ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 392 "Military Base"

Chapter 392 "Military Base"

As soon as Liu Fengyang left, Liu Yingyang looked at Jin Caiye who was lying in a lump of soft mud on the grassy hill with great anger, raised her jade fingers and shouted: "Throw him into the river and see if he can wake up."

"Yingyang." Yang Yang disapproved and stopped the servants from coming forward.

"Sister, you see that he is drunk all day long, and the stench is unbearable." Liu Yingyang didn't understand why she insisted on keeping this enemy in the village.

"He finally saved my life." Liu Yangyang shook his head and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Sister, he is hopeless, and he can only be like this for the rest of his life." Said Liu Yingyang angrily turned around and walked towards her own room, and then went to deal with the ooze lazily. He is the real brother's enemy, and the emperor cut his official position , the soldiers also refused to accept him, and he did it on his own.

"Ah!" After sighing, Liu Yangyang stared at the man in the grass hill, and murmured to himself: "Sanpin River Governor is already in the upper ranks, why bother to seek false fame and suffer punishment."

"Life is not enough to swallow an elephant." After shaking his head, he called to the servant: "Take me back to the room and rest."


Several servants stepped forward and roughly picked up the soft mud on the grassy mound, reluctantly dragging him to Xiwan.

The moon was very cold, and the extinguished torches returned to Burning Willow Villa a silence.

The streets of Wang Ting are still bustling, with sounds of yelling and drinking, and camel caravans passing through the streets and alleys like a tide. In the noisy environment, Ah Zhen and Yingying only brought a few guards, happily wandering on the prosperous streets .

"Are Frank and the others in the city?" Ah Zhen, who is not in a hurry, walks leisurely. Take a look at this stall, and that stall is crazy, very leisurely.

Seeing that he was like a gangster boss, Yingying shook her head helplessly and replied, "It's outside the west city."

"Yeah." After nodding casually, Ah Zhen stopped at a pear stall and asked, "Boss, are these pears sweet?"

When the stall owner saw the distinguished guests coming, he smiled and nodded, "It's just the season, and it's very sweet."

"Give me a few." Picked up one by hand, wiped it on the sleeve, bit it right away, and praised: "It's really sweet."

"Thank you, sir, the total is sixteen dollars." The owner of the stall smiled from ear to ear, very happy.

"Nengwu." Ah Zhen gestured with a fan and said, "Give me twenty dollars."

"Thank you, uncle, for the reward." The smile became even happier.

Yingying rolled her eyes and saw him eating and walking on the street like no one else, she sighed and said: "This old man is so generous."

"Where, I only rewarded four coins. Normally, I reward more than one tael."

"The young master who doesn't know the sufferings of the world."

"Do you know the suffering in the world?"

"Uh!" Yingying who was asked back frowned, shook her head and said, "I really don't know." How could the world be hungry in the 21st century.

"Then it's over." With a shrug of his shoulders, he continued to eat.

The lazy sunset is warm and soft, and the breeze pushes the clouds to float in the sky, leisurely and carefree. Among the mountains outside the city, there are countless naked craftsmen and blacksmiths, and four huge iron armors that have already formed Boat.

After passing through the heavily guarded checkpoints, Ah Zhen was speechless until he saw such a huge project and deeply marveled at the greatness of human beings.

Wandering among the busy crowd, he quickly found Frank who was surrounded by crowds. Frank was surrounded by a large number of people wearing his Tubo official uniform. The red-haired boy who came.


Ah Zhen's excited cry stunned the focused crowd.

"Ah Zhen. Lin?" Frank, who was also excited, raised his head in disbelief, looking at the handsome figure, like a locomotive, he left everyone and went straight to him, his excitement was beyond words.

When the ministers of the Ministry of Industry saw the king, they knelt in horror and said: "I see the king and the queen, the king will live forever, and the queen will live forever."

"stand up."


Frank was surprised to see these Tibetan officials treat Ah Zhen.Lin knelt down and asked in awkward Chinese: "Ah Zhen, are you the emperor of Tubo?"

Hearing such awkward and blunt Chinese, Ah Zhen rolled his eyes and said in English: "Frank, I can understand English. God will foam when he hears your broken Chinese."

"It really is Ah Zhen. Lin." Hearing this familiar ridicule, Frank excitedly gave him a big hug.

After the two hugged, Ah Zhenbi rowed the huge iron boat next to him, and asked with a smile: "How is it, is it almost there?"

