ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 422 "Set of Chapters"

Chapter 422 "Story"

Inside Xiwan courtyard, it was cool and icy.

Xiang Shaoyun, who rushed in, jumped to the door of the tightly-covered main room. Hearing a slight movement inside, he raised his backhand, and suddenly grasped a sharp sword with a cold blue light in his hand.

Holding the sword, he watched quietly for a while, then immediately wrinkled his head tightly, holding his breath with murderous aura in his eyes.


There was a loud sound of breaking the door, and the smell of a lot of alcohol immediately rushed to his nostrils.

After receiving the report from the manager, Liu Yangyang quickly trotted towards Xi Wan, and she was so happy that when she saw Xiang Shaoyun raised his sword and was about to rush in, she immediately exclaimed in shock: "Shaoyun stop."

"Shaoyun" followed Yang Yang's words, and Liu Fengyang's words also arrived.

Hearing these two calls, Xiang Shaoyun, who was extremely suspicious, stopped and stood by the threshold, frowning tightly, staring at the snoring man lying on the floor in the room.

"what happened?"

Seeing that he had stopped, Yang Yang who came over was relieved and leaned over to look inside the room. Seeing that he was still asleep, he couldn't help but sighed deeply: "He's drunk."

"Drunk?" No matter how much Ren Xiangshaoyun thought, he couldn't imagine that the former Hussar general died drunk in the blue sky.

Liu Fengyang who rushed over also peeked into the room, seeing brother Zhen's enemy lying drunk on the ground, the old eyebrow turned his head uncomfortably and asked: "What's going on with Yang Yang, why is he in the village?"

Finally unable to hide it anymore, Liu Yangyang looked at her second brother's angry face, and whispered back in fear: "Second brother, I brought him here."

Hearing this, Liu Fengyang raised his thick eyebrows immediately, glared at Yang Yang and asked in an angry tone, "Why?"

"He once saved my life." Yang Yang said bluntly.

"What's going on?" Liu Fengyang was about to go crazy because he didn't understand how much his sister was hiding from him.

Hearing such an unhappy question, Liu Yangyang took a deep breath, and told how she fell into the river, how she saw him drunk like mud, and how she saved her enemy back to the villa without telling him.

After telling a story about the past, Liu Yangyang raised his eyebrows and looked at the two men, "He is already in a terrible state, Shaoyun, can't you let him go?"

After listening to Yang Yang's narration, Liu Fengyang was very happy in his heart. He glanced at the drunken man in the room with disdain, and hummed, "He's taking his own guilt."

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the snake." After speaking, Xiang Shaoyun retracted his sharp sword, stepped into the room, looked at the person lying on the ground without saying a word, and rubbed his foot against him twice, "Get up."

Seeing Jin Caiye being so spoiled by the second brother and Shaoyun, Yang Yang felt a lot of unbearable, "Shaoyun, second brother, he is already drunk and unconscious, you don't want to be like this."

"Yang Yang, he is Brother Zhen's enemy and our enemy." Liu Fengyang was very determined, and deliberately took a big step forward, stepping hard on the back of the drunk man's hand on the ground.

Seeing the second brother like this, a wave of reluctance rushed into Yang Yang's heart, "Second brother, he saved me."

"Shaoyun, spare his life." After all, he saved Yang Yang, and he had to repay this kindness.

Xiang Shaoyun shook his head, "Brother Zhen didn't want his life."

"Really?" Before Liu Fengyang could respond, Yang Yang was already overjoyed.

With cold eyes, Xiang Shaoyun stared coldly at Jin Caiye with his black eyes, and said coldly, "But Brother Zhen wants his arm."

"No." Hearing that Brother Zhen wanted to remove his arm, Yang Yang immediately shook his head and exclaimed, "You can't do this."

Seeing Xiang Shaoyun's words like this, Liu Fengyang smelled a little smell, pulled him and asked urgently: "Shaoyun, did something happen to Xueshuang?"

Seeing that his little bride was not there, Xiang Shaoyun sighed deeply and stopped hiding, saying: "Xueshuang lost his arm." The finger of hatred pointed directly at the man on the ground and said: "The culprit is him."

"God" two exclamations of horror sounded at the same time.

"Xueshuang lost an arm." Yang Yang covered his small mouth in horror, and stared at his unbelievable pupils.

"That's right." After nodding for sure, Xiang Shaoyun's face was always cold, "That's why Brother Zhen asked me to return the same way to him."

Hearing his resolute and cold words, Liu Yangyang panicked. Although she didn't know why she treated the man on the ground, she just didn't want to see him get hurt.

Quickly rushing to block Xiang Shaoyun, his hands and eyes were full of begging. "Shaoyun, please beg Brother Zhen to spare him."

"Yang Yang, you..." Liu Fengyang was stunned when he saw her like this.

"You can't take his arm off, second brother, Shaoyun, Yang Yang begs you." Before he knew it, tears had rolled down his cheeks.

