ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 462 "Farewell"

Chapter 462 "Farewell"

"Ah" Dong Lian was pushing forward with a fork in one hand, the fork was still supporting the gun, but the bones of his elbow were torn apart alive and fell out backwards.

"One move." Daerba saw that this silly donkey was pushing his cherry gun with one hand, and after sneering, he swung the gun barrel with both hands quickly, and then slashed through the air.

"Second move." After chopping, without looking at Dong Lian who was still screaming with his mouth open, he immediately pulled his horse and turned back.

For a moment, all the soldiers of the two armies were silent. They couldn't believe that the general Dong Lian was still straddling the horse in front of him, but his head and chest were split into two pieces.

Ah Zhen was also stunned, watching the man in the distance who still opened his mouth wide, but a big crack had been cut from his head to his chest, and the blood was spraying continuously to his chest, and soon the horse he stepped off was dripping with blood .

Daerba, who had completed the second move, rode his horse back, cast a casual glance at Ah Zhen, and said, "Your Majesty, use the second move."

"Two tricks?" Ah Zhen looked at the old man in front of him in a daze, followed by his violent roar: "Darba, you damned go out on your own."

The mighty Daerba shrank his neck when he heard the yelling, and murmured with a mournful face: "This, that"

"If you don't give me back quickly."

"Yes." "Where is the bravery just now?"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho"

"Ho Ho Ho Ho"

The 20 soldiers who came back to their senses roared loudly.

"Kill" Li Long, who felt so powerful, waved his sharp sword forward, "Kill!"


The morale of Lei Dong's 20 soldiers was greatly boosted, and they rushed towards the small city gate like extremely hungry pheasants.

The shocked Li Yue yelled loudly when Dong Lian was hacked: "Close the city gate, close the city gate quickly!"

Sure enough, before all the soldiers who went to battle came in, they saw the 20 troops in front of them attacking the city wall in a murderous spirit.

"Let the arrows, let the arrows go!" Li Yue, holding a blue sword, stood on the city wall and roared loudly.

"咻咻咻" The sharp arrows you come and go are like rain, and the fallen bodies are like ants.

Numerous long ladders were set up, and the soldiers braved rolling stones, hot oil, and flames to climb up the city wall wave after wave.

"Bang bang bang" Hundreds of people hugged the giant wood, hitting the thick city gate one after another.

Standing in the distance, Ah Zhen looked coldly at the raging flames of the siege, at the sound of flying arrows, and at the soldiers who climbed up to the mid-air of the city wall and swung their spears.And a lot of inhuman wailing, and calls for help from the whole body on fire.

In less than half an hour, a large number of corpses had piled up beside the city wall, and the protracted siege continued.

"Reporting to the third prince, our army has lost nearly [-] people." A general who received the report hurriedly reported to Li Long next to him.

Before Li Long opened his mouth, Ah Zhen said, "Come again when there are 4 people." If he doesn't attack like this, Li Yue won't be afraid.




Different voices, but the same tragic.

A ladder was destroyed, a soldier was killed, and the giant wood was still banging against the city gate.More and more corpses were piled up on the wall.The tragedy of hell on earth continues.

Another half an hour passed, and the general next to him was impatient and said: "Our army has lost nearly [-]."



"Hum..." Ah Zhen hummed softly, his eyes were bright.Instead of looking forward, he turned his horse's head and ran away.

After jumping over the dangerous Twilight Mountains, Jin Caiye and Yang Yang who arrived in Lanzhou slept in an inn. After getting enough washing and rest, they arrived in Jinling in three days.

"Husband, Husband" called happily.

A cute little girl ran to the study with her two calves and shouted happily: "Sister-in-law is back, sister-in-law is back."

"Yan'er." Liu Fengyang raised his head from the desk, put down his pen, raised a loving smile and called: "Don't run away, you know?"

"I'm happy." Kuang Feiyan, who was married to Liu Fengyang for a period of time, felt very happy. When she saw her husband, she was going to hug her in broad daylight again. Her little face was dyed with rouge, and she let those warm arms hug her. , sitting on her husband's lap.

"You can't run if you're happy, you know?"

"Yes." Feiyan, who was rubbed tightly, looked carefully at the handsome face in front of her, and said with a slight smile: "Husband, sister-in-law is back."

Gently pecking on this little lip, Liu Fengyang rubbed her little head and said happily: "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Burning Willow Villa remains the same, without any change. Sitting in the hall, Liu Yangyang urged: "Young Master Jin, please drink tea."

"Miss Xie Liu." Jin Caiye, who gently picked up the teacup, was silent in his heart, and finally sent her home safely, but he was so reluctant to give up.

