ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 440 "Soldiers on the Sand Table"

Chapter 440 "Soldiers on the Sand Table"

When the meal was over, Ah Zhen's humorous and witty words relieved the fearful people.

After shifting positions, a large group of people moved to the hall to drink tea and chat, and the hearts of the large group of people listening to his story quietly followed the ups and downs, as if they were there.

"Third sister-in-law, is this how you deceived all the officials in Jiangnan of the Great Zhou Dynasty?" I always thought that the storyteller was exaggerating, but after hearing what he said today, everyone was astonished. This kind of courage to break into a tiger's den alone is not ordinary people can have.

His mouth was dry, he sipped his tea and nodded, "That's right, I was fooled by all those stupid people."

"Son-in-law, you are too bold." The terrified Benny's biological mother didn't agree very much. Thinking of the two of them entering Longtan alone, she was terrified.

"Mother-in-law, don't call me a good son-in-law all day long, it's strange."

Everyone who knew their identity nodded, and Becky looked at the king sitting in front of her, and asked curiously: "Three sisters, what does the third sister call you?"

"Mr. Lang."

Following his words, all the mothers-in-law shook their heads unanimously. They couldn't follow Benny and call him Mr. Husband. If they did, it would be no wonder that the husband-in-law next to him didn't go crazy.

"Uh, son-in-law, what do other people call you?"

"That's a lot." Ah Zhen, who is so precious, said with his fingers: "There are stinky boys, bastards, kings, ruffians, husbands, husbands, and real brothers." After reading, he spread his hands and said: "The dead There are King Chagel, Da Sima, and military division."

Listening silently to his counting family treasures, the group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.They can't call him real brother, it's okay if they are of the same generation, but they are all elders.Call it a bastard?That's even worse, this is the patent of Daba King, and they don't have the courage, as for those husbands, lords, and husbands, they must never be called, and everything will be messed up once they are called

After thinking about it for a while, Ah Zhen spread out his hands first and said, "Well, you should continue to call me my son-in-law." He has so many nicknames, so he can't just pick another one, and forget it.His name is Ah Zhen, so he can't be called Xiao Ah, or Xiao Zhenzhen.Others agree, he absolutely disagrees.

"It seems that's all there is to it." A mother-in-law has no choice but to be like this. Apart from this name, there is really nothing else to call her.

We had talked for most of the day, but he still kept silent about her. Becky was extremely anxious, but how could she dare to speak when there were so many people present, and kept looking at the person in front of her frequently.

Received Pan Qi's frequent looks very early on, Ah Zhen didn't know what she was anxious about.Turning his head away with a dumbfounded smile, he quietly looked at the majestic old man, and became thoughtful.

Following his silence, the lively hall suddenly fell silent. Everyone didn't understand why he was looking at Darba, and curiously, Ricky put his gaze on the main table.

Suddenly attracting the attention of all the people, Daerba's old face was dull, and he asked nonchalantly: "Son-in-law" is there anything on his face?

"Oh." Ah Zhen, who was lost in thought, came back to his senses, shook his head and said: "I was thinking about Li Chao just now."

"I see."

"By the way, father, you sent someone to call Duantai stationed in Zhequ overnight to see me alone."

Hearing this name, countless question marks popped up on the head of the dull old man, "Why did you call him here?"

"Don't worry about it, just ask him to come."

The son-in-law's brain is a divine brain. Knowing this, Daerba couldn't wait any longer. He stood up and called out to the guards outside the door: "Quickly whip the horse to the point of bending, and tell Duantai to travel day and night, come here immediately."

"Yes." The guards outside responded very quickly, and flew away very quickly.

With the corner of her mouth slightly raised, Ah Zhen took a look at Becky, and saw that her small mouth was shy and extremely shy.Sighing in my heart, I really feel like a daughter waiting to be married.

"Father, ask someone to send you a topographical map of the Li Dynasty and a sand table with Bingbu."

"Okay, okay." When it comes to fighting, Daerba's whole body is full of energy, striding excitedly, and majesticly telling the guard at the gate what he said.

A group of female relatives saw that they were going to discuss military affairs, how could women and children participate in these matters, they stood up and bowed respectfully: "The king is busy with business, and the ministers and wives will leave first."

"The night is coming, all the mothers-in-law and adults should go to bed early." Knowing the etiquette, he smiled and bowed ninety degrees to the mothers-in-law.

Although the mothers-in-law who liked him very much were terrified, they could not hide the satisfied smiles on their faces that were still young, and they walked away with swaying grace.

