ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 370 "Missing"

Chapter 370 "Missing"

After hearing this, Ah Zhen frowned, looked at the large number of worshiping pilgrims, and immediately looked at the sparkling lake with sharp eyes, and asked coldly: "Do shadows appear every day?"

"This..." the little novice shook his head tongue-tiedly, as if he couldn't figure it out: "Avalokitesvara will only come to this stone when the weather is sunny."

Ah Zhen in the 21st century understood it immediately after listening to it. He had learned the principles of optics in junior high school.It seems that this temple is really not simple if it is so mysterious.

Having figured it out, he asked the little novice in a friendly manner: "Little monk, besides the Avalokiteshvara stone, are there other magical things?"

"Benefactor, there is a statue of Avalokitesvara standing out of the ground in the back garden."

"Oh." He pretended to be surprised and asked: "Break out of the ground by yourself?"

"Yes, this jade Guanyin grows out of the ground by itself, and grows taller like a tree every few days." Speaking of the wonders of their Guanyin Temple, the little novice was very excited.

After hearing this, Ah Congqiu and the others were all very surprised, their faces were full of curiosity, "Brother Zhen, let's go and see?"

"Thank you little monk." Ah Zhen clasped his fists and thanked kindly.

"The donor is very polite."

After finishing the greetings, the four of them quickly walked towards the back garden that would break out of the ground by itself.

Ah Zhen, who was thinking while walking, knew something in his heart, but he was not sure.

When he saw the Jade Guanyin buried deep in the ground, his heart sank, but his brows became even tighter.

When a group of people entered the inner garden, they saw a large group of pilgrims, holding incense in their hands, kneeling on the ground and worshiping again and again, with extreme sincerity.

Congqiu, who was suspicious, didn't believe it, and asked a pilgrim who had just stood up: "Master, is this Jade Guanyin really unearthed by itself?"

"Of course." The sincere old man nodded and looked at Yu Guanyin, "Look, there is no looseness around it, but it has grown by half an inch after a few days."

"There is such a strange thing?" A Congqiu was shocked.

"Yes." The old man didn't believe it at first, but he saw it with his own eyes, and said slowly: "Ten years ago, the jade Guanyin was only three inches high, but now it is five inches. What." Said, put your palms together quickly and bowed a few more times in the distance.

"Brother Zhen, all three of them were dumbfounded."

Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Although the ground has not been dug, the ground around Yu Guanyin is wet."

Following his words, the three of them hurriedly looked at the Jade Guanyin, which indeed corresponded to his words.

"Brother Zhen, what is the relationship between wetlands and Jade Guanyin?"

After Ah Zhen heard this, he let out a laugh, gritted his teeth and said, "It's a big relationship." What a mysterious temple.

The three of them heard him say that the relationship is very important, and they thought together, "Brother Zhen, what's the relationship?"

"Don't ask." With a snap, he closed the fan, turned around and walked towards the Daxiong Hall.

A Congqiu and Xiang Shaoyun couldn't figure it out, they chased after them in a daze, the stone that was out of shape, the Guanyin that broke the ground, what is going on, can this Guanyin Temple really usher in the real Guanyin ?
As soon as he reached the gate of the Daxiong Palace, Ah Zhen stepped in without delay, looking for the two delicate figures.

However, the smoke in the hall was like mist, and when I looked around, tears began to flow non-stop, and I couldn't see clearly.

After seeing this situation, his heart skipped a beat and he was horrified. He raised his throat and yelled at the jeering crowd: "Li Nengwu, Shahu."

Li Nengwu and the three Sha Hai brothers, whose eyes were bloodshot and smoky, opened their eyes wide, their hearts jumped when they heard this shout, and they became even more frantic. Running towards the source of the sound.

After shouting, Ah Zhen saw the people he sent to protect came back, but only they came back, and all the others disappeared.

"Where is the person?" His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately grabbed Li Nengwu who was bowing his head.

Li Nengwu, who was being yelled at, said silently: "After you come in, madam burns incense, and then"

"What about you?" Ah Zhen turned his head and his eyes were red.

Sha Hu was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it, shook his head and said: "Madam was adding oil just now, but she disappeared in a flash."

"Damn it." Ah Zhen, with trembling shoulders in anger, stared at the four people in front of him who bowed their heads, unable to swear all the words.

A Congqiu who rushed over after hearing the sound was horrified when he saw that the four people who were sent to protect were bowing their heads.

"Brother Zhen, where are Jimin and the others?"

"Damn Hei Si, he actually set his mind on Lao Tzu." Ah Zhen's face was covered with black air, and the veins on his forehead were bulging. Immediately issue an order to close all the cities on the four sides of Shangjing."

"Brother Zhen, who is this?" You can just look for it if you get lost, why make such a big noise?

