ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 362 "The Gray Childhood Around the Moon"

Chapter 362 "The Gray Childhood Around the Moon" (1)
"Could it be..." Jimin muttered to himself with sparkles in his eyes, then raised his head and asked, "Could it be the Japanese pirates who are independent from the east?"

"That's right, this one is a bitch who doesn't have that but wants to pull that pile of shit." Ah Zhen nodded and said.

Everyone in the Liao Kingdom saw that he was so angry about the Japanese pirates, and they didn't understand why he was so angry for a while.

"The king of Tubo seems to hate the Japanese pirate country extremely?" Jimin asked in a low voice.

"That's right, this king has always been known for his benevolence. The army does not disturb the people, does not rob the people, and does not kill innocent people. He even ordered soldiers to help the people build roads, garrison fields, and bridges."

Everyone in the Liao Kingdom nodded their heads when they heard his words, the reputation of the King of Tubo has spread all over the world.Regardless of whether he was in Dazhou or Tubo, he restrained his soldiers and generals, and he must put the people first. He governed the army as strictly as a frost blade. It can be said that he has a passionate heart that loves the people like a son.

"The name of the king of Tubo who loves the people makes Jimin admire him." What he said is an indisputable fact, and whoever dares to say otherwise.

After Ah Zhen nodded, his face was full of gloom, he sucked blood and said with a smile: "Even if I am like this, I will never be soft on the Japanese pirates. One day when I set foot on the Japanese pirates' land, I will implement the Sanguang policy."

"Sanguang?" Seeing him sucking blood like this, Yelu Honglie's heart skipped a beat, he didn't understand what Sanguang was.

"Kill it all, burn it all, steal it all."

"This..." Jimin felt chills running down his back when he heard what he said, and asked in a cold sweat, "Does the King of Tubo have a sworn feud with the Japanese pirates?"

"Not yet?" But there will be thousands of years later.

"Since there is no one, why are you so cruel and vow to destroy this family?" Yelu Honglie didn't understand.

How could these ancient people understand that in this world, only he and Yingying knew how cruel and ambitious they were.

Ah Zhen looked directly at Yelu Honglie and said solemnly: "Hong Lie, you must remember and tell your children and grandchildren to always beware of Japanese pirates. This nation is real wolves, and you must not be careless for a moment."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat when they heard his words so carefully, and they remembered them deeply.

"The advice of the king of Tubo, I will definitely keep it in my heart." Seeing his solemn expression, Yelu Honglie's heart skipped a beat, "Since the Japanese pirates are so dangerous, why not destroy this country first?" The division can arrive in a day and a half, but the Japanese pirates are weak, and they can be wiped out within a year after a strong attack.

"No." Ah Zhen shook his head and said: "The water rating of the current ship is too bad, it is okay to cross the sea, but it is too dangerous to fight."

Jimin was dumbfounded, the ships assigned by the navy of the Liao Kingdom were already very good, but this uncle still said it was too bad?So what kind of ship is a good one?
"Besides, there is a small Bermuda Triangle on the Japanese pirate sea. The weather on the sea is unpredictable. If there is no accurate calculation, the lives of soldiers will be lost." He said cautiously and cautiously.

"Little Bermuda Triangle?" Jimin was speechless, she had never heard of it.

"It's a very dangerous sea." Ah Zhen saw that these people were at a loss, and laughed secretly. How could this group of ancient people understand, "It's okay, I will get the best ship at that time, and then calculate it accurately. This Japanese pirate country is destroyed."

"Very good, very good." After Yelu Honglie nodded, he was still at a loss. Hearing the words of a prophet like him, he couldn't help admiring him for a moment.

Jimin's eyes flickered and he asked anxiously, "The king of Tubo has ships that are more stable and can withstand wind and waves."

"Hahaha" Ah Zhen laughed loudly: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about how to solve the debt owed to me."

Seeing him change the subject, Jimin glanced at Yelu Honglie and stopped asking.This Lin A is really smart, he knows too many things, and it is very profitable.

Ah Zhen is just an old fox, he squinted and said nothing, and now it is practical to settle the debt first.

"King of Tubo, 4000 taels is a bit more." Yelu Honglie had discussed it with Jimin long ago, and the harm between the two powers was the lesser.

"The lives of Fan Xing and others are not worth 4000 taels." After pretending to be surprised, Ah Zhen said, "That's 900 million taels."

There is no difference between falling and not falling.

Seeing that he was such a rascal, Jimin said with a cheeky face: "King of Tubo, your threshold is too high."

"Then how many stars do you want?" Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked.

How could Jimin dare to answer, he shut up and turned to look at Hong Lie.

Hong Lie's expression was uncertain, and he squirmed and said: "Up to 100 million taels."

"Do you think I'm here to beg?" Ah Zhen yelled, "You have to understand that I'm a debt collector."

