ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 385 "The Tears of Xueshuang"

Chapter 385 "The Tears of Xueshuang"

The bells and drums in the Golden Palace of Tubo kept ringing, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty celebrated together.The faces of the first queen and the fourth concubine were full of joy.

Since Wan'er and a group of people came, Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows. Sitting on the golden chair, he tilted his neck and asked suspiciously: "Wan'er, where is Xueshuang?" His Shuang'er is deeply attached to him, He came back, she should be the first one, why is there no one?

Following his questioning, the wives looked at each other, not knowing what to say, their faces that were originally full of joy suddenly darkened a lot.

Seeing this, Ah Zhen frowned, not knowing what his wives were playing dumb, when he was about to ask again, Yingyingrou who was sitting next to him held his big palm and said: "Husband, Xueshuang is in the house, any No matter how much we invite, we will not come."

"What about her?"

"Husband, don't worry, Xueshuang said that Yu Li is not suitable, she will wait for you in the mansion." Bei Ni comforted, all the important officials of the court are here, after telling the truth, the husband will definitely abandon everyone, so how should he step down.

After hearing this, Ah Zhen nodded in understanding, yes, his Shuang'er was tightly bound by the etiquette, "ah", he shook his head helplessly after sighing, this female ring is really harmful.

The huge Lin Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and all the mistresses entered the palace. Xueshuang sat quietly in her room, but her thoughts were free to flow.

Lin Lang came back, and finally came back safely. God bless his Lin Lang to be safe for the rest of his life. How dare she, a disabled person, marry Lin Lang.

The wind gently brushed against the window lattice, the shoulders of the one-armed man swayed slightly, the tears in the corners of his eyes did not stop, Xueshuang stood up, looking at this wing room where she had stayed for a long time, with nostalgia, Then he walked out silently, and gently closed Haoli's compartment door.

In the Lin family ancestral hall, a one-armed tearful man knelt down on the ground, looked up at the divine tablet on the desk, and solemnly kowtowed a few times, the tearful man cried to the divine tablet, "Please, father, in the spirit of heaven May your husband be safe and sound, and may the mistresses be free from disasters and illnesses, and have a safe life."

Green smoke curled up, and Xueshuang, who was kneeling in front of the desk, wept unceasingly, as if her heart had been ripped away alive.

It was not until a long time before the lonely weeping man stood up tremblingly, gently rubbing his sore leg with one arm, and walked towards the silent and silent back door in desolation and tears. "Lin Lang, Shuang'er's lifelong favorite."

The golden bells and silver drums in the palace, the feast is almost over, as the light shadows danced and the ribbons fluttered down, Ah Zhen held up the golden cup and respected the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs again: "Ministers, you are the pillars of my Tubo , the king is here to thank you."

As he stood up, all the officials in the hall were terrified, and they all knelt down and shouted in unison: "Your Majesty is wise, you are ashamed."

"Hahaha," Ah Zhen laughed, raised his hand and called out: "Everyone get up."

"Thank you, my lord."

Everyone who stood up picked up the silver cups on the table and drank heavily.

At sunset, everyone was drunk, and under the joy of reunion, successive crowds wandered away from this resplendent palace.

The joy in the palace was natural, Daba sat on the desk with a smile, looked at the bastard next to him, "Don't go back tonight, drink a few drinks with me in the palace."

"Drinking again?" Ah Zhen was speechless, he is still dizzy now.Putting down the teacup in his hand, he waved his hand and said, "No, I'm too tired."

"Then rest in the palace." Daba was so majestic, he narrowed his eyes and wondered if this bastard would follow his wishes?
"I want to go back to accompany the ladies, and come to see you tomorrow." He said and stood up, "Don't send it off." After waving, he stepped out.

Sure enough, this bastard never went his way.Seeing him leaving on his own, Daba shook his head helplessly, at least he still had Wang'er with him.

A kind of pain that cannot be missed, hurts to the marrow of the bone.With a forced smile, Xueshuang turned around and walked towards the street at dusk under the watchful eyes of a large number of guards at the back door.As soon as she turned around, tears fell again uncontrollably, and she began to miss Lin Lang crazily.

A large number of guards at the back door were at a loss as to why Concubine Xue, who had always been far away from everyone, came out. You looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't dare to stop them. They watched that thin body gradually drifting away until it disappeared.

A large number of carriages and horses were turning, and vultures guarded both sides. As soon as they arrived at the Lin Mansion, all the guards in the mansion were dismissed and assigned by themselves to protect all corners of the mansion from mosquitoes.

After getting off the car, Wan'er and his wife happily called out: "Husband, this is your residence."

After getting out of the carriage, Ah Zhen stood in front of his house and praised loudly, "Sure enough." I saw two huge stone lions standing majestically at the door, and the endless wall led to nowhere.

Hearing his yelling, Benny laughed and said, "Of course, Mr. Lang is a king, who else's house can be more magnificent than yours."

After speaking, he smiled at all the sisters.

"The one next to me is more magnificent than mine." After opening his mouth, he gestured to the palace not far away.