"This is a black temple, don't you understand?" After Ah Zhen yelled at him, he quickly exited the Daxiong Palace and yelled at the sky: "Get out all the vultures."

Hundreds of vultures hidden in the crowd heard his anxious roar, rushed out immediately with a few hiss, and knelt down on the ground in unison: "Coach."

"Several teams."

"Report to coach, five teams."

"Only you?"

"There are still four teams outside the temple."

"Since they are ordered to guard the gates of the temple, no one is allowed to let them out."


Ah Zhen bit his lips and gestured to the hall, and then ordered: "You immediately invite all the pilgrims out."


After the words fell, hundreds of vultures entered the hall solemnly, and then batches of pilgrims were invited out after cursing again and again.

As the pilgrims came out, the smoke in the hall immediately subsided a lot.

Most of the pilgrims were sent out by vultures, and the cold-eyed Ah Zhen saw a kind-hearted old monk in cassock running out in panic.

"Amitabha, benefactor, why are you doing this?" The old monk stood still, his heart skipped a beat, but he still remained a monk.

When Ah Zhen saw the old monk come out, he sneered and said, "Old monk, my two wives and two friends disappeared in your temple."

"Amituo Buddha." The old monk bowed with kind eyebrows and kind eyes and said, "Donor, there are many pilgrims in the temple. Maybe the four female benefactors just got separated, or maybe they returned home."

"Hum..." Ah Zhen was very cold, and hummed heavily: "Did I say it was a woman? How do you know it's a female benefactor?"

"The" old monk paused for a while, sweat dripped from his forehead, and bowed with one palm: "It's because the benefactor mentioned his wife just now, so the poor monk infers it based on this. It's so good."

"Little brother, let's look for it." Liu Wanyang, who had been silent all this time, had been anxious since hearing that Jimin was missing, but now that he was still chattering with the old monk, he couldn't help being even more anxious.

"You don't need to look for it." He snorted, pointed at the old monk and sneered, "Just ask him for it."

"Amitabha, the benefactor's words made it difficult for the poor monk." The old monk's heart skipped a beat, but he thought of those four stunning people, who could not be handed over even if they were killed by biting their teeth. That's a hell of a price.

"Embarrassed? Hmph," he stepped back and yelled, "Tie him up."

As soon as his words fell, the vulture immediately rushed forward.

The old monk saw many cruel people oppressing him, his brows turned black, but he still bowed his head and sighed, "Amituoluo." He didn't struggle or resist, he let others tie him up, and he showed a kind gesture.

When the pilgrims outside saw that this group of people had tied up the abbot with countless merits, the crowd immediately rioted, "let the abbot Fayuan go!"

"Release the Abbot of Fayuan"

The crowd reprimanded one after another, and the people shot at Ah Zhen with angry eyes.

Anxious Ah Zhen heard that this group of people scolded them indiscriminately, and felt extremely upset, and her face turned even darker.

"Brother Zhen, there are too many people." Xiang Shaoyun was also sweating in his heart, staring at the furious people, his heart couldn't stop trembling.

"Ignorant people." Ah Zhen ordered to the vulture with a dark face, "Whoever dares to step forward, you kill them immediately."

"Bandits, bandits" Following his words, two stones came crashing down.

Seeing the people rioting, Wu Ying's expression changed drastically, and he gasped in shock as he stared at the coach who was bleeding from the stone.

Just after giving the order, Ah Zhen shook suddenly, and then some water kept flowing down from his head, and he touched it blankly, and his hand was a lot red.

Trembling with anger, he turned around and looked angrily at the large group of pilgrims behind him.

In the noisy crowd, seeing him turn around abruptly, seeing this man's face turning black, gnashing his teeth, and imperceptibly attacking them with a stern dominance, everyone fell silent for a moment, not daring to speak out again.

"Who threw it?" A very light, very faint question sounded.

The terrified crowd remained silent.

Ah Zhen asked again in a gloomy tone, "Who threw it?"

All the pilgrims took a big step back in fear when they saw his sudden rage.

"Vulture." Ah Zhen roared.


"kill all"

"Yes" following his words, hundreds of vultures grimly snapped in unison, and hundreds of cold sharp blades glowed a terrifying blue light in the dark night.

"Slow down." A cry from the crowd.

Then a small path was opened among the horrified crowd, and a man in blue came out, "Bandit, I threw it."

"Come here." Ah Zhen waved to him with a very light tone.

The big man in Tsing Yi stood up and stepped forward fearlessly, humming: "Bandit, release Abbot Fayuan quickly, or I won't spare you."

Ah Zhen saw that the big man was still confident, and as he approached, he was about to slap him with a wave of his hand.

