ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 299 "The Hopping Dad"

Chapter 299 "The Hopping Dad"

After Yingying turned the map, she said leisurely: "You have repeatedly defeated the Liao soldiers at the border, and now that you have come to the Tubo soldiers, we should not take the Liao army seriously, show strength to the Liao army, and make Bai Dadan think that we are Despise them. Only by taking actions that underestimate the enemy can you lure the generals in Bai Dadan City."

"That's right, we left 10 people to guard the military division, and the remaining 30 people bypassed Bai Dadan's tribe and headed north. It seemed that we were going straight to find the emperor of Liao for a decisive battle, but no. We left 10 people to monitor Yelu Hongmeng. The remaining 20 diverted to the lower right, as if they were going straight to Huangfu."

Yingying couldn't stop nodding when Ah Zhen said this, eyes flashed brightly and said: "That's right, the generals of Bai Dadan must have thought that we acted rashly at that time, and they would chase us."

Although Bei Ni didn't understand very well, but listening to their conversation, she was startled and said in a weak voice: "If this is the case, in front of Linhuang Mansion is the capital of the Liao Kingdom, followed by Bai Dadan's chasing troops, and on the left is the capital of Kuda. There are 12 tyrannical men of the Uyghur Tu nationality, and there are two Marshals of the Liao Kingdom on the lower right with a million wolf soldiers, which is very dangerous."

Ah Zhen shook his head and retorted: "No, as long as we are not close to the Linhuang Mansion, Kudatu's soldiers and horses will not come out, because there are [-] soldiers and horses monitoring the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, and Yelu Hongmeng cannot be harmed. And Sanggan's Liao The soldiers will not come out, because Liu Wanyang restrains them."

"That's right, we went around under the eyes of Bai Dadan's department, arrived at Daofu, and then arrived at Linhuang. If we attacked Linhuang, the emperor of Liao Kingdom would be furious. The generals of Bai Dadan's department who guarded our army It's going to be bad luck."

Bei Ni heard Yingying's words, although she felt that it was reasonable, she felt suspicious and said: "Although this is the case, our army is marching into the hinterland of the Liao Kingdom, surrounded by military cities of the Liao Kingdom, even if they don't move, our army will definitely be killed Panicked, how can weak soldiers win?"

Ah Zhen and Yingying listened to her regular conversation, they both laughed.

As soon as Bei Ni finished speaking, she saw the two of them burst into laughter, raised her brows and asked: "Mr., is Ni'er wrong?"

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen, who was overjoyed, shook his head and called out to Benny: "Nie, there is such a sentence, you probably haven't heard it before."

Yingying also pursed her smile, hearing that he was going to show off the literary talents of the ancients again, she rolled her eyes suddenly, shook her head, as if she had to do something about it.

"What is Mr. Lang?" Bernie claimed to have a photographic memory, and she didn't think there was anything she hadn't heard.

"Throw it into death and then survive, fall into death and then live."

"Huh." Benny snorted, tilted her neck and asked, "This is too whimsical."

Yingying heard her disbelief, held her hand tightly in the tweed, and let her look at herself before explaining: "The meaning of this sentence is: 'A soldier has nowhere to go when he dies, and he doesn't need to formulate laws and regulations. Able to pay attention to vigilance. You can complete the task without forcing it. You can work together without restraint. You can abide by military discipline without waiting for a trial order. Cutting the way back is like climbing a high and withdrawing a ladder. All soldiers can move forward bravely .”

As soon as she finished speaking, Ah Zhen put his arms around Benny's waist and said: "Yingying is right, after Bai Dadan's generals catch up, I will send [-] horsemen to monitor Liao Emperor's brother." One hundred thousand soldiers joined together, cut off the return route of Bai Dadan's troops, and surrounded them in the undefended grassland."

"That's right, there is no dangerous mountain to defend in that place. When the Liao soldiers were surrounded, they would have panicked. We, as a brave and forward-looking army, have an invincible reason for panicking."

Ah Zhen and Yingying spoke one by one, and gave a speech about the art of war of going up the house and unloading the ladder, without any flaws.

After listening to their speech, Bei Ni, who was at a loss, felt the clouds and mist cleared up. After thinking deeply, she raised her dimples and admired, "How did Lang Jun and Yingying come up with such a wonderful plan?"

When she asked this question, Ah Zhen and Yingying were immediately stunned. After the two looked at each other, they still did not dare to steal the wisdom of the ancients. .”

Benny had heard about Sun Tzu's Art of War from them just now, and was shocked when she got the confirmation, and asked anxiously, "Have you all learned Sun Tzu's Art of War?"

Ah Zhen and Yingying knew that Sun Tzu's art of war was lost very early in this world, and even Sun Bin didn't appear, so they didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"Actually, there is still a copy of King Wu's Sun Tzu's Art of War that was burned at Gusu Terrace. Somehow, this copy has flowed to our hometown, so we have all read it." , but they didn't try to break him.