"What the hell is going on." Liu Fengyang went crazy, stepped forward and pulled Liu Yangyang close, shouting with red eyes: "Tell me, what the hell are you doing? How many things are you hiding from me?"

The tearful Liu Yangyang kept shaking his head, pleading for the man on the ground. "Second brother, Yang Yang, I beg you, please spare him."

"You..." Liu Fengyang was shocked, and after taking a big staggered step, he couldn't believe that Yang Yang in front of him was his sister.

"Second brother, Shaoyun." The poor Liu Yangyang held Xiang Shaoyun's hand tightly, crying with tears in his mouth: "Brother Zhen has always been emotional, if I beg him, he will definitely let him go of."

Xiang Shaoyun didn't know what to do, and murmured, "But he took Xueshuang's arm."

"You take me to Tubo, and I will personally ask Xueshuang to forgive me." Holding Xiang Shaoyun's arm tightly, like holding on to a life-saving float, Yang Yang didn't know what was wrong with him, but he thought that the man was about to lose his life. arm, she felt very sad.

"This..." Shocked Liu Fengyang couldn't bear to see his sister crying so much, "Shaoyun, you don't think so"

"But" he didn't know what to do, Xiang Shaoyun couldn't speak, and after a while he made up his mind: "In that case, then take him back to Tubo, and let Brother Zhen decide what to do."

"If Yang Yang asks Brother Zhen hard, Brother Zhen will definitely let him go." Liu Fengyang came to a conclusion that he knew Brother Zhen very well.

Hearing that Shaoyun had spared him, Liu Yangyang wiped away his tears and thanked happily: "Shaoyun, second brother, thank you."

"Silly girl." Liu Fengyang patted her head lovingly, turned to Shaoyun and confessed: "Yang Yang has never traveled far, so you should be more patient along the way."

"What?" Hearing his instructions, Xiang Shaoyun stared at him and asked, "Aren't you going?"

"No." After shaking his head, he looked at the two of them, "There are many affairs in the village, and I will stay and deal with affairs after Yang Yang is gone."

"Well, the future will be long." Xiang Shaoyun patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, and promised: "Feng Yang, you can rest assured."

"Yeah. Good buddy." After patting him on the shoulder, Liu Fengyang turned around and said to Yang Yang: "Shaoyun is here to deal with business this time, so he can't stay in Dazhou for too long. You should hurry up and tidy up and follow him in the evening." Out of town."

"Yeah." Liu Yangyang, who still had some tears in his eyes, nodded, and turned to look at Jin Caiye worriedly, "Then he"

Xiang Shaoyun knew what she was worried about, and made a promise again: "Yang Yang, don't worry."

Seeing that she was worried, Liu Fengyang pulled Xiang Shaoyun's arm and invited: "Shaoyun, we haven't met for a long time, let's go and have a few drinks."


After saying that, the two men immediately stepped out of the room, reassuring the worried Liu Yangyang.

In this rich July day, the spring is romantic, beautiful everywhere, a hundred flowers are blooming, like a rosy cloud, and the wind is sunny. The Baiyun Temple located in the east of the city is full of incense. People are like cow hair, densely packed with men and women, and densely packed with vendors. Push this temple to a peak of prosperity.

Ah Zhen, who had just arrived, shook his jade fan lightly, with the warm wind blowing slowly, looking at the bunks and the bustling crowd.He happily walked up the long steps outside the temple.

Walking into the temple, a large piece of brocade is rotten everywhere.Whether it is a famous official who has heard of flowers, an elegant official who loves flowers, or a rich girl or a beautiful girl in silk, this temple is inlaid with vivid colors and fragrances.

Looking at the endless flower beds, he raised his hand and gestured: "Huanyue, there are so many flowers, which flower do you prefer?"

Huanyue stared at so many kinds of flowers in astonishment, and when she heard the question from the man next to her, she withdrew her slightly startled expression, and replied with a flushed face, "It's my honor to follow the young master, the young master can make his own decision."

"Hahaha" Hearing such humble words, Ah Zhen laughed happily, and said in a friendly way: "Don't be cautious around the moon, if you go out to play like you, it will be a disappointment."

Seeing that there was something in his words, Huanyue felt very guilty, and no longer shied away, raised her eyes to look at the large peach forest in the distance, and chanted intentionally: "The heartbroken spring river is about to end, and the stick stands slowly to stand on Fangzhou. The crazy catkins go with the wind, and the peach blossoms are lightly blown away." flow."

Hearing this poem, Ah Zhen, who was standing next to her watching, was slightly stunned, and shook the fan in his hand for a while, then squinted at her, and walked towards the row of peach trees without saying a word.

After reciting the poem, Huanyue's heart was beating non-stop, she bit her lips and followed closely behind him, not daring to make a sound.He secretly blamed himself for being bold, how could he fail to understand the inner meaning of this poem when he is so talented.

Walking under a peach tree, Ah Zhenxu looked at the pink petals for a while, then turned to look at Huanyue beside him.

