ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 434 "Household Slave"

Chapter 434 "Household Slave"

"King Tubo, you are "Jin Caiye, who is unwilling to fight, is very hesitant. Is winning or losing really that important?"
Hearing this unwilling tone, Ah Zhen looked at Jin Caiye, "What? Are you afraid?"

"A sword has no eyes, why not give up."

"That's good." Ah Zhen nodded in agreement, stared at his face for a long time, and then said calmly: "I think my wives were alone on the boat that day, but you led a large number of river guards. The fierce blade chases them who have no power to restrain the chicken, why didn't you think that the sword has no eyes at that time."

"The" irrefutable Jin Caiye was flushed with embarrassment, and sighed deeply helplessly, "Since the king is like this, then Jin will show his shame."

"Take the sword." Ah Zhen shouted loudly.

Li Nengwu was impatient for a long time. Seeing that he finally agreed, he waved his big hand to the outside of the hall, and said in a mighty way: "Please!"

Knowing that this battle was unavoidable, Jin Caiye politely replied: "Brother Li, please."

The silent Li Nengwu turned around and strode out first.

Outside the main hall of the Lin Mansion, when a hundred flowers were in full bloom, there were two figures, one black and one white, standing in the center of the flowerbed. The man in black had a stern face and sharp eyes.The figure of the person in white clothes is lonely, his handsome face is full of exhausted Xiao Sa, and his faintly swaying eyes are stained with a touch of relief, as if he has no attachment to this world.

The warm wind in the afternoon blew gently, lifting the skirts of the two people who were looking at each other lonely.

The breathless duel is about to begin, and everyone standing at the entrance of the hall watching is holding their breath, too nervous to speak.

Holding Xueshuang with one hand and Bernie with the other.Ah Zhen looked at Li Nengwu, who was stern with a sword, and at Jin Caiye, who was lonely with a sword, and was immediately curious, wondering which of these two men was braver.

"The quiet path, the flower field is crumpled and the wind is flat, the flowers are all gathered, the butterflies are beeping, the tigers and leopards are fighting, and the beasts are hiding, and the two arcs are shadows and swords."

As his poem fell, the two who were quietly standing in the flower field began to fight.

Holding the domineering blade, the black shadow is like a charm, stepping on the wind and flying forward at lightning speed.

The proud and tall white shadow held the gentle sword and waved it backhand. As if he knew its owner, the three-foot green blade obediently let him manipulate it, conjuring countless moves in his hand.

All of a sudden, the ever-changing sword in Bai Ying's hand must have tightly guarded his master's chest, narrowly blocking the thunderous and extremely domineering tiger knife.

Stepping on thousands of flowers, Li Nengwu, who was struck by thunder, saw the tiger knife being blocked, and the cremation of the big rubbing immediately jumped in front of his eyes.His dark face suddenly became colder. When he was clenching his teeth, he suddenly changed his moves and dragged the big steel knife in his hand fiercely, causing the sparks of the big rubbing to dance non-stop.

"Clang, chachacha" In the silent garden, there was a very ear-piercing knocking and dragging sound, which made everyone's scalps numb and their teeth floating when they heard this sound.

Jin Caiye, holding his sword to protect his chest, saw that he was so ruthless, a large number of sparks lightly burned his face, and felt that the sharp sword had been gapped by the large knife that hit him. Pushing forward, I quickly took a big step back, feeling very strange in my heart, I feel that this move is very familiar, but I can't remember it at the moment.

Li Nengwu, who was pushed back by his internal force, felt very strange, his surname Jinyou really had some ability.

"Take a move from me." With a yell, Jin Caiye's voice fell to the ground, and the sword energy was as fast as lightning approaching.

The white figure jumped in the air and kept spinning, the sharp sword brought his body like a tornado, and it arrived very quickly.

Seeing this move, Li Neng was stunned, his brows were deeply frowned, and he muttered, "Flying dragon and churning clouds?"

Knowing how powerful this move is, he dared not be careless. During the test, he used his big steel knife to withstand the sharply rolling sword finger. As soon as he resisted, he immediately knelt down with his legs and slipped through the gap on the ground. His body was not yet stable. Down, quickly turned to the side when there was no need to delay.

Jin Caiye, who didn't think he could dodge it, saw that the sword was blocked, and the figure standing in mid-air lightly stared at the black shadow that slid across the ground. With a twist of his wrist, the sharp sword seemed to have eyes, and then turned back and down, hitting directly to avoid the sword Feng's figure.

The slippery Li Nengwu gasped in shock, staring blankly at the sword beside him, if he hesitated a little, then his head is now in a different place, he murmured in disbelief: "The flying dragon wags its tail. ", Isn't this his sword move?This move is the follow-up move of Flying Dragon and Juanyun.Once the flying dragon cirrus cloud came out, it was extremely difficult to escape. Those who fled upwards would immediately encounter the flying dragon probing the moon, and those who fled downwards would be the flying dragon wagging their tails just now.But, besides him, is there anyone in this world who understands?

