ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 381 "The Disturbed Night"

Chapter 381 "The Disturbed Night"

After breakfast, the large group of people continued to march towards the royal court in an orderly manner under the visit of all Xingqing officials.The hot weather is a kind of torture for those who are on the road, an inhuman torture.

In the past six days, I passed by Xiliang, crossed the Great Wall, and arrived in Xuanhua. On the shore of Qinghai, if Qianyun and Qinyu hadn't stopped me, Ah Zhen would have jumped into the refreshing blue sea for a swim. Fan.

A group of people rush on the road during the day and rest at night. For Ah Zhen, the routine work is of course to be done, but the problem is a bit troublesome, no!A little annoying, I should say.

"Damn it, why are you still here?" A roar crossed the sky from Qin Yu's room. The hot weather made her very irritable, but seeing Zhen Ni living and dying in Qin Yu's room, she turned from irritable to crazy.

Looking at the big man and the little girl who looked like two cows, Qin Yujue, a rascal, sighed deeply and persuaded: "Husband, please keep your voice down, everyone is asleep."

"I want to sleep with Sister Qin, you just need to stay in Princess Yun's room." Zhen Ni insisted.

"Damn it." The irritable Ah Zhen felt that his patience was being lost bit by bit, and he rolled his eyes and waved away: "Go out and go back to sleep in your own room."

"I don't want to, I want to sleep with Sister Qin." After that, he rushed to Qin Yu's side and hugged her arm tightly, as if no one could separate them like this.

"Husband" Qin Yu was also very impatient. Seeing her husband's black face attacking her, she weakly advised: "Zhen Ni is still young, husband, please calm down."

Damn it!Thinking of his superior intelligence, why didn't he expect this little girl with infinite strength to be a homosexual? Damn him.

"Zhen Ni, Yu'er is my wife." Taking a deep breath, she concealed her burst of anger.

"You have so many wives, why do you have to come to Sister Qin's room?"

"I can't favor one another, and your sister Qin will complain."

After Ah Zhen finished speaking, Qin Yu's face was flushed, but she bit her apricot lips tightly and did not make a sound. She really missed her husband, his strong arms, and his warm embrace. It was just such a shameful thing, how could she say it?Fortunately, her husband has a thick skin.I never thought that Zhen Ni would be so attached to her, alas
Zhen Ni listened to Ah Zhen's words, looked at Qin Yu with pitiful eyes and asked, "Does Sister Qin not like Zhen Ni?"

"Of course I like it."

"Then Zhen Ni will accompany you, okay?"

"This..." Qin Yu finished speaking, looking at her pleading eyes, nodded softly and said: "Okay."

When Zhen Ni heard that she had agreed, she raised her happy face and said provocatively: "Look, Sister Qin has agreed."

Ah Zhen rolled her eyes, her elder sister Qin was so unwilling, didn't she see it?

Lazy to talk nonsense, he saved his saliva, stepped forward and grabbed Zhen Ni by the collar, and lifted the little girl up.

Zhen Ni, who refused to obey, used both hands and feet, flying in the air, seeing that the door was getting closer and closer, and struggling more intensely.

Ah Zhen, who knew her strength, carried her forward, avoiding her flying hands and feet, walked to the door, immediately threw her out of the room, and bang!With a bang, the door was closed forcefully, and then the latch was lowered, and the whole world suddenly felt much quieter.

Qin Yu, who had seen him so savage with her own eyes, heard Zhen Ni's exclamation when she fell to the ground, and stepped forward worriedly: "Husband, you"

"Come on, let's go to sleep." After speaking, he hugged the lovely person beside him and smelled the incomparably fragrant deodorant.

"Open the door, open the door."

Before she could walk to the bed with Qin Yu in her arms, there was a loud knock on the door, and the door seemed to disintegrate with such force.Seeing that there were countless black lines slid down Ah Zhen's forehead, Qin Yu persuaded with a fake smile: "Husband, otherwise, tonight, you can go to sister's room."

"If there is one, there are two. You can't persuade me to go out for the rest of your life, can you?"

"This" Qin Yu is a rascal, but what else can I do?

As the two of them were speechless, the outside door panel seemed to be broken. Ah Zhen saw that this damn girl was so lawless, so she was furious and threatened outside the door, "If you break the door, I will kill you when you go back." Arrest your grandpa, father, and mother."

Sure enough, following his words, the knocking on the door stopped immediately.

"Husband, how can you be like this?" Qin Yu disagreed with his actions.

