ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 297 "A Happy Dinner"

Chapter 297 "A Happy Dinner"

Walking together in Yuanjing Mansion, Yingying remembered his melancholy just now, turned to look at him and asked: "Do you miss Wan'er?"

Ah Zhen put his big arms around her shoulders and sighed, "It will be a month or so before the delivery date. I don't know how she is doing now."

"Well, I don't know how long the matter at the border will be delayed. You must go back when you are about to give birth."

"Well. Let's not talk about this." He shook his head and then asked: "How is Daerba?"

Yingying listened to him mention Darba, shot him a complaining look and said: "I locked him in a mansion and sent Feihu to guard him."

After hearing this, Ah Zhen nodded and said: "We should also push the army to Bai Dadan's department." Since they are all here, they can't just do nothing.

"Well, I have been here for a few days, but nothing has been done, and the soldiers are impatient." Just now, the left and right generals came to urge again.

"After dinner, we will raise troops to the Liao border."

After hearing what he said, Yingying asked, "Is it in such a hurry?"

"The army is full of vigor, and if it drags on, everyone's enthusiasm will be extinguished, which is not good for us." He said with a smile.

The two talked while walking, as if they were chatting, but every sentence was about military affairs.

"What? Do you have any plan to take Bai Dadan City?"

Yingying's curious question made Ah Zhen crack open and said with a smile: "My wife, let me tell you what you think first."

What he said made Yingying raise her eyebrows and said with a smile, "We'll talk after dinner."

"Alright, anyway, there's no rush for a while."

After speaking, the two walked towards the inner hall where they had been waiting for a long time.

Benny, who had been waiting quietly in the inner hall for a while, immediately stood up when she heard footsteps, and was shocked when she saw the two people's clothes.


Before she could finish speaking, Ah Zhen ran forward, hugged her tightly and said, "Knock what, come back to your lively appearance, you don't need to be so cautious, if there's anything you need, I'll help you carry it, don't Fear."

Benny, who was about to bow down, was greatly moved when she heard her husband's words, and hugged him tightly, "Mr. Lang treated Ni'er so well."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You are my wife." As he spoke, he led her to sit at the dining table, and Yingying had already sat down by herself.

After they were all seated, the slave immediately came in through the small door, and after placing delicious food on the table, he bowed to leave in fear.

"Here, my Nier, a chicken leg." Said he took a thigh and put it in Bernie's bowl.

"And my Yingying." Said that the other leg was also put into the Yingying bowl.

"Don't be so busy, eat more, we can do it by ourselves." Yingying gently helped him carry the vegetables, and Benny, who was sitting on the other side of him, kept caring for her husband.

The enjoyable dinner came to an end with Ah Zhen talking and laughing.Shaking his head and sighing, he looked at Yingying's generosity affectionately, and lamented that the environment really changes people. Everyone here is polygamous. As a new human being in the 21st century, he even tolerated him. A love can hardly be expressed in a thousand words.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Yingying who was sitting next to Jinglan, and an unspeakable lust suddenly burst out in his heart, "wife."

With a piece of meat in her mouth, Yingying heard his soft voice, turned her head suspiciously and said, "Why?"

Before she could finish her sentence, her eyes went dark, and a big head immediately oppressed her.All of a sudden, the four hot lips pressed together tightly.

"Hmm..." Yingying, who had her hands on his chest, kept struggling, clenching her teeth tightly, preventing the tip of his tongue from breaking through the line of defense.

Ah Zhen saw that she was clenching her white teeth tightly to prevent him from getting in straight, and her naughty hand stretched out to her arm to itch.


Finally, Yingying's last line of defense also collapsed, unable to withstand his ferocious attack.

After the hot kiss was over, Yingying immediately yelled: "You are too disgusting." She stared at him in disbelief, and he actually ate the piece of meat that was in her mouth with relish.

"Hahaha, why don't you grab a piece of meat from you, what are you doing?" Ah Zhen laughed.

After Yingying looked him up and down with a look of "you are so disgusting", she turned her head and ignored him, and robbed him from her mouth. Thinking of his nausea, her stomach kept cramping.

Belle's eyebrows were deep and frowned, she put down the chopsticks in her hand, and asked with disgusting curiosity: "Mr., is it delicious?"

When Yingying heard Bei Ni's question, her face was immediately blushed.Ah Zhen turned his head, chewed the piece of meat and said: "It's delicious, my dear, do you want to try it?"

