ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 311 "Sweeping the Great Northwest"

Chapter 311 "Sweeping the Great Northwest"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ah Zhen shook his head and walked out towards the entrance of the hall. He put his hands behind his back and looked up to the sky with a long smile. What's more, it's a small army? If the army is lost, then the king promises you that you can get a better city than the army."

After hearing his words, the generals hurriedly chased them out. The king's words are the truth and the holy attainment. The king's wisdom is unmatched. He didn't pay much attention to the obituary.

Divided into three bands, the Fan soldiers captured the Ministry at lightning speed. The cities around the Ministry were shocked when they heard about it. There were 60 troops in the Ministry, but they were lost in an instant. How mighty and ferocious that fan soldier must be.It is even heard that more than 60 Tibetan soldiers came this time.The suspicious chiefs of Zhucheng were even more suspicious. They all heard that Tubo sent only 50 troops, but Tan Ma was sure again and again. [-].

The two small cities of Wulan and Zhenzhou combined less than [-] Liao soldiers. They only heard that the Fan soldiers were coming, and they didn't even dare to resist at all.

After Wang Lei led his army into Wulan City, he raised his throat and ordered: "As long as they surrender, all soldiers will be treated kindly, and all soldiers must not disturb the people, and those who violate it will be executed."

"Yes" the Fan soldiers who poured into the city gate shouted in unison in an orderly manner.

The people of the Liao Kingdom who were kneeling around the city immediately shouted: "Thank you, General, thank you, General."

The capital of Ulan was an old man in his sixties. He led the officials in the city to kneel at the gate of the city with tears in his eyes. I heard that this time, Tubo made three applications and five orders, tightly restraining the soldiers. It is very different from the brutal bandit soldiers before. This benevolent army has already become famous among the common people. up.

As soon as Deng Yao, General Zhengdong, arrived in Zhenzhou, he saw the city gate of Zhenzhou was wide open, and the people in the city were kneeling all over the ground, but there were no soldiers in the government office. When he was suspicious, he asked the people and found out that when he came to Zhenzhou At that time, the capital had already taken the local government to retreat to the palace of the great prince, and only gave him the people of one government and a dilapidated city.

After hearing this, Deng Yao shouted: "All soldiers are not allowed to disturb the people, and those who disobey the order will be executed immediately!"


Deng wanted to nod his head before waving his horse and entering the city. The city was in ruins and the Liao general fled in panic.The money, food, weapons and equipment in the city were definitely not taken away, the most important thing was to rob, whoever wanted this ruined city would take it.

Ah Zhen led one hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and arrived at the palace of the Great Prince Zong after less than fifty li. Seeing that the city was new and strong, he nodded with satisfaction, and shouted at the general of Liao on the city wall: "Open the door and surrender, and I will spare you. Insist on resisting for a short time to break the city and fill the moat with blood."

The faces of the generals in the city changed greatly after hearing this, their lips were pale and trembling, no one dared to say a word.The [-] soldiers and horses in front were all killed in an instant. How could they fight against only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in their city.

Seeing the frightened Liao generals, Ah Zhen opened his mouth and shouted: "If you don't open the city gate, you will end up the same as this person." After shouting, he waved his palm.

Sand Tiger and Sand Wolf immediately pulled out the bound and sturdy Zadama from the army and knelt down in front of the city.

All the generals in the city saw that the person kneeling in the city was Zadama, the head of the obituary, their eyes widened in shock, not knowing what the King of Tubo was going to do.

"Cut!" Ah Zhen closed his eyes and took a living life instantly.If he does not die, more people will die.

Just as the Liao generals on the city watched, Zadama was chopped off by a sharp knife held high by the foreign soldiers.

With the rolling heads, the corpse-like white faces of the Liao generals in the city instantly turned blue, and the mighty Zhadama was gone, and the second warrior of the Mante tribe died in front of their eyes.

Seeing that the execution was over, Ah Zhen didn't dare to look at the bloody head that fell on the ground, and gritted his teeth with a black face and shouted: "It seems that you want to be like him, then I don't need to be merciful."

All the soldiers obeyed, "Attack Zou, and kill everyone in the city after entering the city."

"Roar" One hundred thousand soldiers raised their weapons high and roared loudly.

Liao generals in the city stared bloodshot eyes. They heard that they had repeatedly issued orders not to harm the people when they came out this time, but they didn't expect that what they saw was completely different.

From a distance, the drums and drums of Fantu are already shaking the sky, and many soldiers are marching forward with ladders and giant trees.General Liao on the city shouted in panic, "Stop!"

Ah Zhen heard him call to stop, his heart sank, and he yelled with a straight face: "Kaicheng will not die."

The soldiers who were going to attack the city heard what the king said, retreated to their troops, and shouted in unison: "Kaicheng will not die, Kaesong will not die!"

