ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 376 "Little Girl's Brutal Fist"

Chapter 376 "Little Girl's Brutal Fist"

The little girl listened to everyone's ridicule, bit her lip in dissatisfaction and asked: "I heard that there is a palace in Liao, how could he sleep in a kennel?"

When Ah Zhen saw that she interrupted the happy crowd, cold sweat broke out on her forehead for this little girl. Is she so unafraid of death?The storyteller is still hiding in the corner and trembling until now, but this group of people are dumbfounded, and they could tear her apart if they were ruthless.

The dissatisfied Dagan Tubo glared at the little girl, Ah Zhen's head jumped, and he slapped the table and yelled: "Stinky boy, you know what a fart, our king lives in another courtyard, and that old boy Yelu Honglie doesn't want to live!" Is it? How dare he go?"

"Yes yes yes" the glaring people listened to him and applauded loudly, the king of Tubo is a great god, does the dog emperor of Liao not want to live?
The little girl pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction when she heard what he said, and wanted to ask again.

Seeing this, he was startled, and quickly jumped off the stage, not allowing her to speak, and ran towards the gate quickly, holding her back by the collar.

The little girl was raptured in the back, and she was shocked and shouted: "Let me go, let me go." Her hands and feet kept flying in the air.

Ah Zhen didn't let go of his hand until he got out of the hall door, and yelled at her: "You girl, are you dying for filming?"

"Who doesn't want to die, you don't want to die." Before the words were finished, the little girl took a big step back in shock, pointed at him and shouted: "You, you, you know that I am a woman?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Ah Zhen rolled his eyes with his arms crossed, seeing how stupid this child is.

Seeing his expression, the little girl quickly looked at him, raised her suspicious eyes and asked anxiously, "How do you know?"

Ah Zhen crossed her arms and looked her up and down.

Seeing his contemptuous eyes, the little girl took a big step back, putting her hands in a fighting pose, "Look at what?"

Pointing a finger at her throat, he hummed, "You don't have an Adam's apple."


With the movement of the fingers, the voice came again, "There are also pierced ears."


"The skin is too white."


"Too small bones."


"Anyway, the whole body, from the feet to the head, there is no male part." Spreading his hands, he finished.

The little girl's face was reddened by the criticism, she didn't know whether it was from anger or embarrassment, she put her chest in a fighting posture, squeezed her hands, and yelled: "Nonsense."

"Go home. Although I'm still a little girl, there are many perverts in this world. Maybe you meet a child lover. It's not fun."

Following his words, the little girl became even more angry, and beat her up with her fists, "Shameless and obscene."

Ah Zhen saw that the little girl in front of him who only reached his chest was bullying him with a fist, she tilted her body in a calm manner, and hit him again.


Before he finished his Hache, the small fist he dodged hit the stone pillar, and then he was dumbfounded.

Ri rubbed his eyes in disbelief, yes, there was a fist hole in the pillar.

How is this possible?Gasping in horror, he stared at the little girl's weak little fist with wide-eyed terror, turned around and bullied her again.

"Nengwu, Li Nengwu" yelled in terror, and he ran away.I don't know what this little girl grew up with, but she has such a brute force.

"Stop, you shameless bastard." The little girl behind angrily chased after her.

Thinking that nothing would happen, Li Nengwu stood ten steps away from Ah Zhen. He didn't recover until he saw the little boy punching a hole in the pillar. He was horrified. He was wrong. Immediately, he stepped forward and flew away with arrows.

"Stop." Li Nengwu, who was flying, jumped to block the children who rushed forward.

Seeing that the road was blocked by someone, the little girl waved her small fist very unhappy, and ran towards Li Nengwu.

Li Nengwu became suspicious, seeing that this fist was soft and weak, without any method, did he have martial arts?But he still didn't dare to use his hands to block the flying fists carelessly.

The little girl's fist was blocked, and she froze, she couldn't believe that her fist was blocked, seeing the shameless man running in front of her was already far away, so she was not happy, and the little girl stepped forward with her fist hard.

Li Nengwu, who barely blocked the fist, gritted his teeth, and the corners of his mouth were bloodstained. Suddenly, he felt a huge invisible force coming again, his face changed drastically, and before he had time to think of a solution, he flew back.With a bang, he hit the wall heavily, his powerless eyes drooped, the world was immediately blacked out, and he fell into a coma.

