ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 283 "Melee Battle NO2 Under the Night"

Chapter 283 "Melee Battle NO2 Under the Night"

Ah Buda was woken up while he was sound asleep, and when he heard that Datong had fallen, he was shocked, and hurried out of the room and walked towards the hall.

All the generals in the hall had received the report long ago, and the faces of everyone in Jiao Filter were ashen. They couldn't believe that the people of Dazhou really flew over.

"Ah, Datong has fallen." Seeing him coming, Temnu hurriedly urged.

As soon as Ah Buda entered the hall, he listened to Temnu's words, nodded and asked anxiously, "Is the news true?"

"It's absolutely true." After speaking, he shouted towards the door: "Bring it in."

In an instant, two guards dragged a lieutenant in with scars and burns all over his body.

"Who are you, Datong city general?"

The burned person knelt down on the ground and cried to report: "General Dai was shot coldly and died in battle. The last general is General Dai's lieutenant general. He was ordered by General Dai to escape desperately and report to the marshal."

Everyone was shocked when they heard that the general of Datong City was killed in battle.

A Congqiu hurriedly asked: "How did the Great Zhou army survive? How many soldiers and horses are there?"

The deputy general cried back: "I don't know, no one knows how the great Zhou army appeared in Datong. A large number of Zhou soldiers set fires everywhere in Qinhei, and the last general didn't have time to count them." His life was almost ruined, and it was too late to escape. There's still time to count how many of them there are.

After everyone heard this, their faces changed greatly, and they were terrified.A large number of Great Zhou Army descended from the sky. Could it be that the Great Zhou Army is a heavenly soldier?
Ah Bu Da was also silent, and after looking at each other in the hall, he gritted his teeth and said: "Datong is the gateway of our country. Now Datong has fallen, and we are in a position to be beaten. If Dazhou attacks before and after, the 60 soldiers and horses in our city will all be wiped out."

"That's right, it's better to lose Datong than to lose Datong. Datong is in danger of losing our Liao kingdom."

"The final general is willing to go to collect Datong."

"The end will be willing to go."

"The marshal will go at the end of his life."

In an instant, countless generals stood up and asked for a fight.

Timun also stood up and said: "Abuda, this matter is critical, I'd better go."

A Congqiu, who had been contemplating, heard him say that he was going, and said, "I just don't know how many soldiers and horses the Great Zhou Army has. It is very dangerous to go without knowing."

When everyone heard his words, they immediately silenced.

Ah Bu Da Ning thought for a while and said: "Datong City has a high wall and [-] soldiers and horses stationed there, but it was lost in less than half an hour. There must be a lot of soldiers and horses in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

A Congqiu shook his head and replied: "That's not how it is calculated. Da Zhou attacked while my [-] army was asleep. There should not be many troops."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, "What General Ah said is absolutely correct, there should not be many troops in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"How many onion balls do you think there will be?" Ah Buda asked him.

"No more than [-]. It can come so silently, it's easy to say too much."

"What Ah Congqiu said is extremely reasonable."

"Ah, don't fight, there's no time to delay, give the order." Temunu was burning with anxiety, and their 60 army would be more dangerous if they were half a quarter later.

"Timunu listen to the order." Abuda was urged to give the order immediately.

"Timunu is here."

"I order you to bring 20 soldiers and horses in the city, and you must regain Datong."

"Take the order." Timunu couldn't wait to receive the commander's order, and led nearly ten generals in the hall to rush towards the gate of the city.

Not long after Temunu left, the city soldiers rushed in in a panic, even kneeling before reporting: "Marshal, hundreds of thousands of Zhou troops suddenly appeared ten miles ahead."

"What?" Ah Buda jumped on the spot, Datong had just lost his army and appeared.

A Cong narrowed his eyes and asked anxiously, "Didn't the spies find out in the morning that the Zhou soldiers stationed in front will retreat one after another?"

"Yes, but I don't know why there are so many Da Zhou soldiers suddenly appearing in front of our army, and the number of these soldiers is larger and more than the original Da Zhou army."

"It's amazing, the timing is so good." After muttering to himself, A Congqiu's face changed drastically and he exclaimed, "Tiemunu is dangerous."

Ah Buqian heard his exclamation, and was startled immediately, rushed down to the handsome table and asked, "What's the matter, Ah Congqiu?"

"This person's design is all serial. Datong will be lost before others attack Datong. Otherwise, why is the timing so coincidental? As soon as Datong was lost, a large number of Dazhou troops appeared in front."

Ah Buda's face turned from livid to green, nodded after contemplating, "That's right, what a vicious scheme."

"The man who led troops to seek Datong, Temunu, would definitely fall for this man's scheme. If this man conquers Datong, he will definitely set up an ambush on both sides of the road. Temunu is eager to rush to Datong, and he will definitely be ambushed by the enemy."

