Yangtze River who holds a heavy army and who responds to everyone?" Ah Zhen asked them, looking at them.

Then the answer came out, and everyone said together: "Hussar General Wang Yong?"

After everyone shouted, Guo Zhixiao said weakly: "No way, Wang Yong can't do it, right?" He has seen this Wang Yong before, he is full of righteousness, he is a tough man.

"It's probably him." Ah Zhen nodded.

Guo Zhiren's voice became louder and said: "Impossible, although Wang Yong is in charge of the military power in the south of the Yangtze River, there are generals, guards, sailors, and commanders in all the prefectures, as well as soldiers from various prefectures and battalions. How dare he dare to rebel, even if he has hundreds of millions of huge sums of money, where can he temporarily recruit many soldiers?"

Everyone nodded in unison, every addition of river soldiers or recruitment of battalions needs to be reported. If Wang Yong has a large number of soldiers and horses, why doesn't the Taiwei know about it, and why no one submits the memorial?
Seeing their reassurance, Ah Zhen sighed, ignorance is indeed a blessing, should he hit them?

"Do you want soldiers? Wang Yong holds nearly 50 yuan." Benny said this suddenly.

When everyone heard her words, they all looked at her, their eyes were full of bewilderment, didn't a general of hussars only have 18 soldiers?How did you run out of 50?
After speaking, Bei Ni walked to Ah Zhen with her dimples exposed, followed her and squatted in front of the map with a smile: "It's easy to ask for soldiers. These soldiers were given to Wang Yong by Guo Zhiren."

"What, don't talk nonsense, how can I have soldiers in my hands, and how can I give them to Wang Yong." Guo Zhiren jumped.

Seeing Guo Zhiren jumping, Bei Ni smiled more happily and asked: "Brother Ah Zhen, Bei Ni didn't say right, did he give these soldiers to Wang Yong?" After speaking, Yu pointed at Guo Zhiren .

Everyone immediately cast their eyes on his face.

"Yes, it was indeed sent by Zhi Ren." Ah Zhen nodded.

Guo Zhiren saw that Brother Zhen was slandering him, and sweat kept pouring out of his forehead. He looked at the eyes of people who didn't believe him, and yelled at them in grievance: "I didn't, I really didn't, I've been doing it all day long. How could there be soldiers in the palace?"

Seeing Guo Zhiren's crazy appearance, Ah Zhen sighed deeply and shouted to him: "Alright Zhiren, sit down and listen to me."

As soon as his words fell, Guo Zhiren fell to his knees on the ground, clutching his clothes tightly and said: "Brother Zhen, Zhiren really didn't give Wang Yong any soldiers and horses, you must believe me." The crime of rebellion was suppressed Well, his own death is not enough, even all his concubines and children will be decapitated, his youngest son is not yet three months old.

"Okay, okay, I believe you haven't, get up." Seeing him crying miserably, Ah Zhen patted the back of his hand.Guo Zhiren was also used by others, so don't blame him.

When Guo Zhiren heard him say that he believed in him, he cried even more desolately: "Thank you, Brother Zhen, thank you, Brother Zhen."

It wasn't until Qin Mi helped him up that Ah Zhen said to the horrified crowd: "Guo Zhiren was used by others to give Wang Yong nearly 40 soldiers and horses without knowing it."

"Brother Zhen, what the hell is going on here." Liu Fengyang couldn't take it anymore, and even gave it to people without knowing it.

Qin Mi and Zhi Xiaoqi nodded and urged: "Brother Zhen, tell me quickly."

Seeing that everyone was anxious, Bei Ni smiled and explained to everyone: "Yongkangning, Lei Wangcai, and Li Tieyin, these three are the river soldiers, navy soldiers, and battalion soldiers who control most of the south of the Yangtze River."

Ah Zhen nodded and added: "There are also Guizhou, Qianzhou, Guangzhou, Nanchang, and Mingzhou. These are government soldiers and government servants."

Everyone took a breath, and suddenly thought that all of these were sold for money to get promoted.

"Brother Ah Zhen, what did you say? What about Suzhou and Jiangning?" Benny smiled happily, as if the more people messed up, the happier she would be.

"Yes, that's right, there are still these two cities." Ah Zhen suddenly thought of those pigeons.

Everyone's face was pale, pale and blue, weak and unable to speak, the three brothers and sisters of the Guo family had fallen to the ground, Liu Fengyang was so frightened that his mouth was wide open, and Qianyun was terrified, clutching her husband tightly. His little hands kept sweating.

"Come on, let's take a look." Seeing their dumbfounded looks, Bernie called everyone to the front of the map in a mischievous manner.

Everyone came back to their senses slightly, their hearts almost stopped, and they all gathered in front of the map.

Seeing everyone approaching, Ah Zhen burst open his mouth when he saw the slyness in Benny's eyes. This little girl's viciousness was definitely worse than his.

Seeing the terrified crowd approaching, Benny happily picked up a handful of branches and swiped fiercely on the map of Dazhou.

Everyone saw that the branch in her hand cut open the coast of Dazhou for thousands of miles, and heard her say happily: "Look, this coast is all Wang Yong's."

When everyone looked at the map, thousands of miles from Guiyang to Hangzhou were actually divided, and I heard her happily say that all belonged to Wang Yong, and my knees squatting on the ground gave way, and they all fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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