Hearing what he said, Bei Ni nodded and said: "No wonder Langjun and Yingying are so powerful."

What she said as a matter of course made Ah Zhen jump, "What? I am very good without Sun Tzu's Art of War, okay?"

"Okay, Mr. Lang is the most powerful, okay?" Benny smiled and hugged his arm, stomping her feet and acting coquettishly.

Seeing that the two of them turned their faces, Yingying rolled her eyes, pushed away Ah Zhen's hair that was hanging down on her chest and said, "Let's go and see Dalba with Benny." Thinking of the past, he loved to tease Dalba the most. When he saw him, he wondered if he would bite him.

"Okay, you wait for me in the mansion, and I'll come as soon as I go." Fate makes people, I didn't expect Dalba to become his father.

When Bei Ni heard that Lang Jun said that she was going to see her father, she was overjoyed and thanked Yingying, then dragged him to the door.

Seeing her like this, Yingying shook her head and shouted: "Benny, I ordered someone to tidy up a side room, so don't spend the night outside."

"Understood." Benny's Yinghuang voice, who was walking away, drew towards the twinkling stars in the sky.

The famous generals of the past generation were locked in a mansion.

"He, since he won't kill me, and won't let me out, what is he going to do?"

When Ah Zhen stepped into the mansion where Daerba was locked, he heard his roars, and standing in front of the arch were countless members of the Flying Tigers with ghostly marks on their faces.

Daerba's roaring voice did not shake the Flying Tigers in front of him at all. This group of people remained silent, expressionless, and blocked, as if they had never seen or heard him roaring.

", all of them were made of wood, and none of them were human." Daerba, who was roaring and panting, realized that he was playing the piano to a cow at all, and was stuck in the archway and kept jumping.

After Ah Zhen and Bei Ni approached the arch, the sound of Dalba's jumping feet became louder and louder.

"Abba, can't you be quieter?" Bernie yelled at the hopping daddy from a distance, but compared with his thunderous voice, it was so pitiful.

Hearing Bei Ni's voice, Da'erba stopped talking, and after a moment of surprise, he tried to sneak through the human wall surrounding him, "Bei Er, why are you here again?" This sentence was much kinder.

Ah Zhen, who walked to the arch, saw that the Flying Tigers were all like a pillar, and ordered them without raising his eyes: "You all step back."

All the members of Flying Tiger knew this King Chagar, and when they suddenly saw him wearing a king's attire, after thinking about it, they immediately knelt down in unison: "Kowtow to see the king."

"Okay, let's go down."


A group of people like wood retreated instantly, leaving the empty garden to them.

Daerba heard the group of wooden men calling for the king, and immediately shot suspicious eyes at Ah Zhen. Seeing that the king in front of him turned out to be the Dazhou man who ruined him that day, he rushed towards him with new hatred and old hatred, "It's you , he, if I don’t kill you today, I won’t be called Daerba.”

When Ah Zhen saw him rushing over suddenly, he was startled. Before he could react, Benny stood in front of him and shouted: "Abba, try to touch my husband."

Daerba rushed forward when he heard that his precious daughter called Da Zhou Ren her lord, he stopped in doubt and asked: "Dadaba. Benny, what are you talking about?" I hope he heard it wrong.

"He is my lord, you are not allowed to touch him." Benny was not afraid of the beast in front of her at all, hugging her stunned lord's arm, she proudly declared to the world.

Ah Zhen saw that Daerba's face was livid, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead, he smiled and said hello: "Hey, Dad, goodbye to Dali, how are you doing?"

Daerba was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he pointed at Ah Zhen in disbelief and asked, "Bei Er, did he bully you? Don't be afraid, tell Dad the truth." He remembered that this man from Da Zhou was his He said he was going to rape Bernie.

Hearing what he said, Benny rolled her eyes and said, "Abba, do you think Benny is so easy to bully?"

"Yes, yes, my little cutie has always bullied me, and I swear that I never bullied him." Ah Zhen pointed his fingers at the sky, saying first wins first.

"You" Daerba was so angry that he lost his mind, with a black face that kept smoking, he rushed forward and grabbed Ah Zhen's skirt with one hand, and with the other hand, he was about to beat his handsome face into a big pie face, " I kill you."

Ah Zhen was shocked, and before he had time to react, Bei Ni stood in front and shouted: "Abba, if you dare to touch your husband, I won't call you abba anymore."

As soon as these words came out, the irrational Daerba stopped his giant palm in the air, and begged in desperation: "Bei Er, why did you choose this shameless person to be your lord?"

"Benny likes him, loves him."

"If you divorce him, Dad will find someone better than him for you."

"I don't want it, I only want him alone." Benny was not afraid of her father, she put her arms around Ah Zhen's waist and raised her water eyes to confront Daerba.

Seeing that the two father and daughter had a falling out, Ah Zhen waved his hands and persuaded: "We are all a family, don't be like this, let's talk in the house."

Hearing what he said, Daerba jumped angrily and shouted: "Who is a family with you."