"Come here." After inquiring, Ah Bu hurriedly called the guard, and ordered: "Quickly get on the horse and tell Temunu, be careful of the ambush by Da Zhou."

"Report" just after he gave the order, the city soldiers rushed over sweating profusely.

"Say it quickly." Ah Bu asked anxiously.

"The big Zhou soldiers in front began to move forward."

After hearing this, Ah Congqiu urged, "Ah, don't fight, hurry up and go to the city."

"Let's go."

The two hurried out of the hall and towards the city gate.Compared with the previous battles, why is today's battle so tiring.

In the Datong Mansion, everyone was ready for orders. Yiping led [-] archers to hide on the city wall. The soldiers' quiver bags were full of arrows.

Li Nengwu led 5000 soldiers to pour oil on the houses, grass trees, floors, and walls of the inner city.And he led [-] people to hide on the stairs of the walled city and on both sides of the city wall.

Temunu walked halfway, when he received a message from the letter soldiers, saying to pay attention to the two wings, he couldn't help slowing down in a hurry.

Temunu, who was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, couldn't hold back the roar until he heard the scouts report that there was no ambush on the road leading to Datong: "Everyone rush to Datong immediately." The team ran forward with full horsepower.

Yiping squatted on the ground and said cautiously: "Great Sima, the Liao soldiers are here."

"Yeah." Ah Zhen responded lightly with a blank face, sitting on the city wall, stroking his chin with his hand, and praying to heaven in his heart: "God, Tathagata, God, Virgin Mary, God, Allah, bless them and rush into the city." If The Liao soldiers did not enter the city, but besieged the city. His [-] soldiers and horses had no water or food, and within a day, the entire army would be wiped out in this Datong mansion.

"Woo" Temunu, who hurried to Datong City, tightened his horse rope and looked suspiciously at Datong Mansion, which was like an empty city.

A dozen or so Liao generals who came with him came sideways to him and said, "General, there seems to be no one in Datong City?"

"Yeah." Temunu watched from a distance, wrinkled his head and looked at the Datong Mansion with the city gate wide open, and then at the city wall of Heiqinqin.No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a human footprint.

"Will the Great Zhou army leave?" Another general was also puzzled and asked.

"Very likely." After Temunu nodded, he called carefully: "Send someone in to have a look."


Soon a fast horse rushed in towards Datong where the city gate was wide open.

After a while, when the fast horse returned, he clasped his fists and reported: "General, the city is completely dark, and there is no one in sight."

"Enter the city." Temnu rushed in first.

"Enter the city." The generals shouted to the rear, raised their horse ropes and chased them in.

20 Liao soldiers rushed into Datong like a long snake, and the torches instantly lit up the dark city.

"Why is the ground so greasy?" The Liao soldiers in the city rubbed the floor with straw sandals disgustingly.

"No, there is an ambush." ​​Someone shouted heartbreakingly.

When Temunu heard this lung-piercing call, before he had time to react, he was surprised to see countless Datong soldiers wearing Liao armors covering the city.

"Kill." Ah Zhen didn't stand up, but sat on the ground with his back leaning against the city wall.I couldn't bear to hear the ghosts and howls of the Liao soldiers below the city. These Liao soldiers who were burned were like puppies pressed on the felt boards, making heart-piercing sounds, begging for mercy, cursing, and Crying, everything, but no cheers and laughter.

The two deputy generals who had been hiding outside the city for a long time saw the flames and black smoke billowing in the city of Datong in the distance.Holding horses, each led his own five thousand soldiers and horses to attack the 20 troops in front. "Kill it"

"General, let's go." A general pulled Temunu's horse rope and dragged him desperately to the outside of the city.

There were more than [-] Liao soldiers in the front, and less than [-] retreated. The rest were all hiding in the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this situation, Temunu's eyes were red, and he raised his sword and shouted, "Kill me, kill these sons of Da Zhou."

"General, we are ambushed, let's retreat quickly." The general of the Liao Kingdom who was pulling his horse rope still had only a sliver of reason.He didn't dare to look at the tens of thousands of soldiers who were buried in the sea of ​​fire in the city, for fear that he wouldn't be able to help but go crazy.

"It's not good. The general is not good." A flag soldier raised his heart-piercing voice in panic and shouted badly while running.

"What happened?" Temnu, who was pulled outside the city gate, regained his sanity and asked anxiously.

The flag soldiers exclaimed in fear: "There are a large number of ambush soldiers from the Great Zhou ahead."

"What? How many ambushes are there?" Temnu asked anxiously.

"I don't know, the billowing smoke and dust in the dark night can be clearly seen, the sound of charging is like a drum, and there are dense military flags all around."

The general next to Temunu heard this and said anxiously: "General, from this point of view, there are no less than 20 soldiers in the Great Zhou army." In other words, the soldiers have no combat power now, how can they fight again.

