ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 450 "Dark Mountains"

Chapter 450 "Dark Mountains"

"Yes." Jin Caiye, who shook his head and sighed deeply, said with a wry smile: "The emperor is so angry, it's no wonder Lord Murong." After thinking for others, he murmured tenderly: "I have no property, my house is bare, and I have two sleeves." Clumsy style. It is really hard to match the elegant and noble Miss Murong."

Yang Yang, who disagreed with his self-deprecation, shook his head lightly and said: "Mr. Jin, don't do this. Although Youlan is elegant, Mr. Jin is also handsome, and there is absolutely no way he can't match."

Staring at the little face in front of him, Jin Caiye felt a warm feeling in his heart, and he said sincerely, "Thank you, Miss Liu, I don't dare to think about getting married anymore, and now I have a place to live. It's not bad." He What more can I ask for?If he can have three meals and enough food and clothing, he should be satisfied. Getting married and having children is too far away for him now.

"Mr. Jin is still young, don't be discouraged, you will eventually meet a beloved wife who pities you and understands you." At the end of the story, I was almost ashamed to death, she is his beloved wife, but how can I say that? I can speak.

"I hope." He lightly shrugged his shoulders as he controlled the speed of the car. His fate was changeable, and what happened in the future was really unpredictable.

"Yeah" I was ashamed for a long time, quietly staring at the elegant figure with her back to her, Yang Yang, who wanted to know, asked curiously: "Excuse Yang Yang for being rude, where does Mr. Jin live, and who are his relatives?" Hangzhou, but there are many villages and counties in Hangzhou.

"Miss Liu, don't do this." Gently pulling the horse rope, Jin Caiye said calmly: "I am an official from Shuyang Village, Hangshu County, Hangzhou. My relatives in the family rarely see each other. My father has a cousin, and my mother is in the I often think about a Jinlan sister when I was not married, but I haven't seen her since she married in Hangzhou." Silently talked about this, and smiled bitterly in his heart: "I don't know about the others, maybe there is no more." His family is poor , there are only four broken mud walls, and it is not that relatives rarely communicate, but never have.From childhood to adulthood, other people have uncles, aunts, and aunts, and his desire can only be desire forever.

Yang Yang, who couldn't fit "these" relatives in a basket, had never heard of such a thing that he didn't even know if he had any relatives. He stared blankly at the desolate body in front of him, and his almond eyes were suddenly covered by a large mist.He is so pitiful, so pitiful that it makes my heart ache for him.

In this way, a galloping carriage carried the pair of handsome men and beautiful women, and the two people on the carriage did not notice the passage of time. They chatted with each other in a gentle and caring manner. The two hearts are getting closer and closer unconsciously.

The afternoon sun blew the sky red, the long white clouds were rippling, the fiery red sunset extinguished the domineering flame, and fell deeply.The weeds on both sides of the road are already as high as people, and they are like waves in the wind, swaying one after another.

Driving through Qinghai, the road became more and more deserted. Originally, we could see people’s thatched houses and fields one after another on the road, until the border between the two countries got closer, the road became more rugged and difficult to walk, and the people’s habitation was even more desolate. .

Yang Yang, who was sitting quietly with him on the car board, looked at such a desolate place quietly. As the sun gradually set, he got closer to the man beside him, "Mr. Jin, where is this place, and why is it so desolate?"

Jin Caiye, who used to be the general of the hussars, knew the borders like the palm of his hand, "Miss Liu, the frontier is the national border."

Yang Yang, who has long been unable to tell the difference between east, west, north, and south, heard that he reached the border so soon, "Have you reached the border yet?"

"Not yet." Pointing to the mountain peak standing in the sky, he said: "Miss Liu, look, there are many peaks in front of you. This series of peaks is called the Dusk Mountain Range. After crossing the Dusk Mountain Range, you will reach Xining in Dazhou."

"I see."

"The border between the two countries is closed. There are a large number of troops stationed in Xining. We will rest when we get to the edge of the mountain. It will be safer to cross the border in the middle of the night."

Knowing that it's not safe, Yang Yang nodded in agreement, "What Young Master Jin said is exactly what Young Master Jin said."

"Thank you Miss Liu."

"It should be Mr. Yang Yang and Xie Jin who sent him off thousands of miles away."

The gentle and courteous two respected each other again.Yang Yang felt strange in his heart, why did he reach the border so quickly?

Not long after the sun went down, the two arrived at the Twilight Mountain Range, and lit a bonfire beside a huge and majestic peak. Sitting on the blanketed floor, the two set up utensils and boiled water.

After quietly eating his dry food, Yang Yang glanced lightly at the silent man beside him, said good night in the midst of exhaustion, then lifted the quilt to cover his soft little body, and fell asleep sweetly with his arms on his head.

The night wind blew across the treetops, rustling, and the clear sky was full of stars. The unchanging Jin Caiye sat silently on the ground, added a few dry logs, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, meditating.

The thousand-year-old giant trees exude a delicate fragrance, the thousand-year-old moon glows orange, and the thousand-year-old stars twinkle and twinkle.

In the bright and vast sky, a shooting star flashes across. The fallen meteor drags a long tail of fire, fleetingly flashing across the clean sky, flashing across the top of the man sitting quietly beside the giant peak, and flashing across the sweet spot next to the man. The body of a sleeping woman.

The night is very quiet, Xiangning.

The bonfire that shone around Serenity gradually became weaker and smaller.A small flame swayed in the breeze, and was finally extinguished. A wisp of green smoke slowly rose upwards, and the bright yellow moonlight suddenly invaded.

As the flames were extinguished, Jin Caiye, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his bright eyes.Listening to all directions, except for the chirping of insects and birds, the surroundings are immersed in dark sleepiness.

