ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 453 "Nianlong Python"

Chapter 453 "Millennium Dragon Python" (2)
Staring at the prey for a long time, the boa constrictor coiled on the giant tree tilted its pointed head to the left and right, and its blood-red crystal eyes were still hunting the two people in front of it. Tuna, as if looking for an attack position.

After standing in a stalemate for a while, seeing that the giant python didn't make any movement, Jin Caiye, who was heavily guarded, didn't want to make an enemy of it, moved his legs slightly, and slowly backed away with Yang Yang in his arms.


As soon as he took a step back, the hunting python stopped waiting, swung its long tail, and immediately flew at its prey like a sharp arrow.

Seeing the giant blue shadow flying arrows towards him, Jin Caiye, who was so quick that he couldn't hide his ears, immediately pushed the woman in his arms to the ground, turned upside down by himself, and narrowly escaped the deadly attack.



The attack was dodged, and the giant python slammed into the row of giant trees in front of it.

All of a sudden, countless giant trees were knocked down, and dusty leaves and rotten wood filled the air.

Yang Yang's pale face was frightened, and the tears in her eyes kept flowing. She didn't dare to cry, she put her hands on the pile of dead leaves, and kicked her legs forward aimlessly, dragging her body. Small body, trembling straight back.

The boa constrictor that knocked down countless gigantic trees didn't see stars in its eyes.Shaking off the dead leaves and shavings all over his body, he hissed the red letter even more furiously, and his blood eyes became even more ferocious.

Seeing how fierce this animal was, Jin Caiye quickly stood in front of Yang Yang as soon as his foot landed, holding a sharp sword in his hand for a moment with a strong vicious aura.

"Animals hurt people, today I will destroy this animal for the heavens."

How could the enraged python understand what he was roaring?The huge swinging tail sweeps the fallen leaves up into the sky again, with a powerful kick, it rises into the air and strikes forward.

Holding a cold sword, Jin Caiye had just finished cursing, and his figure, like a lightning Jun, flew towards the big python with a hush arrow.

"Clang, clang, clang" sparks exploded.

Jin Caiye, who was entangled with the giant python, slashed dozens of swords, but in addition to the flying sparks, the scales on the giant python were like natural shields, blocking the sharp swords one by one.


For thousands of years, giant pythons have eaten whoever they wanted, and they have done whatever they want. Wherever they have been obstructed, where they have been able to endure being obstructed by others, for a moment, it jumped into a rage, swaying its giant tail fiercely, sweeping away countless The towering giant trees, the thick piles of dead leaves and rotting wood are flying all over the sky, and the earth is still in its original appearance.

Jin Caiye, who couldn't succeed in chopping dozens of swords, was flying in the air like a shadow.Step on the waist tree, click on the floating leaves.Feiyan's body sometimes rotates, and sometimes screams.There was a lot of cold sweat pouring out of his forehead, and he kept avoiding the huge python's head that was chasing behind him.

The giant python, which followed its prey through the trees and leaves, was very irritable, but its huge mouth could not reach the dodging people in front.For a while, the stomach acid in the abdomen poured into the fishy mouth.


Jin Caiye, who was escaping through the shuttle, suddenly heard a large stench behind him.With a busy head, he glanced back and saw the foul-smelling white liquid sprayed towards him.

Smelling such a stench, even though he didn't know what the Baiye Waterfall was rushing towards him, he still felt something bad in his self-knowledge.

The flying point was above the tree waist, just as the giant python's stomach juice arrived, his swallow-like body rolled and rose to the sky.

After spitting out the gastric juice, the chasing python rested coiled around the giant tree's waist. It was full of confidence and didn't think anyone would be able to escape its unique "hidden weapon".

Jin Caiye, who was in a hurry, trembled and stood staggeringly on the tree fork in mid-air, watching everything sticking to the snake liquid and extinguishing and emitting white smoke, the giant tree soaked in snake liquid clattered from his waist It began to corrode, and finally collapsed at the waist, while the wound was still rotting away.


A soft silk sound sounded, and Jin Caiye suddenly felt a burning pain in his arm.Raising his left arm in horror, he watched in disbelief that only a drop of snake fluid had penetrated the thick silk and eroded into his skin.

In the blink of an eye, there is no delay in engraving.Raising the cold sword in his right hand, without even thinking about it, he raised the knife in his hand and immediately gouged out the rapidly expanding arm flesh that had only been scorching with a small pinhole.All of a sudden, a lot of blood gushed out from his arm.Frowning slightly, he forcibly tore off the silk from the hem of his clothes, and tied the wound tightly with his hands and mouth.And the piece of carrion that fell on the branch was already charred and black, emitting smoke.