"General, there are only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city, but there are more than one hundred thousand people." The officials of the Grand Palace reported weeping.

"General, I beg you to take pity on the poor people." Several lieutenants also begged in unison.

"General, these are all the people of my Liao Kingdom!" Immediately, both civil servants and generals fell to their knees and cried to persuade them.

The chief general of the Dawang's Mansion, standing on his back on the top of the city, slowly shed two clear tears from his closed eyes. There are more than 100 family members of King Wu in the palace. To the Holy One, ashamed to the Liao Kingdom.

After thinking about it, he was extremely sad, he pulled out the sharp sword in his waist with a sho, and swiped it without hesitation.



It was too late when the kneeling ministers raised their heads, only to see a deep gash on their general's neck, blood was continuously flowing and dripping to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ah Zhen in the city could not help clenching his fists, he is such a good general, what a pity.

As soon as the general died, the gates of the Grand Palace opened wide. Ah Zhen took a deep breath and waved his hands majestically: "Enter the city!"


Hundreds of thousands of Tibetan soldiers rushed in towards the small city gate like wild beasts. ,

Stepping into the palace of the Great Prince Zhitui, hundreds of Usuta's family members were kneeling in the hall.

"Duan Tai, you order people to quickly transport the food, grass and weapons in the city back to Yan Junsi." He gave the order as he walked.

"Yes." Duan Tai turned around excitedly and left immediately.

When he stepped into the hall, Ah Zhen was stunned, pointing to a group of people kneeling on the ground and asked: "What's going on?"

General Dong Ping San clasped his fists and replied, "Your Majesty, these people are all Usuta's family members."

"What? This is Su Wuta's mansion?" Said he looked around for a while, stroked his chin and nodded, "It seems that Wusu Tower is a bit elegant." I saw that the carved beams and painted columns were extremely beautiful.

After speaking, he walked to the main table and sat down, took the tea brought by the shaking maidservant, and jokingly said: "Don't shake, if you keep shaking, there will be only tea leaves and no tea left."

Hearing his rigid voice, the servant girl burst into tears of fright, poutong knelt down on the ground, and kept begging for mercy: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me."

Seeing her like this, Ah Zhen stood up and lifted the maidservant to her feet, "I won't kill you, so please go down."

The maidservant's legs trembled, and as soon as he let go, he immediately fell to the ground again.

The generals saw that the king called the maid to go down, but the maid was still sitting on the ground, and all the tiger eyes couldn't help but shot at the bold maid.

The servant girl who fell to the ground, her legs were weak, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest in fear. She realized that her legs could not move in fear, and she raised herself up in fear to see dozens of generals with faces all over her face. Hanging the meat, glaring at her.

This scare made her heart almost jump out of her throat. In the unspeakable horror, the maid let out a wow and fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Ah Zhen was dumbfounded, and saw that the maid was tied up with two cows, and instead of standing up, she sat on the ground and cried loudly, crying like no one before or since, as if her whole family had died tragically before her eyes.

"What are you doing? Why are you crying?" Ah Zhen squatted down in a daze and patted the maidservant's shoulder?My head is full of fog.

"Wow..." The servant girl saw the face of this terrifying Tubo King enlarged before her eyes, and put her hands on the floor in fright, moved and backed away, as if he was extremely frightening.

Ah Zhen opened his mouth wide, his bull's eyes were extremely wide, he scratched his scalp, and tilted his neck, not understanding that the servant girl was frightened when she saw him as if she saw a monster.

Although he is not as handsome as Pan An, he thinks he is not too ugly, at least the girls will gather around him when they see him, and he has never seen a woman so frightened when she sees him.

After thinking about it, he pointed to his own face, turned around and asked the group of generals with fleshy faces, "Tell me, is this king ugly?"

"Your Majesty is extremely handsome." All the generals shouted together.

Ah Zhen nodded, he also thought he was handsome, why did the little maid look so scared?Retreating in disbelief, his maid who was far away walked over.

"Ah, don't come here, don't come here."

As soon as he took a step, the maid's scream pierced everyone's eardrums, as if they were terrified that they might go to hell at any moment.

Ah Zhen saw her crying and screaming at the ghost, so frightened that he did not advance but took a big step back, turning his head and looking at the generals.

Well, just treat her as crazy.After shaking his head in a daze, he pretended not to hear the cries of the maid who retreated beside the pillar, and pointed to the group of Wusuta's family members kneeling in the hall and said, "All raise your heads for this king to see."

The more than 100 people who were afraid raised their heads carefully and asked him to wait and see.

Ah Zhen nodded, pointed to a young girl among the crowd and asked, "Who are you?"

The young girl who was pointed out lowered her eyes in fear, and whispered back: "My lord, my name is Wumei."

"Who are you, Ursuta?"

"Father." The young girl answered softly in fear, feeling extremely sad in her heart, it seemed that her chastity was about to be lost.

