ruffian mixed in ancient times

Chapter 465 "Mid-Autumn Plan"

Chapter 465 "Mid-Autumn Plan"

On the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to three meals, the soldiers were all given a big round pancake in their hands.In the barracks full of cheers, everyone gathered together to eat delicious additional meals.

The weather is fine, darkness is coming, and a bright yellow moon is hanging high in the sky.

After the meal, all the generals were invited to the Tubo king's camp, but before the generals entered the camp, they saw that the tables and chairs that were supposed to be in the tent had been displaced and placed on the open green ground in Pyongyang.

There were countless pastries and various bean cakes on the table. The hospitable Ah Zhen saw Li Long leading the crowd, and immediately invited them happily: "Everyone, please sit down."

Li Long, who had just arrived, was very puzzled, looked at the various pastries on the table, and the pot of fragrant tea, and asked forward with cupped fists, "King of Tubo, who is this?"

"Today is the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival." Looking at the dull old faces with a smile, he said in a good mood: "I have a custom in Tibet. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole family gathers together to drink tea, eat cakes, and enjoy the moon."

As soon as his words finished, countless question marks appeared on the heads of Duan Tai and Daerba?When did they have this custom in Tibet?
"That's how it is." Hearing this king of the gods, he regarded them as family members.The puzzled Dagan people were overjoyed, bowed to thank them again and again, and sat down one by one.

Seeing that they were seated, the hospitable Ah Zhen happily raised his teacup, "Come, come, everyone, please drink tea."

"Thank you, Tubo King." Everyone was terrified, and quickly stood up, holding up their teacups and respecting: "May Tubo King shine like a bright moon forever."

"Okay, okay." With a deep smile, he pressed his hands towards the dry people, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said quietly: "The shadow of the candle on the mica screen is deep, the long river gradually falls, and the dawn stars sink. .Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihai Qingtian is heartbroken every night."

Sighing deeply, he looked at the general who was looking at him, and asked with a smile: "Maybe everyone knows what Chang'e said?"

"Yes" echoed unanimously across the empty green ground.Of course I know the popular myth.

"Yeah." Holding tea, he walked out of the throne, approached Li Long with a smile, and said faintly, "You see, I am a great king with great power. I come to court from all directions under the iron hoof, but I am like Chang'e, imprisoned in a small house. In the full moon, there is no way to break free."

All the generals who were surrounded by silence opened their confused eyes and looked at him together, not knowing what the King of Tubo was going to say?
Ah Zhenxu, who paused, looked at the stunned faces, shook his head with a smile, and said again: "Everyone knows that I hate evil like a hatred, and I can't bear to see the people suffer. It's the same in Dazhou, and it's the same in Tubo. This time I'm here When I came to the Li Dynasty, I saw people all over the mountains and plains with yellow and emaciated faces, dirty faces, and mud. My heart was very disturbed."

Hearing this, all the generals who knew better raised their fists together and shouted: "The king of Tubo is merciful, comparable to the life of Bodhi."

"Where, where." He waved his hand modestly, and said invitingly, "Generals, please sit down."

"Thank you, King Tubo."

"Yeah." With his hands behind his back, he looked at the bright moon in the sky, and sighed deeply, "Even though I embrace the whole world and have boundless boundaries, I am imprisoned in the hearts of thousands of people in the world. The people are innocent, and the people have no part." The people in the country are so innocent." Having said this, he was suddenly furious, pointing his finger at Cang Yue, and said, "They can't afford to wear silk and satin for the rest of their lives, and they can't eat delicacies from mountains and seas. But they are silently farming." Looking at the general in front of him , Mo Land shook his head and sighed, "They gave the little bit of blood and sweat to the court, and gave it to you. But you take it for granted, wearing cold armor, and eating the blood and sweat of the people. The people live and die, but the people don't hear their tears."

The generals who were reprimanded by insinuations were silent and looked at each other collectively, not knowing how to answer.

After sighing, Ah Zhen narrowed his eyes and looked at all the Li Chao generals present, pointed at Mingyue, and shouted: "Do you know what your people are doing now? They can't even eat the roots of the trees."

Such a sudden reprimand made everyone feel guilty and ashamed, they all stood up and cupped their fists in apology: "What the King of Tubo taught me is that we are guilty."

Pretending to be back to God, Ah Zhen suddenly came back to his senses, looked at the bowed people, waved their hands, and said kindly: "Everyone, sit down quickly, don't do this."

"This" is like this for a while, and that for a while.Everyone is at a loss, does this Tubo king have schizophrenia?
"Hey, thinking of the sudden rise of the common people, you all just laugh it off, don't take it to heart."

"Thank you Tubo King." The people who sat back were surprised, this King Ren was indeed as rumored.

