ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 256 "The Army Departs"

Chapter 256 "The Army Departs"

When the first light of dawn shone on the earth, a large number of Tubo guards on the official road rode out to the gate of the city.Accompanied by the rumble of the car, Yingying and Ah Zhen walked out of the city on foot. After walking for a long time, she called everyone.

"You should go back." Before I knew it, I had already walked nearly ten miles away.

Ah Zhen tightly held the little hand that helped him fold his clothes, and said sadly: "Be sure to take care, see you at the border in ten days."

Yingying's hands were held in front of his chest, and she leaned her sad head gently against his chest, her trembling throat could not speak a single word.

"Okay, don't be too sad, a little goodbye is better than a newlywed."

"I can't bear you." Yingying shook her head buried in his arms, she didn't want to be separated from him for a moment, but now is not the time.

Ah Zhen rubbed her, and it was difficult to say a thousand words. He lightly lifted her chin, leaned over and kissed the delicate red lips, and after the passionate kiss, his lips rubbed against her beautiful mouth, "Parting is for Reunion, soon we can gallop on the prairie."

"En." Yingying took a deep breath, stared at him affectionately for a while, bit her lips and turned around resolutely.

"Honey, I love you." He called out to her behind him.

Yingying slowly flowed down two clear streams, turned around and stared at him again, "Husband, I love you too." After shouting, she got into the curtain, covering her face and crying.

After Cao Zong and the others knelt down to Ah Zhen, under his waving, the group of people gradually moved away into the distance, and the figures of the people quickly blurred in his sight, but he still kept waving his big hands.

Ah Zhen sighed deeply, took over the capable horse next to him, turned on the horse, and shouted: "Let's go, go to the school grounds." Presumably the army is also in the school grounds.

Li Nengwu was so excited that he rode his horse and followed him straight to the school grounds.


As soon as he ran to the gate of the school yard, the guard hurried up to hold the horse rope. After stabilizing the horse, Ah Zhen got off his horse and walked towards the yard without looking back.

The 60 soldiers in the huge school field stood upright, and the military flags were scattered all over the field.The army and horses are magnificent and exciting.

"The Great Sima is here." Liu Wanyang saw Ah Zhen approaching from a distance, and said to the emperor who was watching the generals.

"Well, I saw it." The old man glared at this bastard who finally came, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile, sending troops today is related to Zhou's lifeline, so he has to be cautious.

After stepping onto the stage, Ah Zhen paid homage to the emperor who glared at him with tiger eyes: "My minister pays homage to the emperor."

"Well, the generals have been waiting for a long time, and I and the Taiwei have finished their review, what can you say?" This kid is already a god in the hearts of the generals, and what he said must be more morale-boosting than the emperor. .

After Ah Zhen nodded, he turned around and looked at the hardcover 60 generals, and walked down the stage with his hands in his arms. He walked up to the big generals who were standing straight and vigorously, and patted them one by one with admiring eyes. Pat them on the shoulder in armor.

The emperor and all the ministers on the stage didn't know what he meant, they stared at him suspiciously and patted the shoulders of all the generals one by one before turning back to the stage.

In the huge school grounds, thousands of troops and horses raised their eyes to look at Da Sima without making any sound.Thirty generals looked very excited, silently looking at Sima on the stage, quietly waiting for him to speak.

After Xiong looked at everyone, Ah Zhen raised a finger and shouted at the silent thousands of troops: "Remember, we are soldiers, we are not bandits."

Thousands of troops in the arena stared at him without saying a word, and then saw him shouting again: "You must always remember that you are a soldier, and the responsibility of a soldier is to protect the weak and weak people. People are not allowed to kill people, women are not allowed, and people’s property is not allowed, you know?"

"Yes" as soon as he finished speaking, thousands of troops and horses shouted in unison.

Ah Zhen nodded and shouted: "Keep in mind, what Sima said is not allowed, including any country, even the Liao Kingdom must be banned, and anyone who discovers it will be punished as a bandit."

After these words, the thousands of troops in the arena were silent, and he continued to raise his finger and shouted at them: "Because the people of Liao Kingdom will soon become the people of my Great Zhou, everyone must remember, All the land and cities of the Liao Kingdom will always be the sacred and inviolable territory of my Great Zhou."

"Yes" the thousands of troops roared loudly, everyone's blood was rolling, and they were extremely brave.

The emperor was dumbfounded. When did the Liao Kingdom become the Great Zhou, but seeing the passionate expressions of the soldiers, he couldn't help admiring the bastard in front of him. It seems that in the eyes of the generals, he, the great Sima, was far superior He is the emperor.What is rare is to have a heart that loves the people like a child, and this love for the people does not recognize national boundaries, which is very rare.