You can't blame your family members, let alone the family members of the defeated generals.

"Let them all go." He waved his hand and ordered with a sigh.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty." The one hundred people who were already in despair suddenly wept with joy, the name of the benevolent army is indeed worthy of the name.

A group of people stood up and retreated towards the hall tremblingly. The young girl who had been called bit her lip, went to the side of the crazy servant girl and pulled her up, "Gui Yu, get up, the king has let us go."

The servant girl's face of despair immediately cleared up when she heard her young lady's words, she wiped the tears all over her face and knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times and quickly stood up, about to flee from the entrance of the hall.

Ah Zhen squinted her eyes and saw her standing up, and then, as if seeing a ghost, she rushed to the entrance of the hall and was about to escape.

Thinking that he was so handsome, he had never been so despised by a woman, and he shouted unbalanced in his heart: "You are allowed to go."

As soon as his words fell, the generals standing by the door all moved and blocked the hall door without saying a word, staring at the two of them with cold-blooded eyes.

Seeing that the Tubo king refused to let her go, Guiyu burst into tears again, turned around and knelt down, knocked her head and begged for mercy: "My lord, spare me, my lord, spare me!"

"Get up." Seeing that her head was about to break, Ah Zhen yelled loudly.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life." The maid was deaf in both ears, and all six souls and seven souls were left behind.

"Get up." He shouted this time.

"Forgive Your Majesty, Forgive Your Majesty"

Seeing that she was still the same, Ah Zhen angrily stepped forward, pulled her up from the ground, and shouted: "I won't kill you, why are you begging for mercy?"

Seeing that the king was furious, all the generals stared dumbfounded, listening to the vulgar words of the king in disbelief, they looked at each other and didn't know what expression to make.

After Guiyu was yelled at, her clear face froze for a moment, and then she burst into tears with a "wow".

Ah Zhen rolled her eyes, threw her on Wumei and ordered: "You two go back with me." After speaking, he added: "Serve my wife."

After he finished his additional words, Wumei's expression eased, she never expected that the king of Tubo would lead the concubine to march, it was really different.

After the two women were taken down by the soldiers, Ah Zhen moistened his throat with tea and ordered: "All the generals immediately count the troops, let's go to the Northwest Road to recruit the Secretary."

"Yes" the generals clasped their fists together and retreated slowly, surprised that the king and a little maid had been chattering for so long, and only gave them an order, had the king's head been kicked by a pig?
Usuta, who was stationed quietly in the ministry and the priesthood, had been following every move of the ministry since he received Zadamo's letter.But the bad news continued one after another.

At noon, he just received the news that his body was missing. After he was shocked, he gathered his soldiers and horses and was about to set off.


Usuta, who was just about to set off, heard the sound of the tip, and immediately shouted: "Say it quickly."

"Wulan, Zhenzhou, Dawang's Mansion, and Recruitment Department are all lost." The scouts didn't dare to catch their breath and rushed to report without even dismounting their horses.

"What?" Usuta was shocked and shouted anxiously, "Report in detail."

"Yes." The scout reported without delay: "The Fan army was divided into three groups, all the way to Wulan and the other to Zhenzhou. gone."

"Tubo, I, Usuta, are irreconcilable with you." After hearing this, Usuta almost died of anger, and she thrust out her sharp sword with a sound of grief, and swore an oath to the sky.

"All generals, immediately follow me to destroy these sheep and avenge the three generals."

"Roar" 30 soldiers will roar up to the sky, and the troops rush forward on a large scale.

After "reporting" the 30 soldiers in Wusuta were about to travel less than a few miles, a very fast horse rushed to it.

"Say it."

"The king of Fan led 20 Tu soldiers to our direction."

After hearing this, Wusuta yelled with a straight face: "Well done, this king will avenge the three generals today. Everyone rush forward immediately."


"Speed ​​up, move forward"

"Speed ​​up, move forward"

The loud shouts resounded in the 30 Liao army.

"Report" Another fast horse came running profusely.

Usuta yelled weakly, "Say."

"The Tubo deputy commander stationed below our army led 13 Tibetan soldiers to rush towards the king." The fast horse didn't slow down for a moment, and he had finished reporting before the horse's hooves stopped.

Usuta was shocked, and raised her throat and shouted: "Impossible, there are 20 soldiers of King Yelu in front of Wangman, how dare they act rashly."

"Every sentence is true." Tan Ma didn't want to believe it, but it was the way it was.

"How is King Yelu doing?" Wusuta hurriedly asked when he saw that his mouth was stiff.

"There is no movement in King Yelu's stronghold." Tan Ma reported truthfully.

After hearing this, Usuta's teeth broke, and with a dark face, he raised his sword and shouted: "Go on." Without the help of King Yelu, he himself had 30 soldiers and horses, and the total of Tubo was only 10,000+, evenly matched .

(End of this chapter)

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