Benny was shocked, and quickly covered her small mouth with her hand, her little head shook like a drum, and said in horror: "No, Benny, you can give it to Yingying."

After hearing what Benny said, Yingying ran away immediately, and shouted in horror: "How dare you."

Ah Zhen looked at the two women left and right in a daze, then swallowed the piece of meat very reluctantly, opened his mouth and asked suspiciously: "Is it so disgusting?"

As he finished speaking, the two women on the left and right yelled at him at the same time: "Yes, it's very disgusting." After yelling, she still looked like you were dirty, and stayed away from him.

Seeing their expressions as if he had AIDS, Ah Zhen couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Okay, okay. I know I'm wrong, come and eat."

The two women looked at each other, and agreed that he was a horrible and disgusting character, and he must not be left behind.Otherwise, he didn't know what disgusting thing he was going to do later, and he turned around and walked towards the hall in a neat manner. After experiencing this incident, he was already full and still eating.

Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the chair, was dumbfounded for a moment. The two women were so daring, they didn't care about him and turned around and left. They really didn't go to the house for three days, it was against them .

The two women who were sitting and drinking in the hall were chattering for some reason, but when they saw him coming out, they immediately shut up, and before recovering from the nausea, they shot him with contemptuous eyes.

When Ah Zhen walked into the hall, he saw two sharp eyes. He laughed and walked up to the two of them, picked up a cup of unknown tea from the table and took a sip.

"Do you really want to march at night?" The cup he drank was Yingying's tea.

"Weifu Army Commander is less than a hundred miles away from Bai Dadan's department. It will take more than an hour to arrive. It will not hinder anything." After speaking, he turned his head and shouted outside: "Come on."

Two guards rushed in immediately and knelt down: "Your Majesty."

"Get the map here."


Bei Ni didn't know what he was going to do, so she asked gently: "Lang Jun, what are you going to do?"

Ah Zhen looked at her with a smile and said: "My Ni'er is very smart, can I help you to draw up a strategy for attacking Bai Dadan later?"

Bei Ni was startled, and said anxiously: "Mr. Sir, Bei Ni has never been on a battlefield, so she doesn't know how to use soldiers."

"Same, same, Yingying and I went to the battlefield without ever fighting." He said, lightly holding Yingying's tender hand on the table.

"Yes, Benny claims to have a photographic memory, and she must have more strategies in her head than us." Yingying also respected her.

Bei Ni was praised by the two heroes on the battlefield, with two small dimples sunken, she wrinkled her nose and said, "Langjun and Yingying are so powerful, why do we need Nier."

"My lord, here is the map." Just as they were talking, the guards rushed in to report.

"Hmm." He took the map from the guard, turned and walked back, laying the map flat on the table next to the two women.

Seeing that the map on the table was ready, Yingying and Benny turned their heads to look at the sketch together.

Seeing that they were all looking at the map, Ah Zhen put his hands on the map and said, "The Bai Dadan Department is located nearly a hundred miles in front of our army, the upper six hundred miles are between the Ministry of Defense and the Daoist Department, and the lower three hundred miles are the Great Wall." In the rear, there are Yunneizhou and Hohhot."

After Yingying watched it carefully, she put her hand on the map and continued: "In the center of the Ministry of Obi and Dao Oun, there are 30 soldiers and horses from the Wugu Dilie Commanding Division of the Liao Kingdom. The general is Wusuta, the king of the Northwest."

Benny was also looking at the map, curiously pointing to the road and said, "I heard that Yelu Hongmeng, who was almost hacked to death by my father, is in the road."

Ah Zhen heard Bei Ni say that the only imperial brother of the Liao Kingdom was almost hacked to death by his father, so he let out a sigh, "Is there such a thing?"

Yingying raised the corner of her mouth and said, "That's right, this Liao Emperor's younger brother is very impulsive, and he has a tendon in it. Last time when Damon was in civil strife, he was almost chopped up by Daerba."

"Hahaha, tell me what's going on." According to Yingying, this younger brother of Emperor Liao must be very interesting.

Thinking of Hong Meng, Yingying couldn't help smiling, and said slowly: "At that time, I just came, and Damon happened to rise in Golmud, and I drove him back from Golmud to Xiliang, when he was in Baimaqiang town. I surrounded Damon, but spies came to report that 'the Liao soldiers have gathered in Bai Dadan'."

"What? Damon asked for help from the emperor of Liao Kingdom?" Ah Zhen naturally thought of it after hearing this.