The big man in Tsing Yi was fearless, his eyes turned cold, and he quickly grabbed the slapped hand with his big palm, "Bandit, let Abbot Fayuan go soon." The big man in Tsing Yi grabbed Ah Zhen's hand and squeezed it heavily to threaten him.

Ah Zhen was in pain, and when he didn't make a sound, Li Nengwu and Xiang Shaoyun shouted: "Bold"

Like a gust of wind, both of them flew towards the big man in Tsing Yi.

The big man in Tsing Yi saw the two people make a move, his heart skipped a beat, he grabbed Ah Zhen's hand and twisted it, and the other big palm grabbed Ah Zhen's neck and shouted: "Who dares!"

Li Nengwu and Xiang Shaoyun saw Ah Zhen's throat was pinched and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. After stopping the bully's body, Li Nengwu yelled: "Let my young master go."

"Release Abbot Fayuan." The big man in Tsing Yi roared louder than Li Nengwu.

After hearing this, Li Nengwu raised his hand, "Let the bald donkey go." The young master's life is more important than some shit abbot.

Ah Zhen's throat was pinched extremely uncomfortable, and he cursed weakly: "Li Nengwu, who gave you such courage?"

As his words fell, the big man in green clothes tightened his neck, Ah Zhen immediately fell silent, and raised his head higher towards him.

Li Nengwu didn't know what to do after hearing his angry words.

"Release Abbot Fayuan." Seeing that their movements stopped, the big man in Tsing Yi gave the order again with a sullen face.

All the vultures looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to let go, and held the old monk tightly, without moving or making a sound.

Seeing that they refused to follow, the big man in Tsing Yi grabbed Ah Zhen's neck even more forcefully, and roared, "Let Abbot Fayuan go."

Seeing him pinching Ah Zhen violently, everyone was terrified, but still dared not make any moves.

"Brother Zhen insisted, even if you beat us to death, we would not dare to take any action. You'd better let Brother Zhen talk." Xiang Shaoyun said to the big man in Tsing Yi.

The big man in Tsing Yi looked at Da Ganren hazyly, put his hands down a little, and ordered to Ah Zhen: "Tell them to release the magic circle"

Before he finished speaking, Ah Zhen said, "Fart your fart and chop me a bald donkey."

"You dare." The big man in Tsing Yi pinched his hands vigorously, Ah Zhen felt that he was about to suffocate, coughing, and yelled with great difficulty: "Chop!"

When the vulture heard the order, he didn't dare to hesitate, "Yes"

With a swipe, he lifted the knife and slashed at the tightly bound old monk.

The big man in Tsing Yi was shocked when he saw this, he didn't expect that there was someone who was desperate, and raised his throat and shouted: "Stop."

Following his fright, his hands loosened slightly, Ah Zhen didn't have time to exhale, so he roared louder, "Kill!"

Seeing that the knife was about to split the bald donkey in half, the old monk struggled hard, but he couldn't get the rope, and the sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

How could he break free, since the rope was broken by Mo Ku, from now on the rope Ah Zhen uses to bind people is made of cowhide, no matter how strong your internal energy is, it will not be broken or broken.

Just as the old monk was horrified, the big man in Tsing Yi couldn't care about Ah Zhen anymore, and flew up.

With a clang, he blocked Shahu's sharp knife with his arm.

It turned out that at some time, the big man in Tsing Yi wore countless copper rings on his arms, and with the two collisions of the knife rings, countless jumping sparks popped out.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Li Nengwu jumped up, and the sword fell down in the air.

Xiang Shaoyun saw that brother Zhen was safe, looked at the bruises on his neck, his face turned cold, and handed him over to the vulture, and with a wave of one hand, a sharp sword also came out, and he, who was like a dragon, Step on the wind and shoot up.

The big man in blue dodged Li Nengwu's sky blade, and saw a sharp sword pointing directly at his throat, he was shocked, and he used a set of smooth and smooth steps.

After Li Nengwu and Xiang Shaoyun flew into the air, one of them turned over and jumped, and the other fell to the ground. The two giant snakes each raised their swords and entangled them again.

"Leave him alive." Ah Zhen yelled.

Hearing this, Xiang Shaoyun, who was the first to pounce, retracted the blade of his sword and swept it with the hilt.

The legs of the big man in Tsing Yi went limp, and when his body was just tilted, Li Nengwu, who turned over and jumped on him, lost his blade, and hit his shoulder hard with the knife bar with his backhand.

The lower body was swept away, and the upper body was severely injured. The big man in Tsing Yi ate shit like a dog, and his whole body was planted heavily on the rocky ground.

The vulture saw that he had fallen to the ground, and the people around him were bound like silkworm chrysalis.

"Let go of me, gangster" The big man in Tsing Yi was injured, but he still yelled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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