"Come and take a look." Frank took his hand excitedly, ran to the side of the sketch and gestured: "The metal content in your country is extremely pure, the refined titanium alloy is too perfect, and the concentration of carbon fiber is even lighter than that of our country. "

"Hmm." He couldn't understand the titanium alloy and carbon fiber he was talking about, and asked the ministers of the Ministry of Industry: "What do you think?"

"It's very good to report to the king." Everyone knew it well and responded vaguely.

Listening to what they said, Ah Zhen nodded in satisfaction, picked up a wooden compasses from the side of the graph and asked with a smile: "Frank, your compasses are so poorly made, will they be accurate?"

Seeing that he knew compasses, Frank nodded in surprise and replied: "Ah Zhen, the outside of this compasses is ugly, but it does not damage the accuracy."

"Hmm." After putting down the compasses, he looked at the tripods, measuring sticks, center of gravity, etc., with a happy smile on his face.

Seeing him so happy, Yingying was also very satisfied, and said to Frank: "In a month or so, the ship will be ready to go to sea. I have prepared a lot of things for you. When you go back, you must send my regards to Edward II .”

"Of course." Frank was very happy. Tubo was much better than Da Zhou. He was polite and courteous to him. He had traveled to so many countries and had never encountered such a good country. It was really a blessing for His Highness Edward.

"Azhen, Yingying, how about you going back with me, our Highness must be very happy to see you." Frank warmly invited.

"I've been busy recently, so please say hello to Edward for me." Holding his hand, like a good friend, he said with a sly light in his eyes: "Frank, I plan to send a hundred students to study in your country and work with your country." Communicate, learn your culture, and believe in your God. I sincerely hope that your missionaries will come to our country to establish a monastery. May God be with us Tubo people.”

Hearing of his faith, the pure Frank was overjoyed, hugged Ah Zhen tightly and exclaimed, "I wanted to say this a long time ago, but I didn't expect Brother Ah Zhen to believe in my lord so much."

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!" After making the cross, he was very humble.

Seeing his humility, Frank immediately made a cross and said: "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen." After doing this series of actions, he said excitedly: "Brother Ah Zhen, don't worry, I will definitely take your Convey your sincerity to my Highness, arrange your students into our best Royal Academy."

"Great, Frank, we have facilitated the exchanges between the two countries, which will surely be recorded in the calendar forever, and the whole world will mourn us in the future. It is we who made this world more wonderful and brilliant."

"Yes, yes." Frank thought of going down in the annals of history, excited beyond words, nodded and praised repeatedly: "God is merciful, let me meet such a good Highness." Said caressing his body, and bowed deeply to him.

Ah Zhen pretended to be flattered, and quickly helped him up, "Frank, we are good friends, you can't do this."

"Hahaha" After laughing loudly, Frank gave him another warm hug, kissed in his ear and said, "My good friend, Ah Zhen. Lin."

"Okay, you're busy. I'm going to do some errands, and have a meal together in a few days. Bye!"

Frank nodded again and again, waved and said, "Goodbye."

After turning around, Ah Zhen smiled wickedly at Yingying, and took her by the hand and walked towards the military base.

After the two walked out of the heavily guarded mountains, Yingying couldn't hold back her laughter anymore.

"What will be recorded in the annals of history forever, there is not a word of your mouth that is true."

"Foreigners are crazy, and it is more important for them to be recorded in the annals of history than their lives, otherwise there would be no Nobels."

After hearing this, Yingying shook her head, "This Frank is too stupid."

"It's not that he's stupid, it's that he doesn't know the future world. He also wants to use me to improve the water rating in their country, but he doesn't know that apart from the excellent water rating we produced, the industry is in a mess."

"Well, I didn't think so. This is the refutation of interests."

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong with it. If you want to develop, you must never rest on your laurels."

"But in this way, the people will wake up and pose a great threat to the king."

Yingying's words made Ah Zhen stop, pondered for a while and asked, "Yingying, do you think Fascism or Marxism is better?"

"How do you say that?"

Shaking his head, Ah Zhen refuted the messy thoughts in his head, hugged her and said: "This is something that will happen thousands of years later, history is constantly changing in the torrent, even if our descendants can really sit on the emperor for such a long time, then In the end, it is worthwhile to return sovereignty to the people. Think about the Eight-Power Allied Forces in the official calendar, and think about how China was invaded at that time. We can’t let the country fall into dire straits for our own selfish desires.”

"You are right. A strong country depends on the people and the development of industry." Speaking of this, Yingying shrugged her shoulders: "I don't want to see China being torn apart in this world."

"Build the strongest country."