After Ah Zhen finished speaking, he nodded, turned around and cupped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, I've finished my words, you can send troops."

The emperor nodded, stepped forward and shouted: "Send troops immediately!"

Liu Wanyang listened to the emperor's order, carrying the resounding armor, holding the red sakura in one hand, and the green sword in the other, walked off the stage with tiger steps, turned his head and bowed to the emperor, quickly drew out the sword in his hand, and pointed to the side The horse standing upright was chopped down, and the horse, which was still alive just now, was separated from its head and body in an instant, blood staining the school grounds.

Liu Wanyang held the bloody sword high above his head, and roared mightily at the 60 soldiers: "Pull out the army and march towards the border!"

For a moment, the battle drums were raging in the field, and the horns blew across the sky. The army followed the generals on horses in an orderly manner towards the gate of the school field.

Ah Zhen looked at the thousands of generals in the upper and lower ranks, and the military flags of each army were raised high and fluttering in the wind, which really made his blood boil, and he wished he could follow them to the border.

The emperor led all the civil and military officials to the gate of the city, and the people along the road fell to their knees in order and shouted loudly.Looking up, I saw the mighty army passing by in an endless stream.

"Thank you for your hard work, Commander." The emperor picked up a cup of hot wine at the gate of the city and practiced for Liu Wanyang.

Liu Wanyang took the hot wine, drank it all in one gulp, bowed and said: "I don't work hard at all."

"En." After nodding his head, the emperor put down his wine glass and waved: "On the road."

"Let's go" Liu Wanyang got on his horse, waved his hand, and the stagnant army began to wriggle forward again.

The ministers cupped their fists and bowed and said: "Respectfully send off the commander in chief, may the commander in chief win the flag and praise my great Zhou Longwei."

Ah Zhen stood beside him, silently receiving the begging gazes of the generals of the Southern Army who were seeing him off outside the city.He almost couldn't bear to go to the battlefield with Liu Wanyang. These passionate generals must also be helpless, and most likely flew to the border of Beiliao with a heart.

Nearly an hour passed before the mighty army disappeared from the eyes of everyone.

"Go back to the palace." After the emperor nodded, he got into the curtain, and the car started to turn, and the civil and military ministers followed closely behind.

Yan Rong, Dongguo, and twelve other generals couldn't help but pull Ah Zhen's sleeves and said, "Da Sima, this" has pitiful eyes. The Taiwei has gone to Beiliao, and they are here to help the flies mow. Double eyelids, it's so frustrating, they really want to go to Beiliao.

Ah Zhen turned his head to see their pitiful appearance, raised the corner of his mouth and patted their shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely take you with me when I go to Liaobei."

"Really?" The fourteen generals looked eager, surprised and afraid of being deceived.

"Of course, it's hard to chase after a word. You are training hard in the camp, and I will lead you there in a few days."

All the generals were overwhelmed with surprise, and happily clasped their fists and bowed: "Yes" they can confess to the generals under their command. Although it was a few days late, it is better to follow Da Sima than Taiwei. The most important thing is to have a battle hit.

Seeing their appearance, Ah Zhen shook his head, turned around and followed the emperor back to the palace, his heart flew to Sui County long ago.

When he returned to the palace, the emperor sat on the dragon chair and looked around at the courtiers. After a long time, he slowly opened the dragon's mouth and asked, "Is there anything else you want to play?"

Everyone shook their heads and cupped their fists in worship: "Your Majesty, I have nothing to do."


"Your Majesty, during the last trip to the south of the Yangtze River, I captured more than a dozen people from the sea in Leizhou." Ah Zhen remembered this, stood up and clasped his fists to report.

"Someone from the sea?" The emperor was puzzled.

"Yes, according to what they said, they came from afar."

"What are they going to do here?"

When he asked this question, Ah Zhen thought carefully and said: "This group of people is the source of rebellion to Wang Yong. Without them, Wang Yong could not have achieved such greatness."

"Bold." The emperor was furious after hearing this, and the old brow frowned: "Where are these people now?"

"It's been a while in the prison."

Hearing that they were locked in prison, the emperor shouted mightily outside the hall: "Come here."

Several guards broke in and knelt down to listen to the order.

"Immediately bring those dozen or so foreigners to the temple." He wanted to see how bold these people were.

The guard left quickly after taking the order.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen cupped his fists again and said, "I wonder if the emperor understands English?"

"English?" The old man frowned and shook his head before saying, "I don't understand."

"Is there anyone in the court who understands English?" After asking, he surrounded the courtiers.

All the old ministers looked at each other and shook their heads. They had never even heard the word "English", so how could they understand English.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, the emperor squinted at Ah Zhen and said, "Lin Aiqing should understand, right?" He didn't understand how he communicated with these ten people.

