ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 438 "Dad is Promising"

Chapter 438 "Dad is Promising"

Back in the mansion, Ah Zhen went into his wife's room one by one, and had a long love talk with them one by one. All the wives who heard that he was going on a long journey all had worried expressions on their faces, reluctant to give up, thousands of times Always ask again and again.

After saying the same thing countless times, Ah Zhen, who hugged and kissed again and again, comforted and comforted the same thing a thousand times, and finally she was exhausted to the point of being under the beautiful moonlight.

After visiting a group of wives, the night is getting darker, the palace is very quiet, the faint lights are flickering with hazy yellow brilliance, the bright yellow full moon on the branches of willows is very calming, and the sound of chirping insects is like Banquets are like, one after another.

The scenery along the road is as beautiful as it is.

However, the tired Ah Zhen Wuya went to appreciate this beauty, and ran towards his golden palace with steady steps.

The unchanging Hua Fu stood outside and looked at Mingyue. When he saw his figure, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down to meet him, "I have seen the king."

When he came to his own palace and looked at the brightly lit golden palace, the very sleepy Ah Zhen asked, "Is the queen asleep?"

"Not yet." "Aren't you waiting for this uncle in front of you?"

"Hmm." Hearing that he was still asleep, he walked in hastily while yelling and yelling frequently.

Yingying, who was sitting in the room reading a book, heard footsteps, raised her eyes, saw that it was him coming, happily put down her book, stood up and called to the maid next to her, "Bring that cup of soup here. "

Seeing the king coming, the maid kowtowed obediently and docilely, and then hurriedly withdrew.

"You're here." Seeing the maid retreat, Yingying was very happy, she walked away with her hands behind her back and asked with a smile in front of him: "Why did you come so late?"

"Just now I taught Lao Ma and his younger brother Lao Lu a lesson in the west of the city." After telling the truth, he walked to the chair, pulled Yingying, and let her sit quietly on his lap.

"Old horse?" Sitting on his lap, the face of the horse immediately appeared in the whispering Yingying's head, and she couldn't help laughing. This name was given to him by Benny, and in front of the court. Civil and military ministers yelled loudly.Thinking of Huang Renshan hearing this title for the first time, that astonished horse face was as funny as it could be.

Seeing her smiling so happily, the corners of Ah Zhen's mouth curled up high, shaking his head and sighing, "This Benny is so skinny."

"That's right, the ministers in the cabinet are often teased by her." Thinking of what Benny did, Yingying couldn't help shaking her head.

Ah Zhen who sighed at "this Benny" couldn't help laughing, and for a moment didn't know what to do with this ghostly girl.

"Don't be blind, anyway, the ministers don't care, and they love her very much." Moving down his thigh, Yingying took the rice cup from the hand of the maid who walked in from the door, carefully put it on the table and called: "Husband, come over for some soup."

Since the soup was brought into the room, the fragrance immediately permeated the huge room. Ah Zhen, who was drooling non-stop, had already walked over, opened the lid of the cup without invitation, and the saliva immediately poured all over the floor.

"Honey, what's the matter? Is it so fragrant?"

"Tianshan snow clam stewed with thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, how about it, is it delicious?" This is a great tonic soup prepared by Doctor Wang specially for him.

Hearing that it is a holy product, it can be said that there is no need to delay, before sitting still, the spoon in his hand reached into the cup and scooped up a spoonful, Gulu drank it into his stomach.

After just one sip, he couldn't help praising: "Wow, it's so delicious."

"Yeah." The happy Yingying stood beside him, smiling and urged: "If it tastes good, drink it while it's hot."

"Okay." The waving hand immediately squeezed the spoon tightly, and spooned the super fairy soup into his big mouth mouthful.

"Honey, you can drink too." Seeing that she was not moving, Ah Zhen satisfiedly brought the spoon of soup to her mouth.

Smiling Yingying shook her head and said: "Drink quickly, I can't drink such a sweet thing." A pair of small hands were still gently stroking her growing stomach.

Seeing the pride of being a new mother on her face, Ah Zhen, whose tenderness exploded in her heart, stuffed the spoon into her hand, "You feed me."

"Husband" ignited softly, looking at the handsome man in front of him, Yingying's heart was full of tenderness, "You are such a big man, but you are still like a child, so you are not ashamed."

Ah Zhen, who was waiting for her to feed her, was super thick-skinned, and with a charming smile, he said indifferently: "It's just our husband and wife here. If you want to be ashamed, you should be ashamed of being locked up. What are you afraid of?"

