ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 379 "Relying on the King's Zhen Ni"

Chapter 379 "Relying on the King's Zhen Ni"

Ah Zhen in the back of the pavilion was shocked when he saw such a huge number of officers and soldiers.

"Too bad, I didn't report to Qianyun. "Nengcheng soldiers and Fu soldiers were mixed together, it must be because he, the king, disappeared.

"At the order of the princess, capture everyone in Cao's mansion." The soldiers who rushed forward held cold spears and wanted to come forward to arrest people.

Zhen Ni saw that this group of people were like bandits, they were about to arrest them when they came in, and they were about to shake their fists.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen shouted: "Stop it all."

"Ga." After Zhen Ni was taken aback, the man had been captured by soldiers.

"Let me go, let me go." She was captured, struggling hard, and with tremendous strength, she immediately threw the two soldiers who were holding her arms several feet away, and fell to the ground vomiting blood continuously.

A large number of soldiers and horses saw that this woman was so powerful, their faces turned dark, and they raised their spears forward and shouted: "Bold, how dare you resist arrest."

A little girl had never seen such a battle before. Tears of fright rolled in her eyes, and she yelled at the countless soldiers in front, "I didn't make a mistake, why are you arresting me?"

Where would the officers and soldiers listen to her, they rushed forward with cold guns in hand.Can the princess' order still care if you made a mistake?

"My king ordered you to stop, did you hear that?" Ah Zhen rushed forward and held up the chain seal on his neck.

A general manager rushed to see a young man.The concubine suspected that the Cao family had hijacked the king, and now I heard that someone claimed to be the king, who happened to be a young man again, so let's take a look first, otherwise I will kill the wrong one later, and the world will not regret it.

"Who are you?" Boss Qian asked coldly when he saw that others had arrived.

"Look at what this is?" Ah Zhen put the small chain seal in his hand and held it forward for everyone to watch.

Everyone couldn't understand it, but only Mr. Qian saw it, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "I kowtow to the king."

Following his kneeling, all the soldiers threw away the spears in their hands in panic, knelt down and shouted: "Kowtow to the king."

"stand up."

"Yes." Pang Duo's officers and soldiers stood up, went to pick up their own spears, respectfully stood beside them and waited with bowed heads.

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows and asked Mr. Qian: "Is the princess here?"

"My Majesty, the two concubines are in the hall." How dare you say that you are crying.

"Yeah." He nodded, turned around and comforted Zhen Ni who was stunned: "It's okay, don't be afraid."

"Are you the big king?" The little girl was tongue-tied.

Her stunned look when she saw monsters and ghosts made Ah Zhen open his mouth and nodded happily, "Yes, I am your king, how is it? It's very surprising."

"Accident?" The little girl couldn't close her big mouth, she kept shaking her head, unable to say anything, it wasn't an accident, it would scare people to death, the king actually turned the soil in her flower garden, God, is that a lie.

"Uh!" Ah Zhen put his hand on his chin, stared at her with a smile and said to himself: "According to the general situation, you should be kneeling and begging for mercy now. But you didn't, which proves that you haven't stopped being in a daze When you come back to your senses, you will definitely cry loudly"

"Wow..." Before he could utter the cry, a vigorous cry rang out from the sky.

Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, he knew it.

"Okay, okay, I won't condemn you, so don't cry." In desperation, he stepped forward to comfort this savage little girl who collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly.

His legs were weak, and he sat slumped on the ground, gasping for breath from crying, like a little girl about to die, crying: "Wow, I don't know, woo"

"Okay, I don't blame it." He felt like a dad.

"Whoa, whoa"

She cried more and more vigorously, and cried louder and louder.Ah Zhen rolled his eyes, pulled her collar, exactly the same as in the hotel lobby, and carried her to the lobby.

Being carried for a long distance, the little girl waved her hands and feet and shouted, "Let me go, let me go."

"If you cry again, I will beat you." Ah Zhen put her down on the ground.

"Are you really the king?"

"Nonsense, can there be fake ones?"

"Cocoa, but you are different from what grandpa said."

"Cao Zong lied to you."

"Nonsense, grandpa won't lie to me."

Ah Zhen, who was walking away in a hurry, saw her keep asking questions, turned his head and shouted: "Shut up." This girl said that his grandfather would not lie to him, so she would be fine if she didn't treat him as a king, why? Keep asking, until you get the answer, you have to be suspicious again. Psychopaths are usually caused by this, and he doesn't want to become a psychopath.

When he walked into the overcrowded hall, Qianyun and Qinyu rushed over with tears in their eyes.

"Husband" the two crashed into his arms together, weeping with joy, it's great, husband is fine.

Seeing that he was the king, Cao Rui and Zhichan immediately drained the blood from their faces, and the two kneeling couldn't help shaking.