Hearing that her father didn't recognize the lord, Benny yelled at him: "He is my lord, how?" After yelling, she added: "And he is our king, how can you yell at him. "

"Fuck..." Daerba heard his daughter say that he is the king, he spat on the ground with disdain, and said contemptuously: "The king has not died yet, what is he, at best, he is just a soft bone that depends on the princess for survival. "

His contemptuous words pissed Ah Zhen off. Although he didn't like to show off, he wouldn't be as unpromising as him.

After thinking about it, he straightened his face, and snorted disdainfully: "Darba, if it wasn't for Benny's sake, do you think you could be as comfortable as you are now? If it wasn't for Benny, you, a prisoner, think you are qualified to talk to the king one word?"

Hearing his contemptuous tone, Daerba jumped up and pointed at the tip of Ah Zhen's nose and shouted: "I, Daerba, a famous general of my generation, has made countless feats on horseback. With a king like you who relied on the hem of your skirt to become a king, Worth clamoring with me, I pooh."

"That's right, our heroic Darba was betrayed by his country and ancestors, committed rebellious deeds, and disregarded the lives and deaths of his soldiers for the sake of selfish interests. Escaping, Lanxi Gaolin suddenly met the elderly You veteran, frightened and terrified, Lidang Jiang had to be rescued by his daughter to escape to death, our generation of famous generals, the King of Dali really made a lot of contributions. Hahaha" After Ah Zhen pointed out his embarrassing things one by one, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and trampled the famous general under his feet.

"You..." Daerba saw that he was tearing his wounds apart, he was scheming for a moment, he put his hand on his chest, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Abba." Seeing him clutching his chest tightly, Benny hurriedly stepped forward to support him in an exclamation, turned her head and complained to Ah Zhen: "Lang Jun"

"It's alright, it's my fault, Dad, don't stare at me with such big bull's-eyes." Ah Zhen, who stepped forward, apologized, and took over from Benny to help Dad's hands.

Seeing that he touched him with his dirty hands, Daerba immediately jumped up and shouted, "Get your dirty hands away."

Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, instead of taking his "dirty hands" away, he held him even tighter and said, "I said daddy, stop making trouble."

"Whoever has trouble with you, I don't need your help, get out of here."

Hearing that his father was still so arrogant, Bei Ni sighed and said to Ah Zhen: "Mr. Lord, help your father into the room and sit down before we talk."

Daerba heard his daughter say that he wanted to let this filthy man into his room, and exhaled two white smokes from his nostrils, shouting, "Get out of here, do you hear me, get out of here."

Ah Zhen's ears automatically blocked his roar, and he raised his eyebrows lightly and seduced him: "Father, if you want to continue to stay here to raise mosquitoes, then I will leave immediately. If you want to go to bed with Cao Zong and the others battlefield, then shut up for me."

Sure enough, his words made Daerba, who was extremely fanatical about fighting, shut his mouth tightly and didn't say a word.

Seeing that Ah Zhen finally stopped yelling, Benny pursed her lips and kept laughing, and gave him an appreciative look.

Ah Zhen received Beni's gaze, and the corner of his mouth curled up, very proud.This old man has a character like a cow and has no brains. When he rebelled that day, it was because the old man didn't let him go to the battlefield and let him stay in Dali to raise mosquitoes. That's why he was picked by Damon. They regard war as their own fate, even if they don't want wives and children, they can't fight without war.

As soon as the shut-up Daerba entered the wing room, he immediately broke free, turned to Ah Zhen and asked anxiously: "Can you really let me lead the army to fight again?"

Hearing his urgent words, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and joked, "Father, aren't you talking nonsense? I'm already a king, so what's the problem with giving you tens of thousands of soldiers?"

Daerba was blushed by Kan, and ordered to him: "Then quickly give me 5 horses, and I promise to take Shangjing away."

Ah Zhen listened to the tone of his order, raised his eyebrows, looked him up and down and said: "Father, are you ordering me?"

Seeing the two men fighting like cocks, Bei Ni shook her head and sighed, "Abba, you are rebellious, and the Lord has taken good care of you if he doesn't kill you. I will ask him to give you soldiers and horses again soon. The soldiers outside What will you think of Mr. Lang?"

"That's right. There is no distinction between rewards and punishments. How can those generals lead their troops to fight?" Ah Zhen echoed Benny's words.

Although Daerba is single-celled, it is right to think about it. It is most taboo to disregard rewards and punishments when marching, so that the soldiers will not work hard to move forward.

"Wang Man must be the first one who refuses to accept it. His disease that no one accepts is brought from his mother's womb." Daerba gritted his teeth and spit out this sentence.

Ah Zhen was dumbfounded when he heard his swearing and angry tone. He didn't expect that the single-celled father could be so artistic in cursing.

"Then what do you say? If you want me to continue being locked up here, you just kill me." Daerba sat on the chair angrily. Everyone was having fun at the front line, but he was the only one locked in the room like a bitch. Learning to embroider with needles, is he still a man?

(End of this chapter)

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