"One moment and another moment. Hey" After a sinister smile, he raised his eyebrows at the person in his arms, and said evilly, "Now what you have to worry about is how to escape from my clutches."

"Hate" ignited a tender cry, and Qin Yu buried her head in his arms in embarrassment, whispering shyly, "Yu'er doesn't want to escape."

Hearing this, Ah Zhen was immediately burned with lust, and rushed to the bed with her in his arms, gently put her on the warming bed, and then bullied her up.

Accompanied by kisses, caresses, teasing and panting, the room is filled with fragrance and warmth.

In the dark night of rose petals, in the moaning of two bodies overlapping each other, sweat and sweat are burning, in the midst of all the joyful love

A loud bang sounded.

Then the little girl who was thrown out broke in and yelled: "You are not allowed to bully Sister Yu."

Ah Zhen, who was wandering in the clouds, saw that she broke into the door unexpectedly, and the two poor door panels were lying at her feet in pieces, and his mind went blank for a moment.

Flying Qin Yu was also dumbfounded.

"Let go of Sister Yu." Zhen Ni was very angry when he saw that he was still bullying Qin Yu.She heard Sister Yu's painful moaning and crying outside the door.He must be bullying Sister Yu, this intrusion was finally confirmed, but I just can't figure it out, why both of them don't wear clothes?

"Ah" A miserable sound crossed the room, and then Qin Yu was so ashamed that she wished she could get in from the hole and never come out to see anyone.She curled up behind the eaves of the bed and covered her body tightly with the quilt. She bit her lip and saw that her husband was completely naked, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She pulled him to her side and split the tightly covered quilt in half. give him.

"He, you dare to kick down the door of my room, and tell him to get out of here." Ah Zhen was so angry that he couldn't believe what he saw was real, and he would be kicked by a pig if he disturbed others to go out. Damn Zhen Ni, even pigs must despise her when she goes out.

Zhen Ni, who doesn't understand the world, firmly believes that he is bullying Sister Qin, but seeing Sister Qin being so shy and tilting her neck, it seems that this is not the case, but she clearly heard Sister Qin's moaning and crying?And when he came in, he also saw him oppressing sister Yu?what is the problem?

As soon as Ah Zhen finished cursing, the vulture hiding around couldn't believe what he saw, and was about to come over to arrest him.

After scolding, Ah Zhen thought that the Condor Brigade was still outside?Horrified, he ordered, "Everyone stay here for me."

There was silence outside the room, and Vulture retreated to his position. Although he didn't understand what was going on, the coach must have meant something when he spoke.

"Pick up the clothes for us." Heimian stretched out his hand.

"Oh." Dazed Zhen Ni, with a knotted head, stupidly bent over to pick up those messy clothes on the ground.

"Get out!" The stereotyped voice sounded after receiving the clothes.

Seeing that his face was completely black and his teeth were gritted, Zhen Ni was terrified and fled out of the room, not daring to argue, feeling terrified, did she do something wrong?

Qin Yu, who was dressed, was also terrified when she saw that her husband was so angry, and begged carefully: "Husband, Zhen Ni is not sensible, don't be angry with her."

"Humph" After getting up and putting on his pants casually, Ah Zhen's face was always grim. His anger is now like a volcano. As long as a man encounters this, there is no one who is not angry.

"Husband," Qin Yu exclaimed, quickly put on her clothes, and hurriedly chased him out.

Ah Zhen, who walked out of the room, saw Zhen Ni with her head down, looking like she had done something wrong, and her anger subsided a lot.But this girl is too lawless, if you don't teach her, you will really treat him as a fake king.

"Come on"

A roar ran across the garden.

Hundreds of hidden vultures immediately appeared in their strong outfits, rushing forward.

The frightened Zhen Ni, seeing him with a smiley face, suddenly looked so majestic, his heart trembled, and suddenly he saw a large number of strong men surrounding him. These people were dressed strangely, with mottled faces, no footsteps, no sound approached. , the exhaled breath is depressing, and the soul-sucking bloody smell is frightening and terrifying.

"Coach" Sand Wolf led the second team to respond with a blank expression.

Seeing that it was a sand wolf, Ah Zhen snorted heavily, pointed at Zhen Ni and ordered, "Tie her to the tree trunk for me."

After wearing "Husband, don't", Qin Yu, who chased after her, heard the order and worriedly pulled her husband's arm.

"This girl is stubborn and uneducated. No matter how lawless she will be in the future."

"Zhen Ni is still young, my husband calm down."

"You can discipline when you are young, but you can't teach when you grow up."