Seeing that he dodged this trick, Jin Caiye's face was stunned, recalling his thunderous strike just now, and then dragging his sword, he couldn't help being horrified for a moment, couldn't believe it and said: "Broken Blade Art. "That's right, what he used just now was the Broken Blade Jue on the sword manual.But how did he know?

Looking at the two people who were stunned in the distance, even Ah Zhen could see something was wrong, because he knew Li Nengwu's moves. He had seen Li Nengwu use the twirling move that Jin Caiye used just now, whether it was posture, or staying in the air and The distance from the ground is exactly the same.

Just when everyone was wondering, Yang Yang exclaimed and called forward: "Stop, don't fight anymore."

Whether it was avoiding the move or making the move, the two kept their postures and looked at each other, until they heard Yang Yang's call and came back to their senses.

The two people who stood up suddenly seemed to have never seen each other, they couldn't help staring at each other again, then silently withdrew their swords and walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Seeing Yang Yang's expression, Ah Zhen, who was called back to God together, asked in confusion, "Yang Yang, what's the matter?"

Unbelievable Yang Yang looked at the two returning men, pointed at them with his mouth wide open and muttered: "You are brothers."

Hearing this, the two who had just returned jumped up in disbelief, "What?"

"You are all Piao Xuzi's disciples." No wonder she felt that Jin Caiye's words were very familiar when she was in the cabin. It turned out that she had heard people talk about Li Nengwu's life experience, and it was exactly the same.

Hearing that these two are senior brothers, Ah Zhen, who thought it was a coincidence, suddenly became curious, pointed at Jin Caiye and asked, "Your mother also died of illness?"

The startled Jin Caiye couldn't digest this thought, and nodded in a daze.

"Is the one who treated your mother a Taoist priest?"

Leng Leng's head still nodded.

Seeing him nodding repeatedly, Ah Zhen was very excited, and asked loudly: "After your mother died, did this Taoist give you a book of martial arts, saying that practicing can strengthen your body?"

"You..." Jin Caiye felt confused, and asked foolishly, "How did you know?"

Let me go, Ah Zhen, who was speechless, saw that it was true. He looked at Li Nengwu and Jin Caiye in disbelief, Lao Jin's martial arts novels reappeared, what a hell.

Li Nengwu, who couldn't believe that he had a senior brother, stared at Jin Caiye in a daze. Master, the old man played too much, didn't he?
The stupid Jin Caiye quickly sorted out his messy thoughts, closed his mouth, and asked Li Nengwu next to him, "Do you have the same experience as me?"

"That's right, the master gave me a book of martial arts, a book of medicine, and a book of poison medicine." Li Nengwu looked at him and returned to Leng Mo, but now his Leng Mo lost that evil spirit.

Listening to him, Jin Caiye muttered to himself, "He also gave me a martial arts book, but the other two books are not medical classics and poison classics, but two books written by Lu Shizi, a great writer in Yan Kingdom." The Book of Songs and the Book of Changes."

wonderful, wonderful

stimulate, stimulate
Benny, who was pleasantly surprised, pointed at them and asked, "Then who is your brother and who is your brother?"

Her question immediately made Li Nengwu and Jin Caiye extremely embarrassed. They looked at each other not knowing what to say, but they were silent.

Ah Zhen saw that the two of them were so embarrassed and couldn't tell who was older, so he figured out a way to ask Jin Caiye: "Li Nengwu is 23 years old, how about you?"

When he asked this question, everyone rolled their eyes. Everyone in the world knew that Jin Caiye, who was once the Governor of the Great Zhou River and later the General of Hussars, was 22 years old. Is he, the king of Tubo, really such an idiot?And didn't he send someone to investigate carefully?

"22 years old." Jin Caiye is very honest.

"Okay." Ah Zhen, who asked the question knowingly, said: "Li Nengwu is bigger, so he is a senior brother, so there is no need to protest."

"Uh!" The dull Jin Caiye was speechless for a while, but the facts were in front of him and he couldn't shirk away, so he nodded slightly.

Seeing that the plot was successful, Ah Zhen carefully and slowly looked at Jin Caiye from his feet to his head, and only after searching for what kind of makeup he was wearing, he nodded in satisfaction and said: "Handsome and unrestrained, Yushu Linfeng can be called a modest gentleman."

Being so meticulously appraised by Jin Caiye already felt something was wrong, and now he heard the praise of the old king who scolded him as an eunuch, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, when Yang Yang heard this praise, his face was pink, and his heart was filled with joy, as if he was praising her husband.

After the praise, Ah Zhen said: "Da Zhou will no longer use you. Even if you return to your hometown, the neighbors in the neighborhood will not be friendly to you, and they will even take you as an enemy."

Jin Caiye, who knew his situation, remained silent. It was not because of the uncle in front of him that he could be what he is today.

Seeing that he was silent, Ah Zhen patted his desolate arm lightly, "Let me show you the way."

