ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 442 "Arrival in Li Dynasty"

Chapter 442 "Arrival in Li Dynasty"

Ah Zhenning, who raised his eyebrows, looked at the big bear, raised his left eyebrow lightly, and asked, "Prince of the Compass, do you think this king's decision is wrong?"

"No, no, no" just finished majestic, seeing such a gloomy expression, Ante was so frightened that he broke into cold sweat, puffed up and knelt down and shouted: "I am guilty, please punish me." Even if everyone in the world is wrong, the king will Impossible to go wrong.

"Punishment will be waived." With a light hum, the big bear below lamely called out: "Get up."

"Thank you, King." Ante stood up slightly in fear.

"As a general, it is right to work for the country's welfare, but you have to take a long-term view. When you make a decision, you must have the meaning. Those who can understand the meaning are Confucian generals, and you can seal the border. It doesn't matter if you can't understand the meaning. , is a tiger general, and can defend the city." Speaking of this, he compared an index finger to this dry general and said: "Why is the general commanding the army, but the official position is lower than that of civil servants? Do you understand?"

The generals, who had never thought about these problems, looked at each other with their dull faces, and clasped their fists in unison and replied: "Listen to the king's instructions."

"The people are the most important, the society is the second, and the king is the least." Ah Zhen said softly: "So what about commanding millions of troops? What about being the commander of the three armies? The prime minister wants a grand marshal, and the capital always needs half a city general." As a product, the chief guardian and the guardian department will always listen to the governor's orders. Why is that?"

A group of generals looked at each other in blank dismay. How could they, who only knew how to fight, know why such a ridiculous thing happened?
"I don't know? I haven't thought about this question, right?" Looking at the dry wooden face, Ah Zhen turned his head to the compass capital and said, "Tell them, why did such an illogical thing happen?"

"Yes." I have become the head of a government, how can I not understand this truth.The elder in court uniform came out and looked at his generals and said, "Although generals are in charge of fierce soldiers, civil servants are in charge of weak people. The so-called soldiers? The soldiers take off their armor, and the people are also. This is exactly the king just now." As I said, the people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least."

"Well." A Zhen who nodded continued: "What are the people? In the final analysis, they are your parents. Although the Li Dynasty is poor, small, and weak, it is because their officials are weak and their kings are weak. It has nothing to do with it." People. All the people in the world are the same. The Li Dynasty you see today is weak and poor. It is because their officials are incompetent and their monarchs are incompetent. The Li Mansion in the next year will definitely not be weak and barren as you say."

After hearing his ambitious words, a group of people who had fully realized their ambitions clasped their fists and shouted in unison: "Your servants don't care, the king's wisdom is comparable to Dongyue."

The ruffian Ah Zhen saw that these people knew everything, and teased them with his mouth wide open: "I don't know if Dongyue is not Dongyue, but at least my mother gave me a head."

Following his words, before a large group of people could understand, he smiled and patted Ante's stunned shoulder, and stepped out of the tent without saying a word. In the gray sky at the border, even a star could not be found.

The next morning, before dawn, the wind was blowing, and the gray sky seemed to be raining, but there was no water to squeeze out. In front of the capital camp stationed on the border, all the soldiers were kneeling and standing. In the front is their majestic king.

He thought that Lin Ahzhen was already the king of a country, and he would dare not to obey orders, but he did not expect that he would be forced by a large number of officials today.As he rode his horse galloping, he turned his head very unhappily, and looked at the [-] henchmen following behind his flattery. It is said that the armored henchmen are all very brave, and they can fight ten against ten.

Of course Ah Zhen would not believe such nonsense.However, a large group of courtiers agreed that he was kicked in the head by a pig when he went to Li Chao alone, which was a very irrational behavior.So he had no choice but to grit his teeth and agree.Thinking that the damn big bear must be succeeding now, he snickered, his big hand holding the whip tightly, flattered him very angry and angry, making the horse gallop forward even more crazily as if he had been drugged.

Turn over Nanpan, and then Mengle.After leaving the country, the large group of people arrived at a very fast and rolling river in less than half an hour.

Ah Zhen, who had never been here before, stopped his horseshoe beside the big river, looked left and right with his head, and the desolate surroundings, except for the mountains and forests, were forest mountains.Unexpectedly, he didn't see a river in front of the Red River on the sand table, so he pointed to the incomparably wide river in front of him suspiciously and asked, "What's the name of this river?"

Daerba and Duan Tai who were following him were stunned when they saw him ask the name of the river.