Picking up the dead branches around me, I added them to the extinguished but still warm charcoal pile, and soon the small bonfire refuted the arrogant bright yellow moonlight.

Looking towards the sky, looking at the bright moon, the man who started the fire muttered to himself: "It's time." Turning his head to look at the sweet girl sleeping on the blanket next to her, seeing her naughty hair Climb up on Bai Xi's beautiful little face again, staring quietly at Zhang Anxiang's sweet little face, Jin Caiye doesn't even know himself, the eyes looking at this lovely person are so tender and infatuated.Fearful and longing, he quietly raised his slender fingers while trembling, and gently helped this cute girl pick up the naughty black hair that had crawled up her cheeks behind her ears, then quietly stared at this sweet sleeping face.There was the same tenderness in the eyes, and a heart made of steel suddenly turned into a pool of spring water.

Yang Yang, who was sleeping sweetly, didn't realize at all that her beloved man would stare at him so tenderly every midnight, with such tenderness in his eyes, and such a soft heart.If she found out, besides being shy, she would definitely cry with joy.But the silent man didn't say anything, and neither did the shy woman.Apart from being unable to stop the approaching of the two hearts, the only way is to silently endure the lovesickness that is right in front of my eyes.

The bonfire exploded lightly, and Jin Caiye, who looked at Yang Yang affectionately, was awakened. He looked up at the moon that was sinking unknowingly, knowing that it would be too late if he couldn't do it anymore, and whispered in a low voice: "Miss Liu, Miss Liu "

The dreamless Yang Yang slept soundly. Hearing Qian Qian's call, he opened his bewildered almond eyes, stared blankly at the handsome face in front of him, remembered that he was going to cross the border tonight, and immediately sat up and asked, "Mr. Jin, Shi Chen?" Reached?"

Seeing that she woke up, Jin Caiye nodded, "Yes, let's clean up, it's time to get up."

"Oh, good!" Yang Yang, who had just slept, put his hands on the ground, stood up and began to pack up.

Afraid of making a big noise, I only packed two bags.Jin Caiye helped the horse unload the heavy vehicle, loosened the horse rope tied to the treetop, and carried Yang Yang into the dark mountain forest.

"Master Jin, let me carry it." Yang Yang, who was following him, saw that he was carrying two heavy burdens, most of which were her clothes, and was full of apology.

Jin Caiye, who led the way silently, heard this warm sentence, smiled at her and said: "Miss Liu, you don't have to be polite, it's not serious."

"Alas," sighed lightly, and the grateful Yang Yang thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Liu."

"Miss Liu is too polite." I dare not accept that after Jin Caiye replied softly, he didn't speak anymore. His bright eyes were like wolves, scanning the forest covered in moonlight by dense leaves, and he didn't dare to be careless.

In the dark and dark forest, except for the hooting of owls, there was a dead silence.

Yang Yang, who was extremely frightened, had long unconsciously leaned close to the man beside him, looking at the blurred shadows around him with his timid eyes, his scalp was numb, and goosebumps appeared, as if there were countless ghosts swimming around.

It was another long and silent walk. When the crescent moon fell, Li Jinye, who felt the danger, stopped immediately.

Yang Yang, who was about to die of fright, wrinkled his face tightly, followed him and stood in place without daring to move, and said in fear: "Mr. Jin"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the frosty handsome face of the man beside him, and immediately closed his mouth tightly, his bones suddenly terrified.

Standing in the dark dense forest, Jin Caiye dared not move lightly, his ears kept beating like wings, but apart from the chirping of insects and birds, there was only the sound of the breeze blowing the treetops.

Although he couldn't hear any movement, he still believed in his own judgment. Flash's wolf eyes were like infrared scanners, and kept shooting at the pitch-black dense forest, but still found nothing.

The horrified Yang Yang stood with him for a long time, watching the dead forest still intact, then asked in a low voice, "Mr. Jin, what's wrong with you?"

"Hush!" As soon as she finished her words, Jin Caiye hissed softly. This soft hiss was so wary that Yang Yang almost screamed out loud. He covered his mouth tightly with his hands, not daring to speak again. Almond eyes kept watching the dark surroundings in fear.

After shushing, Jin Caiye stretched out his big palm, and hugged the petite body beside him tightly in the big palm, as if he would give up his life to save him if he was attacked by surprise.

"We have entered someone else's ambush circle, don't be afraid, follow me back." Although no sound can be heard, no one can be seen, but such a bloody killing smell can't hide the terrifying trace no matter what.No wonder there wasn't even a mouse scurrying along the way. It turned out that there was such a strong smell of blood here.The sensitivity of animals is thousands of times stronger than that of humans, and he was negligent.

Yang Yang, who tightly covered her small mouth, heard the eerie words. She thought it was a beast and bit her lips tightly. She couldn't believe that there was a person lurking in such a dark forest. This is not a person, it should be a ghost.Otherwise, how could there be no sound and no shadow?
With Yang Yang in his arms, he took a big step back. Jin Caiye's red-like eyes suddenly saw two black shadows hanging on the tree waist in front of him, and his whole face became colder all of a sudden. Even Yang Yang, who was not familiar with martial arts, could feel the death-defying aura emanating from his body.

A cold sharp sword was immediately held in Jin Caiye's hand.His determined eyes stared fiercely at the two black shadows that hung motionless like dead corpses on the side of the tree, not sure if they were humans or ghosts.If it was a human being, it would be difficult to get out of the body today, but I vowed to keep Miss Liu safe.If it is a ghost, then he will transform into a ghost and escort Miss Liu back home safely. This is a solemn oath he made in front of the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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