ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 444 "Establishing a Camp and Deploying Soldiers"

Chapter 444 "Establishing a Camp and Deploying Soldiers"

Hearing that he said no, Li Long was stunned, and asked, "Didn't you say that Lao Qi will come when the north wind blows, why won't you come today?"

Squinting at the third child who looked like a donkey, Ah Zhen said flatly, "Because I'm here, the seventh child dare not move."


He came, and the morale that had been depressed was revived.Lao Qi has been unable to attack these bereaved dogs for a long time, and now the morale is at a high level, Lao Qi is not the fool in front of him, how could he attack.

"There is no reason." Ah Zhen, who lazily explained to this wood, stared at the sand table with his head buried.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the third child stopped asking for bad luck, and followed quietly on the sand table.

It wasn't until a while before Ah Zhen raised his head and asked the people in front of him: "Do you think it is appropriate to set up a camp like this?"

The generals staring at the sand table glanced at Li Long in front of them, silently lowered their heads, not daring to speak rashly.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Ah Zhen immediately knew that the third child must be a self-willed coach, shaking his head lightly and said: "Bold assumptions, be careful to seek truth, it's okay. Let's hear your opinions."

Knowing what everyone was afraid of, the third child showed a willingness to accept other people's opinions, and said: "Everyone will do as the Tubo King wants."


After answering, led by Pan Hua, pointed to the sand table and preached: "It is not appropriate for the third prince to set up camp like this."

Seeing that he said something wrong again, the third child's face changed slightly, but the king of Tubo was here, and he couldn't get angry for a while, so he didn't make a sound in silence, and listened with disdain.

Hearing this was wrong, Ah Zhen, who didn't show his expression, said fiercely: "This army is several miles away. If the old Qi crossed the river to attack, it would be hard to eat up my more than [-] soldiers in a short time. What's wrong?"

Seeing that the king of Tubo supported him, Li Long was so proud of himself for a moment, he pointed to the sand table and said loudly: "The king of Tubo is very right, even if he Li Yue came across the river, he would only hit me at one end. If pursued, he will flee in panic."

"That's right. "Although Ah Zhen agrees, but in his heart he despises the shit-eating youngest in front of him from his toenails to his hair.After eating your head, the old seven will wait for you to condense your troops to attack. You have run away without a leg, and then come to eat every now and then. How many rounds will more than [-] soldiers be enough for him to eat?

Seeing that even the king of Tubo agreed, Pan Hua impatiently gestured on the sand table and said: "This deployment of troops seems to be a tight defense, but it is actually an act to weaken our own power. Originally, we had more than 20 horsemen, but Li Yuelai Three times, I ate nearly [-]. If this continues, we will be powerless to fight, and we will die."

Seeing the rebuttal, Li Long furiously scolded: "It was that traitor Qin Shu who turned against him and killed nearly a hundred thousand soldiers of mine, and this has nothing to do with it."

With a sad face, Pan Hua tried to persuade him: "Third prince, Qin Shu knew that he would lose next time, so he had no choice but to surrender to Li Yue."

Hearing this, Li Long became even more angry, "Bold, dare to speak for this second minister's traitor, is it already the same as Qin Shu's traitor?"

"Okay, it's just a discussion now, and it has nothing to do with General Pan. You don't have to be like this, third child."

Deeply moved, Pan Hua clasped his fists and bowed, "Thank you, King Tubo."

Li Long glared at the general who clasped his fists and bowed unhappily, and sighed, "Just follow the king of Tubo."

"En." After persuading the two to stop, he gestured at the sand table and asked, "How should the barracks be properly arranged according to General Pan's intention?"

Hearing him ask about good strategies, Pan Hua happily pulled out the red flag on the sand table, and said while interjecting: "We should not be afraid of the opponent's attack, but make compromises repeatedly. We should put on a posture of attacking and deter the opponent."

Soon he inserted the red flag into a character shape.

Looking at the character shape quietly, Ah Zhen's eyes shone brightly. Before he could speak, Li Long on the side hummed softly, pointed at the sand table and said: "As General Pan did, Li Yuemeng who came across the river Attacking the first camp, the first camp has few soldiers and will be defeated. After this defeat, Li Yue's morale will be greatly boosted, while the [-] soldiers in the two camps behind me will be terrified. How can we gather strength to attack?"

Ah Zhen, who was silent, listened quietly, looking at the two handsome generals who looked like fighting cocks in front of him like watching a play.

Pan Hua was overthrown with such disdain, and he persuaded with a mournful face: "Third prince, it is useless to retreat blindly. In this case, it is better to fight with Li Yue. Our army has no way out. The soldiers must press forward, maybe There will be a silver lining."

