ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 324 "Happy Gold"

Chapter 324 "Happily Received a Thousand Gold"

After the people watched the exciting scene in the execution ground, they felt happy when they heard the screams of the animals.After the execution ground incident, everyone rushed to the gate of the city and rushed out in anxiety.

Ah Zhen, Xueshuang, and Li Nengwu rode on two horses, and what they saw was the blocked city gate.

"It seems that this group of people is extremely hated by the people." He said.

"Yes." Xueshuang, who was being hugged by him, nodded blankly. She didn't expect that Yan'an Mansion seemed to be celebrating the new year. It seemed that the common people were being bullied by these bullies and the government on weekdays.

The three of them waited on the street for a long time, and finally seeing that the crowd was much less, they walked lightly and walked away from the gate of the city.

"it is good"

As soon as they came out, hundreds of thousands of people clapped their praises.

Then Tengchong's majestic words rang out, "Deng Shaoqun of the Deng family, together with Tong Zhen, raped 47 women and tortured six of them to death. According to the order of the commander-in-chief, immediately execute them!"

After Tengchong's words fell, hundreds of thousands of people were silent, and then suddenly shouted loudly across the sky.

"Lin Renwen and Lin Renguang from the Lin family formed cliques and harmed the village with Tong Zhen. They robbed and raped more than 43 civilian women. They flogged [-] women who refused to obey the civilian women.

"Hao Dingya, the leader of the Tiangou gang, was driven by Tong Zhenzuo, ravaged the village, harmed one side, seriously injured 170 people, and killed more than [-] people. There are many bandits in his gang. Sentenced according to the severity of the circumstances, he will be executed immediately. The seventh bandit, the rest will go to prison. Immediately execute!"

There was a long silence, and then hundreds of thousands of people knelt on the ground, kowtowed and shouted: "Da Sima is wise, Da Sima is wise"

As soon as these hundreds of thousands of people knelt, Ah Zhen hurriedly covered Xueshuang's eyes in his arms. Xueshuang's eyes were covered, and she leaned tightly in her arms in fear, not daring to make a sound or move.

The ground at the gate of the city was stained red with blood, more than a dozen officials were tied up in front of the temporary execution platform, and seven or eight executioners were dressed in red clothes, with their chests and arms exposed, cutting off the heads on the felt board with big knives. Immediately after that, the prisoner who was kneeling on the ground to be executed was escorted, and he was pushed down on the felt board, and then the knife was raised and lowered, blood spurted out, and the head and body were separated.The soldiers next to them carried the prisoners with their heads and bodies separated to one side and lined them up neatly on the ground, and threw their heads into the large vat that had been prepared earlier.

Seeing this situation, Ah Zhen felt sick in his stomach.

"God has eyes, Da Sima is wise!" Hundreds of thousands of kneeling people cheered in unison when they saw the dozens of bullies being cut down, and then they all stood up, jumping for joy.

Ah Zhen did not have their joy, shook his head, let go of Xueshuang's eyes, and called to Li Nengwu: "Let's go."

"Drive" Li Nengwu gave a sound of driving, raising his whip and frantically flattering.

The two of them rode away with whips, and there were still bursts of cheers resounding from behind.

Since Xueshuang followed, the three of them walked for nearly seven days before reaching the imperial capital.

At the dawn of dawn, the three of Ah Zhen drove towards the huge city gate of Jinling. The majestic imperial city was still familiar, and the old inns and teahouses in the city were still bustling with people.

"Let's go" Ah Zhen can't wait for Zhong to ride his horse and run towards the city, Wan'er's belly must be very big.

The old gardeners in front of the Da Sima Mansion cleaned the courtyard year after year.The busy maidservants and gardeners saw the two handsome horses galloping towards them, their eyes bulged and their mouths were tongue-tied. Da Da Sima is back?

"Xu" rushed to the gate of the mansion, and the three of them tightened the rope together.

"Ah, Da Sima is back, Da Sima is back." As if seeing a ghost, everyone threw away the work they were doing, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, and rushed back to the mansion.

Khan, the corners of Ah Zhen's mouth curled up in a dumbfounded, all the people in his house are too talented.

After the front yard, the hall, the study, the garden strange?What about Wan'er and Qianyun?When they heard the news of his return, they should have rushed out to welcome him without delay.

"Uh! They might be busy." Ah Zhen said to Xueshuang, who was confused.

"Husband, husband"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qianyun ran towards him in a panic and panic.

When Ah Zhen saw this celestial being, he had a smile on his face, and opened his arms wide to welcome the coming one.

"Quick, quick, quick..." Qianyun didn't throw herself into her arms as he had imagined, but instead pulled him, rushing towards Nei Wan in a panic?