Ah Zhen, who sat on the chair and gently sipped tea, listened to the sound of the breeze passing through the treetops outside.In the silence, Daerba sat quietly with him without disturbing his thoughts.The hall, which was lively for a while, suddenly fell into a weird silence.

After a period of time, many guards walked into the hall heavily, carrying huge maps and sand tables as heavy as steel rocks.

Seeing something coming, Ah Zhen stood up and picked up the long chair, went to the sand table in the hall and sat down, watching Daerba use his old hand to put countless small roots into the sand with his cold eyes. The flags were planted on the long plate and explained: "My lord, the third child has 15 soldiers, and they are stationed on the bank of the Red River." "Put three red flags by the side of a wide river, and Daerba said again," the old man The tents stationed by the Three Rivers are in the shape of a line, stretching for nearly five miles."

"Hmm." Ah Zhen, who was watching, looked towards the sand table, "Continue."

"Yes." Changing the red flag in his hand, Daerba picked up the blue flag, inserted an inverted triangle on the other side of the river, and said, "This is the tent where Lao Qi is stationed, with a total of 24 soldiers." He planted a blue flag on a very tall mountain beside the river and preached: "The name of this mountain is Red Mountain. It is located on the side of the river. The mountain is not high, but you can clearly see the other side of the river. In addition to setting up 24 tents by the river, Lao Qi also placed [-] soldiers on this mountain to monitor the movements in the third camp at all times."

Looking at this red mountain, Ah Zhen's eyes fluttered with the lights in the hall, and he sighed: "Lao Qi has a plan." He gestured to both sides of the river with his big hands and said: "Lao San is afraid that Lao Qi will attack, and the continuous camp It seems unstoppable, but if the old seven gathers troops to attack one end, it will be extremely difficult to see the head and the tail at such a long distance." Speaking of which, he pointed his finger at the inverted triangle on the side of the river and said: "On the other hand, the old seven is not in a hurry. Cao, he is thoughtful and considerate in every aspect." Having said that, he pointed to the Red Mountain and said with a smile, "This mountain is a little smaller."

Daerba, who listened and nodded again and again, felt that the mountain was a bit smaller, but he felt that the mountain was just the right size for him, and retorted: "My lord, this mountain is very wonderful. If the third child jumps over the Red River, the sixty thousand soldiers on this mountain will If you rush down in one go, you will definitely be unstoppable, even if you have 10,000+ soldiers, it will be difficult to win."

"Heh" Azhendan chuckled and shook his head, silently, quietly concentrating on the sand table, holding two red flags in his hands and playing with them, without saying a word.

Seeing that he did not answer and was concentrating on looking at the sand table, Daerba who was at the side was inconvenient to ask questions, so he stood quietly at the side and also looked at the sand table and began to think.

The moon is misty and yellow, the water is green and green, and the wind is blowing.The willows are swaying and swaying, the quiet hall is very cool, and the wide window lattices seep into the clear light.

Ah Zhen, who was contemplating the sand table and the map, moved his arm supporting his chin lightly, and chanted with a smile on his face: "The beacons on three sides are frightened, and a hundred thousand are running rampant. Camp. The sword flowers are cold and never fall, and the bow and moon are dawning. They will take the Huainan land and hold it as Shuofang City."

Daerba, who was watching the sand table with him, was at a loss when he heard that he was reciting poems with a smile, his face was overjoyed, and he asked with great anticipation: "My lord, do you have a plan?"


"No?" Daerba's surprised face froze in anticipation, and he stared suspiciously at his face, as if he was looking for any traces of mosquitoes on his face.No?He can smile so happily?Ghosts believe it.

Ah Zhen, who had been sitting on this chair for more than an hour, stood up uncomfortably, rubbed his sore neck, looked at the wooden face in front of him with a smile, and couldn't help chuckling and teasing: " Dad, it's written all over your face."

"This" touched his old face, Daerba was very curious, and begged: "Your Majesty, just tell your servants." Smiling so happily, how could he not have a clue, he would not be able to sleep.

"Haha" patted him on the shoulder with a smile, Ah Zhen, who was in a good mood, stepped out of the hall door with his hands behind his back, looked up at the round of moon buds in the sky, and sighed softly: "Pipa dances for a new sound, always Guanshan Old farewell. You can't hear all the troubles and sorrows, and the high autumn moon shines on the Great Wall."

Daerba who came out saw that he was so excited, even if he killed him, he didn't believe that he had no idea, so he asked again with a sad face, "Your Majesty, just tell me."

Hearing such eagerly asked questions, Ah Zhen shook his head with a smile on his face and said: "Father, it's late at night, go to bed early, and go to Li Dynasty with me tomorrow."