"My lord, this is the Red River."

Hearing the name Honghe, Ah Zhen's old face was dull, and three black lines slid down his forehead, what a big deception.This is also called a river?The river should be a kind of leisurely small bridge, and then the water below flows slowly and clear. If the body is dirty, you can jump in and swim, and then touch a few big fish to eat.

Looking far away, the other end of the horizon is in the mist, the rolling river is turbulent, and the huge waves are higher than the waves. If people jump in, let alone fish, they may not even find the bones. This is also called a river?Damn, if this can be called a river, he will twist his head off and let someone kick it like a ball.

He was stunned and shouted, "This is not called a river."

Hearing that this is not a river, the large group of people who followed him became dumb for a moment, and murmured to themselves, "This river has been called the Red River for thousands of years. How could it not be called a river?"

The very resolute Ah Zhen was very cautious and shouted at this group of nagging people: "This is definitely not a river."

Seeing that he was so resolute in not recognizing the Red River, the weak crowd asked with Daerba at the head: "Your Majesty, this is not a river, what is that?"

"Jiang, it must be Jiang." So he wanted to talk about the sea, but after thinking about it, let it go, the next best thing is Jiang.

Hearing that it was Jiang, Daerba raised his eyebrows upside down and retorted without thinking: "Why is this Jiang, it is clearly a river."

"What?" Zhen was very upset when he was refuted. He stared at Daerba with fierce bull's eyes, and asked through gritted teeth, "Father, what do you think is this?"

Seeing him, the Dagan people were upset, their foreheads were covered with cold sweat, and they shouted in unison: "Jiang, it is Jiang. No matter how you look at it, it is Jiang. How could it be a river? It must be Jiang." There's no need to argue with the king over a river.

"Hmm." Seeing that they all agreed that it was Jiang, Ah Zhen nodded with satisfaction, looked at the huge waves rolling in the river, and said cautiously with a finger: "From now on, we will call it Hongjiang."

"Yes." The obedient tens of thousands of people responded in unison. Since then, Honghe has withdrawn from the stage of history and changed his name without changing his surname.

Finally finished betting on a name, and asked contentedly: "Hongjiang is here, where is the third child?"

Duan Tai pointed to the right direction and said: "Your Majesty, the third prince is in a low class, and it will take more than an hour's journey."

Hearing that the journey would take another hour, the excited Ah Zhen slapped his whip and shouted loudly: "Let's go, let's scare the third child to death."

"Drive" as he ran wildly, tens of thousands of warriors followed him closely, waving whips in their hands in neat movements.

After repeated defeats, Li Long was ashamed. After hearing that Tubo finally sent a large amount of military equipment in the middle of the night last night, his face immediately glowed, and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

The God of War finally came, hope for the stars and the moon finally hope for this old man, from now on he will live a good life of making a fortune and becoming well-off.It's just that what he didn't expect was that if the seventh younger brother on the other side of the river was a ferocious wolf, then he was looking forward to it day and night, and the uncle who he thought was his savior was definitely a tiger that ate people without spitting out bones.

Before dawn, Li Long stayed in his handsome tent, pacing here and there, frequently asking the generals who were standing beside him, who were all dirty, whether the old man had come.

But the promises he waited for thousands of times were all shaking his head blackened by gunpowder smoke.

While waiting anxiously, Li Long rubbed his hands fiercely and paced back and forth. It was almost noon, why the King of Tubo hadn't come yet.

"Pan Hua, do you think the King of Tubo is not coming?"

A general whose whole body was completely blackened by fireworks, and there was no part of his body that was not black, opened his big eyes that were turning around, and replied to the person in front of him who asked: "Third prince, since the king of Tubo said If he wants to come, he will definitely come." He is not sure, he is not the king of Tubo.

"That's right, that's right." Hearing this, Li Long felt relieved, rubbed his hands and nodded and said, "The King of Tubo's reputation spreads all over the world, and his words are hard to follow." Then his face collapsed, and he opened the curtain again. Looking out, I muttered to myself, "I said I'll be there in the morning, but it's almost noon, why haven't I come yet?"

Another long period of time passed, and Li Long, who was almost drowned in anxiety, was about to shout that he couldn't take it anymore, when suddenly there was a commotion from soldiers outside.With a blank face, he thought that the old seven on the other side of the river was attacking again, and immediately saw a panting soldier running towards the camp with a face full of joy, shouting loudly: "Here we come, we come, we come "

Hearing the shouts coming, everyone in the tent jumped in their hearts. They didn't know whether it was the Tubo king or Li Yue from the other side.