Hearing his strong tone, Yingying laughed, "You are so domineering."

The two talking while walking were happily talking on the desolate mountain road, but the guards following behind them couldn't understand what they were talking about at all, and countless question marks popped up in their minds.

"Yingying." After a long silence, Ah Zhen called softly.

"What's the matter?" Yingying looked up at him thoughtfully, not knowing why he was so emotional all of a sudden.

Ah Zhen stared at these clear eyes, sighed and said: "We have too much to do, do you feel tired?"

"As long as I'm with you, I won't feel tired."

"The Great Zhou and the Liao Kingdom vowed to take it back, and we are afraid that we will spend our lives in the flames of war."

After hearing his words, Yingying rubbed his waist affectionately and said reluctantly: "My lord, I don't want to part with you."

"Alas" let out a long sigh, "advanced into Vietnam, opened up Haikou, then retracted, and finally marched into Myanmar, Bangladesh, Tianzhu, and Thailand. After pacifying the surrounding small countries, if they have not been destroyed by the Liao Kingdom, then I will send troops in Hainan. Conquered the Philippines, took Taiwan back from the Portuguese, landed on Fish Island, occupied the Ryukyu Islands, and then set foot on the island. "Here he shook his head and said:" After the surrounding area is peaceful, we will start our own civil war, unify China, and make the imperial capital Moving to Beijing, if I was alive then, I would really like to sit in a palace in Beijing."

"Well. You can, I will always be with you." Yingying is full of tenderness, this is a huge project, and the dream of dominating Asia will be difficult to complete throughout her life.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, is the military base coming soon?" It feels like I have been walking for a long time, and the sun is about to set.

Walking away in meditation, Yingying who walked side by side nodded and said: "There is still a long way to go, let's ride a horse."

"Okay." If I didn't say it earlier, it would be a waste of time to walk such a long distance.

The guard led the horse, and the two people who were talking closed their chattering mouths, turned on the horse and galloped away, letting the sound of horseshoes wander in this quiet and empty mountain.

After nightfall, the periphery of the military base is as quiet as a graveyard. In the uninhabited graveyard, there are densely guarded by a large number of heavy soldiers. These heavy soldiers are all dressed in fiery red armor, which is completely different from other soldiers. , proud and cold.

"who is it?"

Just as he stepped past the warning mark, there was a violent scream.

Then, like thousands of troops and horses galloping, countless sharp knives protruded from the night, and countless crowds immediately surrounded Ah Zhen and the group like water.

"Back off." Yingying shouted.

Seeing that it was the queen, everyone panicked, neither knelt nor worshiped, and retreated completely in an instant without breathing.

Seeing that the soldiers had retreated, Yingying said to Ah Zhen who was stunned: "Husband, let's go in and have a look."

"They don't seem to be the same as other soldiers?" Ah Zhen pointed to the night in a daze. When ordinary soldiers saw him coming, they would definitely kneel down and pray in shock. Why didn't they?

Yingying knew what he was wondering about, and explained with a smile: "Except for me and you, only a few people can enter, and they only obey my orders."

"Three do not listen to soldiers?"

"That's right." After nodding, he took his hand and said, "Let's go in and see this exciting moment."


After being stunned for a while, Ah Zhen was also excited, and stepped forward anxiously.

Swimming for a long way in the dark, until they were close to Shanxuan, under their torches along the way, they could see the soldiers patrolling in the dark night, and the fiery red armor with a sentry at three steps and a post at five steps.

In the dark night, these special soldiers stared wide-eyed, watching this group of people wandering in the restricted area, each standing like a doll.

"Can they see without torches?" Ah Zhen doubted these soldiers who were patrolling alternately in the dark.

"No problem, their eyesight is the best."

After he stopped making a sound, he walked for about half an hour, and then in a restricted area with iron nets erected as high as the sky, a large number of torches suddenly illuminated the sky.

Seeing a large number of soldiers, these soldiers looked more vicious and taller than the previous ones.

"Except for the king and queen, the others are waiting outside."

When they were about to step through the iron-netted gate, Tiwei, the leader of the gatekeeper, stepped forward and blocked the guards who were about to follow.

"You wait outside." Yingying ordered.

"Yes." The royal guards respectfully divided into two groups, stepped up and stood up straight.

The leader of the gatekeeper bowed and invited: "Your Majesty, Queen please."

The stunned Ah Zhen looked around and saw countless soldiers two or three steps away, and the iron net extended to nowhere. The atmosphere was so oppressive that one couldn't help becoming nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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