ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 460 "March to Rising Dragon"

Chapter 460 "March to Rising Dragon"

The beautiful girl on the bed was still weeping stiffly and silently. Ah Zhen stared at her for a moment, then lay back in his warm bed, turned his back to the woman who dared not cry, and sighed hoarsely.

"In the next life, reincarnate and marry a good person, let's go back." The ancient women's chastity was important, although he did not do dirty things.But if we drove her out last night, it would inevitably cause unnecessary misunderstanding and suspicion.The most bastard is Li Long's pig, he is really a ruthless animal, he is used to the truth of being non-toxic and not a husband to the end.

Like him, the beautiful young woman who was sleepless all night, her cold and proud face froze from crying, her throat trembled, and she responded hoarsely, "The King of Tubo." After thinking about it, she continued: "The husband-in-law is here to ask the slave to serve you until until you leave."

Suddenly, a curse came from the man in front of her with his back turned, "Damn the third child." Then the man who was sleeping on his side turned around and stared at her silently.

"I'll help him, go back."

The beautiful young woman who was condensed with him shook her head, "Will the husband blame you, will he feel relieved?" He has been married for several years, and he knows Li Long's character well.Since he asked her to come, she will help him fulfill his wish no matter what, because she is his wife.

The two eyes met in silence.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the beautiful young woman wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, bit her lips and asked, "King of Tubo, do you despise cheap slaves?"

"No." Ah Zhen who answered was terribly defeated, retracted his eyes and looked at the top of the tent, panting and replied: "You are beautiful, and you are also very beautiful." After a pause, "But I can't do this, a self I can't bear it with my conscience, and second, I'm sorry for the ladies who are far away in the royal court."

The beautiful young woman who stared at him sideways, removed her contemptuous eyes, and stared quietly at the handsome king in front of her, watching silently, lost in her own thoughts.

It was already dawn, and the general who was ordered led the soldiers to march towards Hanoi.

The submerged water has receded, and layers of floating corpses are piled up all around. The corpses soaked in the water for a long time have already turned white and swollen, the skin is festered, and the smell of corpses is everywhere.It smells nauseating, stomach acid constricts.

After a sleepless night, the two slept for a long time.When Ah Zhen got up, the beautiful young woman who was tired from crying beside her was sleeping soundly.

Not wanting to wake her up, he got out of bed and walked out of the inner tent with his clothes in his arms.

Li Nengwu, who was sitting in the hall waiting for him, was about to doze off, saw him coming out, his eyes flashed with Sha Yi, he stood up and walked towards him, "Master, who is this?" "Why did you come out with your clothes in your arms?

With the help of Li Nengwu, the messy clothes were immediately organized and tied on him one by one.

"Wait a minute and ask someone to send a bed to my tent." Li Long's wife doesn't leave, and he can't help it.Anyway, it smelled fishy all over, and the jar was broken.


"Yeah." Sighing deeply, he asked, "Where's Daerba and Duan Tai?"

"Assembling soldiers."

"What are the soldiers doing?" The old seven left in embarrassment last night, it is impossible to gather and attack early in the morning.

After dressing him neatly, Li Nengwu replied: "Li Chao's soldiers are moving their camp. They muster their soldiers to prevent Li Chao's moving soldiers from suddenly turning back."

"It's too much." Ah Zhen, who shook his head, laughed softly, "This old man is really becoming more and more like a king." So you need to read more, and you can grow wiser by reading more, otherwise you will only be a Just everyone.

The 20 troops moved to Hanoi mightily.

The pile of dead bodies was like a mountain, burning blazingly.

Li Long, who was overwhelmed with surprise, had just set up the tent, and the king of Tubo came with his army.

If it is said that they respected and feared him before, then all the generals of the Li Dynasty are horrified when they see him. The soldier drowned.All the generals were captured.

When the news got out, everyone was silent in an uproar. Dagan stood at the gate of the village with cold feet, looking at the terrifying king who was getting closer and closer.

Ah Zhen, who was in a happy mood, walked to the front of the village, immediately raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked the Dagan who was stunned at the gate of the village with a smile: "What are you doing here?"

"The Great King of Tubo." Everyone who saw him clasped their fists, bowed their bodies tightly, and their uncontrollable teeth kept trembling.

Li Long saw the old man in front of him, although he was smiling, but for some reason, he was filled with fear, so he stepped forward and replied: "King of Tubo, we just set up camp."