"Really." Seeing that her daughter was still standing aside, Zhichan was so frightened that half of her heart jumped out of her throat. She rushed forward and pulled her aside while crying bitterly. After pressing her kneeling on the ground, she continued to kneel Waiting for the hair to fall.

"It's okay, don't cry." Ah Zhen hugged the two women and sighed in his heart.They have been clamoring for etiquette all day long, no, with so many people watching, how could they forget the etiquette?Women are always duplicity.

After crying for a while, Qin Yu came back to her senses, her cheeks blushed immediately, and she hurriedly left his embrace in embarrassment, "My lord, what happened?"

"King?" Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows, well, now that many of his courtiers are present, he should be majestic.

Qianyun also came back to her senses, fled from his chest, and asked lightly: "My lord, this is?"

Everyone wanted to know the inside story. Ah Zhen looked at the three fathers and daughters of the Cao Mansion next to him, and when he was about to speak, a lot of horseshoes sounded outside, and then they rushed into the mansion with the sound of armor hitting.

"Your Majesty, you are a soldier of the White Horse Army Division." The Xingqing Mansion urgently reported.

When the four generals entered the mansion, their brains were at a loss. I don't know why all the officials of Xingqing Mansion were in the governor's mansion, but their governor fell to their knees in fear.

"Uncle, what are you?"

"Hurry up and meet the king and concubine." Seeing that his nephew still didn't understand the situation, Chen Gui's face turned pale with fright.

His alarmed call immediately made the four generals knelt down and paid homage in unison: "Your servant, I greet the king and the princess, the king will live forever, and the princess will live forever."

"Get up." Raising his eyebrows and pointing at the general in front, he asked Xingqing Mansion: "He, are you your nephew?"


"Hmm." After nodding, he stepped forward and asked, "Any job?"

"My Majesty, this subject is the Deputy Superintendent of the White Horse Army Division."

"So that's how it is." After that, he asked, "Is this going to hurt the people's fields? What about the people?"

"White Horse Army Commander and Xingqing are close together, and there is no field or land on the way."

"What about coming to the city?"

"The city has long been emptied, and no people have been seen."

After hearing this, Ah Zhen nodded happily, "Very good, you guys go back. Don't disturb the people."

"Yes." Although I don't know the situation, but the king has an order, I dare not refuse.

"Xingqing Mansion."

"Your servant is here."

"Release the ban on Fucheng."

"Yes." Chen Gui respectfully took orders.

"Everyone went back to their posts. Today's incident was a complete misunderstanding." It is a heinous crime to go to war for him alone.

Very quickly, all the officers and soldiers in Licao's mansion retreated completely.But the large group of people in Cao's mansion still dare not get up from the ground.

Ah Zhen pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Everyone get up, all this is a misunderstanding."

"Thank you, King, and Princess Xie." Cao Rui wept with joy, and his Cao family was saved.

After the maids and servants wiped their tears, they left one after another to get busy, and soon came back in fear after serving tea and water.

After standing up, Zhen Ni was closely guarded by her mother, and she was terrified. The king spared her, but once the king left, she would be beaten to death by her father, or she would have to peel off her skin.She is deeply aware of this.

Gulu rolled her eyes, and for a moment she was more afraid of her father than the king. After breaking free from the mother's hand, she ran to Ah Zhen's side pitifully, holding on to the hem of his clothes tightly.

Cao Rui and Zhichan gasped in horror when they saw that she was running to grab the hem of the king's clothes, and shouted angrily, "Bitch, come back to me."

Seeing how pitiful this little girl was, Ah Zhen couldn't help but burst out laughing with tears rolling in her eyes, almost losing her temper.

The two men, whose faces were blue from fright, heard the hearty laugh and kept silent until he finished laughing. Cao Rui bowed and said, "My lord," he will be pissed off by this bad girl sooner or later.

Qianyun and Qinyu were very surprised when they saw a cute little girl holding her husband's clothes tightly. It can be seen that she is so pitiful, her eyes are full of pleading, and her heart aches for a while.

"Little sister, what's the matter with you?" Qianyun and Qinyu fondled this little head, not understanding why she was pestering their husband.

After laughing, Ah Zhen cracked the corners of her mouth and joked: "Cao Rui, your daughter is so afraid of you, are you being too strict?"

Seeing that the king did not blame her, Cao Rui let down her heart, sighed and clasped her fists together and said: "This girl is stubborn, please forgive me."

"Not guilty, not guilty." Waved his hand and ordered: "I don't blame what happened today, and you must never bring up the old things again."

"Yes..." After taking the order, Cao Rui glared at his beloved wife next to him.

Ah Zhen didn't want to deal with their family affairs, and after hearing what he should do, he said comfortingly to the little girl who was holding on to the hem of his clothes: "Your father doesn't blame you anymore, don't worry."