Ah Zhen, who was running desperately, was horrified. Seeing that Li Nengwu was knocked down by this little girl, his heart skipped a beat, what a terrifying brute force.I finally know what is the power of a thousand catties.

After knocking down Li Nengwu, the little girl was terrified, and hurried over to sniff. Seeing that she was still breathing, her discolored face slowed down. She was very unhappy and yelled at the person running in front: "Shameless and obscene person, give it to my lady!" stop."

Hearing this angry shout, he would be an idiot if he stopped. Shocked Ah Zhen shook her head in shock. She was wearing men's clothing, but angrily declared herself to be a young lady, and feared that she would die if she was caught up.

Running panting like a bull, in the crowded night market, Ah Zhen hid in the crowd panting for breath.Damn, this little girl is so awesome, always chasing him, as if he is her father-killing enemy. Could it be that she is too handsome to provoke resentment?

"I won't be chasing you again." Hiding by a small noodle stall, he timidly murmured to the crowd in the distance.

The noodle stall owner, seeing a young man hiding beside his stall, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Customer, what do you want?"


"Oh, what do you have?"

The owner of the stall, Mrs. Wang, sells melons, "Everyone raises their thumbs up for my three tea noodles. Can the guests have a bowl?"

"Okay, let's have a bowl." I've been hiding, so I can't be embarrassed not to consume it.

"Okay." The stall owner waved his sweat towel over his shoulder when he saw the business coming, and became busy in joy.

The little girl chasing up to the street saw the crowd of people coming and going, her cheeks puffed up with anger, and she stomped her feet and continued to search.

There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.Soon she saw that figure in front of a noodle stall, and ran forward in joy.

Ah Zhen, who had wiped off his cold sweat, sat down on the small stool on the noodle stall, his big head still frightened, aiming randomly at the crowd.

A big drop of cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

She is coming?She came after him again.

With a distance of more than ten steps, the two looked at each other, the little girl's happy face turned cold, and Ah Zhen's frightened face turned black.

"The boss doesn't need to look for it anymore." After quickly throwing a piece of broken silver from his arms, he stood up, strode, and ran, all in one go.

Seeing him running away again, the little girl jumped up and shouted: "Stop, stop for me."

With his yelling, a path appeared in the crowd, not knowing what the child was doing and how his parents disciplined him.

Tired, very tired, very tired.

Panting like a cow, I don't know how long I ran, it felt like a long time, from the bustling market to the deserted place.

Ah Zhen, who was foaming at the mouth, couldn't take it anymore, holding on to the tree trunk, panting vigorously, feeling extremely thirsty.Quiet behind.

After panting for a while, he muttered to himself, "I won't chase you any more."

"Shameless and obscene, let's see you run away."

A soft shout sounded from behind Ah Zhen, and he immediately fell to the ground in fright. He wouldn't die here, would he?

The little girl who was chasing up had her face flushed and her clothes and hair were already wet with sweat. Seeing him sitting down beside a tree, she slowed down while running, stood a few steps away from him, pointed at his nose and shouted: "Would you like me again?" run."

Ah Zhen suddenly felt the pain on his face, shook his head and panted and murmured: "I can't run anymore."

"Hum..." the little girl walked up angrily, as if she wanted to kill him.

"Don't come here." Ah Zhen was shocked, and he moved himself desperately with his hands on the ground and shouted: "We have no grievances in the past, and we have no grievances in the present, why do we need to kill?"

"You shameless and vulgar person, today this lady will give you a good lesson." The little girl stepped up, raised her fist and was about to drop it.

"Wait" Ah Zhen yelled in terror.

"What else do you have to say?" The little tender fist stayed in the air.Her small, bulging eyes stared at him.

"Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding." Thinking quickly in my mind, I quickly opened my three-inch tongue and said: "I asked you to go home because I cared about you. How can I be shameless?"

"You still said no, you said you met a child lover, you shameless person." The little girl became even more angry when she saw him denying it.

"No, you misunderstood." Ah Zhen waved his hands and said anxiously: "Maybe my wording is a little wrong, but the starting point is to care about you. A girl came out at night without a servant or bodyguard. If you meet The bad guys suffer, right?"

"My fist can break a boulder, and I'm not afraid of bad guys."

"But I didn't know you were so great at the time. If I knew, I wouldn't have persuaded you. If I didn't persuade you, this incident wouldn't have happened. Are you right?"