"I saw it." Looking to the left and right, he gestured to the camp and said: "The terrain here is low-lying, and the autumn rain has just arrived. Do you want to be like Lao Qi when you camp here?" This is definitely not alarmist , because he has just used it once, and Lao Qi has some strategies, if he imitates him, then they will become shrimps and crabs this time.

Hearing what he said, Li Long stared at Ah Zhen in a daze.His scalp felt numb, and he quickly asked, "According to the king of Tubo, where should we set up the camp?"

Ah Zhen, who had already had a plan in mind, said without thinking: "[-] miles ahead of Hanoi is Thang Long. Don't stop here, and immediately order the whole army to rush towards Thang Long."

Shenglong is the capital of the Li Dynasty. When the generals in Jingting heard that he was going to march on Shenglong, everyone's blood boiled for a while.

"Li Yuexin was defeated, and now is the right time to attack Shenglong." Suddenly thinking of it, Li Long was very excited, turned around and shouted majestically at the generals behind him: "Decree, pull out the stronghold and march towards Shenglong."

"It is the generals who lead the order, and they are in a turbulent mood.I thought that I would probably miss Shenglong in this life, but I didn't expect that I would finally regain the lost capital.

Shenglong in the Li Dynasty was twelve feet high and ten feet thick. It was a fortress-like city wall.

Li Yue, who was humiliated by the king of Tubo at night, was sitting on the sandalwood chair in the palace, looking pale at the civil servants and generals around him. The detective kneeling under His Royal Highness.

All the civil servants and generals around bowed their heads silently, not daring to say anything.My heart panicked.The first emperor died only three months ago, but these two princes fought each other, causing smoke everywhere in the dilapidated mountains and rivers.

It has not been a month since the third prince ascended the throne.The Seventh Prince kicked him out of power.And they were veterans who were loyal to the first emperor and should support the third prince who ascended the throne.But the Seventh Prince is strong and has repeatedly defeated the Third Prince, but they have no soldiers and no power, so they can only allow the two Princes to be humiliated wantonly.Now the third prince has the help of the king of Tubo, the remnant master who has been defeated repeatedly, and the mutant tiger master.The fire of the Red River and the flood in Hanoi made the seven princes, who had won many battles, into a mess. The mighty 30 army was wiped out in just two battles, and all the generals were captured by the king of Tubo. Your Majesty is merciful, the current Seventh Prince may only have a skeleton left.Anyway, they are just civil servants, let them fight if they want to fight, and whoever sits on the throne at that time, they can be loyal to whomever.Everything else is none of their business.

Li Yue, who hadn't slept all night, knew very well what the civil and military ministers on both sides were thinking.Hearing the spy report, Li Long Er's 10,000+ army came to Thang Long in front of him. New and old hatred came to his heart, he gritted his teeth and said: "Ministers, don't worry, although I was defeated in Hanoi, Thang Long still has 15 soldiers. Horses, generals and four members. It will be fine for a while."

"It's "although all the ministers clasped their fists to promise, but they were panicked. 30 were defeated, so what's the use of 15.

Knowing that everyone was still uneasy, Li Yue stood up and ordered: "Immediately send someone to Lacheng, and urgently summon General Liang Chuan of the Fuguo, and tell him to hurry up and raise all 20 soldiers and horses to come to rescue."

"Yes" everyone responded immediately.

"Okay." Standing angrily on the hall, Li Yue's face was furious. Thinking of the hatred of that palm, he said fiercely: "As long as they dare to come, I will let them come and go."

Ah Zhen, who was sitting on the horse, was at ease, looking at the mighty long snake, enjoying the beautiful scenery around him in a good mood.

In less than an hour, Li Long rode his horse to report: "King of Tubo, Shenglong is ten miles ahead, should we continue to move forward, or camp on the spot?"

"Don't set up a camp, order all the soldiers and horses to go forward to Shenglong, and set up a ladder to attack the city." Everyone thinks that he will definitely set up a camp to rectify, but he just doesn't, just do something unexpected, what.

Li Long, who rushed to ask questions, blinked blankly, and asked very puzzled: "King of Tubo, should we stop and rectify for a while, and then raise our troops to attack?"

"According to my instructions, there is nothing wrong with it." The attack is 100% impossible to attack. I just want to put pressure on the soldiers of Shenglong and let them know that if they don't even set up a battalion, they will attack fiercely.In this way, their psychology will be filled with regret, weakness, and fear.

"Okay." Although Li Long didn't understand the reason behind this, he was right to hear what the King of Tubo said.


Li Yue, who was sitting in the hall, heard that the scouts came to report, and immediately stood up and asked, "Where is the enemy's camp?"

