ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 218 "Beat the Dog in the Water with a Stick"

Chapter 218 "Beat the Dog in the Water with a Stick" (1)
Spring rains are lingering.

As the dawn slowly rose, Benny in the room opened her curious eyes wide, watching her husband lying on the table and cutting the strips of cloth that he had torn.

After watching for a while, Benny was still confused, and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, make a shame leaf for my dear little cutie."


The room fell into silence again, and it took a long time for Bernie to see him raise his head from the table and hear him say, "It's done."

"What's this?" Bernie took the strip of cloth with neatly cut edges, unable to figure out what he wanted to do with it.

Ah Zhen looked at her curious hands and flicked through the scarf, took it with a smile and folded it in two, and leaned forward and said, "I'll help tie my dear little one."

Benny stood still, looked down at the cloth he wrapped around her neck with small eyes, and looked at her husband's busy palm.

Soon Ah Zhen helped Benny tie the scarf, turned her around with a smile, pushed her to the mirror and said, "Look, cutie, so the red spots won't be visible."

Benny raised her black eyes and looked into the mirror, and saw that her neck was indeed surrounded by the rag, and the checkered skirt was now hanging around her neck. She looked around, and was charming in surprise: "Mr. It’s pretty nice, and it’s super warm.”

"Yes, this is called a scarf, and it just so happens that the color spots on the Miao skirt are very fancy." Ah Zhen rubbed her little head, lovingly hugging her from behind into his arms.

"How did Lang Jun think of it?"

Ah Zhen knocked himself on the head and said: "Your lord's head is the best in the world, what's unexpected." After speaking, he was extremely arrogant.

Benny rolled her eyes, nodded and replied, "The face is also the best in the world."

"Hahaha" He embraced the invincible Benny who rolled his eyes, raised his head and smiled
Hangzhou is beautiful and fragrant in the early morning, and a handsome horse riding a hundred horses has long been waiting outside the mansion. Ah Zhen leads Qianyun with his left hand, and the sweet smiling Benny with his right hand and walks outside the mansion.

"To Leizhou." After helping the two wives onto the horse, he dared to get on the horse, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and lamented that too many wives are troublesome.

"Lang Jun, I want to go back to Dali after capturing Queen Heimiao." Benny was afraid that he would insist on taking him back to Dazhou, so she said first and won first.

Ah Zhen rode slowly on the official road with his horse in hand, looking at the people kneeling on the ground all around, raised the corners of his mouth: "Go, my husband won't tie you up, I will come back when I go back to the mansion." He also said Don't know Benny's temperament, I'm afraid she can't sit still.

"Ha, thank you, sir." Benny raised her eyebrows and laughed. She might have to stay in Bhutan for a while after returning to Dali.

A group of people chatted, laughed and walked slowly to the gate of Hangzhou City, surrounded by important officials who were already kneeling. Seeing them coming, all the officials shouted in fear: "Send off the great Sima."

"No, get up." Ah Zhen stared at these corrupt officials. This trip to the south of the Yangtze River is really exciting. Now the emperor's old man is probably as big as two, and hundreds of officials marched into the imperial city. The old man's brain exploded. After returning to the imperial city, the three old guys in the third division would probably kill him. I will continue to sleep in the yamen for two or three months.

Thinking of this trip to the south of the Yangtze River, he could still marry Meijiaoniang despite the dangers and dangers. He himself felt incredible. He shook his head and looked at the important officials in the south of the Yangtze River who were in a state of fear. Sui Xiaohan, with bright wrists bullying Xuehua to blush. Lingbo ancient road lovesickness, sending generals to hate Jiangnan."

At the gate of the city, all the officials and the people listened to Da Sima's poems, and their hearts were changed.Only Liu Fengyang, Guo Zhixiao and others can understand that he has feelings in his heart.

Hearing what he said in the poem, Bei Ni blushed slightly, approached and gently urged: "Your Majesty should go."

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen laughed loudly, then took another hard look at these important ministers and officials, and said, "Let's go~!"

"Respectfully send off Da Sima." Seeing Baiqi rushing away from the gate of the city, all the people and officials knelt down on the ground and shouted to the sky.

Ah Zhen led the horse, whipping non-stop, and Benny was chasing after him with a rope, her mischievous face faced the cold wind blowing, "Don't lean against the cold, the lake fog whispers and thoughts are quiet, and the rainy year sounds day by day." Do it all, send the general to leave and hate Jiangnan."