"One million taels." Jimin gritted his teeth and made another final decision for Yelu Honglie.

"Okay, 100 million taels, plus your Shangjing."

"500 million." Yelu Honglie's veins exploded.

Spreading his hands, he turned around and sat back in his seat. Ah Zhen crossed his legs, opened his mouth lazily, and took the cup and sipped it lightly.

Seeing that he didn't even say a word, and just sitting and drinking tea by himself, everyone was dumbfounded for a moment.

Yelu Honglie clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "King of Tubo, how much do you want?"

"4000 million." He didn't look up while drinking tea, and talked with him about the price. He was his ancestor.

"You" Hong Lie was furious and stood up, so angry that he was about to have a heart attack.

After putting down the teacup, Ah Zhen gave him a sideways glance, and said calmly: "Hong Lie, if Fan Xing is in my hands now, I want 4000 million, will you give it, will you give it right away?" Unclear nature.

What he said made Hong Lie think deeply, if Min Er and Hong Meng were in his hands now, if he wanted 4000 million, he would definitely give it to him without hesitation.

Thinking of this, he felt that 4000 million was too cheap, but now that they were all safe, asking him to give another 4000 million was really reconciled.

Seeing that he was silent, Ah Zhen stood up with a sly smile and said, "Okay, just give me 3000 million." Having said that, he smiled at Jimin and said, "And I promise you, when I research the latest Weapons, at the cheapest price, the first to sell to you."

"As you said just now, a better ship than the current one?" Jimin asked anxiously.

"That's right, I promise you, not just warships, but also the latest weapons that are more lethal than catapults." Of course he will sell the defective products to them, and the best ones will always be kept. for myself.He is going to go to the old America to sell arms, what is the way to make a fortune.

"It's a deal." Yelu Honglie made the final decision, gritted his teeth and gave the 3000 million, saving him from regretting later.Thinking that the Liao Kingdom is extremely rich, he can still afford 3000 million yuan.

"Okay." Seeing that it was finalized, Ah Zhen smiled and said, "When I develop a new weapon, I will invite the Liao Kingdom to send an observation group to Tubo. It will be a great name that will shake the nation and the world." Gunpowder And the secret recipe for refining rare metals will be the way for him to get rich. Thinking of those stupid foreigners who really helped him make the barrel that would not explode in order to go home, and countless magic sticks are working day and night , and further research on gunpowder, the current gunpowder is much more mature and economical than at the beginning, but its power is even stronger.Of course, he will never sell the best to others, he will only sell the second-best things to these stupid countries. After a few shots, the barrels will be strong, and the cannons that are fired can only blow out a small hole.Although it is the second best, these stupid countries will definitely be shocked.Thinking of this, Ah Zhen couldn't help laughing to himself, a lot of money, a lot of money!From then on, Tubo will embark on a country that develops and becomes prosperous and prosperous. It is easy for us to be poor for more than 2000 years.

The sun seemed to be scorching the earth. After walking in the winding garden for a while, the eunuch bowed back and said, "Princess Tubo, this is Princess Yue's house."

Qin Yu was taken outside a quiet elegant pavilion without guards.

Uh!Fengya is Fengya, but there are no lanterns in the attic, no Chinese carvings, just a mottled thatched hut, with countless yellow weeds piled up on top of the hut, which can barely block the rain, and there are no flowers in the garden, but there are many people who are not famous. Green sprouts, and some unknown herbs.On the bank of a lake, there is a small boat tied tightly to the shore, and there is a small pavilion not far from the small boat, but the small pavilion is not made of stone, but is built with a few rough logs.

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment when she saw such a place in the Liao Palace. This place is completely different from the finely carved jade in the palace. This place seems to be a place forgotten by the palace.

"Princess Tubo, the villain is going to call Princess Yue." The eunuch did not dare to talk too much, and bowed to wait for instructions.

After the dazed Qin Yu was awakened, she raised her head and said lightly: "No busy, father-in-law, let's get busy."

"This..." the eunuch bowed hesitantly and said: "The servant is waiting not far away, if there is anything, the princess will call."

"There is Mr. Lao."

The gentle and polite Qin Yu nodded, looking at the eunuch who was leaving.Frowning slightly, he stepped in through the door suspiciously.

Different from the fragrance of pink flowers, this garden is filled with the fragrance of green flowers and grasses. The oily green vegetable leaves meet the scorching sun in the sky, and the moist soil absorbs the scorching heat, making this garden extraordinarily cool.

After bypassing the vegetable gardens, Qin Yu stood outside the hut and whispered inside: "Huanyue"

Huanyue, who was reading a book in the room, heard a familiar call, quickly put down the book in her hand, and hurried out.

When she came out, she saw the smiling Qin Yu, and after being stunned, she hurried forward to meet her, "Princess, the sun is scorching outside, hurry up and enter the room."