The bright moon over Irkutsk this time is in love with him, and he already knew it.It's just that she didn't expect her to be so miserable.It's really a "heartbroken spring river wants to end, stand on the stick and slowly step on Fangzhou."

Seeing such eyes, Huanyue, who was standing quietly by his side, lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him, and not daring to let him see.

"Huanyue is so talented." She was so shy and charming, no wonder he would regard her as a fairy when he was confused.

Huanyue, who bowed her head, listened to his praise, her cheeks stood pink, "The talent of the young master is unpredictable, and the slaves are terrified."

"Huanyue, you are the bright moon on the Irkutsk grassland, raise your head." The daughter of the grassland has always been heroic, and this Huanyue was infected by his wives.

"Yes." After answering, Huanyue stood up bravely, raised her small face, and looked at him with clear eyes, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed her shy nature.

Seeing that she finally raised her head, Ah Zhen looked at this tender little face with satisfaction.He is her first man, no matter how hard it is to stop her heart from getting close to her.

"Master, it's better to write a poem." Huan Yuejue, who was stared straight at him, almost suffocated.

"Alright." With a smile, he opened his fan and turned around to look closely at the peach tree in front of him. Thinking of Tang Bohu's famous quote, he chanted softly with a smile.

Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Immortals live in Peach Blossom Temple; Peach Blossom Immortals plant peach trees, and pick peach blossoms to sell wine money.

Drunk awake only sits in front of the flowers, drunk still comes to sleep under the flowers; half awake and half drunk day after day, flowers fall and bloom year after year.

I hope that when I die of old age, I will not bow before the chariots and horses;

If the rich and the poor are compared, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky; if the poor and the humble are compared to chariots and horses, he has to drive and I have time.

Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others can't see through; I don't see the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields.

"Master you"

"Huanyue." After reciting the poem, Ah Zhen turned around and interrupted her, staring at her with smiling eyes and said: "When I came here, the first person I met was Wan'er, the first wife Also her."

Huanyue, who didn't understand what he was going to express, knew all about his deeds, but it was the first time hearing this man tell her in person, and she felt the same feeling in her heart, and she listened quietly without being disturbed.

Ah Zhen, who smiled and recalled the past, looked at Huanyue, "I was so poor at that time, and the house where He Wanjun lived was just a pile of dirt, and there was not even a table in the room. Even in my dreams, I dreamed of the taste of white rice." At this point, he pointed to the person listening quietly in front of him and asked with a smile: "I think you who have been abandoned, you should have tasted this kind of taste."

Huanyue, who was listening, nodded lightly, thinking back to the hard days before, her nose felt extremely uncomfortable for a while, "Master, when you are hungry, you can still go hunting in the mountains and fish in the river, but when slaves are hungry, sometimes a small cabbage is all luxury."

Hearing that even a piece of cabbage is a luxury, Ah Zhen's eyes twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "It's been hard to live around the moon. I rely on mountains to eat mountains, and rely on water to eat water. Although I am poor, I can still have food and clothing."

"En." After nodding slightly, Huanyue, who was in the bustling flower group, felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't think of what was wrong for a while.

Shaking off the strange feeling, she asked softly, "Young master, how did you become an official in court?" This has always been a mystery, no one knows where he came from, and no one knows how high his ability can reach , until now it remains a mystery.

Hearing her question, Ah Zhen looked at the blue sky, took a deep breath and said: "I met Liu Fengyang in the forest, and I wanted to spend my whole life with Wan'er together, but I didn't expect Yingying to capture the prince. "

"Liu Fengyang?" Huanyue frowned slightly, but couldn't find the name in her mind.

Seeing that she couldn't figure it out, Ah Zhen explained her confusion: "He and Liu Wanyang are twins."

"So that's how it is." Then, the feeling that something was wrong with Huanyue became more and more intense, but for a while, he didn't know what was wrong.

"If the servant is Emperor Zhou, then the servant will definitely attract such an outstanding talent as the young master into the court. Facts have proved that Emperor Zhou's vision is not wrong at all."

"It's just that Ren Guo Wenxuan never thought that I was a traitor." Ah Zhen smiled frankly.

Huanyue knew that he disregarded etiquette, but seeing him speak so bluntly, she also admired him for a while. How many people in the world can be as broad-minded as he is.

"The young master is not a traitor, but smart."

"It's just a trick for a beggar." Smiling lightly, he shook his fan and looked at Huanyue kindly without speaking.

Huanyue, who was seen in a mess, blushed slightly, and asked at a loss: "Master, what's wrong with the servant?"

"En." After nodding, Ah Zhen stopped his fan, and said to Li Nengwu who was a few steps away: "Nengwu, you step back, I want to talk to Huanyue about something private."

Hearing his private matters, Huanyue naturally thought of everything last night, and became even more panicked for a while.

"Yes." Li Nengwu, who was expressionless, didn't know what he was going to do, but he obeyed and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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