The little girl tilted her neck when she heard what he said, and thought about it suspiciously, "What you said seems to make sense."

"That makes sense, think about it, I know you're a little girl" When he was talking about a little girl, seeing her stare even bigger, he quickly changed his words. "Uh! It's a girl. Of course I'm worried about you. There are so many bad people. If something happens to you, your family members will definitely be anxious. But I persuade you to go home out of good intentions. How could it be wrong?"

"Then why are you running?" the little girl who felt that his words made sense asked wonderingly.

With a worried face, Ah Zhen cried and shouted: "My aunt, you hit me right after you punched me indiscriminately. Of course I would be scared. If I don't run, why don't I just stand there and wait to be beaten to death by you?"

The little girl saw him calling aunt, her face was happy, she giggled for a while, then she pointed at him and reprimanded him: "Your Majesty didn't demolish the Liao Palace at all, you are talking nonsense."

"Girl, you have magical powers to protect your body, but I don't. If you don't say this, some big guys will be unhappy, and I will be beaten to death. Think about that storyteller. If I didn't talk nonsense, that storyteller would definitely be killed by a big guy." Kill him, once he dies, his children and wife will be left alone, what should we do then.”

The little girl felt very reasonable when he heard his words, and immediately asked: "Are you talking nonsense to save Mr. Storyteller?"

"Of course." A Zhenhan said: "Think about it, everyone wanted to kill the storyteller at that time. If I hadn't gone up to make everyone happy, the storyteller would have been killed by now."

"You're right." The little girl nodded.

Ah Zhen saw that his three-inch tongue was effective, stood up happily, patted the dust on his body and said happily: "Just say it was a misunderstanding."

"I'm sorry." The little girl bowed with her hands on her chest.

"Just clear up the misunderstanding, it's okay." With a smile, he urged: "Go home quickly."

After bowing, the little girl shouted: "No."

"Huh? Why?"

"You let me chase you for so long, if you don't teach me a lesson, grandpa will say that I have suffered." Grandpa always said that if you suffer, you will get it back. If you don't get it back, it is not his good granddaughter.

"Then didn't I run away too?" He argued anxiously.

"I don't care, grandpa said you can't suffer." The little girl is very firm.

"The disadvantage your grandpa said is not this kind of disadvantage. Running away is good for your health, so how could it be a disadvantage?" Continue lobbying.

The little girl shook her head like a wave drum, and said with great determination: "Grandpa said, if I feel a loss is a loss, I must get it back."

Grandpa, you are too good at teaching people.Ah Zhen wants to cry but has no tears. Seeing this kind of people who don't care about the world, who think they are at a disadvantage, and people who are unreasonable, don't talk about a three-inch tongue, even a thirty-inch tongue is useless. .His people are all like bandits. Today he is a fake scholar and met a real barbarian.

"Let me teach you a lesson?" Compromised.

"That's right." The little girl nodded.

"Then you have to be merciful." After finishing speaking, he confirmed: "Only once."

"it is good."

"Let's say it first, no slaps in the face are allowed." At most, it will be disabled. It's not so easy to die.

The little girl heard him say that slaps in the face are not allowed, and said suspiciously: "I won't hit you again."

"Huh?" Ah Zhen was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Aren't you going to hit me?"

"Do not hit."

"Then how do you teach me a lesson?" You don't want to ask him to play rhubarb for her to ride, do you?
Hearing his question, the little girl said happily, "Come to my house and help me turn over my flowers, and our affairs will be settled."

"Is it that simple?" This little girl is sick.

"That's it."

This is really the case, he shrugged helplessly and said: "Lead the way."

"Let's go." The little girl was very happy, and she led the way. Finally, someone helped her to dig the flowers. Grandpa always said that the flowers he planted had to be dug by himself, and he ordered everyone in the house not to help her. Then she Go out and look for it, isn’t it there?It's just that the trouble now is that I don't know how to stop the mouths of the hearts and greens.

Yes, they love to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, so you can buy them with sweet-scented osmanthus cakes.After figuring it out, the little girl became even happier. She ran forward and shouted behind her: "Hey, hurry up."

In a hurry to reincarnate, Ah Zhen, who had no other choice, grumbled unwillingly to pick up his footsteps, and chased after him. I don't know what medicine the little girl in front had taken wrongly, and she was so anxious all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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