ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 278 "The Army Advances Northward"

Chapter 278 "The Army Advances Northward"

Great Zhou, Taiyuan Prefecture.

Liu Wanyang's armor clattered, and with a sword in his hand, he strode up to the top of the city with vigorous steps.Followed by more than [-] generals, silently followed his steps to the top of the city.

When Yi Ping, the general stationed at the border guarding the top of the city, saw the commander approaching, he cupped his fists and bowed, "Master."

"Yeah." Liu Wanyang walked to him expressionlessly, looked out of the city, and asked slowly after a while, "General Yi, what are the movements of Zhending and the Liao soldiers in Hejian Mansion?"

Yiping shook his head and said: "Commander, since Yeludong and Abuda occupied the two cities, the gates of the two cities have been closed tightly, and there has been no movement."

Liu Wanyang nodded after hearing this, put away his gaze from a distance and ordered: "Everyone come to my tent to discuss matters." After speaking, he walked down to the city without turning his head back, and hurriedly came and left again.

Outside the city of Taiyuan, there was solitude, with countless military flags fluttering in the wind, and 80 soldiers in the army camp carefully patrolling.In a red military tent with the commander's flag hanging high, more than thirty generals sat on the floor.Liu Wanyang sat on the commander-in-chief seat, and on both sides sat the unwilling official Zheng Dingqiao, and the crown prince and Taibao Murongxi, and the left and right generals sat in turn. There are so many generals in hard-coated armor, it is unavoidably crowded.

Liu Wanyang stared at the sand map in front of him, staring at Zhending City and Hejian City in the sand table, unable to pay attention for a while.

Murong Xi saw that the general was staring at Shatu, and all the generals in the tent kept their mouths tightly shut.Can't help urging anxiously: "The commander-in-chief should push the army to station in Shijiazhuang and prepare to attack the city." He gently turned the red flag inserted in Taiyuan in the sand table to Shijiazhuang at the gate of Zhending Mansion.

Following Murong Xi's movements, more than thirty generals turned their eyes to Zhending City, waiting for the commander to speak.

Liu Wanyang nodded expressionlessly, "Master Taibao is absolutely right, but according to Tan Zhending and Hejian Liao's soldiers and horses, there has been no movement. Could there be fraud?"

"Commander, if the two cities are not taken back, it will be very difficult for our army to use their hands and feet, and we will be in a very passive position." Left General Qi Heng said mightily.

"Old General Qi is right." After Liu Wanyang nodded, he murmured worriedly: "It's just that Shijiazhuang is too close to Zhending, and I'm afraid it will be poisoned by wolves."

When everyone heard his words, they fell silent.The Liao Kingdom dispatched nearly 300 million soldiers and horses, but there has been no movement since the capture of the two cities, which is too suspicious.

Liu Wanyang buried her head in meditation for a while, as the matter was urgent and urgent, the tiger's voice started to shout to the crowd: "All generals listen to the order."

"Yes" everyone listened to his order and stood up and clasped their fists.

"Left and right vanguards immediately set off to Shijiazhuang."

"Yes" the left and right pioneers clasped their fists and stepped out holding Shuai Linghuhu.

"Wolf riders, tiger plants." Liu Wanyang yelled: "The two of you led 12 troops to protect the left and right vanguard wings. If you encounter an ambush from the Liao Kingdom, retreat immediately."

"Yes" the two cavalry generals clasped their fists to receive the commander's order and stepped forward.

Nearly 50 generals who had not been mobilized stared at the general with wide-eyed tiger eyes, waiting to be mobilized.

Liu Wanyang stood up, put his hands behind his back and ordered: "All the generals return to their main villages to settle down. After an hour, they will pull out the villages and slowly advance to Shijiazhuang." After the order was given, he told the generals again: "Remember, there is no need to rush. , just slow down."

"Yes" everyone clasped their fists in agreement, withdrew from the commander's account one by one, and went back to their respective camps to rectify military affairs.

Seeing that everyone had left, Zheng Dingqiao asked Liu Wanyang, "The commander-in-chief thinks that the Liao Dynasty set up an ambush on the road?"

"And regardless of whether there is an ambush in the Liao Kingdom or not, we must proceed with caution."

"What the commander-in-chief said is very true. It is really suspicious that the wolf did not move after taking the two cities." Murong Xi agreed with this careful strategy.

Zheng Dingqiao also nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Is there something wrong with the commander-in-chief transferring all the soldiers from the Taiyuan mansion this time?"

Mo Rongxi immediately said: "Yes, Commander. If the wolf soldiers bypass Shijiazhuang and attack me in Taiyuan, what will happen?"

"What you two are worried about." Liu Wanyang nodded and walked to the sand table and said, "Come here and have a look."

After Zheng Dingqiao and Murongxi looked at each other, they walked to the side of the sand table and listened to his explanation: "There are 16 troops in Taiyuan. Today, there are only more than 40 people in Shijiazhuang with me. I have just entered the city to check the city wall. The city is twelve feet high and eight feet thick, and the walls are well-maintained and as strong as iron barrels. There is also ample food and grass in the city, and the [-] soldiers defending the city are enough to keep out [-] wolves."