"You" Yingying helplessly, lightly tapped the tip of his handsome nose, and sighed softly, feeding the man without hands soup one mouthful at a time.

In the dead of night in the imperial palace, in the royal hall where the lights are fading out, two handsome figures cuddle up to each other, silently waiting for each other's tenderness.The night wind gently brushed the brocade silk on the window sills, and the air was full of water-like love, like a pot of intoxicating alcohol, rippling with sweet love, and fascinated two hearts that couldn't stop approaching

West of Dali.

The two brothers of Li Chao were torn apart, and the two military strongholds standing across the water were in a tense confrontation. For several days, long spears were swung across the wide Red River, and the sharp arrows shot like rain , The constant loss of life almost filled the wide Red River.

Since sending Yang Yang away, under the worried and reluctance of his wives, Ah Zhen galloped towards Dali with Li Nengwu alone.Crossing the rolling mountains, crossing the more logical Yarlung Zangbo River, riding horses in the blue sea hanging under the Medog prairie, and finally the strange trees and rocks in Lanxi County greeted them.

When he arrived in Dali City, Ah Zhen, who had been running around for several days, finally stopped. He broke into Benny's hometown and saw Daerba talking to a group of people in official uniforms in the hall.The one who won first, he strode in and immediately shouted: "Father, I'm here to see you. Well, you're still alive, that's all." Ah Zhen, who was in a hurry, hadn't waited for these people to come back Suddenly, he strode out again and slipped out the door.

Daerba, who was discussing the incident with a large group of officials, suddenly heard him shout, and before he recovered, he saw that he was about to slip away.How can this be done, it can be said that there is no doubt about it, he ran like a tiger, and quickly grabbed the hem of the clothes that had stepped over the threshold into his big palm.

"Your Majesty, please stay."

"Stay one step?" Ah Zhen who was caught looked down at his own legs, and asked very mentally: "Father, which step do you want to keep?" He has two steps, should he keep the first step or the last step?There is not even a precise word, which makes the listener confused and confused.

When Daerba saw that he actually asked which step to keep, a cold sweat rolled down his swollen forehead. If he hadn't witnessed his extraordinary wisdom with his own eyes, he would have absolutely suspected that the person in front of him was mentally handicapped.

Hearing Daerba calling for the king, all the officials who knew Ah Zhen and those who did not know Ah Zhen respectfully stood up, knelt down, and shouted loudly: "Your servant bows down to see the king, and the king may live forever."

Hearing these shouts, Ah Zhen knew that he couldn't keep up for a while, rolled his eyes and waved his hands and shouted: "Everyone get up."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Well." When he returned to his home, he walked to the main seat with his hands behind his hands in a relaxed manner, turned around and sat down, and asked curiously: "What were you doing just now?"

Seeing that he finally asked a question, Daerba was overjoyed and replied: "Your Majesty, just now the subjects are discussing the matter of the Li Dynasty."

"What? Did the third child lose?"

"The third child?" Daerba, who was stunned, didn't know who the third child was, and looked at the ministers in blank dismay, confused.

Seeing that they didn't understand, Ah Zhen stretched out his hand to pick up the tea before the maid put it on the table. Gulu took a sip before saying, "It's Li Long who is the second one, he is the third one, so he is called the third child."

"So that's how it is." Daerba who came to his senses shook his head vigorously and said: "The third child is not yet defeated, and he is fighting with the seventh child in the Red River, but he has almost run out of ammunition and food." How about calling the third child and the seventh child like him? Also followed the ruffian for a while.

Hearing that the third child was about to run out of ammunition and food, Ah Zhen raised his thick eyebrows and asked in surprise: "How long has it been like this?"

Hearing the disapproving words, Daerba shook his head repeatedly and said: "The third child has lost repeatedly, fled in a hurry, and can't care about food, equipment, and equipment. It's not bad to be able to survive until now." He is the god of war, but not everyone is like him. He does.

"Well, it makes sense to count the third one." Standing up, he asked the courtiers in front of him: "Did the third one come to borrow food?" Judging from the current situation, it is possible to gather all these people together. Borrowing soldiers, or borrowing food, only these two major things, nothing else.

Hearing his prophetic words, Daerba nodded again and again, full of expectation, and said: "The king once told the third child that he could help him quell the civil strife. As soon as the words were released, the third child frequently sent people to inquire. I don't know if the king wants to Sending troops to help the third child? "The battlefield is the lifelong tomb of their generals.

"It's not busy, you stay here, I'll go over and see the situation first."

The third child was about to hit the wall, and he still said he was not busy, Daerba looked worried, and whispered in a flattering way: "Your Majesty, let's send troops."