Everyone listened to Bei Ni's applause for singing Brother Zhen's poem, and it was very appropriate.

Ah Zhen turned his head to look at Benny's reddish face, and praised loudly: "My dear little cutie is really quick-witted."

"Of course." Bernie raised her lips.

"Driving..." Ah Zhen shook his head, the whip was swung more urgently, and everyone stopped talking and rushed towards Leizhou.

Except for a short rest, a group of people were running around on horses. The seals escorted the six heavy-duty men to walk slowly, and they had long been left behind by them. It was dusk after entering Hengzhou, and the great changes in Hengzhou were still going It didn't affect its prosperous appearance.

Liu Fengyang held grudges very much, once he entered Hengzhou City, he gritted his teeth and leaned into Ah Zhen's ear and said, "Brother Zhen, don't stop me this time, Feng Yang will definitely beat those three people into pigs' heads."

"Whatever you want." Ah Zhen spread his hands, he was also very annoyed at the three rich men, it was the first time he was kicked to the ground.

"What are you guys talking about, sir?" Benny asked curiously after getting off her horse.

Ah Zhen touched her curious little head and said: "It's okay." After speaking, he shouted to the two generals: "Look for an inn to stay."

"Coach, there is one in front." The general pointed to the inn not far away.

"Let's go." After speaking, Gu led Benny's hand and walked towards the inn.

After a simple wash and meal, it was already night.Everyone was exhausted and shut up in the side room early to sleep, only Liu Fengyang was in high spirits.

Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, why didn't he know that this kid likes to beat dogs in the water so much, the deputy commander Li Tieyin was arrested, Hengzhou Mansion and Heying all entered the imperial city, the sons of these three guys probably won't come out.

What they didn't expect was that when the two of them brought the two generals to the riverside full of lights, they looked at the beauty on the river and the brothel on the bank, but the three guys who kicked them back then actually Also play on the boat.

Seeing the three of them, Ah Zhen was speechless. Their father was arrested, and he went to the imperial city to plead guilty, and they were still in the mood to come out to play. What a mess.

"Brother Zhen, please don't stop me." Liu Fengyang couldn't feel better when he saw the three people walking into the boat.

Ah Zhen nodded, snapped the fan away and gestured: "Come on, go into the boat and have a look, what kind of ghost boat doesn't allow people to go in."

"Oh, what family's young master, please come inside, please come inside." Seeing the two young masters Xuanyi coming, the old bustard bent over to meet them from a distance.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen and Liu Fengyang looked at each other in blank dismay, the bustard drove them off the boat earlier, why didn't they just change their clothes, why is there such a big difference.

Ah Zhen saw the appearance of the old bustard, and joked: "You old bustard, you really talk to people when you see people, and you talk nonsense."

After hearing this, the old bustard was stunned and said: "Oh my lord, where can I find it in my slave's house." Said Fu, and turned around, showing a thousand emotions.

"Brother Zhen, let's go." Liu Fengyang pulled him and walked into the painting boat.The big and small general and the old bustard next to him also followed in.

Just entering the boat, a bustard who was similar to a bustard greeted her, and said with a charming smile, "My lords, is there any girl you know?"

Liu Fengyang snorted heavily: "Yes, we are friends with the sons of Hengzhou's prefecture, He Daoying, and the deputy commander, call them over."

The old bustard was stunned for a moment, sweat dripped down his forehead, he carefully looked at Liu Fengyang, secretly, he seemed to be looking for revenge. "Look, I really like to joke." Although the old bustard knew that the three masters had been captured, since they came to their brothel, they were distinguished guests, whether they were the sons of criminal officials or not, they should be protected if they could.

"I said bustard, if you don't call me these three people quickly, your boat will be burned by the master soon." Ah Zhen squinted her eyes and saw her sloppy eyes, and threatened heavily.

Hearing that they dared to threaten, the old bustard turned pale, and yelled inside: "Dadong, someone is here to smash the scene."

As soon as the old bustard finished shouting, the young man named Dadong surrounded them with a machete and a dozen younger brothers behind him, and shouted: "Where did you come from, you dare to make trouble on our boat without asking who is it?" Whose boat is it?"

Ah Zhen waved his hand, and ordered to the big and small generals: "Take them down."

As soon as the words were finished, the generals and generals drew their swords and started fighting with a dozen or so celebrities in the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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