The two of them nodded their heads after hearing his analysis.They were still wondering why the commander-in-chief had entered the city just now. It turned out that he was investigating these things.

Seeing that they agreed, Liu Wanyang shook the sand table dangerously and said with a smile: "If wolves go around Shijiazhuang and invade Taiyuan, [-] soldiers from Taiyuan will be able to stop them. At that time, I will send cavalry to attack back and attack Taiyuan garrison back and forth. It will definitely make the wolf son regret it."

After hearing what he said, Murong Xi and Zheng Dingqiao looked at each other, clasped their fists together and praised, "As expected of you, you are absolutely sure."

"Where, this move is extremely mediocre, and Da Sima's strategy is the best." Liu Wanyang was very modest.

Zheng Dingqiao heard him say that Da Sima was upset, and his face immediately pulled up.

Murong Xi shook his fat face and said intentionally: "Marshal, Da Sima should be leaving too."

"Yeah, I should be leaving too." You should have had enough vacation.With the enemy at hand, he was still in the mood to ask the emperor for leave.I really don't know how this Lin Azhen's head grows?He is probably the only one in the world who can take a vacation in such an emergency.

The three people in the handsome tent just finished speaking.There was a sudden hiss of horseshoes outside, and a soldier rushed in quickly.

After entering the account, the letter soldiers saw the general, and immediately knelt down on one knee and said: "Commander, a message from the great Sima."

They had just talked about Da Sima, but unexpectedly he sent a message.Liu Wanyang was overjoyed and said anxiously: "Say it quickly."

The letter soldier replied without missing a word: "The Great Sima has mentioned that the Southern Army set off at noon three days ago with 40 soldiers, and has now arrived at Jingdong Road. Order the villain to inform the commander-in-chief."

"At noon three days ago?" After hearing the report, the three accountants were at a loss.Didn't you say ten days off?
"What happened next?" Liu Wanyang was only at a loss for a moment, then asked anxiously.

"Yes." Xinbing continued: "The great Sima said that he would arrive in Taiyuan in the early morning four days later, and he asked the villain to tell the commander-in-chief that he would send troops to Zhending and Hejian no matter what. If the Liao soldiers from the two cities do not fight , is bound to attack by force, and must not confront it."

"Did Sima really say that?" Liu Wanyang was startled, the two cities were tens of feet high, and the casualties would have been heavy in the storm.

"Da Sima said that before he arrives, the commander-in-chief must carry out two rounds of fierce offensives against the two cities. After the two rounds of offensives, he can no longer attack the cities. He will set up a camp to repair and confront them." Xinbing gritted his teeth and added. : "Da Sima also said that during the confrontation, even if the Liao Kingdom killed the commander-in-chief's wife, the commander-in-chief must never send out a single soldier."

Liu Wanyang was stunned for a while when he heard this.

Murong Xi and Zheng Dingqiao bit their lips tightly, not daring to laugh out loud, it really is Da Sima's style.

"I don't have a wife yet." Liu Wanyang, who had regained his senses, leaked this sentence through his teeth.

Xinbing's forehead was covered with countless cold sweats, and he carefully took out Da Sima's seal from his arms: "Marshal, Da Sima's runestone."

Liu Wanyang took the unicorn jade in his hand and looked at it, nodded and said: "It is indeed the seal of the Great Sima, take a look." He said and handed the jade to Murong Xi.

The two leaned their heads together to look at the majestic unicorn, with three black lines appearing on their foreheads, "This big Sima is too reckless, what should I do if I need to use the personal seal here?"

"If he doesn't mess around, he won't be Da Sima." Liu Wanyang's complexion was not good. Others just stamped the seal, but he actually sent the whole seal.

"Go back and tell Da Sima that the commander-in-chief is as he wishes, and tell him to come and meet up with the commander-in-chief as soon as possible. This time we are here for a war, not for sightseeing." It took only five or six days from the imperial capital to Taiyuan, and he unexpectedly It will take seven or eight days, the speed is like a tortoise, and the matter of the border is completely ignored.

"Yes" Xinbing sweated like a waterfall, and escaped from the camp in panic.How did you get such a hard job.

The 40 Southern Army on Jingdong Road, and more than 40 generals led the [-] soldiers and horses to move forward without rush.

Ah Zhen was straddling the horse, with the front team of the army in front, the long snake in the back, and Li Nengwu and others on the left and right to protect him.Nibbling on a pear in boredom, he shouted to the commander in front, "Jifa, order the soldiers to sing the army song I taught yesterday."


After Yuan continued to take the order, he ran forward with the horse rope, shouting as he ran: "Everyone sing the military song, one, two, sing!"

All of a sudden, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the front line held their guns and spears and sang loudly: "Forward, forward! Our team is facing the sun, our feet are on the land of the motherland, and we are carrying the hope of the nation. We are an invincible force."