Turning around and sitting on his throne, seeing the generals still staring at him, Ah Zhen kindly invited him in a hospitable way, "Let's eat cakes and drink tea, and watch the moon together."


The breeze blows gently, and the full moon turns yellow.Holding up the teacup, Ah Zhen's eyebrows flashed a sly look with a smile.Tonight, his words of compassion for the heaven and the people will be blown like wind and smoke to all parts of the Li dynasty tomorrow, and he originally broadcast and passed on his love for the people.Li Chao?snort!Easy to get.Even if you sit on the high throne, so what, you don't know that you can win the world only by winning the hearts of the people.

The moon has been rewarded for more than half, and the cakes on the table are in a mess.

Amidst the talking and laughing, a detective galloped towards the lively green ground.

The elongated voice of "Report" passed through the lively surroundings, causing everyone to smile with joy.

Without everyone's fearful move, Ah Zhen asked solemnly: "Say."

"General Liang Chuan of Lacheng Auxiliary State led 20 soldiers and horses to award Shenglong, and arrived a quarter of an hour ago."

Hearing this newspaper, everyone present was shocked.

The terrified Li Long stood up anxiously, and asked the pensive king above, "My lord, do you have a good plan?"

"Back off." He waved back the detective horse who came to report.The silent Ah Zhen didn't answer Li Long's question, and fell into his own thoughts.


Li Longcai, who was sweating profusely, was about to ask, but Ah Zhen immediately raised a big palm to stop him.

Dozens of pairs of dark eyes eagerly looked at the king who was meditating in front of him, feeling restless in his heart.

The night wind was slightly chilly, and everyone sitting on the silent green ground dared not breathe vigorously.The torches flickered in the cold wind.The warm tea was gradually extinguished to cool down.

His elbows rested on the king's table, his folded hands danced lightly on his lips, and a sinister sneer suddenly flashed in the eyes of the man who had been thinking for a long time.

"Good job, great job." A laugh suddenly sounded on the green ground holding his breath.

The anxious people heard the applause, and they were all stunned.Why did the king of Tubo applaud such a large number of reinforcements from the enemy?
"This..." the stunned Li Long looked at his subordinates who were also confused, and asked cautiously: "King of Tubo, who is this?"

"Hey hey hey" Yin Xiao stood up, and the unspoken Ah Zhen stood up and said: "All the generals go back, Li Long, come in."

"Yes." Li Long, who was at a loss, got up tremblingly, followed the abnormal uncle in front of him, and rushed into the king's tent.

Soon, the tables and chairs that were originally moved out of the tent were moved back to the king's tent by a large number of soldiers.

As soon as he sat in his own seat, Ah Zhen waved at Li Long who was stupefied, "Third brother, how is your relationship with Liang Chuan?"

Seeing his inquiry, Li Long who walked up to him shook his head and replied, "The relationship is mediocre."

"Then what is his relationship with Li Yue?"

"I don't know." Shaking his head, he replied, and added: "In the past, the emperor was alive, and he was appointed as the general of the auxiliary country. He was stationed on the border of Laos and rarely returned to the court."

"Yeah." Ah Zhen nodded and asked again: "Have you ever spoken a word to this Fuguo general?"

"Of course." Li Long said as a matter of course: "Three years ago, the emperor's father celebrated his birthday. He came back. I drank a few glasses of water and wine with him and chatted for a long time."

"Okay." The very satisfied Ah Zhen's eyes were shining, and immediately straightened the white paper on the table, took down the wolf pen, and taught: "My third son, write a letter to Liang Chuan immediately, and briefly persuade Liang Chuan to abandon the darkness and turn to the light." .”

"Okay, okay." Taking the wolf pen, without any delay, he immediately scribbled on the white paper.

Seeing that Li Long filled the entire blank paper in a short while, Ah Zhen was satisfied and said without waiting for him to finish, "Okay, that's all."

"Huh?" Li Long suddenly stopped writing and looked up at the king in front of him, "I haven't finished writing yet."

"Okay." Ah Zhen, who ignored him, took back his expensive pen, turned the full sheet of paper, and covered the rows of words with black ink.

Seeing this, Li Long immediately shouted loudly: "King of Tubo" stared at the unsightly paper and asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"This is called a tactic of alienation." I learned it from Cao A.

"A plan to divide?"

"That's right." Blowing off the ink, rolled up the paper and said to Li Long who was stunned: "Go and call General Chai."

"Oh, good!" Although Li Long, who was unclear, didn't know what a divorce was, it sounded very powerful.

Soon, the general Chai Xiao stepped into the king's camp mightily, cupping his fists and bowing: "King of Tubo."

"Child Chai, go to Shenglong and deliver this letter to Liang Chuan with your own hands."

Chai Xiao, who stepped forward, took the letter in a daze, but didn't ask any questions.Li Long next to him immediately waved his hands and urged: "The king of Tubo must not do it, General Chai will die once he goes."