After hearing this, Timunu looked up to the sky and cursed: "A Congqiu, you stole my concubine and killed me." He said that there were no more than [-] soldiers in Dazhou, but there were hundreds of thousands in this posture.

"Retreat immediately, immediately" just as Temnu shouted, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the three sharp arrows on his chest in disbelief.

"General." The general next to him shouted, looking at Temunu who fell from his horse to the ground.Before he had time to say another sentence, his own eyes widened, and he fell off the horse with his death.

Ah Zhen stood on the city wall and saw Temunu fall off his horse, and ordered with a blank expression: "Shoot me, and I will kill all those who are close to those corpses."


The countless soldiers standing beside him kept shooting the bows and arrows at the Liao soldiers who were about to snatch the corpses.

"Retreat, retreat quickly." The general of the Liao Kingdom rode on horseback, raised his throat, and kept waving his big hands to disperse the fleeing soldiers and horses in all directions.

Da Zhou's two lieutenants rushed over, raised their sharp swords and yelled, "Kill me, kill me." Their eyes were already bloodshot.

All of a sudden, the Zhou soldiers and the Liao soldiers mingled together. Except for the Zhou soldiers, all the Liao soldiers were dumbfounded. In the dark night, it seemed that they were all Liao soldiers, and there was no sign of the Da Zhou soldiers.

A pair of Liao soldiers, who were fighting fiercely, tore each other for a while, stopped suspiciously and asked, "Are you a Liao soldier or a Zhou soldier?"

"Of course it's the Liao soldiers." The person who was asked said anxiously.

The two looked at each other, and when the real Liao soldier who was being questioned approached, his eyes widened, his black hand tightly grasped the sharp gun inserted into his chest, and he spat out blood, "You are a big Zhou soldier."

Da Zhou Bing, who stabbed someone, nodded seriously and replied, "Yes, look at the neck, look at the neck."

Liao Bing, who closed his eyes, looked at his neck and saw a straw rope tied around his neck. After being unable to speak, his eyes went dark and he went to the underworld.

"Kill." The two Liao soldiers who were fighting each other tore each other, and after a while, one of the two fell in a pool of blood, but neither of them had anything tied around their necks.

A big Zhou soldier with a straw rope tied around his neck saw that the Liao soldier had killed his companion, leaned over and said, "Brother, how do you recognize the big Zhou soldier?"

The Liao soldiers who had just killed their comrades heard the question from the neighbors, put away their spears and said to the couple in front who were tearing at the people: "Look, the soldiers of the Great Zhou are relatively short."

Hearing what he said, Da Zhou Bing suddenly understood and nodded and praised: "Brother is careful, let's go over and help."

"Go." When Liao Bing just turned around, he looked down at the sharp spear that was pierced through his back in disbelief, turned his head with difficulty and murmured, "You are the big Zhou Bing."

"Yes, look at my neck, look at my neck." Da Zhou's puppet soldier was very happy, and before he could speak again, he withdrew his spear and looked for the next target. See how successful this man is in killing feeling ah.

The generals of the Liao Kingdom looked at the densely packed soldiers and horses fighting each other with flustered eyes, unable to tell which ones were their soldiers and which ones were the Great Zhou soldiers.His face darkened instantly.

When a general couldn't tell the difference, he was afraid that his own people would kill his own people, so he yelled: "Everyone stop."

The real Daliao soldiers who shouted to him immediately stopped.Thousands of people died instantly when they stopped.

"He is the Great Zhou Bing."

"He is the Great Zhou Bing."

"He is the Great Zhou Bing."

The Liao soldiers who had just stopped for two seconds started to move again, and soon they were all mixed together again, and it was hard to tell who was who.

The black-faced Liao general turned blue again when he saw this.

"The general is not good, not good." A puppet soldier with a straw rope tied around his neck rushed towards the general of Liao with a sharp spear in panic.

The general of the Liao Kingdom had already lost his strength, and when he heard a bad voice, he hurriedly asked the soldier who had just arrived, "Say it quickly."

"A large number of Zhou troops are coming to us ahead." The puppet army of Da Zhou reported urgently.


As soon as the word "General of Liao Kingdom" came out, he was shocked to see that a sharp spear had been stabbed in his lower abdomen.

"You are a soldier of the Great Zhou." He held the spear in his stomach behind his back with one hand, and swung his sword at the puppet soldier of the Great Zhou with the other.

Just when he raised his hand, he was shot again in the back, which pierced the collarbone, and the last words he heard were: "I am also a big Zhou soldier." After hearing these words, he immediately He fell off his horse, closed his eyes, and went to the Palace of Hell to report.

"A thief, well done." The puppet soldier drew his spear and praised the person who lied about the military.

"Let's go, let's lie to those idiots again." The thief was very happy to have killed a Liao general, seeing how comfortable the battle was.

(End of this chapter)

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