"It's terrible gastric juice." Jin Caiye, who was almost turned into a pile of bones, sounded the alarm in his head.The cold handsome face was already pale, and he stood on the tree fork with stern and cold eyes, staring nervously at the giant python coiled not far away.

Soon, while panting, the giant python's several feet long body loosened, and flew towards it again.In an instant, the snake and the person were tightly entangled together again.

Jin Caiye, who sometimes escapes and sometimes attacks, deeply understands that if he continues, he will definitely die from exhaustion in the end.But the giant python is like wearing a thick armor, and even the sword energy can't penetrate it, so what should I do.

After making repeated moves, he spun and leaped to the top of the giant python that was entangled with him. As soon as the blood eyes under his feet swayed, he felt a powerful gust of wind sweep towards him.

He quickly jumped down from the snake body, dodging the huge tail of the snake that was sweeping backward.

By the way, no matter how hard the whole body is, the eyes have no scales.

Jumping in the gap between the logs, Jin Caiye, who had an idea, finally showed a slack look on his face.Seductively, it fled from tree to tree in a narrower gap.

Sure enough, the python was proud.It has never missed it, and it pursues closely.The huge body is difficult to unfold between the narrow tree gaps.




A large number of towering giant trees were broken by the huge and hard snake body.

Hearing the rumbling sound behind him, he glanced back a little, only to see that there was already a mess behind him.The overjoyed Jin Caiye leaped over countless giant trees, turned around, and stopped running away, turned to meet him.

Breaking off countless giant trees, the boa constrictor also felt pressured in the narrow tree gap. Seeing the flesh that was about to reach its mouth, it went straight up. Surprised, it chased and squeezed forward, completely ignoring the narrow gap between the trees. Not cramped.Even if it is narrow, it shakes its arms, what can trap him?

As soon as the ghostly shadow appeared, Jin Caiye, who was facing the battle, spun to avoid the bloody mouth, and squatted on the head of the snake.

Seeing him, the giant python did the trick again, lifting its tail which weighed a thousand catties, and swung it fiercely towards him.


The heavy tail had just swept away the giant trees around it, but it hadn't yet paralyzed the people above it.The red-blooded snake eyes were immediately pierced by a cold sword.

When squatting on the snake's head and piercing a sharp sword into the snake's eyes, Jin Caiye didn't dare to slow down for a moment. He held the cold sword buried deep in his red eyes tightly with both hands, and his figure rolled forward. Leaning on the waist of the tree, he firmly grasped the deeply inserted sharp sword, gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength, turned the hilt of the sword, and swept vigorously.The bones were broken and scales sawed, and even the other blood eye of the boa constrictor was also destroyed.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the eyes of the giant python, and the whole body of the person in front of the spray was bloody red and wet.


Suddenly he lost his eyes, the boa constrictor fell to the ground in pain all over his body, he kept rolling, and his tail kept sweeping wildly. A large number of giant trees couldn't bear such abuse, and every tree bent at the waist.

Jin Caiye, who lost his strength for a moment, fell from the air to the dead leaves, coughed heavily and spat out a lot of blood from his mouth, holding a sword in one hand and stroking his chest with the other, and slowly stood up again.

He fell hard, and looked coldly at the huge boa constrictor writhing in pain on the ground in front of him, and at the trees falling down non-stop.Gritting his teeth, he raised his steps and rushed towards the aimless, crazily giant python.

The giant python who thinks he is invincible, the world is plunged into darkness, and his painful tendons are all cramped tightly together.While tumbling, he suddenly felt a figure rushing into his blood gushing eyes. Sensing the danger, he immediately started rolling more violently.

Dashing and jumping into the huge broken eyes, against the gushing blood, Jin Caiye, who was holding a sharp sword, squatted like a tiger. In the shock, he held the sword in both hands and stabbed upwards.




The whole sword was deeply inserted into the snake's brain, and the giant python became more violent and shook more violently.

"vomit" tightly grasping the hilt of the sword that was thrusting in deeply, Jin Caiye couldn't bear such a shaking, and vomited out dizzily.After vomiting, the shaking of the mountains and the ground gradually stopped, and soon the world returned to its former calm.

The blood was bathed in blood, and he stepped on the bloody red flesh and blood. With all his strength, he pulled out the sharp sword that had been submerged in the snake's brain, and jumped off the two connected blood with Lan Shan's steps. hole.Without even taking a look at the giant python that had just died, he walked towards the terrified water man in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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