"Hahaha" As soon as Li Long finished speaking, Ah Zhen raised his head and laughed out of joy.

Suddenly bursting into laughter, Li Long looked at each other with a dull face, and looked at Chai Tong, very puzzled and called out: "King of Tubo!"

Sucking a smile, Ah Zhen happily said to Chai, who was still in front of him: "Don't be afraid, when you arrive at Shenglong, call the door boldly, then go straight to Liangchuan Mansion, give him the letter with your own hands, and return immediately." Speaking of this, he confidently promised, "I guarantee you a safe journey, go."

Chai Gong, who didn't think he would be safe and sound, took a deep breath, and with the determination to die, he bowed his promise and went to the tiger's den alone with the letter on his body.

After several days of rushing to Thang Long, Liang Chuan and the Seventh Prince greeted each other and returned home to rest.

When I just fell asleep, I heard that the soldiers came to report, saying that the envoys of the third prince came to visit with books.

"The third prince?" Liang Chuan, who had no friendship with the third prince, was confused, but he knew very well in his heart that it seemed that the third prince was here to persuade him to surrender.

Liang Chuan, who was also the heir of the first emperor and did not want to offend the third prince, hurriedly got up, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and hurried to the study.

On Cheng Jiang's bewildered old face, nervousness followed.Step closer to Liang Mansion.

Chai Ji, who showed great courage, stared respectfully at the besieged soldiers, closed his eyes, and rushed towards Liang's mansion anxiously.

Rubbing his puzzled eyes, the city general saw that General Fuguo had really invited the enemy envoys into the mansion, and suddenly his head turned into a papaya with a bang.I don't know what the Seventh Prince wants to do, why Da Chi Chi let the enemy into the Liang Mansion.Even if you think about it, you can tell that this enemy envoy must have come to persuade the General Fuguo to surrender.

Chai Boy, who was not afraid of death, was uneasy. Standing in the study hall, he soon saw the mighty Liang Chuan approaching, and immediately greeted him with cupped fists: "The envoy has seen the general of Fuguo."

"Uh! General Chai, please hurry up." Liang Chuan who hurried forward in his outer clothes was very suspicious, frowning and asked: "I don't know why the third prince sent General Chai here?" Sending a general alone Come to see him, is this Third Prince stupid?
"Oh." Chai Xiao steadily took out a roll of white paper from his arms, and humbly handed it over with both hands: "The third prince sent me to deliver a letter to General Fuguo."

"Letter?" Although Liang Chuan, who had no friendship with the third prince, was full of doubts, he still took the letter in his hand.

Seeing that he had picked it up, Chai didn't want to stay for a moment, so he bowed and said: "Since the letter has been delivered, I will leave at the end."

"Uh!" Liang Chuan, who was in a daze, just couldn't figure out the amount of money, nodded dully, "General Chai, go slowly."

"Farewell." He quickly turned around and left, and left quickly with the eyes of all eyes on him.

It wasn't until he walked several miles out of the city that Chai, who was holding his heart tightly, dared to look back.Seeing no pursuers, hoo!He let out a sigh of relief.In my heart, I admire the King of Tubo, but I can't think of the reason why he can be safe and sound when he enters the hundreds of thousands of enemy troops so blatantly.

A figure next to Liang's mansion saw the future of the city, and immediately asked blankly: "Have you left?"

"Seventh prince, come and leave." The city general who came to report was confused, swallowed his saliva, and asked cautiously: "Seventh prince, why did you let the enemy's envoy into the city to meet the general of Fuguo?" The clever seven It is impossible for the prince not to know that this person must have been sent by the third prince to persuade Liang Chuan to defect.

Li Yue, who walked out of the dark place, put a sly smile on his face, stared at the suspicious city general, and said with a snort: "Of course I know that the enemy envoy is here to persuade Liang Chuan to turn back. But he, the king of Tubo, has Zhang Liang's plan. Li Yue also had a wall ladder." This time he wanted to let the king of Tubo taste the taste of failure.

The city general who didn't understand "this" still didn't understand what he heard.

"Okay, you go to defend the city." Li Yue, who didn't want to explain further, waved him back.

"Yes." The city general who turned around and left tilted his neck, walking and thinking all the way, until he returned to the city wall, his head was still empty, no one could tell him, what kind of mystery was the Seventh Prince playing?
As soon as Chai Boy left, Liang Chuan, who was in a different state, unwrapped the letter paper tied tightly by the red string.Spreading it out to look, his face became even more bewildered, and a string of question marks popped up in his old mind.

From the beginning to the end, from the end to the head.Except for a few short words, the other characters are all blackened with thick ink lines.

Just as he was puzzled, a figure leisurely stepped into the study.

(End of this chapter)

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