"But, Zhen Ni is Cao"

Before Qin Yu finished speaking, Ah Zhen interrupted and said: "I am the king of Tubo, and all the people are my children. I have the responsibility and obligation to teach them." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said: "Tie up."

"You can't tie me up." Seeing a crowd of people approaching, Zhen Ni backed away in shock.

"Presumptuous, what is me, what is you. Call me king."

For a moment, before he finished speaking, the vulture took Zhen Ni to the nearby tree and tied him tightly.

After approaching, he glared at the little girl viciously, his face was extremely cruel, and his eyes sucked blood, threatening: "I know you have brute force, but if the rope breaks, or if I get up early tomorrow, I won't be able to see your people." , then I will arrest your grandpa and others."

All the time with him, Zhen Ni saw the king with a smiley face, even if he was angry, he was like a ruffian, but this time he felt extremely scared, exuding an inviolable aura from him, seductive The shock of the soul deeply makes people feel trembling. This is the king who was threatened by her to go back to be a gardener.

"Woo..." A heart-rending cry sounded, and she was frightened.

Qin Yu couldn't bear it, seeing Zhen Ni who was tied to the tree trunk crying so frightened, she stepped forward and gently wiped her tears and comforted her: "Zhen Ni don't cry, sister Qin is here, don't be afraid." After comforting, she turned around Looking at her husband's cold face, she gently persuaded: "Husband, don't scare her anymore, Zhen Ni is still a child."

"Huh." After humming heavily, he pulled Qin Yu to his side, glared at the tearful little girl tied to the tree trunk and said, "Stay well for me."

"Wow" was so intimidated, and the crying sounded louder.

"Let me guard her. If she dares to escape, I will chop her with a knife."

"It's" a large number of vultures changed the hands holding their backs, and pulled out the big steel knives behind them. Everyone held steel knives, and surrounded the little girl tied to the tree tightly.

Zhen Ni, who was crying, saw these monsters sucking blood like this, tears of fright flowed back into his stomach, the blood on his face faded completely, and he cried: "I don't dare, I don't dare."

"It's fine if you don't dare, just stay with me." After finishing speaking, she groaned again, stopped Qin Yu's waist, and walked towards the other wing.

Hundreds of vultures were silent and silent, everyone had one arm behind their backs and the other held a knife. The crescent moon shone on the big steel knife, causing bursts of coldness, while the frightened little girl who was tied to the tree trunk was still screaming. Weeping.

In just a few days, Jin Caiye was already covered in filth and stench. Homeless, he hid in a dilapidated Digong Temple outside the city, lying on the yellow and dirty straw and getting drunk. The smell of alcohol and stench make mosquitoes shy away from it.

Amid all the peaceful sleep, in the temple where no one was dirty, there was a young girl out of nowhere, this girl Meilun Meihuan, Pingting Ana.She saw two big men and a maidservant closely following her. The eyes of the two big men were cold, as if they couldn't see the drunk man in the temple, while the eyes of the maidservant were full of worry and swollen.

"Alas" let out a soft sigh from the girl, shook her head and stopped talking.

Seeing the young lady sighing so much, the maid advised her worriedly, "Miss, let's go."

Hearing the maid's words, the girl shook her head like a drum, "Cherry, although this person has a sworn feud with Brother Zhen, he did save my life by the river that day, and we should repay his kindness."

After the maid heard this, she felt guilty and murmured: "But he doesn't want to be helped."

Following her words, a sigh sounded out again.

Liu Yangyang was extremely conflicted, brother Zhen left, elder brother was captured by the Liao Kingdom, Shaoyun and Qianyun never came back.The second brother no longer has the heart to manage the shop, he hangs around the flowers all day long, and the third brother is so busy with Da Zhou that he never even returns home.Now their Burning Willow Villa is really a family without a family, and a business without a business.

The atmosphere in the village is depressing, and people are in a world that is about to suffocate.When I went out to breathe, I happened to meet Jin Caiye, Zhen Ge's enemy.

He was like a madman, crying and laughing, singing and cursing.He yelled about Da Zhou's Jiangshan foundation.

She admitted that seeing him in such a ruined state, she felt an inexplicable sense of joy in her heart.But seeing him repeatedly being beaten by the inn clerk for a bottle of wine, and insisting on it again and again with his head broken and bleeding, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart.No matter what he did, he had saved her in the end, how could Yang Yang not repay this kindness to her?

Under everyone's gaze, the drunk dreaming man slumped in the temple squirmed slightly, as if he was about to wake up, but after only a few movements, everything returned to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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