"Bold, what you are doing is trying to put me to death, say! What are your intentions?" Li Long was furious.

When the generals saw that he had reached this level, they fell to their knees in panic. Pan Hua felt sad for a moment, and cried out: "The last general followed the third prince from birth to death, and he has already given up his life. What he said All for the sake of the third prince, even if it is death, I will never dare to be half-hearted."

The expressionless Ah Zhen looked at the kneeling general and applauded him secretly. Although he lacked strategy, he was still a loyal and good general, alas!Pity.

"Okay, we're all in the same boat, for our own good, of course. Get up."

"The" generals who were kneeling on the ground were at a loss, looked up at Ah Zhen with black faces, and then at Li Long, not daring to make any moves.

Li Long, who was still angry, looked very bad, and hummed to the men who were kneeling on the ground: "Get up soon."

"Yes." After receiving this order, a large group of people dared to stand up from the ground.

Looking coldly at the actions of the group of people in front of him, Ah Zhen picked up the red flags that were planted on the sand table, and formed a three-two-three formation with his hands, saying: "Just deploy troops according to this, and bring the most elite troops to the three camps in front. No further discussion."

Looking at the sand table, a group of people couldn't see why, but the Tubo king said so, and Li Long didn't dare to refute, "Just do what the Tubo king wants."

"Yes." Although it is unclear, the King of Tubo is a world-renowned god of war, and what can come from his hands must not be ordinary things.

After glancing at these people one by one, Ah Zhen stood up and ordered forcefully, "Starting from today, we must strengthen the training of soldiers and horses, without any mistakes, be on guard at any time, and wait for the opportunity to follow me across the Red River."

Hearing these sonorous and powerful words, everyone clasped their fists together and shouted: "Yes."

"Hmm." Patrolling the group of people with satisfaction, he said with a smile: "It's already past lunch time before you know it, and you generals come to eat in this king's tent."

The flattered group of people cheered and thanked: "Thank you, King Tubo."

"You generals, please don't be polite." With a gesture of his big hand, he called to Li Nengwu who was behind him: "Give lunch to you generals."

"Yes." Xiong Jiu stepped down from the royal platform, stepped into the tent coldly, and arranged lunch for these people.

The generals who were drinking tea sat quietly in the tent and looked at each other, carefully looking at this extravagant tent, and were so intimidated by the nobility inside that they did not dare to act rashly.

Soon, the hungry people smelled the fragrance, and then the saliva poured down uncontrollably.

Pan Hua stared wide-eyed, swallowing his saliva, watching the soldiers place plates of chicken legs and pig's trotters on everyone's table.Smelling the scent that floated up, everyone was on the verge of tears.

"Thank you Tubo King." With tears in their eyes, they almost fainted with happiness. How long has it been since they ate meat.

Looking at the expressions of these people, Ah Zhen's handsome eyebrows were tightly bent, and he invited: "Everyone, you are welcome, please use it."

"Xie Dawang." This time even Tubo was spared. After sitting down, the big man didn't even have the grace. He grabbed the chicken leg with one hand and the pig's trotter with the other, and gnawed hard.

Looking at this group of starving ghosts, Ah Zhen's smile cracked to the ears, and there was a cunning in his smiling eyes.Let's eat it, mud, chicken legs, and pig's trotters, which is more delicious, everyone should be thinking about it now.

The happy Ah Zhen stared at these generals who were devouring food, and asked with the corners of their mouths raised: "Eat slowly, there is still a lot of food." After finishing speaking, he gave Li Nengwu a look.

Li Nengwu, who understood this group of generals, put down the corners of his mouth coldly, and came in from outside with two large buckets of food without saying a word.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The generals of the Li Dynasty, who had almost finished their sighs, were overjoyed. How long had it been since they had such a sumptuous meal? In the past few months, apart from losing battles, there was nothing else to eat.If there had been no war, they would have seldom eaten meat, and even if there was meat, it was only fine meat and minced meat. How could there be a whole piece of meat here, such as a big leg.

Everyone gave another copy, and when he walked to the old third, Li Long wiped his mouth with a wave of his hand, and looked at him uncomfortably. The king of Tubo."

"Third child, are you full?" The surprised Ah Zhen smiled with kind eyes and kind eyes.

Embarrassed, Li Long was extremely ashamed and looked at the people in the tent again, and said embarrassingly, "I made the king of Tubo laugh."

"Where?" He waved his hand, pushed away the exquisite jade food in front of him, and said softly: "The general died in a hundred battles, and his iron clothes were broken on the battlefield. He will be a hero in life, and he will be a ghost in death." After singing, he smiled and looked at this. Looking at his general, he praised: "He has been defeated and fought repeatedly, not afraid of life and death, not afraid of powerful enemies, thirsty to drink the water of the Red River, hungry to eat the side grass, what a hero, what a magnificent wave."