Seeing his flattery, Ah Zhen hugged his broad shoulders disrespectfully, raised his eyebrows and said: "Let's not go out, we will deal with these two buddies when they get hurt in a fight."

Hearing this extremely sinister words, Daerba became even more excited, Gulu's old eyes widened, and he asked expectantly: "My lord, do you want Li Chao?"

"That's right, I definitely want Li Chao."

"That's great." Surprised, Daerba's heart was greatly excited, and he quickly persuaded: "Since the king wants Li Chao, then it's just right to send troops at this time. We pretend to be going to help the third child, but when the army enters his army stronghold, we will suddenly attack him." A sudden kill can destroy the third child in an instant. Then we will go straight in and cross the Red River. The old seven soldiers will fight again and again, and they are already exhausted, while my Tibetan tiger soldiers have strong morale and will not last ten days. , Li Chao is at your fingertips."

Hearing his words, Ah Zhen looked at Daerba's excited old face in disbelief, and happily praised: "Father, I didn't expect you to know the false way to destroy Guo."

Embarrassed by being praised, Daerba wiped a trace of blush on his black face, coughed and said: "I learned it all from the king." Seeing him use ghosts like a god since the border, he knows that he is a muscle, and the pain Determined to spend his days and years with books, this strategy was written in a book of war that Bernie brought back to him from the royal court.

It's embarrassing to see Dad.After the praise, Ah Zhen asked softly: "We can win the Li Dynasty in this way, what should the people of the Li Dynasty do if they refuse to accept it, and what should the soldiers and generals do if they hold grudges against us? How much food will we lose, how many soldiers will we lose? How many years will it take to make Li Chao sincerely surrender? Have you calculated these? "

"This" where would he think so much.Darba was momentarily speechless.

Seeing that he couldn't come out, Ah Zhen, who was holding him, patted his arm and smiled: "I can't answer it, so I have to follow my plan."

"I don't know what the king's plan is"

"Don't ask these questions, anyway, I promise to let you fight the battle, that's all right."

Daerba, who didn't understand these troubles, heard him promise that there would be a battle, and nodded excitedly, "Xie Dawang." This is his good son-in-law. He can't sleep every night, and he just waits for the promotion of the Li Dynasty. It is not easy for Long to light a fire.

Seeing this wooden father so excited, Ah Zhen opened his mouth, inspected the officials in the hall, and said: "Everyone should pretend that there is no such thing as Li Chao, each perform their own duties, and take care of local affairs Just deal with it."

"Yes." All the ministers bowed to agree, although they didn't know what the king was going to do, but they didn't dare to ask more.

"Go back."

Following his words, a large group of officials knelt on the ground, kowtowed and shouted: "Your servant will retire, and the king will live forever."

"Isn't it a bastard who can live a thousand years?" Looking at the officials, every time he heard this sentence, he felt that these people were scolding him.

Seeing that everyone had left, Daerba withdrew his respect, slapped Ah Zhen on the shoulder and shouted happily: "Good son-in-law, why are you here suddenly?"

The whites of Ah Zhen's eyes, who were almost vomiting blood, flashed, "Of course it must be sudden. I always stay still, and move like lightning."

"A strategist is a great strategist, quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit." Daerba, who agreed, made repeated moves with ruthless palms, and praised: "Well, well, you are indeed my good son-in-law, Daerba."

Ah Zhen, who was about to vomit blood, felt that he was going to be injured internally, and took a big step with him in panic, muttering, "I didn't know who was going to deny life and death before, but now he is a good son-in-law when he talks and keeps talking. He is really insidious." .”

Hearing his loud self-talk, Daerba's old face was red and white, and he stared fiercely at this good son-in-law in front of him, threatening to tear him to pieces.

Seeing the wooden old man staring at him with such big bull's eyes, Ah Zhen, who was afraid of being attacked again, yelled: "I have been driving for several days, you ask someone to bring me some water, I want to take a bath."

Hearing that he wanted to take a bath, Daerba murmured loudly to himself, "Such a big man, if he wants to take a bath, take off his clothes and jump into the river, it will be over. If he wants to look like a mother, what will happen. "

Seeing him talking to himself so loudly, Ah Zhen's face turned red and white for a moment, and he raised his throat and shouted: "Darba, what did you say?"

"No, no." The terrified Daerba invited, "My lord, please come inside." Although he is the father-in-law, the son-in-law is the king.This head really has to shrink, what will happen if you don’t shrink?Hmph not letting you go to the battlefield, is there anything more cruel than this in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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