The detective who broke into the hall and knelt on the ground replied in a daze: "The enemy army has not camped yet?"

"No camp?" Li Yue frowned in confusion, staring at the scouts on the ground and asked: "How far is the enemy from Shenglong?"

"It's nearly two miles away."

Following the report of the scouts, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar, whispering suddenly became louder, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"What?" Li Yue couldn't believe it, his face was pale, and he ran to His Royal Highness in a sudden awakening, muttering to himself urgently: "All soldiers and horses immediately go to the city to defend." He was wrong, thinking that the enemy would set up camp and rectify first , I didn't expect to pounce forward without stopping.

The four generals who ran after him in a frightened stride had cold sweat streaming down their foreheads, their hearts were filled with panic, their hearts were jumping up and down, and they lost their minds.

The quiet wind rustled the treetops, and the empty and huge fortress soon appeared in the eyes of the 20 troops rushing forward.

"line up"

"line up"

When they reached Baizhang, all the generals straddled their horses, kicked up countless dust, and rode their horses towards the endless soldiers, panting and roaring.


After a sound of brake horses, General Pan Hua rode in front of Li Long, but Ah Zhen was the one who asked.

"King of Tubo, the soldiers and horses are ready, should we attack the city now?"

Looking at the huge castle in front of him, the thoughtful Ah Zhen asked again: "I heard that there are 15 soldiers and horses in this city?"

"Yes, Thang Long has 15 soldiers brought by the Seventh Prince from Cambodia."

"I heard that there is a general in it, called "I can't remember it for a while."

Daerba next to him snorted disdainfully, "My lord, this general is called Dong Lian."

"Yes, it's Dong Lian." Ah Zhen, who suddenly remembered, asked Pan Hua in front of him: "How is this person?"

Speaking of Fanlian, Pan Hua raised his heart tightly, and replied solemnly: "You can pull mountains with strength, and you are extremely brave."

"Humph" before Ah Zhen spoke, Daerba was very disdainful, begging for a fight: "Your Majesty, let me go, within three rounds, I will kill him under the horse."

"That's right, that's right, King Daerba is as brave as a god. No matter how fierce Dong Lian is, he might not be able to withstand King Daerba's three moves." Pan Hua, who thought he was invincible, praised him vigorously.The king of Tubo is surrounded by fierce generals like a cloud, so what is little Dong Lian afraid of?

Ah Zhen shook his head, and said lightly: "This time is about your Li Dynasty, I just use strategies to help you restore the country, and I will not interfere with the fight."

"This" tongue-tied Pan Hua and the third child looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

When Li Yue led the crowd to rush up the city wall nervously, looking down, the densely packed soldiers would be like ants.

Seeing the king of Tubo straddling the front of the army, he gritted his teeth and scolded: "The king of Tubo has repeatedly interfered in the internal affairs of our Li Dynasty, why is he so peaceful?"

Ah Zhen, who was riding leisurely, heard the roar, and looked at Li Long beside him with a smirk, "Third brother, your brother asked me why I interfered with your Li Chao's affairs, you go up and explain."

Hearing his words, Li Long, who was very angry, galloped forward angrily, stopped at the distance of the arrow and shouted back: "Li Yue is a traitor and a traitor. He has no father and no ancestors. He should be punished for his crime." Come here and raise your fists to the sky, then roar: "Bless the late emperor, let me have the help of the king of Tubo, you quickly open the city and surrender, otherwise the city will be destroyed in a short time, and blood will flow like a river."

Ah Zhen, who was listening behind him, rolled his eyes suddenly, this third child is stupid, he wants to kill his own people, if he is allowed to ascend the throne, then Li Chao's life will be ruined.

Hearing this, Li Yue on the city wall was furious, "Li Long is an idiot, Tubo has a bad heart, and he is still kept in the dark until now. I don't know that your life will be lost, and you can still bark like this here! .”

"You traitor, I won't kill you, I am ashamed of my father." Li Long jumped in anger.

"The third child is back." Ah Zhen, who rolled his eyes, shook his head. This third child is really an asshole, as stupid as a pig.

Hearing the call, Li Long's heart skipped a beat, he gave Li Yue a hard look on the city wall, and rode his horse back with a gloomy face.

As soon as Li Yue came back, Ah Zhen strolled forward with a kind face on his horse, and asked Li Yue on the city wall with a smile, "Is the Seventh Prince okay after saying goodbye last night?"

When all the soldiers and generals in the city saw this handsome young man walking around and questioning him, they immediately knew who this man was. All of a sudden, the 15 soldiers and horses fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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