" Said, who is here. "Just got food, grass and weapons, even if Li Yue is here now, he is not afraid.

The rejoicing soldiers knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "The king of Tubo is here."

"It's finally here." Hearing that the King of Tubo was coming, Li Long almost cheered and shouted at his own generals: "Follow me out to meet the King of Tubo." As soon as the words fell, he was no longer seen in the tent .

As soon as Ah Zhen, who came running wildly, reported who he was, he saw this group of black-headed and black-faced soldiers jumping for joy, holding up their sharp spears, beating drums and drums, as if they were celebrating the new year, so festive.

Speechless, he looked speechlessly at the group of Li Chao soldiers rushing towards him amidst cheers, countless beads of sweat slid down his forehead, sitting on the horseback in disbelief, and pointed at those soldiers in the distance Knocking and beating, the soldiers kept rushing towards the gate of the village, "Dad, is that a pot?"

Following his fingers, Daerba nodded firmly, "That's right, that's the cauldron." This group of people was disgraced by Lao Qi, and when he came, he was their savior. How could they not be jubilant when the savior arrived?
Hearing that it was definitely a cauldron, Ah Zhen stroked his chin and thought about it for a while, watching the group of soldiers beating the cauldron in the distance, and then cursed: "This group of prodigal sons, although I gave them a lot of equipment .But there is no cauldron inside, so if it is broken, use something to cook."

All the people around him rolled their eyes suddenly when they heard his swearing.My life is almost gone, so I can still afford to eat?Besides, as long as there is something to eat, can you still cook it?

As the Dagan people rolled their eyes, Li Longhao hurriedly led the platoon of Li Chao generals to the gate of the village, and when he saw the legendary Tubo king riding on horseback, his face was overjoyed, " Great King of Tubo, I finally expect you to come."

Seeing the person in front, Ah Zhen suspiciously asked Daerba next to him: "This is the third child?"

"That's right, this is the third prince of the Li Dynasty, Li Long."

"Yeah." I heard that it was true, looked up and down the third child who was rushing towards him excitedly, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, he has eyes and a nose, and he looks like a man."

Hearing what he said, a person who is tall is considered a person, and all the courtiers who followed him were speechless.Who doesn't look like a human anymore?What is it that a person who does not look like a human looks like a human again?

While they were talking, Li Long also ran towards him. He was so happy that he pulled Ah Zhen off the horse, held the rope tightly in his hands, and said excitedly, "King of Tubo, follow me into the camp to rest."

He got off his horse neatly, and looked at the third child who was smiling sinisterly, and he immediately made a wicked smile of "I am a big wild wolf."

"Third son, I heard that you have no achievements, what? Are you afraid of being beaten by the seventh son?"

Li Long was taken aback by his casual words, and after he figured it out, he immediately replied flatteringly: "With the King of Tubo around, Li Yue has nothing to fear even if he has millions of troops."

"Li Yue?" Hearing the name for the first time, Ah Zhen turned to his generals and asked, "Is this Li Yue the seventh son?"

"My Majesty, that's him."

"The name is not bad." Then, with an appearance of being very familiar with the third child, he held his hand tightly and said, "Come on, let's go back to the account and discuss it carefully. This old seventh has no morals. Let's see how I deal with him." .”

Seeing that the Tubo king supported him so much, the eldest son was overjoyed, and immediately held Ah Zhen's hand behind his back, and shouted enthusiastically, "Please hurry up, Tubo king."


"Have a banquet and play music."

Following the roar of the third child, a large number of soldiers gathered together as if they were looking at animals branched out into a path, and the sound of horns and music on both sides suddenly sounded across the sky.

Walking on the red carpet, Ah Zhen looked at these soldiers with black heads, black faces and dirty bodies. These soldiers were all like little match girls, with their big black faces stained by gunpowder smoke, grunting The rolling eyes are very pitiful, all of them are like piglets tied to the butcher board, waiting to be slaughtered.

Raising a very friendly smile, walking along the road, he hypocritically waved his big hand at the large group of people, and greeted the 10,000+ General Li Chaobing: "How are you all?"

"King of Tubo"

"King of Tubo"

"King of Tubo"

Shouts of shouts and cheers exploded wildly in the camp that stretched for miles.This is a kind of life saved, and I can't help but cheer, and it is also a kind of joyful cheer when I see the first light in the dark night.

(End of this chapter)

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