Jin Caiye, who had been unable to think of a way for a long time, was taken aback, he has been abandoned by the world, is there still a way to go? "Appreciate further details."

"I signed a contract with you for five years, and I will also give you five years. During these five years, you must take the responsibility of Tubo and abandon your idea of ​​foolish ministers not serving two masters. After five years, I will let you choose freely." , it depends on whether you want to stay in Tubo or go back to Dazhou, it’s up to you.”

"This..." Jin Caiye shook his head, "A man can do something and not do something. Jin has accepted the wishes of the King of Tubo."

Knowing that he would refuse, Ah Zhen shrugged his shoulders, looked at him with a light smile and said: "The son of Yue, those who are good at destroying can't hide their beauty, and those who are good and beautiful can't hide their ugliness. If the moon is full, it will be bad. You should know."

Jin Caiye, who is full of poems and books, should know the meaning, shook his head and replied with a deep sigh: "This is common sense, of course I know."

"Well." After nodding, he continued: "Although you are full of economics and dedication to the country, the soldiers of the three armies hate you extremely, and the Emperor Zhou will not use you. If you go back to the Great Zhou Dynasty, you will not be able to enter the court." As an official, it will be even more difficult to settle down if you retire. It can be said that it is difficult to move forward, and the world cannot tolerate it. I think you should know all of this."

The world is so big, but there is no place to stay for a while, Jin Caiye shook his head dumbly and sighed: "Blessings are unparalleled, misfortunes never come singly, we are in a dilemma."

"Ten years of hard work, painstaking efforts, unable to shine on the lintel above, and unable to eat and sleep peacefully at the bottom, if the treacherous officials fall into the rocks and officials force you to fall into the trap again. Do you really support the master with your body and die with hatred? After death, he was buried in Luangang , who has been spat upon by others for generations, how do you face the ancestors of your Jin family?"

Hearing his sharp words, Jin Caiye was speechless, extremely frustrated and dejected.

Seeing his heart collapsed, the cunning Ah Zhen patted him on the shoulder to persuade him: "I am the only one who can save you in the world. Your talent should not be buried here. People will definitely experience failure in this life. You must also be able to withstand failure. But you must not be knocked down by failure." Speaking of this, give him a very positive praise: "You have the ability to govern the world, but you can't meet Bole, so I will give you a chance to use five It takes you two years to prove yourself, let the people of the world relieve you, and let the emperor of Zhou affirm you. After five years, I am sure that the emperor of Zhou will come to pull you away. If you leave resolutely, I will never force you to stay. Until then At that time, you must be highly valued, your lintel must be high, and you must be admired." How about it, this sugar-coated bomb is big enough.

Jin Caiye, who was bound to death by Confucianism, was moved.reject?The ending is obvious.accept?There is still a chance.He worked hard for Tubo for five years, and let the world see his ability clearly.At that time, he will definitely be able to be reused by the emperor, and he will return to the court to rule the world in peace. The ancestors and ancestors who know the sky will certainly understand, after all, he is now too far away and has nowhere to hide.

After he figured it out, he took a deep breath, looked at Ah Zhen and asked again: "Five years later, are you willing to let me go?"

"That's right." Ah Zhen nodded and smiled, although his eyes were full of smiles, but he was secretly laughing in his heart.What if Da Zhou died five years later?Where should he go?
Hearing his firm words, Jin Caiye did not doubt that he was there, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "See Your Majesty."

Seeing that he gave in, Benny raised her eyes and looked at the man beside her in praise, as if to say: "Mr., your mouth is so deadly that people see death, and beasts see death, and even such a stupid head can be persuaded." , I admire you so much."

Looking at Benny's watery eyes, Ah Zhen patted her little head lovingly, and then said to the person kneeling on the ground: "You are a domestic slave, you call me Young Master when you are outside, and you call me Master when you are in the palace." Your Majesty."


"Get up."

"Master Xie."

Sure enough, he is a good courtier, with a good attitude, Ah Zhen is very satisfied with him, "Yang Yang will go back to Dazhou the day after tomorrow, so you escort her back. When you return, you don't have to go to the royal court, just go to Dali to find me."


"Remember, you must not wrong Yang Yang, you must keep her safe and sound, you know."

"Even if the slave is extinct and turns into a ghost, Miss Liu will be safe and sound."

"Well." Sure enough, Ah Zhen was obedient, and satisfied with the corner of his mouth, he gestured to Li Nengwu and said, "Nengwu, go to Qianyun's room and give him my saber, and then you take him to the Ministry of Punishment, and ask the Ministry of Punishment to clear the backlog of these years." Bring all the heads of the prisoners here, and then tell the six captains Shaoyun, Feihu, Tianhuo's chief and deputy leader, and the seven vulture captains to wait for me here."


"Stand back."

"The slave will leave." Li Nengwu, who didn't know etiquette, rolled his eyes when he saw him kneeling down again.The etiquette of Tubo and Dazhou is different, it seems that he has to teach him.

(End of this chapter)

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