"Yun'er, what's the matter?" Ah Zhen, who was being led by her in a hurry, was puzzled, why was there such a hurry.

The sweaty Qianyun panted and said, "Wan'er Wan'er is about to give birth."

"What?" Immediately, Ah Zhen's horsepower was fully activated, and he was very worried. It was only more than nine months old, and premature birth was very dangerous.



Just as they rushed to Nei Wan, bursts of screams sounded from Wan'er's room.

Ah Zhen heard such a scream, his eyelids twitched, his body and face were covered in cold sweat, and he hurried over.

"Da Sima, you can't go in." The maid was also very anxious, and tightly blocked the door to prevent him from entering.

"My wife is giving birth to my child, why can't I, a father, come in." Ah Zhen yelled at dozens of maidservants blocking the door.

The group of maidservants who immediately yelled fell to their knees.

Seeing that her husband was angry, Qianyun rushed forward and pulled him who was about to barge in, "Husband, you can't go in."

As Qianyun's words fell, Wan'er, who was in pain, heard the voice of her messy husband, gritted her teeth, and shouted in pain, "Husband, you can't come in."

"Husband Wan'er is back, don't worry, take your time." He was sweating profusely as he paced outside the door, holding back his body that was about to break in.

What he said made both the maid outside and the midwife inside roll their eyes. Can the delivery be slow?Of course, if you have to work hard, you will not be able to give birth if you are slow.

"Ma'am, put in a little more effort, just a little more effort." The three midwives were also sweating profusely.In the past, it was easy to help others deliver babies, but this is not a casual person. Da Sima is a murderer without blinking an eye, who will take care of any mistakes.

"Master" Xueshuang also heard that Mrs. Wan was about to give birth, so she rushed over sweating profusely.

"Master, step aside and let Xueshuang go in to serve you." Xueshuang listened to the wailing in anxiety, and her anxious little feet kept stamping, which made Grandpa Land's waist ache.

Seeing that she said she wanted to go in, the anxious Ah Zhen immediately backed away, grabbed Xueshuang and said: "If you ask me if you want a wife or a child, don't say anything else, the wife is important."

What he said made everyone roll their eyes. Who doesn't know that the wife is more important.

"Okay, okay." Xueshuang nodded again and again, nodded to the dozen or so maidservants who were guarding the gate, and then hurried in.

Ah Zhen was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Seeing that the door was open, he leaned over and couldn't help poking inside.

With a bang, the maid closed the door very quickly. There were a large number of maids guarding the door inside and outside, and he didn't even see it.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen immediately jumped up, clasped his hands tightly, sweating profusely, and walked forward and back, "It's better if nothing happens. Holy Mother, God, Jesus, Allah, Tathagata Buddha, bless you."

Anxious Qianyun saw him muttering to herself in disbelief, and when he approached, she stretched out her little hand to hold the big white palm tightly, "husband, everything will be fine, just be patient." She hadn't given birth before either, But the head of the family has become such a mess, and now it all depends on her as the mistress.

"Yun'er, Husband is harming you" Before she could say anything, Wan'er's screams resounded with a sharp pain in her tooth root.

"Madam, if you push harder, your head will come out." The three matchmakers were sweating profusely, and they were under enormous pressure both physically and mentally.

"Ah" screamed continuously, Wan'er blushed, gritted her teeth and cried, "I, I, I want to be gong."

The three midwives were overjoyed when they heard what she said, and immediately shouted together without thinking: "Quickly pull here, quickly!"

"Ah" accompanied by Wan'er's scream.

"Wow!" A bright voice resounded in Da Sima's mansion.

When Ah Zhen heard this loud cry, his heart went up and down, coming and going in the wind and rain.His heart was weak, his limbs were weak, and he fell to the ground.

"It's born, it's born." In an instant, everyone in the garden shouted happily.

Before Ah Zhen came back to his senses, the three midwives excitedly opened the door and congratulated loudly, "Congratulations to Da Sima for his daughter."

When all the maids heard this, they pressed their waists together and said, "Congratulations to Da Sima, and congratulations to Mrs. Wan."

"Reward, a big reward." When Ah Zhen heard that it was her daughter, she immediately jumped up, yelled loudly, and rushed in to the opened forbidden door without delay.

"Where's my baby Wan'er?" In Liushen Wuzhu, the thief's brain flickered around.


"Don't sit up, lie down for me."

Before he finished speaking, he was already sitting by the bed, holding Wanjun's weak little hand tightly with his big palm, "Baby, thank you for your hard work."

"I'm sorry my husband can't give you a son, Waner will work harder." Wanjun apologized.