"Hey." Seeing that he didn't say anything, the helpless Daerba sighed deeply, "That's fine." He is destined to suffer from insomnia tonight.

Very early in the morning, the drizzle fell from the sky, and Ah Zhen, who was being waited on, stepped out of the room, and the breeze rushed in from the face. The faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus in the drizzle implied a cold atmosphere, a kind of soft and quiet The coldness is not the real coldness, it just makes people suddenly realize that autumn is coming.

After paying respects to all the mother-in-laws in the dining room, he chatted lively and happily with this group of family members. He didn't return to the hall until the breakfast was over, and continued to sit in front of the sand table that he confessed last night that he could not be removed. , staring quietly, to see if he could come up with a better and better way.

After changing countless cups of tea throughout the morning, at ten minutes in the afternoon, the dusty Duantai, who had been rushing all night, finally arrived.

Covered in rain, Duan Tai, who didn't know what to call for urgently, rushed all night, until he saw the king, he finally settled down, bowed and kowtowed: "I don't know what the king wants to call your servants for."

Ah Zhen, who was disturbed, raised his head and called to Duan Tai who was kneeling in front of Sha Duan: "Get up."

"Yes." Duan Tai, who stood up respectfully, didn't understand, but the king didn't speak, and didn't dare to ask more.

The eyes shifted from the sand table to the young man, and Ah Zhen, who felt very good, praised: "Sure enough, he is a man of talent."

"Thank you for your praise, the king, I am ashamed of myself."

Ah Zhen, who was not ashamed, looked at this stern face quietly, and asked with a smile: "Duantai, who else is at home?"

Unhappy, he replied in doubt: "My parents have passed away, and there is only one eldest brother in the family."

"Does the eldest brother have an official position?"

"Yes." Humbly replied: "Thanks to the great love of the king, my brother is the capital of Pibo."

Hearing that his elder brother is the capital of Pibo, he recalled the trembling figure slightly in a daze, and asked in surprise, "Your brother is Duan Chun?"

"Back to the king, it is my brother."

"So that's the case." It seems that the person in front of him is also a family of officials and eunuchs.

Duan Tai, who didn't know why, drove all night. Although he was tired, he was still full of vigor. I don't know why the king kept asking about these irrelevant matters. He was very confused for a while, and asked weakly, "I don't know, the king, Urgently summon your servants to come, why?"

"Yeah." Nodding Ah Zhen looked at him again and asked, "Do you know Becky?"

Hearing the name of his beloved, Duan Tai felt a pain in his heart, nodded silently and said: "I know it."

"Have you ever made an oath to her?"

"Yes." Silent Duan Tai couldn't hide the sadness on his face, "I once made a three-life oath with her, but it was my servant who made a high-ranking offer."

"Whether you are high or not is the next thing." Ah Zhen, who disapproved of the bad customs of these well-matched families, asked: "How did you fall in love with Becky, and how did you have a relationship with her for three lives? Tell me one by one."

"Yes." Looking back on the past, Duan Tai sighed deeply and said: "When my father was alive, he was the capital of Zhuomo. At that time, Prince Darba was the general of Zhuomo, and the two families were very close. Naturally, I I used to meet Becky, and I thought it was just a child partner, but since the separation, I couldn't help missing each other. When I saw Becky three years ago, "the stern face was flushed, talking about this kind of selfishness between children." The general on the ruling side couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"It just broke the embankment and got out of control, right?"

"Yes, yes." Duan Tai, who bowed his head silently, stood like pins and needles, his whole body was wrong, and his cheeks were swollen.

"What a pair of childhood sweethearts." Ah Zhen asked curiously, "You are twenty-three, and Becky is only seventeen, and she was only fourteen three years ago. Are you suspected of being abducted?"

Hearing the word abduction, Duan Tai's stern face turned even redder, and he knelt down and begged for mercy, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Sure enough, seeing his expression, Ah Zhen understood, and asked curiously: "Let's listen."

Duan Tai, who was kneeling on the ground, was depressed and anxious, and said slowly: "Although the young Becky is close to the subject, she doesn't know about her children. The subject really likes her very much, so he seduced her until the end. "

Seeing that he couldn't come out straight away, Ah Zhen said, "It's done, isn't it?"

"Yes Yes."

"Get up." Not only did he not object to Duan Tai's approach, but he admired it endlessly. Of course, his wife has to make love by himself. If you want to embrace a beautiful woman, sincerity is not enough, you must rely on means.

"Thank you, my lord." The terrified Duan Tai wiped his sweat from his heart. It seems that the king didn't blame him.

(End of this chapter)

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