"Yes, Damon sent someone to send a letter to the Liao Kingdom, saying that if he helps him become the king of Tubo, he is willing to cede half of the land."

As soon as Yingying finished speaking, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, thinking that when he was in Dali that day, this Damon promised that if Da Zhou was willing to help him, he would give him half of the land. Thinking of this, he shook his head and said cautiously: "Damon this It’s an old problem, and there’s nothing to change.”

Yingying and Bei Ni burst out laughing when they heard him say that it was an old problem.

"Yeah, his old problem is an old disease, and he commits it at every turn. Fortunately, he committed suicide, and Tubo was messed up by him twice." Yingying shook her head while sighing, she felt very helpless when she thought of Damon.

It was a conspiracy hidden in Benny's heart. After hearing them say that Damon committed suicide, he sank into two dimples and said slowly: "Damon didn't commit suicide, I killed him."

There was a thunder on the ground, and Ah Zhen and Yingying were stunned. They looked at the smiling sweet Benny, unable to make any response.

for a long time

After looking at each other in a daze, he asked urgently at the same time: "Didn't Damon commit suicide?"

"That's right, in order to save Abba, I ordered Jingtai and the others to bypass Old General You's line of defense and secretly kill him, even fifty or so remnants of soldiers, by the Lidang River."

What she said with a smile made Ah Zhen and Yingying dumbfounded.

Ah Zhen, who couldn't react for a while, swallowed his saliva and said, "Do you know that we will kill Damon by the Lidang River?" Although he was asking a question, the tone of his question was very firm.

"Yes, at that time Ni'er couldn't figure out why Lang Jun and Yingying insisted on chasing Abba. After Abba was defeated in Nongdong, he had no power to fight back, and you had already planned it along the way. If It's easy to kill or capture Abba, but you don't. Let him escape to Tengchong, but block all the roads leading to Qilan, and drive him straight to Lanxi, but before Abba escapes When you arrive in Tengchong, you will order the right general, General Chu, to stand guard in front of Lanxi, and plant ambushes all over the mountains and fields along the road." At this point, Benny smiled crackingly, and continued, "At that time, Ni My son was very confused, Dad was newly defeated, unable to fight back, and was under such a huge ambushes, yet he was still alive, let alone fled to Lanxi without being captured, what an incredible thing."

When the two heard what Bernie said, sweat rolled down their foreheads.After looking at each other, Yingying raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then how did you know that we wanted to kill Damon, and how did you know that the place to kill him was by the Lidang River?"

Hearing Yingying's words, Benny smiled sweetly and said: "I couldn't figure it out at the time, but later I figured it out, why Langjun and Yingying spent so much time, the only purpose is to kill Damon, and also The person who is about to be killed will not be aware of it. My father will be afraid when he encounters schemes every time, so he will never go on the road to Dali. Sichuan or Jianchang, because these two prefectures are only a hundred miles away from Dazhou."

After hearing this, Ah Zhen praised her vigorously: "My Nier is really very smart. I didn't expect you to see through all the tricks we thought no one knew."

"Yes, Benny is really very smart." Yingying also praised her, but she still whispered to her: "This secret can no longer be said from today, if you have to say it, you have to say that Damon committed suicide." "

"Benny understood." Benny smiled happily, knowing that this secret cannot be revealed, and there is still a big master in the royal court.

The corners of Ah Zhen's mouth were raised, very proud, not surprised at all.On the contrary, Yingying was surprised when she saw her exquisite intelligence. She stared at her suspiciously and said, "Since Benny is so smart, the matter of the Miao people in Dali should be easily resolved. How could it be like this?"

Yingying's questioning caused Benny's sweet smile to disappear, and she sighed deeply before slowly saying: "The Miao people are actually a simple nation, and their hearts are very pure, so they are easy to be deceived or incited. "Speaking of this, he sighed again and continued:" In fact, these Miao people who had frictions with the government were all the consequences of civil strife. When the black, blue, and green Miao rioted, they killed each other. The king also paid the price he deserved. But the original pure Miao people, their aggressive character was provoked, and their toast was the wife of King Chagel, and they thought they were superior, so they no longer took the yamen who maintained order It's all Bernie's fault in the eyes of the policeman."

Seeing her sweet smile disappear, Ah Zhen leaned forward and hugged her small body in his arms in distress, and said distressedly: "Nier, don't blame yourself too much. After you go back, Mr. Lang will help you solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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