"It belongs to my husband too." After Qianyun smiled coquettishly, she took his arm and urged, "Husband, hurry up and go into the mansion to see Xueshuang." Xueshuang must be very happy, this poor man.

"Okay." He also really wanted to see this lovable girl, and wondered how her injury was.

Under the kneeling and prostration of several managers, a group of people stormed the hall in the mansion, and the maidservants of all orders came to worship one by one holding tea.

After entering the mansion, Ah Zhen frowned, and Gulu's eyes couldn't find that beautiful figure.

Wan'er is also surprised, why isn't Xueshuang, who hurt lovesickness so much, not in the hall? "Husband, sit down first, I'll call Xueshuang."

"You sit down, I'll just go find her." Pushing Wan'er into the seat with his backhand, a trace of panic surged in his heart, this scene was familiar to him, and Xueshuang was also so indifferent to him in Sui County.

After Wan'er was pushed down to sit, she nodded and said: "It's okay, my husband and Xueshuang haven't seen each other for many days, so we should have a heart-to-heart talk with her." Then she said to everyone: "How do you feel, Madam?"

"Wan'er said very well." After everyone responded, she urged the man standing in the hall, "Go and see Xueshuang."

Shaking his head, after refuting the ominous feeling in his heart, seeing that his wives spoke in unison, they nodded with a dumbfounded smile, and followed the manager to the inner hall.

Xueshuang won't cuckold him again, right?Ah Zhen's scalp felt a little numb while walking, he shook his head and laughed, and took a deep breath, despising himself, how could it be possible that Xueshuang loved him so deeply.

In the quiet south-spanning courtyard, a small attic stands among the flowers, the spring is lightly splashing, and the crescent moon is yellow.

Seeing the king coming, the busy maidservants in the Nankua courtyard bowed down and worshiped.

It wasn't until they reached the pavilion in the attic that the steward stopped and said, "Your Majesty, this is Concubine Xue's wing."

"Yeah." After nodding, looking at the quiet surroundings, Ah Zhen stepped forward, pushed open the tightly closed door, and called happily: "Shuang'er, I'm here."

No cheering, no throwing arms.Frowning and watching the dark room, Ah Zhen had an ominous premonition in his heart, and shouted in panic: "Come here."

After exiting the wing room, he saw countless maidservants rushing towards him, and immediately asked without raising his eyebrows: "Where is Concubine Xue?"

"This" all the maidservants fell to their knees in shock after looking at each other, not knowing where Concubine Xue had gone.

Seeing that everyone didn't know Xueshuang's trace, Ah Zhen was furious, turned his head and stared at the manager viciously, and asked with dignity: "Where is the person?"

Seeing this, the manager fell to his knees with a puffing sound, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably, "Your Majesty calm down, Concubine Xue may be in the back garden."

Very, very wrong.Not only did Xueshuang not come out to meet him when she knew he was coming, she also disappeared in the room, all of this was too abnormal.

"Come" roared across the sky.

At night, the Lin Mansion was flying like dogs and dogs. Thousands of people from all over the house searched every corner, but they couldn't find the one-armed man.

Ah Zhen, who was pacing anxiously, became more flustered the more he thought about it, where did Xueshuang go?
In the hall where all the wives gathered, they couldn't bear to see him so disturbed.

"Husband, maybe Xueshuang will go out and have a good time." Qianyun comforted, but even she herself would not believe this comfort.

Wan'er's eyes were moist, she wiped her tears and murmured: "Xueshuang must think that she is not good enough for her husband, so she left."

After hearing this, the anxious Ah Zhen stopped in his tracks, looked back at Wan'er in a daze and asked, "Wan'er, what do you mean?"

"Lang Jun, you..." Bei Ni couldn't bear it, she didn't know where Xue Shuang was now, if he heard the news again, he would be very sad.

"Ni'er, what's going on? What's going on with Xueshuang?" Seeing the appearance of the wives, he was horrified, and said

"Husband..." Wan'er shook her neck, walked behind him with tears on her face, buried her head in his arms, and wrapped her soft arms around his waist, "Husband, she lost everything arm."

Ah Zhen, who was being hugged, heard this in a daze, her heart skipped a beat and she asked in shock: "Wan'er, what did you say?"

"While pacing the river, Xueshuang lost her arm trying to save me." Qianyun burst into tears.

"Impossible, I don't believe it." With a big stagger, Ah Zhen pushed back the chair beside him to the ground, and shouted with red eyes: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Hugging his Wan'er, he murmured, "Husband, don't be like this, it's true, it's all true."

"My Shuang'er."

Countless sobs made everyone in the hall feel sad, such a bad news made the man who had just arrived almost faint.


Just when everyone was mourning, Zongtu broke in from outside the mansion, saw the king's eyes were red, his heart skipped a beat, he quickly knelt down on the ground and reported, "At the queen's order, the minister stopped Concubine Xue, whether to let her go out of the city?" "I have never understood why the queen gave him this order, until now I have some understanding, the queen's unpredictable prophecy is frightening.