Ah Zhen gnawed on a pear, listening to the bright singing of these tens of thousands of troops.Very happy, riding on the horse and slowly advancing towards Taiyuan.

Tupan, Wang Ting.

Yingying sat quietly on the stone chair outside the Princess Pavilion and read a book.

Flying Tiger General Lai Li rushed into the attic, and when he saw her, he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Princess, the Emperor of Great Zhou has sent a letter, and His Majesty ordered someone to pass it on to you." The excitement in the words was concealed. Can't stop.

"Oh." Yingying put down the book in her hand, and said happily to the four maids who had been by her side all the time: "You help me pack my things, I'm going north soon."


"Let's go." Yingying walked towards the forbidden hall excitedly, she wanted to kill Lin Ahzhen.

In the study, Cao Zong and Wang Man were impatient for a long time ago, and kept looking up at the king sitting on the table in anxiety.

Daba looked at the two people standing on pins and needles with an uneasy expression, and snorted angrily: "What? You just thought of the north. How about I send you to guard Montenegro?" He was very close to robbing his daughter I'm so upset that I've been waiting like this for a while.

When the two listened to the king humming, they knelt on the ground in fright and shouted: "Your Majesty, calm down."

"Hum..." Daba's face has been in a bad mood ever since he received the letter from Emperor Da Zhou.

"Father, I heard that Emperor Dazhou has sent a letter?" Yingying's voice came first before Yingying arrived. It's really hard to wait for these three days.

When Daba heard her prince's urgent words, his complexion was not good, and he groaned heavily.

After Yingying stepped into the door, she saw Daba's old face showing great strength, while Cao Zong and Wang Man were kneeling tightly on the ground.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, and sighed endlessly, her father came again.

"Father, who are they?" Yingying pretended not to know and gestured to the two kneeling, very confused.

Seeing her coming, Daba pulled back his old face a little bit, and hummed to the two people on the ground, "Get up."

"Thank you, my lord." The two climbed up from the ground tremblingly, and stood quietly in front, this time they did not dare to show eager expressions.

After they stood up, Daba opened his mouth and said: "As Wang'er expected, the Emperor of Great Zhou came to beg Father to send troops to fight against the wolves together."

"Yes." Yingying nodded and walked beside Daba, "Father, give the order."

Daba turned his old face and stared at Yingying for a long time, then said pitifully, "Is the prince so impatient to leave his father?"

"Father, didn't you make an agreement with Wang'er earlier?" Yingying rolled her eyes and came again.

"Okay." Daba was helpless, and confessed: "Then the prince must keep his promise with his father, and if something happens, he must return immediately." After speaking, he looked at her belly meaningfully.

"Father, don't worry."

"Okay." Daba sighed, he couldn't control him as a prince anymore.He stood up and shouted: "Decree, the wolves of the Liao Kingdom slaughtered people and repeatedly violated the borders of our country. Now the king, with the order of the God of the Grassland, sent troops to join hands with Da Zhou to punish the tyrant Yelu severely. 40 troops were stationed in the country 20 soldiers and horses, beat the brutal thieves, and immediately issued an edict to the whole country."

"The king is wise." Cao Zong and Wang Man were overjoyed after hearing this, and they knelt down and shouted.

The eunuch hurried out with his order to make a statement and announce it to the world.

After hearing this, Yingying turned around and ordered to Cao Zong: "Commander, deputy commander."

"Cao Zong, Wang Man is here." After the two got up from the ground, they clasped their fists to obey the order.

"40 soldiers and horses, how are you preparing?"

"Assembly is complete, all are waiting outside the city." Cao Zong replied mightily.I have been staying for several days, and if I don't send troops, I will riot.

"Immediately send the order, collect the account and wait, and today we will send troops to the north."

"Yes" the blood flowed backwards from both of them.

"Go down."

"Resignation." The two kowtowed to Daba again, and then slowly backed away.

As soon as they left, Daba squinted his eyes and looked at Yingying and said, "My lord, are you in a hurry to start today?"

"The army has been waiting for several days, and I can't wait any longer. Moreover, the military situation is urgent and we can't hesitate any longer." Yingying said, the generals outside the city came to bother her every day, and she was almost bored to death.

Daba also shook his head and sighed after hearing this, he really didn't understand why these generals were so obsessed with fighting, as if not fighting would kill them.

"Let's go." Daba stood up and took Yingying's hand and said, "Father is a farewell farewell for the prince."

"With the father's farewell party, the king will win the battle and bring the Gegeka and Irkutsk grasslands into our Tubo territory." Yingying said boldly.She didn't understand why the Tibetans liked the grassland so much.

Daba laughed very happily after hearing this, but still prudently said: "Although Gegeka and Irkutsk are good, they are not as good as my prince. You must take care of yourself, don't let your father worry."

"Father, don't worry." Yingying was touched a little. She has no blood relationship with this old man, but he loves her so much.

(End of this chapter)

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