Seeing him put down his teacup, Yang Yang, who was also reluctant, immediately tried to persuade him to stay: "Mr. Jin escorted him thousands of miles away, Yang Yang is grateful, please rest in the manor for a few days."

Concealing the reluctance in his heart, Jin Caiye politely clasped his fists and replied: "Thank you, Ms. Liu, the time given by the young master is not long, and I will talk about it when I have time."

"The "reluctant Yang Yang's face was silent, he sighed secretly, and asked: "I don't know when Mr. Jin plans to wake up?"

"Leave immediately."

"What?" Seeing that he was about to leave, Liu Yangyang absolutely refused, stood up and persuaded: "Mr. Jin has been running around for days, please rest in the small village for one night."

Jin Caiye, who also stood up, shook his head lightly, "Thank you Miss Liu for your kindness." After thinking about it, he said without any concealment: "It will take five years before I return to Tubo this time. When I go to Dali, I think Take a detour back to Hangzhou to have a look, and don’t pay homage to your parents.”

"Mr. Jin and filial piety, then Yang Yang will not stay." Compared with her parents, she is nothing.It's just why a heart is so empty, why tears can't be controlled.

Staring deeply at the graceful girl in front of him, Jin Caiye's emotions fluctuated greatly, and he bowed his fists and said: "In that case, I will leave."

Seeing that he was leaving so soon, the impatient Yang Yang stepped forward, "It's almost noon, why don't Mr. Jin leave after eating?"

"I don't have enough time, I can use it on the road."

Biting his lips lightly, Yang Yang summoned up his courage, looked at the handsome face in front of him, and said with a trembling throat, "Yang Yang sent Mr. Jin off."

"Miss Liu has been disturbed." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the gate.

A handsome horse was parked at the gate of Burning Willow Villa, while a man and a woman said goodbye to each other on the steps.

"Young Master Jin must be cherished forever." Yang Yang, who was about to cry, was choked with sobs and weeping.

Jin Caiye, who is also nostalgic, has the same desolate nose, bowed and thanked again and again: "Thank you, Miss Liu." Lifting up, he couldn't help but look at this beautiful little face that had been quiet for many nights, and said with a trembling throat : "Miss Liu, take care."

"Jin Gongzi" Yang Yang who couldn't speak had a itchy throat and a sore nose, and if he said any word, tears would flow down his face.

Gritting his teeth, Jin Caiye couldn't say goodbye, turned around resolutely and stepped down the steps, turned over and sat astride the horse.

Seeing him resolutely get on the horse, Yang Yang's tears welled up in his eyes, he couldn't help but ran down the steps, choked up and called out: "Young Master Jin!"

"Miss Liu, take care." Even though Miss Liu's heart belongs to him, he doesn't deserve her. She can have something better, something a hundred times better than him.


Watching him resolutely ride his horse away, Yang Yang chased forward a few steps reluctantly, calling out: "Young Master Jin!"

"Mr. Jin woo," but the man on the horseback didn't even turn around to take a look, and just rode away on his own.

Liu Fengyang and Kuang Feiyan who stepped out of the mansion saw Yang Yang squatting under the steps and crying.

Seeing this, Liu Fengyang was startled, ran to the bottom of the steps and asked anxiously: "Yang Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"Second brother." Yang Yang, who was helped up, burst into tears. When he saw his second brother, he threw himself into his arms, crying bitterly about his lost love.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Liu Fengyang patted her on the back, "What's the matter, Yang Yang, whoever bullied you, tell the second brother, and the second brother will help you seek justice."

"Woo..." Yang Yang, shaking his little head, wept bitterly, and murmured with tears in his eyes, "Mr. Jin is gone."

"Young Master Jin?" Liu Fengyang, who was slightly stunned, pulled his sister away, and asked doubtfully, "Is that Jin Caiye?"


Hearing that it was Jin Caiye, Liu Fengyang was unhappy, and said lightly: "Let's go, there's nothing to cry about."

Yang Yang, who knew that his second brother hated Jin Caiye, defended him: "Young Master Jin has been taken under Brother Zhen's command."

"Oh. That's the good deeds of his ancestors."

"Second brother" Yang Yang was heartbroken.

Seeing her like this, the silent Liu Fengyang helped her into the villa.

It wasn't until he was standing in the hall that he asked thoughtfully, "Yang Yang, tell the second brother, do you like that surnamed Jin?" He didn't understand before, but with Yan Fei, he understood a little bit.

Yang Yang, who was still crying, had blushing cheeks, swayed and hesitated.

"What? Don't you like it?"

With her crimson face, there was a slight sound of mosquitoes in her lowered face. "Like it."

Liu Fengyang, who disagreed, looked at Yang Yang, who was in love with his daughter-to-be, and shook his head, "Anyone can do it, but he can't."