The little girl shook her head vigorously, of course her father said so when he was here, but as soon as he left, her father's face changed, like this every time.

Seeing that he had taken orders, Cao Rui still didn't let go of the bad girl, and yelled at her angrily: "Come here soon, believe it or not, I'll kill you."

"Wow!" The little girl who had been frightened a lot earlier burst into tears when she heard the threat.

When Ah Zhen heard the cry again, the two big ones felt dizzy, and immediately yelled at Cao Rui, "Bold Cao Rui, how dare you threaten people in front of this king."

"Your Majesty forgives your sin, Your Majesty forgives your sin." Cao Rui was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately fell silent, not daring to speak again.

The crying little girl was comforted by the two concubines and stopped her tears. She was certain that the king is still the best, and now only the king can protect her, so no matter what, she must rely on him.

"Husband, what should I do?" Seeing her crying so miserably, Qin Yu felt so pitiful that her heart ached.

Ah Zhen didn't move anymore, this is their Cao family's business, why must it be brought up on him, the scalps that were scratched all of a sudden were flying all over the sky.

Seeing this, Qianyun wiped away the tears from the little girl's cheeks lovingly, and said, "Otherwise, we'll take her to Wangting, since her grandfather is in Wangyan anyway."

"This" Ah Zhen thinks this idea is very good, but do their parents agree? "Cao Rui, how do you feel?"

"To cause trouble for the king, the sinner is really guilty." Cao Rui sighed, it is her blessing that the bad girl can be loved by the princess.

Seeing that he agreed, Ah Zhen nodded and assured: "Don't worry, you two, I promise you with my life that nothing will happen to Zhen Ni."

Thank you, Your Majesty. "The faces of the two of them turned pale when they heard that he pledged their lives.

"Well. Let's go." It's getting late at night, if you continue to dawdle, don't sleep tonight.

When Cao Rui heard that he was going to leave, he rushed forward to invite him: "Your Majesty, the night is already deep, why don't you rest in Xiaofu."

"I think so, but your daughter is afraid she won't be able to sleep." Pointing at Zhen Ni, she joked.

"Respectfully send off the king." Cao Rui gritted his teeth angrily, glaring at the bad girl who turned her head and made faces at him, she had nowhere to settle, and only hoped that she would not cause trouble to the king along the way.

When he returned to the inn, the inn was empty, the shopkeeper and his assistant knew his identity, and they stood by the door in great fear to greet him.

"Kowtow to see the king and princess." Seeing him coming, everyone bowed eagerly.

"Get up, just treat me as an ordinary business traveler." He doesn't want to make trouble known to everyone.

After the shopkeeper heard this, he quickly stood up and invited: "Please come inside." Since the king didn't want to let others know, even if he was killed, he didn't dare to reveal a word.

When she returned to the West Chamber, Qin Yu took on the responsibility of taking care of Zhen Ni, brushed off the dust on his shoulders with lingering fear and said, "Husband, it's late at night, don't go out anymore." She was almost scared to death just now.

"Surprised Yu'er." In love and affection, gently stroked the hair that fell on her cheeks behind her ears.

Such a kiss to Ni made Qin Yu blush, and whispered softly: "Yu'er is not surprised, but Sister Yun is."

"It was Qin Yu who was shocked." Qianyun thought she was not crying so heartbroken.

"Everyone was shocked, everyone was shocked." After laughing loudly, he turned his head to look at Zhen Ni, who had become very obedient from just now, and asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "What's the matter? Don't you want to go to Cao Zong? Back home?"

"No." Zhen Ni exclaimed, shaking her little head vigorously, she didn't want to be beaten to death.

Seeing that she was so afraid of Cao Rui, Ah Zhen pointed at her and joked to everyone: "It's the first time I've been threatened by a little girl, and it's also the first time I've been so unwilling to help someone dig the flower garden yeah."

"My husband is very active, so it's good to turn over the soil to wear off your energy." Qianyun smiled and chuckled, if he stayed in the room well, this would not have happened, it was all caused by restlessness.

"Hahaha" Looking at the little girl who buried her head in Qinyu's arms, he was in a very good mood, and it was rare for her to be shy.

Qianyun also had a smile on her face, curiously asked the little girl in Qinyu's arms, "Zhen Ni, why are you so strong?"

Zhen Ni pulled her head out of Qin Yu's arms, shook her head and replied, "I don't know either." According to her grandfather, when she was still climbing, she often smashed through the walls.

"Maybe it was born." Ah Zhen nodded, the world is full of wonders.

Everyone couldn't think of why a little girl had such strength for a moment, so they all nodded.

"Go to sleep when it's late at night, do you still have to go on the road tomorrow?" Said that he loves and pecks Qinyu's delicate cheeks lightly, and before she can react shyly, he leads Qianyun and walks towards the wing.

(End of this chapter)

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