Ah Zhen nodded and said, "I know a little English."

The emperor understood what he said, he let out a sigh of relief and nodded, "You will discuss it for me later."

"Yes" Ah Zhen pouted after answering and said: "Your Majesty, I only understand a little English, if there is a mistake in translating the discussion, please forgive me."

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help admiring that Da Sima actually understood overseas languages. Their Da Sima really knew a lot, and everyone didn't know it.

"I don't blame you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After the worship, Ah Zhen hid in the crowd, waiting patiently for the dozen or so British guys.

After waiting for a long time, everyone heard gossip, and Gululi saw a dozen people with stinky bodies, curly hair, and blue beads who were yelling about something, and walked into the hall in a noisy manner. The hall was filled with an indescribable stench.

Everyone covered their noses when they heard this, and even the emperor couldn't stand it.

"We are just businessmen. When we came to your country, you locked us up. I must report to His Majesty the Emperor." As soon as he entered the hall, Frank stood in front of the hall and criticized the Chinese emperor. Of course, the language was in English.

The emperor listened to this man's babbling, and he didn't know what he was talking about, the more he talked, the more excited he became, and he didn't know what nonsense he was talking about.Instantly furious, he patted the chair handle again and shouted, "Shut up."

Frank was at a loss and couldn't understand what the leader of this country was talking about. It can be seen that he was angry, pouted his mouth and continued: "I must tell His Royal Highness that this country is a bandit and a country of thieves."

Not only the faces of the court ministers turned black, but even the emperor's face turned dark, not because they could understand what this man was talking about, but because they couldn't understand at all.

"Lin Aiqing, what is he talking about?" The emperor pointed at Frank.

Ah Zhen held back his laughter, stood up and clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, he said that our Great Zhou is a bandit and a country of thieves."

"Bold" the emperor was furious after hearing this, and after standing up and down the hall, he pointed at Frank and ordered to Ah Zhen: "Tell him, if he dares to be rebellious again, I will execute them."

Frank was overjoyed to see Ah Zhen. Gulu's blue eyes looked at the emperor and asked, "Ah Zhen. Lin, what are your highnesses talking about?"

"Frank, just now you said that our Dazhou is a country of thieves. Our Highness was very angry and ordered you to be executed." After finishing speaking, he scratched his neck.

Seeing him gesticulating his neck, the emperor and his ministers nodded in satisfaction.Sure enough, seeing this foreigner staring wide-eyed, he was terrified and dragged Da Sima to mumble something.

"Ah Zhen, we were imprisoned for no reason. Your Highness will kill us as soon as we come out. This is too unreasonable. Tell him quickly, can you let us go?"

Ah Zhen nodded after hearing this, gestured to him not to get excited, then clasped his fists and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, they have already regretted it, and want to ask you to let them go back."

"These overseas people are extremely arrogant. If I let them go like this, it will lose my majesty."

"Your Majesty, they are just barbarians. Barbarians don't know the rules. I have always been known for benevolence and righteousness. Killing them may harm the emperor's prestige." He persuaded, Frank and the others are so dead, so who can he ask to study the barrel? .

"This" the emperor hesitated.

"Your Majesty, their iron boats have been seized by the Ministry of Industry. We gave them a few old wooden boats. The sea is very rough. The wooden boats will sink if they can't withstand a few waves. At that time, it will not be our business. "

Hearing what he said, the emperor narrowed his words and said, "Lin Aiqing is really very sinister."

Hearing that the emperor hurt him, Ah Zhen didn't take it seriously at all, and said: "Your Majesty, in fact, my ministers have long wanted to kill them. Without them, Wang Yong would not have been able to achieve such greatness. Moreover, my Great Zhou has rich products and excellent craftsmanship. They It’s just the second thing to buy things. The first is to secretly learn my Da Zhou’s handicrafts. Overseas people are all like monkeys, with hair all over their bodies. If they learn our Da Zhou’s crafts Afterwards, people’s lives will improve, and when their ambitions grow, they may go far to the sea to encroach on our country.”

All the ministers nodded after hearing this. They saw that these people were like monsters, they must not be good things, so they all nodded in agreement.

"What Lin Aiqing said is not unreasonable, but why didn't you kill her at that time?" The emperor was puzzled.

"Because they were still useful at that time." After speaking, he asked the minister of the Ministry of Industry: "The Ministry of Industry asked you to build the ship, how is it now?"

The Ministry of Industry stood up and reported: "Your Majesty, the iron boats made by these overseas people are very exquisite. I have already understood the secrets of it, and they will be able to build exactly the same iron boats in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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