"Thank you Huanyue." After being held by the hand, Qin Yu followed her into the hut.

The small thatched hut is clear at a glance, with a set of antique tables and chairs, and countless books on one side of the wall.Behind the bookshelf is cleverly separated by a bed, the quilt on the bed is neatly folded, and there are countless medicine baskets beside the bed.

Seeing this, Qin Yu couldn't help feeling sad, "Huanyue" she comforted and whispered, and held her little hand tightly.

Huanyue was very embarrassed, she was at a loss and hurriedly invited: "Princess, sit down."

Speaking of quickly pushing her to sit on the antique chair, pouring a cup of water from the teapot, blushing and apologetic: "There is no tea in Huanyue, please don't blame the princess." Her house is barren, and everyone hates her, The emperor had long forgotten her.If she hadn't grown some fresh vegetables by herself and Jimin's secret help, she would have starved to death.

"Huanyue doesn't have to be like this." Qin Yu felt sorry for her, and patted her hands back, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Huanyue was extremely ashamed, pulled back her hand nervously, forced a smile and urged: "Princess Tubo just use some water."

"It's time to work around the moon." Said Qin Yu disapprovingly, picked up the clear water and sucked it lightly.

After taking a sip of clear water, Qin Yu put the cup lightly on the table, Xu looked at Huanyue next to her, and asked softly in a daze: "As a princess, why is Huanyue?"

Huanyuehong added red, not knowing how to tell her, stuck in his own thoughts.

Seeing her being so silent, Qin Yu secretly reproached herself and said apologetically, "Huanyue, it's Qin Yu who has violated her."

"No, princess, don't do that."

"Huanyue, call me by my name." She is her first friend here, and she cherishes it very much.

Ever since she was squeezed out, Huanyue had no one willing to talk to her except Jimin, her friend. Seeing the sincerity of her concubine, she was so moved that she called softly: "Qinyu"

"Huanyue." Qin Yu happily took her hand and called her name, then they looked at each other and laughed.

After laughing happily, Huanyue asked quietly: "Qinyu, I heard that the prince and princess who made mistakes were imprisoned in the ancestral hall in the Great Zhou Palace?"

"Yes." Her brothers and sisters will be under house arrest if they make mistakes.

"En." Huanyue nodded and said quietly: "The place where Huanyue lives is like the ancestral hall of Da Zhou."

"Why is Huanyue like this?" Qin Yu nodded. Ever since she saw everyone in the Liao royal family tsk at Huanyue in the hall just now, she knew that Huanyue must have made something wrong.

Seeing her being so sincere, Huanyue sighed and recalled those vague things and said quietly: "My mother's name is Shuyi."

"Ugh!" Qin Yu was stunned, why did she talk about her mother?

"Er Niang is the eldest daughter of Master Hu's deputy Zuo Shentong. Although she came from a bad background, she is as beautiful as a flower." Huanyue, who was caught up in the past, had an indifferent face, "Er Niang made a promise before entering the palace. , but Grandpa sent her to the palace for promotion."

Qin Yu felt sad after hearing this, and didn't know what to say, so she could only gently hold her hand to comfort her.

The indifferent Huanyue took a deep breath, glanced at Qinyu, forced a smile and continued: "After Emiang entered the palace, my father immediately ordered her to be a noble person, and consummated the marriage with her. Early in the morning, the emperor was furious and demoted her to be a slave."

"Why?" According to her words, this Shuyi should be extremely favored, why did such a major change happen in one night?

Huanyue smiled wryly, and said sadly: "Er Niang is not red."

"Ah" Qin Yu gasped in shock, and asked weakly: "Your mother and the man you like"

"I don't know either." Huanyue knew what she was going to say, shook her head and breathed in: "No one believed Ren Erniang's cries and excuses, and then the Great Queen Mother sent people to call her to teach her from time to time. The cruel admonition was relieved until she became pregnant with me." Huanyue's tears flowed down unconsciously at this point, and she raised a tear and asked with a smile: "Does Qinyu know how many months I was born?"

"How many months?" Qin Yu was stunned for a long time.

"I was born at eight months, and I was born in the torture chamber of the harem. At that time, my mother had countless needles inserted all over her body."

"This..." Qin Yu felt extremely uncomfortable, and hugged her tightly in her arms, unable to speak.

Huanyue, who was crying like a tearful person, talked about her sadness, and wailed loudly with tears in her eyes: "Since that night, my father has never seen Er Niang, and Er Niang has not been treated by the harem mother day and night. During the past four years, I have been insane and woke up." Speaking of this, Huanyue seems to be able to see the torture room in the darkness of the harem, where the mother was tied to the torture platform, and those nasty nuns put needles one by one. Inserting into her body, the nasty nanny ignored Er Niang's begging for mercy, laughed mercilessly, and then escorted her to kneel on the execution platform to watch Er Niang moan and scream in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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