Following his praise, all the Li Chao generals in the tent were so moved that they clasped their fists in unison and replied: "Your Majesty has praised you absurdly, and the foreign generals are ashamed." But repeated defeats.The king of Tubo knows their hearts well.

"Everyone, sit down and have a meal." Like a Bodhisattva, he pressed his hand and said proudly: "Victory and defeat are the common sense of military strategists. You generals don't need to put it on your body. I will avenge your shame when I come here this time."

"The strategy of the king is unparalleled in the world." There was another burst of shouts in unison.

The happy Ah Zhen waved his hands at the group and said, "Okay, everyone, sit down and have a meal. I have something to explain later."

"Yes." The happy generals sat down together, continuing to groan on the endless chicken legs and pig's trotters.What is happiness?Happiness is cats eating fish, dogs eating meat, and Ultraman silently beating little monsters.

A long time passed, until the group of people coughed contentedly, the smiling Ah Zhen put the teacup on the table and asked: "Are you full? Do you need any more?"

All the people who were coughing with fullness reported embarrassment, stood up and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the food, we are all full."

"Okay." Standing up, the smiling face disappeared, and the majestic order: "After leaving the tents, the generals will immediately return to the barracks, and arrange the tents as I just said, without any mistakes."


"Okay, go get busy."

"The foreign general resigned." After eating, the generals were ordered to bow to Ah Zhen with their fists cupped, and stepped out of the tent with windy steps.

The north wind howled and the leaves rustled.

Wandering along the rolling river, looking at the wooden boats fastened to the sky by the river, Ah Zhen, who pursed his lips, looked into the distance, happily pointed to the mountain peak far away and said: "Is this mountain called Red Mountain? "

Li Long, who was following behind, nodded and said, "That's right, this is Hongshan."

"Is it true that [-] tents have been placed on the mountain?"


"En." After lightly responding, he folded his hands behind his back and stood by the river watching the turbulent river. After a while, he asked again: "The distance between the two banks of this river is so far, can the enemy soldiers on the Red Mountain clearly see the river?" Clear the movement of our army?"

"This..." Li Long was speechless, he had never been to that mountain, how could he know.

Ah Zhen raised his eyebrows, turned to Pan Hua and asked, "How?"

"Maybe you can see it clearly on a sunny day, but you may only see Qianzhai on a cloudy day, and you can only watch the fire at night." Pan Hua replied truthfully.

"I thought so too." Without binoculars, let alone clairvoyance, I'm afraid I'm lying if I want to see the situation in the village clearly. At most, I can only see the blurred shadows of ships on the riverside.

Looking at the mountain in the distance again, a trace of blood flashed in Ah Zhen's eyes, and he put his hands behind his back and turned to walk inside the village.

The three, two, and three camps have been set up, and the morale of the soldiers in each battalion is high. Seeing the old man in front of him leisurely walking through the camps and checkpoints, all the soldiers are silent, standing respectfully and watching each other with.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Ah Zhen opened his mouth, shook his head and smiled softly.That's how he looks handsome. Wherever he goes, there are fireflies in the dark grass, always so eye-catching and brilliant.

After wandering around for a long time, he finally walked out of the last tent, looked at the towering giant tree next to him, put on a smirk and turned around and asked, "Tell me, if I stand here, can the enemy army in Hongshan see me clearly? "

Li Long, who followed him for a long distance, naturally replied, "Of course it's impossible."

"Really?" Turning around, he pointed to the nearby woods and ordered: "Tell all the soldiers in the three battalions behind to go into the forest and cut down trees."

"King of Tubo, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's very useful." Staring at Li Long's bewilderment, he raised a sly smile and said, "Anyway, the soldiers are full and have nothing to do, so let them go in to cut down trees, and tie the ropes that locked the boats by the river to the sky." , Take it all down for me."

Seeing that he was going to dismantle the iron cables connecting the wooden boats, Li Long was taken aback, and waved his hands repeatedly to persuade him: "No, our boats are much smaller than Li Yue's. won't take the hit."

Looking at the terrified Li Long in front of him, Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes and said with a cold face: "Third son, do you believe me or not? If you don't believe me, go, you can figure out a way for yourself. Believe me, stay, but listen to me. "It looks like I pay the money and I am the boss.

"This" in front of him is his savior, how can he let him go.Yielding and sighing: "It's all up to the king of Tubo to decide."

"Okay." After nodding, he said to General Li Chao, "Send someone to remove the rope that binds the ship."

"Yes." A general left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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