When the chickens were flying and the dogs were jumping, everyone in the hall was overjoyed when they heard this powerful news.

After Ah Zhen heard about it, he immediately shouted: "Take me there quickly."

"Please, Your Majesty." Zongtu, who came on a fast horse, stepped forward closely. Fortunately, he has always remembered the queen's words, otherwise his city may come to an end.

"Husband must bring Xueshuang back to the house." Wan'er let go of her arms, her face full of worry.

"Don't worry." After he finished speaking, he turned his head and quickly followed away. Xueshuang, a silly girl, was so silly that it was disturbing. Thinking of her missing an arm, his heart was so painful that he couldn't speak.

At night, the city gate was brightly lit, and there were countless soldiers kneeling beside the gate that was about to close. Xueshuang, who was dressed in light clothes, stood at a loss at the gate, looking at the strong men who knelt to her. Helpless and terrified.

"Get up." Rourou's voice sounded again at the gate of the city.

But the kneeling soldiers still didn't dare to move, blocking the gate of the city so that they couldn't get in or out.

"The king is coming." A loud call sounded from countless torches, and then a large number of horseshoes slammed across the night sky.

When Xueshuang shouted, tears flowed down again immediately, and she rushed to the gate of the city in panic, but the soldiers full of kneeling blocked the gate tightly, how could she pass.

"Woo!" After a lot of horse pulls sounded, Ah Zhen got off his horse and called to the Keren who wanted to squeeze out of the city: "Xueshuang, come back."

After a cry of "Woo", the one-armed man who squeezed forward still did not give up.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Ah Zhen felt sad, "Shuang'er, where can you go, where else can you go except in my arms?"

"Woo" Xueshuang, who couldn't squeeze out, heard this sentence, tears poured down her small face, covering her face with unfaded scars, crying bitterly.Lin Lang, her Lin Lang, she misses him so much, misses him so much, misses him so much.

When he walked to Xueshuang's side, Ah Zhen looked at her empty sleeve, his heart throbbed with pain, his eyes were red, no matter whether it was in the public or not, he twisted her body with his hands, and saw her pale face covered with tears. With countless tears, his nose was sore, and his two powerful arms were like tongs, tightly holding this thin and lovely person in his arms.

"My baby, even though you lost your arms, I still love you dearly."

Xueshuang, who was hugged tightly, felt as if she was about to suffocate. Hearing what he said, her tears suddenly became more torrential, "Lin Lang, Xueshuang misses you so much, misses you so much."

"My baby." After a hot call, Ah Zhen, who let go of Xueshuang, leaned down, and in front of everyone's eyes, affectionately closed the little mouth full of tears.

Zongtu and the others were dumbfounded for a moment, and their minds were clouded. The evening wind blew gently, and the huge city gate was as silent as a cemetery.

Everyone looked at the king and Concubine Xue in disbelief, the wife had shocked the world.


Xueshuang, who was almost breathless, murmured softly, and then opened her small mouth wide open to inhale, inhale, inhale

After "Preparing the sedan chair" let go of Xueshuang, the corners of Ah Zhen's mouth turned up, and he gave orders to a group of stunned people.

Hearing what he said, Xueshuang came back to her senses, recalling that they were at the gate of the city, she gasped in horror, her cheeks turned red for a moment and were about to bleed, she was ashamed.

Soon the big sedan chair with 16 people was brought over, Ah Zhen hugged Xueshuang who shyly buried her little head in his arms, and the two got into the sedan chair with a grunt.

"Husband, how are you doing?" Xueshuang dared to raise her red head, raised her eyes, and looked at the man who was holding her when only two of them were together.

"Not good." Looking back at her, Ah Zhen shook his head, stroked his heart and said, "My Shuang'er doesn't want me anymore, I even want to die."

"I'm sorry husband, it's Shuang'er who is wayward."

"You are not allowed to leave without saying goodbye, or I will die for you."

The tears that had stopped immediately flowed down again, and with a puff, Xueshuang buried her head in his arms again, shaking gently and crying, "Xueshuang will never again, Xueshuang will always be my husband's Shuang'er."

"Always remember what you said."

"Shuang'er will stay by your husband's side forever, even if husband chases Shuang'er away, Shuang'er will not leave you half a step."

After hearing this, Ah Zhen was greatly moved, hugged her tightly, squeezed the empty sleeve, and felt a lot of sadness in his heart, "My baby, thank you for your hard work."

"Shuang'er doesn't work hard and has no regrets."

How could such a well-behaved and quiet person be unsympathetic.A big palm hit the chest of the person in his arms silently, and he gently squeezed his chest and murmured, "Shuang'er, do you miss your husband?"

Such meaningful words made the sobbing Xueshuang feel ashamed, she bit her lips and nodded her head in embarrassment, "Think."



Xueshuang, whose cherry lips were sealed again, let him have his desires with both joy and shame, and felt the pair of giant palms walking on her body like a simmering fire in happiness, making her unable to move, and did not want to move.

(End of this chapter)

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