Yang Yang, who raised his head suddenly, became anxious, and held his second elder brother's arm tightly, "Mr. Jin is not the same as before."

Liu Fengyang, who deliberately said no, raised his eyebrows lightly, looked sideways at his sister, and asked with a smile: "Do you really like it so much?"

"Second brother hates it." Knowing that he was cheated, Yang Yang stomped his feet shyly, shyly and timidly.

"Okay, okay." Liu Fengyang, who was in a good mood, saw that this girl finally had a sweetheart, shook his head and said: "Wait a minute, I will write a letter to Brother Zhen, and ask him to find a way to fulfill your good deed."

Yang Yang, who was overjoyed, murmured in a low voice, "I just don't know what Mr. Jin means, do you have a sweetheart?"

"Humph" Liu Fengyang hummed softly, and said on his own decision: "He is now Brother Zhen's servant, so there is no way he can make up his mind. Based on the friendship between Brother Zhen and Second Brother, you can be a bride with peace of mind."

Hearing his words, the sad Yang Yang was overjoyed, and shyly stomped on the waist of the land father, "Second brother hates it the most." With a boiled body, he ran shyly towards the inner door.Thinking that I will get married soon, my heart is as happy as walking in the clouds, but also ashamed as unopened.

After galloping away from the gate of the Liu Mansion, Jin Caiye felt very sad.In the crowded city, he led the horse and walked towards the gate of the city.

After buying five steamed buns, he tied the horses to the door of the restaurant, and when he entered the restaurant full of people, there was a burst of ridicule immediately.

"Yo, who did I think it was? Isn't this our former Hussar General."

Jin Caiye, who was slightly stunned, looked towards the source of the sound, and seeing three young masters sitting in the dining room not far away, he immediately bowed and greeted politely, "So it's Young Master Zheng."

"Our old hussar general is full of travel and dust, where is he going to get a job?" Following Zheng Ding's words, there was a burst of laughter in the whole restaurant.

Jin Caiye, with a slightly rippling face, went to the counter without hearing the jeers and jeers in the restaurant after saluting politely, took out a bank note from his pocket and said, "Shopkeeper, help me get a roast duck. To take away."

Although he was extremely disdainful to him, how could he offend customers by opening the door for business, the shopkeeper said indifferently: "Please sit next to Mr. Jin for a while."

"Thank you shopkeeper." Go to the side seat and wait quietly.

Zheng Ding, the son of the censor doctor who was almost killed by Ah Zhen.Seeing that this old man is no longer a general of hussars, but he is still so dragged, with new hatred and old hatred, he raised his wine glass and walked towards Jin Caiye in three or seven steps.

"Ouch, the old Hussar General, I'm sorry, but don't take it for granted that his hand suddenly shook." Zheng Ding poured the whole glass of wine on his head, and there was no sense of apology in his words.

Standing up, Jin Caiye took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped off the wine stains on his hair, and replied calmly: "Young Master Zheng, please respect yourself."

The bustling inn suddenly fell silent, and all the business travelers who had meals cast their eyes on them watching the show.

Hearing the word self-respect, Zheng, who was furious, pushed Jin Caiye, and scolded: "What self-respect, my young master apologized to you, what else do you want?"

Jin Caiye, who staggered a step, frowned slightly, looked at the second son in front of him coldly, and walked to another table to sit down without paying attention to him.

Zheng Ding saw that he was no longer the great general of the hussars, and he was still so arrogant, so he picked up a jug of wine on the counter angrily, walked to him and poured it down.

As soon as his wine was poured, Jin Caiye stood up angrily and waved the jug on his head, "What are you doing?"

Zheng Ding, who took three or seven steps, put the corners of his mouth down and snorted, "I think you're upset, how are you?"

Thinking of the young master's warning when he came out, Jin Caiye, who didn't want to cause trouble, took a deep breath.Walked up to the counter and asked: "Shopkeeper, is my roast duck ready?"

The shopkeeper, who watched the scene coldly, replied calmly: "The cook is working, Mr. Jin, wait a moment."

Zheng Ding, who was repeatedly thrown in the face, rushed forward, grabbed Jin Caiye's arm, and shouted: "Your surname is Jin, how dare you ignore this young master."

"Master Zheng, what's the matter with you?" Jin Caiye asked coldly as he waved away his pulled arm.


Before the words came out, there was a coquettish voice from upstairs, "Zheng Ding, stop dirtying your father's face."

Zheng Ding, who was reprimanded by others, turned his head upstairs and reprimanded back without thinking: "Bold."

Turning his head, his face was sullen, and he immediately asked with a slanderous smile: "You Lan, are you here too?"

Murong Youlan ignored him, walked down the stairs lightly, and approached the counter.Glancing at Zheng Ding with disgust, he replied strangely: "Daddy and I came here for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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