Hearing her words, Ah Zhen straightened his face and said, "It's up to you to have a boy or girl." After finishing speaking, he lightly pecked her pale lips and said affectionately, "I like girls, a girl like me Wan'er is such a considerate, considerate and gentle girl. Why are you giving birth to those picky bastards? I'm not here to make you angry."

The originally sad Wanjun who was provoked by his excellent singing and singing showed a smile, held her big palm back, and asked sincerely: "Husband, do you really like girls?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? I'm a man, of course I like women, don't you know?" He pretended to be surprised and said.

Hearing that he was so unrestrained, Wan Jun's pale face flushed slightly, and she complained tenderly: "Husband, Wan'er is serious."

"Husband, I am very serious. I like girls, no! To be precise, as long as the child is Wan'er, whether it is a boy or a girl, the weight in my husband's heart is the same, and there is no preference."

Listening to his straightforward words, Wan Jun immediately wet his eyes with tears, and raised his body moved, "husband"

"Don't look up, lie down quickly. Husband, come and hug me, be good, don't cry." He leaned down and hugged Keren who was lying on the bed.

After Yirou Xueshuang washed the little girl, she hugged them affectionately and said, "Master, madam, the little lady is very cute, and she will definitely fascinate thousands of men when she grows up."

"Hahaha, Yirou, what you said is all nonsense, Wan'er is a mess of beauty, and I am a mess of handsome, of course the one born is the most beautiful in the world."

The "husband" Qianyun who had just approached, and Wan'er who was lying on the bed, saw him so shameless, and shyly shouted with joy on their faces.

Qianyun couldn't wait, so she reached out to Yirou to beg for the child, "Give me a hug."

"Wow, it's really cute, and it looks so juicy." Said she sat down on the side of the bed, and handed the sleeping little girl to Wan'er.

Wan'er quickly took it into her arms in anxiety, her happiness was beyond words, "She has a husband with a pointed nose and big ears."

Empress Qianyun nodded again and again, "The eyebrows are like Wan'er, and the eyes must be as big as Wan'er."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at the small mouth together, and the cheeks of the chattering two immediately flushed, she had the annoying but lingering lips of her husband.

Ah Zhen tilted his neck and was at a loss. After carefully reading it over and over again, he was still confused. He raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice: "What do you think? No matter how I look at it, I'm just a little kid."

Wanjun and Qianyun, who were blushing, were stunned.

"Look, husband, isn't her nose very similar to yours?" Wan Jun said.

Ah Zhen raised his hand to touch his nose, and carefully looked at the sleeping little nose, "My nose is so big, how could hers be so small?"

Halo, everyone in the room rolled their eyes.

Qianyun raised her brows upright, in disbelief, she pointed at the sleeping girl's ears and said, "Husband, do you think her ears are very similar to your big ears?"

Ah Zhen touched his ear with his back hand, then reached out to measure his sleeping daughter's small ear, and immediately yelled, "There is such a difference, why is it as big as me?"

A group of people fell to the ground.

Jun Wan stared in disbelief, she, a smart husband, did it on purpose, right? "Husband, please give her a name?"

"Wan'er is the only blood in the Li family, so I'll take a homonym. Let's call her Nianli."

"I miss Li, I miss Li's family, my husband." After thinking about it, Wan Jun was moved to tears like the Yangtze River bursting its banks.

"Lin Nianli, Lin Nianli. It's very nice." Qianyun said, picking up Nianli who was lying next to Wan'er, shaking her lovingly, "Nianli's name is Aunt Yun, and Aunt Yun can put all her martial arts skills on her body. I leave it all to you."

Her childish behavior caused countless black lines to appear on Ah Zhen's forehead. On one side, the Yangtze River was flooding, and on the other side, the sun was shining brightly. Everything was abnormal.

"Okay, I've decided." He stood up and said cautiously.

Wanjun, who was crying, and Qianyun, who was teasing the child, suddenly heard him say that they had made a decision, and they looked at each other for a while, wondering what he was going to decide?
"From now on, all children are not allowed to be called aunts. The biological mothers will be called mothers, and then they will be called Wanniang, Yunniang, Yingniang, Niniang, and Xueniang."

After his Xueniang said it, Xueshuang's head immediately bowed behind her, her face was flushed with shame, but her heart was as sweet as candied fruit.

Wan'er didn't pay attention to it for a while, and then she muttered with a weird expression, "Wan Niang? Wan Niang?" After reading, she disapproved and shouted: "Husband, I want to be called Jun Niang, Wan Niang is too ugly."

"Okay, I'll call you Junniang, and so on." He clapped his hands to confirm the decision.

(End of this chapter)

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